Vol. 643. Dodziuk, Jozef; Jorgenson, Jay A.
Spectral asymptotics on degenerating hyperbolic 3-manifolds
QA685 D63
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Vol. 643. Dodziuk, Jozef; Jorgenson, Jay A.
Spectral asymptotics on degenerating hyperbolic 3-manifolds
QA685 D63
Vol. 642. Chu, Wenchang;
Basic almost-poised hypergeometric series
QA295 C48
Vol. 641. Bulla, Wolfgang ... [et al.]
Algebro-geometric quasi-periodic finite-gap solutions of the Toda and Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchies
QC20.7E88 A54
Vol. 640. Dai, Xingde
Wandering vectors for unitary systems and orthogonal wavelets
QA403.3 D35
Vol. 639. Artes, Joan C.
Structurally stable quadratic vector fields
QA371 A77
Vol. 638. Flystad, Gunnar
Higher initial ideals of homogeneous ideals
QA247 F59
Vol. 637. Gedeon, Tomaes
Cyclic feedback systems
QA614.813 G44
Vol. 636. Yu, Ching-Chau
Nonlinear eigenvalues and analytic-hypoellipticity
QA329.42 Y8
Vol. 635. Assem, Magdy
On stability and endoscopic transfer of unipotent orbital integrals on p-adic symplectic groups
QA247 A77
Vol. 634. Frey, Darrin D.
Conjugacy of Alt b5 s and SL(2, 5) subgroups of E b8 s(C)
QA387 F74
Vol. 633. Dikranjan, Dikran N.; Shakhmatov, Dimitri
Algebraic structure of pseudocompact groups
QA387 D547
Vol. 632. Hu, Shouchuan; Papageorgiou, Nikolaos Socrates
Time-dependent subdifferential evolution inclusions and optimal control
QA331 H8
Vol. 631. Lee, Ronnie; Weintraub, Steven H.; Hoffman, Jerome William
The Siegel modular variety of degree two and level four
QA331 L425
Vol. 630. Radulescu, Florin
The [Gamma]-equivariant form of the Berezin quantization of the upper half plane
QC20.7O65 R33
Vol. 629. Sowers, Richard Bucher
Short-time geometry of random heat kernels
QA377 S58
Vol. 628. McCord, Christopher Keil; Meyer, Kenneth Ray; Wang, Quidong
The Integral Manifolds of the Three Body Problem
QB362.T5 M33
Vol. 627. Speicher, Roland
Combinatorial theory of the free product with amalgamation and operator-valued free probability theory
QA326 S67
Vol. 626. Borovoi, Mikhail
Abelian Galois cohomology of reductive groups
QA179 B67
Vol. 625. Yuan, George Xian-Zh.
The study of minimax inequalities and applications to economies and variational inequalities
QA321.5 Y83
Vol. 624. Deift, Percy; McLaughlin, Kenneth T-R.
A continuum limit of the Toda lattice
QC20.7D5 D45
Vol. 623. Adeleke, Samson Adepoju; Neumann, P. M.
Relations related to betweenness : their structure and automorphisms
QA172 A44
Vol. 622. Fontana, Luigi; Krantz, Steven George; Peloso, Marco M.
Hodge theory in the Sobolev topology for the Rham complex
QA614.3 F65
Vol. 621. Cherlin, Gregory L.
The classification of countable homogeneous directed graphs and countable homogeneous n-tournaments
QA166.15 C44
Vol. 620. Guba, Victor; Sapir, Mark
Diagram groups
QA183 G83
Vol. 619. Kiyohara, Kazuyoshi
Two classes of Riemannian manifolds whose geodesic flows are integrable
QA614.82 K59
Vol. 618. Hofmann, Karl Heinrich; Ruppert, Wolfgang
Lie groups and subsemigroups with surjective exponential fuction
QA387 H642
Vol. 617. Hartshorne, Robin
Families of curves in P3 and Zeuthen’s problem
QA565 H37
Vol. 616. Bobkov, Serguei Germanovich
Some connections between isoperimetric and Sobolev-type inequalities
QA323 B63
Vol. 615. Dritschel, Michael A.; Woerdeman, Hugo Jan
Model theory and linear extreme points in the numerical radius unit ball
QA329.2 D75
Vol. 614. Warren, Richard;
The structure of k-CS-transitive cycle-free partial orders
QA171.485 W37
Vol. 613. Flannery, Dane Laurence
The Finite irreducible linear 2-groups of degree 4
QA176 F53
Vol. 612. Porti, Joan
Torsion de Reidemeister pour les varietes hyperboliques
QA613.2 P67
Vol. 611. Ginzburg, David; Piatetski-Shapiro; Rallis, S.
L-functions for the orthogonal group
QA247 G55
Vol. 610. Hovey, Mark; Palmieri, John Harold; Strickland, Neil P.
Axiomatic stable homotopy theory
QA612.7 H68
Vol. 609. Nicolaescu, Liviu I.
Generalized symplectic geometries and the index of families of elliptic problems
QA614.92 N53
Vol. 608. He, Christina Q.
Generalized Minkowski content, spectrum of fractal drums, fractal strings, and the Riemann-zeta-function
QA377 H4
Vol. 607. Zucchi, Adele;
Operators of class C b0 s with spectra in multiply connected regions
QA329.2 Z83
Vol. 606. Flato, Moshe; Taflin, Erik
Asymptotic completeness, global existence and the infrared problem for the Maxwell-Dirac equations
QC680 F53
Vol. 605. Li, Liangqing;
Classification of simple C*-algebras : inductive limits of matrix algebras over trees
QA326 L5
Vol. 604. Andreka, H.; Givant, Steven R.
Decision problems for equational theories of relation algebras
QA10 A56
Vol. 603. Allison, Bruce Normansell (Colab.)
Extended affine Lie algebras and their root systems
QA252.3 E97
Vol. 602. Fulman, Igor
Crossed products of von Neumann algebras by equivalence relations and their subalgebras
QA326 F85 1997
Vol. 601. Graver, Jack E.; Watkins, Mark E.
Locally finite, planar, edge-transitive graphs
QA166.22 G73 1997
Vol. 600. Sengupta, Ambar
Gauge theory on compact surfaces
QC174.45 S435 1997
Vol. 599. Liu, Tai-Ping; Zeng, Yanni
Large time behavior of solutions for general quasilinear hyperbolic-parabolic systems of conservation laws
QA927 L58
Vol. 598. Barucci, Valentina; Dobs, David E; Fontana, Marco
Maximality properties in numerical semigroups and applications to one-dimensional analytically irreducible local domains
QA251.3 B37
Vol. 597. Buchweitz, Ragnar-Olaf; Millson, John James
CR-geometry and deformations of isolated singularities
QA649 B83 1997
Vol. 596. Bourdon, Paul.
Cyclic phenomena for composition operators
QA329.2 B62
Vol. 595. Straume, Eldar
Compact connected Lie transformation groups on spheres with low cohomogeneity, II
QA613.7 S77 1997
Vol. 594. Friedberg, Solomon; Jacquet, Herve
The Fundamental lemma of the Shalika subgroup of GL(4)
QA243 F75
Vol. 593. Singh, Ajit Iqbal
Completely positive hypergroup actions
QA174.2 S55
Vol. 592. Kirk, Paul; Klassen, Eric
Analytic deformations of the spectrum of a family of Dirac operators on an odd-dimensional manifold with boundary
QA614.9 K57 1996
Vol. 591. Cline, Edward; Parshall, Brian; Scott, Leonard
Stratifying endomorphism algebras
QA179 C55
Vol. 590. Jantzen, Chris
Degenerate principal series for symplectic and odd-orthogonal groups
QA247 J3572 1996
Vol. 589. Damon, James
Higher multiplicities and almost free divisors and complete intersections
QA614.58 D354
Vol. 588. Jiang, Dihua
Degree 16 standard L-function of GSp(2) x GSp(2)
QA353.A9 J53 1996
Vol. 587. Jaffard, Stephane; Meyer, Yves
Wavelet methods for pointwise regularity and local oscillations of functions
QA403.3 J34
Vol. 586. Echterhoff, Siegfried;
Crossed products with continuous trace
QA326 E3
Vol. 585. Pisier, Gilles
The operator Hilbert space OH, complex interpolation, and tensor norms
QA329.2 P576
Vol. 584. Barrett, Wayne Walton; Johnson, Charles R.; Loewy, Raphael
The real positive definite completion problem : cycle completability
QA166 B37 1996
Vol. 583. Nakagawa, Jin,
Orders of a quartic field
QA295 N35 1996
Vol. 582. McCullough, Darryl; Miller, Andy
Symmetric automorphisms of free products
QA174.2 M35
Vol. 581. Schmidt, Martin Ulrich
Integrable systems and Riemann surfaces of infinite genus
QA614.83 S344
Vol. 580. Liebeck, Martin W.; Seitz, Gary M. (Eds.)
Reductive subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups
QA179 L54
Vol. 579. Kaplan, Samuel
Lebesgue theory in the bidual of C(X)
QA312 K347
Vol. 578. Homburg, Ale Jan;
Global aspects of homoclinic bifurcations of vector fields
QA380 H65
Vol. 577. Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert H.
Canard cycles and center manifolds
QA379 D85
Vol. 576. Bennett, Grahame
Factorizing the classical inequalities
QA295 B45
Vol. 575. Happel, Dieter; Reiten, Idun; Smal, Sverre O.
Tilting in Abelian categories and quasitilted algebras
QA251.5 H36
Vol. 574. Field, Michael John
Symmetry breaking for compact Lie groups
QA372 F53
Vol. 573. Aitken, Wayne
An arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem for singular arithmetic
QA242.5 A56
Vol. 572. Hald, Ole H.
Inverse nodal problems : finding the potential from nodal lines
QA371 H35
Vol. 571. Kurland, Henry L.
Intersection pairings on Conley indices
QA614.8 K86
Vol. 570. Fiedler, Bernold; Scheurle, Jurgen
Discretization of homoclinic orbits, rapid forcing, and invisible chaos
QA614.8 F54
Vol. 569. Straume, Eldar
Compact connected Lie transformation groups on spheres with low cohomogeneity, I
QA613.7 S77
Vol. 568. Curto, Raul E.; Fialkow, Lawrence A.
Solution of the truncated complex moment problem for flat data
QA401 C87
Vol. 567. Levi, Ran
On finite groups and homotopy theory
QA177 L48
Vol. 566. Robertson, Neil; Seymour, Paul D.; Thomas, Robin
Excluding infinite clique minors
QA166.195 R63
Vol. 565. Lin, Huaxin; Phillips, Norman Christopher
Classification of direct limits of even Cuntz-circle algebras
QA326 L554
Vol. 564. Liu, Wensheng
Shortest paths for sub-Riemannian metrics on rank-two distributions
QA649 L58 1995
Vol. 563. Gesztesy, Fritz; Svirsky, Roman
(m)KdV solitons on the background of quasi-periodic finite-gap solutions
QC174.26W28 G47
Vol. 562. Orr, John Lindsay
Triangular algebras and ideals of nest algebras
QA326 O77
Vol. 561. Gilman, Jane;
Two-generator discrete subgroups of PSL (2, R)
QA331 G55
Vol. 560. Tomi, Friedrich; Tromba, Anthony
The index theorem for minimal surfaces of higher genus
QA644 T66
Vol. 559. Muhly, Paul S.; Solel, Baruch
Hilbert modules over operator algebras
QA326 M84
Vol. 558. Gordon, Robert
Coherence for tricategories
QA169 G66
Vol. 557. Matsuki, Kenji
Weyl groups and birational transformations among minimal models
QA571 M39
Vol. 556. Nebe, Gabriele; Plesken, Wilhelm
Finite rational matrix groups
QA171 N43
Vol. 555. Feder, Tomas
Stable networks and product graphs
QA267 F43
Vol. 554. Beltrametti, Mauro; Schneider, Michael; Sommese, Andrew John
Some special properties of the adjunction theory for 3-folds in P5
QA564 B443
Vol. 553. Andradas, Carlos
Algebraic and analytic geometry of fans
QA564 A532
Vol. 551. Ballot, Christian
Density of prime divisors of linear recurrences
QA242 B35
Vol. 550. Lin, Huaxin
C*-algebra extensions of C(X)
QA326 L55
Vol. 549. Perkins, Edwin Arend
On the martingale problem for interactive measure-valued branching diffusions
QA274.76 P47
Vol. 548. Huang, I-Chiau
Pseudofunctors on modules with zero dimensional support
QA247 H83
Vol. 547. Su, Hongbing
On the classification of C*-algebras of real rank zero : inductive limits of matrix algebras over non-Hausdorff graphs
QA326 S854
Vol. 546. Nasu, Masakazu
Textile systems for endomorphisms and automorphisms of the shift
QA611.5 N37
Vol. 545. Lewis, John L.; Murray, Margaret Anne Marie
The method of layer potentials for the heat equation in time-varying domains
QA377 L49
Vol. 544. Walther, Hans-Otto
The 2-dimensional attractor of x(t)=-[mu]x(t)+f(x(t-1))
QA371 W357
Vol. 543. Greenlees, John Patrick Campbell; May, J. Peter
Generalized Tate cohomology
QA612.3 G74
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