Vol. 1056 Bianchini, Bruno; Mari, Luciano; Rigoli, Marco
On some aspects of oscillation theory and geometry
QA865 B53
Vol. 1056 Bianchini, Bruno; Mari, Luciano; Rigoli, Marco
On some aspects of oscillation theory and geometry
QA865 B53
Vol. 1055 Knightly, Andrew; Li, C.
Kuznetsov’s trace formula and the Hecke eigenvalues of Maass forms
QA243 K54
Vol. 1054 Lu, Kening; Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang
Strange attractors for periodically forced parabolic equations
QA614.813 L83
Vol. 1053 Blokh, Alexander M.; Fokkink, Robbert J.; Mayer, John C.; Oversteegen, Lex G.; E. D. Tymchatyn, E. D.
Fixed point theorems for plane continua with applications
QA329.9 B56
Vol. 1052 Bru, J.-B; Pedra, W. de Siqueira
Non-cooperative equilibria of Fermi systems with long range interactions
QC318.T47 B78
Vol. 1051 Barton, Ariel
Elliptic partial differential equations with almost-real coefficients
QA329.42 B37
Vol. 1050 Lam, Thomas; Lapointe, Luc; Morse, Jennifer; Shimozono, Mark
The poset of k-shapes and branching rules for k-Schur functions
QA171.485 L35
Vol. 1048 Nagórko, Andrzej
Characterization and topological rigidity of Nöbeling manifolds
QA613.2 N34 2013
Vol. 1046 Kearnes, Keith; Kiss, Emil W.
The shape of congruence lattices
QA171.5 K43
Vol. 1045 Cox, David A.; Kustin, Andrew R.; Polini, Claudia; Ulrich, Bernd
A study of singularities on rational curves via syzygies
QA614.58 C69
Vol. 1044 Evans, Steven N.; Steinsaltz, David; Wachter, Kenneth W.
A mutation-selection model with recombination for general genotypes
QH390 E83
Vol. 1043 Sobolev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Pseudo-differential operators with discontinuous symbols : Widom’s conjecture
QA329.7 S63
Vol. 1042 Mezo, Paul
Character identities in the twisted endoscopy of real reductive groups
QA252.3 M49
Vol. 1041 Bögelein, Verena; Duzaar, Frank; Mingione, Giuseppe
The regularity of general parabolic systems with degenerate diffusion
QA377.5 B64
Vol. 1040 E, Weinan; Lu, Jianfeng
The Kohn-Sham equation for deformed crystals
QD921 E23
Vol. 1039 Albano, Paolo; Bove, Antonio
Wave front set of solutions to sums of squares of vector fields
QA403.3 A53
Vol. 1038 Lecomte, Dominique
Potential wadge classes
QA248 L42
Vol. 1037 Ban, Jung-Chao; Hu, Wen-Guei; Lin, Song-Sun; Lin, Yin-Heng
Zeta functions for two-dimensional shifts of finite type
QA351 B186
Vol. 1036 Lesch, Matthias; Moscovici, Henry; Pflaum, Markus J.
Connes-Chern character for manifolds with boundary and eta cochains
QA613.618 L47
Vol. 1035 Burban, Igor; Kreussler, Bernd
Vector bundles on degenerations of elliptic curves and Yang-Baxter equations
QA612.63 B87
Vol. 1034 Kleshchev, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Shchigolev, Vladimir
Modular branching rules for projective representations of symmetric groups and lowering operators for the supergroup Q(n)
QA174.7S96 K54
Vol. 1033 Allcock, Daniel
The reflective Lorentzian lattices of rank 3
QA171.5 A55
Vol. 1032 Baez, John C.; Baratin, Aristide; Freidel, Laurent; Wise, Derek K.
Infinite-dimensional representations of 2-groups
QA176 B34
Vol. 1031 Khemar, Idrisse
Elliptic integrable systems : a comprehensive geometric interpretation
QA649 K44
Vol. 1030 Heintze, Ernst; Gross, Christian
Finite order automorphisms and real forms of Kac-Moody algebras in the smooth and algebraic category
QA252.3 H45
Vol. 1029 Khovanov, Mikhail; Lauda, Aaron D.; Mackaay, Marco; Stoisic, Marko
Extended graphical calculus for categorified quantum sl(2)
QA169 K54
Vol. 1028 Sommerhauser, Yorck; Zhu, Yongchang
Hopf algebras and congruence subgroups
QA613.8 S64
Vol. 1027 Druet, Olivier; Robert, Frederic; Wei, Juncheng
The Lin-Ni’s problem for mean convex domains
QA374 D764
Vol. 1026 Behrens, Mark
The Goodwillie tower and the EHP sequence
QA612.78 B44
Vol. 1025 Smoller, Joel; Temple, Blake
General relativistic self-similar waves that induce an anomalous acceleration into the standard model of cosmology
QC173.6 S565
Vol. 1024 Boij, Matts; Migliore, Juan C.; Miró-Roig, Rosa M.; Nagel, Uwe; Zanello, Fabrizio
On the shape of a pure O-sequence
QA251.3 O57
Vol. 1023 Iwaniec, Tadeusz; Onninen, Jani
N-harmonic mappings between annuli : the art of integrating free Lagrangians
QA360 I844
Vol. 1022 Duits, Maurice; Kuijlaars, Arno B. J.; Mo, Man Yue
The Hermitian two matrix model with an even quartic potential
QA379 D847
Vol. 1021 Deruelle, Arnaud; Miyazaki, Katura; Motegi, Kimihiko
Networking Seifert surgeries on knots
QA612.2 D47
Vol. 1020 Joyce, Dominic D.; Song, Yinan
A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants
QA554 J69
Vol. 1019 Meziani, Abdelhamid
On first and second order planar elliptic equations with degeneracies
QA377.5 M49
Vol. 1018 Gigli, Nicola
Second order analysis on (P2(M),W2)
QA649 G54
Vol. 1017 Jablonski, Zenon Jan; Jung, Il Bong; Stochel, Jan
Weighted shifts on directed trees
QA329.2 J33
Vol. 1016 Breuil, Christophe; Paskûnas, Vytautas
Towards a modulo p Langlands correspondence for GL2
QA176 B74
Vol. 1015 Kigami, Jun
Resistance forms, quasisymmetric maps, and heat kernel estimates
QA360 K54
Vol. 1014 Fioresi, Rita; Gavarini, F.
Chevalley supergroups
QA179 F56
Vol. 1013 Hiraga, Kaoru; Saito, Hiroshi
On L-packets for inner forms of SLn
QA387 H57
Vol. 1012 David, Guy; Toro, Tatiana
Reifenberg parameterizations for sets with holes
QA312 D385
Vol. 1011 Broomhead, Nathan
Dimer models and Calabi-Yau algebras
QA564 B766
Vol. 1010 Kuperberg, Greg; Weaver, Nik
A Von Neumann algebra approach to quantum metrics. - Quantum relations
QC20.7C14 K86
Vol. 1009 Jarvilehto, Tarmo
Jumping numbers of a simple complete ideal in a two-dimensional regular local ring
QA247 J38
Vol. 1008 Mosher, Lee; Sageev, Michah; Whyte, Kevin
Quasi-actions on trees II : finite depth Bass-Serre trees
QA183 M67
Vol. 1007 Hofmann, Steve; Lu, Guozhen; Mitrea, Dorina; Mitrea, Marius; Yan, Lixin
Hardy spaces associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators satisfying Davies-Gaffney estimates
QA320 H63
Vol. 1006 Buhler, Theo
On the algebraic foundations of bounded cohomology
QA169 B845
Vol. 1005 Duzaar, Frank; Mingione, Giuseppe; Steffen, Klaus
Parabolic systems with polynomial growth and regularity
QA377 D845
Vol. 1004 Handel, Michael; Mosher, Lee
Axes in outer space
QA183 H35
Vol. 1003 Jørgensen, Palle E. T.; Kornelson, Keri A.; Shuman, Karen L.
Iterated function systems, moments, and transformations of infinite matrices
QA188 J67
Vol. 1002 Leung, Man Chun
Supported blow-up and prescribed scalar curvature on Sn
QA571 L48
Vol. 1001
Multicurves and equivariant cohomology
QA612.3 S75
Vol. 999 Casals-Ruiz, Montserrat; Kazachkov, Ilya
On systems of equations over free partially commutative groups
QA215 C37
Vol. 998 Duval, Guillaume
Valuations and differential Galois groups
QA372.5 D88
Vol. 997 Kosaki, Hideki
Positive definiteness of functions with applications to operator norm inequalities
QA329 K68
Vol. 996 Positselski, Leonid
Two kinds of derived categories, Koszul duality, and comodule-contramodule correspondence
QA169 P675
Vol. 995 Yeats, Karen
Rearranging Dyson-Schwinger equations
QC174.17F45 Y43
Vol. 994 Bourqui, David
Fonction Zeta des hauteurs des varietes toriques non deployees
QA351 B68
Vol. 993 Gangbo, Wilfrid; Kim, Hwa Kil; Pacini, Tommaso
Differential forms on Wasserstein space and infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems
QA381 G35
Vol. 992 Greenberg, Ralph
Iwasawa theory, projective modules, and modular representations
QA247 G74
Vol. 991 De Lellis, Camillo; Spadaro, Emanuele Nunzio
Q-valued functions revisited
QA315 D45
Vol. 990 Olsson, Martin C.
Towards non-Abelian p-adic Hodge theory in the good reduction case
QA564 O58
Vol. 989 Chandler-Wilde, Simon N.; Lindner, Marko
Limit operators, collective compactness, and the spectral theory of infinite matrices
QA329.2 C39
Vol. 988 Lawther, R.; Testerman, Donna M.
Centres of centralizers of unipotent elements in simple algebraic groups
QA179 L43
Vol. 987 Prest, Mike
Definable additive categories : purity and model theory
QA169 P73
Vol. 986 Aschbacher, Michael
The generalized fitting subsystem of a fusion system
QA174.2 A73
Vol. 985 Allcock, Daniel; Carlson, James A.; Toledo, Domingo
The moduli space of cubic threefolds as a ball quotient
QA564 A53148
Vol. 984 Kim, Kang-Tae; Levenberg, Norman; Yamaguchi, Hiroshi
Robin functions for complex manifolds and applications
QA331.7 K55
Vol. 983 Walsh, Mark P.
Metrics of positive scalar curvature and generalised Morse functions
QA645 W35
Vol. 982 Davidson, Kenneth R.; Katsoulis, Elias G.
Operator algebras for multivariable dynamics
QA326 D39
Vol. 981 Mayhew, Dillon; Royle, Gordon; Whittle, Geoff
The internally 4-connected binary matroids with no M(K3,3)-minor
QA166.6 M39
Vol. 980 Nicolaescu, Liviu I.
Tame flows
QA9.7 N53
Vol. 979 Dijkstra, Jan J.; Mill, J. van
Erdos space and homeomorphism groups of manifolds
QA614 D55
Vol. 978 Pisier, Gilles
Complex interpolation between Hilbert, Banach, and operator spaces
QA281 P57
Vol. 977 Lam, Thomas; Lapointe, Luc; Morse, Jennifer; Shimozono, Mark
Affine insertion and Pieri rules for the affine Grassmannian
QA477 A44
Vol. 976 Castro, Alfonso; Padron, Victor
Classifications of radial solutions arising in the study of thermal structures with thermal equilibrium or no flux at the boundary
QC20.7D5 C37
Vol. 975 Ribon, Javier
Topological classification of families of diffeomorphisms without small divisors
QA611.5 R53
Vol. 974 Lefevre, Pascal; Li, Daniel; Queffélec, Hervé; Rodríguez-Piazza, Luis
Composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz spaces
QA329.2 C63
Vol. 973 O’Sullivan, Peter
The generalised Jacobson-Morosov theorem
QA179 O78
Vol. 972 Iglesias-Zemmour, Patrick
The moment maps in diffeology
QA665 I45
Vol. 971 Hamilton, Mark D.
Locally toric manifolds and singular Bohr-Sommerfeld leaves
QC174.17G46 H35
Vol. 970 Thomsen, Klaus
C*-algebras of homoclinic and heteroclinic structure in expansive dynamics
QA326 T44
Vol. 969 Sakai, Makoto
Small modifications of quadrature domains
QA405 S35
Vol. 968 Thé, L. Nguyen Van
Structural Ramsey theory of metric spaces and topological dynamics of isometry groups
QA166 T39
Vol. 967 Lian, Zeng; Lu, Kening
Lyapunov exponents and invariant manifolds for random dynamical systems in a Banach space
QA614.835 L53
Vol. 966 Dales, H. G.; Lau, A. T. M.; Strauss, D.
Banach algebras on semigroups and on their compactifications
QA403 D35
Vol. 965 Lacey, Michael T. ; Li, Xiaochun
On a conjecture of E.M. Stein on the Hilbert transform on vector fields
QA403 L33
Vol. 964 Popescu, Gelu
Operator theory on noncommutative domains
QA313 P64
Vol. 963 Lin, Huaxin
Approximate homotopy of homomorphisms from C(X) into a simple C*-algebra
QA612.7 L55
Vol. 962 Coffman, Adam
Unfolding CR singularities
QA614.58 C64
Vol. 961 Bramanti, Marco; Brandolini, Luca; Lanconelli, Ermanno; Uguzzoni, Francesco
Non-divergence equations structured on Hörmander vector fields : heat kernels and Harnack inequalities
QA613.619 N65
Vol. 960 Alvarez, Olivier; Bardi, Martino
Ergodicity, stabilization, and singular perturbations for Bellman-Isaacs equations
QA871 A51
Vol. 959 Pelayo, Alvaro
Symplectic actions of 2-tori on 4-manifolds
QA649 P36
Vol. 958 Behrens, Mark; Lawson, Tyler
Topological automorphic forms
QA353.A9 B34
Vol. 957 Chan, Ping-Shun
Invariant representations of GSp(2) under tensor product with a quadratic character
QA174.2 C43
Vol. 956 Montgomery, Richard; Zhitomirskii, Mikhail
Points and curves in the Monster tower
QA614 M647
Vol. 955 Bridson, Martin R.; Groves, David N.
The quadratic isoperimetric inequality for mapping tori of free group automorphisms
QA183 B75
Vol. 954 Mayer, Volker; Urbanski, Mariusz
Thermodynamical formalism and multifractal analysis for meromorphic functions of finite order
QA331 M3935
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