Vol. 1353 Cunningham, Clifton; Fiori, Andrew; Moussaoui, Ahmed; Mracek, James; Xu, Bin Arthur packets for p-adic groups by way of microlocal vanishing cycles of perverse sheaves, with examples QA176 C85
Vol. 1351 Fokas, A. S.; Lenells, Jonatan On the asymptotics to all orders of the Riemann zeta function and of a two-parameter generalization of the Riemann zeta function QA351 F58
Vol. 1350 Kutluhan, Çağatay; Sivek, Steven; Taubes; C. H. Sutured ECH is a natural invariant QA612.3 K87
Vol. 1349 Gross, Leonard The Yang-Mills heat equation with finite action in three dimensions QA377 G759
Vol. 1348 Akman, Murat; Gong, Jasun; Hineman, Jay; Lewis, John; Vogel, Andrew The Brunn-Minkowski inequality and a Minkowski problem for nonlinear capacity QA685 A46
Vol. 1347 Lin, Zhiwu; Zeng, Chongchun Instability, index theorem, and exponential trichotomy for linear Hamiltonian PDEs QA614.83 L54
Vol. 1346 David, Guy; Feneuil, J.; Mayboroda, S. Elliptic theory for sets with higher co-dimensional boundaries QA377 D386
Vol. 1345 Margolis, Stuart; Saliola, Franco V.; Steinberg, Benjamin Cell complexes, poset topology and the representation theory of algebras arising in algebraic combinatorics and discrete geometry QA611.35 M37
Vol. 1344 Martikainen, Henri; Vuorinen, Emil Dyadic-probabilistic methods in bilinear analysis QA243 M366
Vol. 1343 Palu, Yann; Pilaud, Vincent; Plamondon, Pierre-Guy Non-kissing complexes and tau-tilting for gentle algebras QA164 P35
Vol. 1342 Duanmu, Haosui; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.; Weiss, William Ergodicity of Markov processes via nonstandard analysis QA274.7 D83
Vol. 1340 Chen, Le; Hu, Yaozhong; Nualart, David Regularity and strict positivity of densities for the nonlinear stochastic heat equations QA377 C4396
Vol. 1339 Chen, Goong Strichartz estimates for wave equations with charge transfer Hamiltonians QC174.26W28 C425
Vol. 1338 Juhász, András; Thurston, Dylan P.; Zemke, Ian Naturality and mapping class groups in Heegaard Floer homology QA612.14 J84
Vol. 1337 Gignac, William; Ruggiero, Matteo Local dynamics of non-invertible maps near normal surface singularities QA614.58 G535
Vol. 1336 Patie, Pierre; Savov, Mladen Spectral expansions of non-self-adjoint generalized laguerre semigroups QA320 P376
Vol. 1335 Geiss, Stephan; Ylinen, Juha Decoupling on the Wiener space, related Besov spaces, and applications to BSDEs QA274.23 G45
Vol. 1334 González-Pérez, Adrían Manuel; Junge, Marius; Parcet, Javier Singular integrals in quantum Euclidean spaces QA329.6 G655
Vol. 1332 Fragnelli, Genni; Mugnai, Dimitri Corrigendum and improvements to "Carleman estimates, observability inequalities and null controllability for interior degenerate nonsmooth parabolic equations" and its consequences QA295 F733
Vol. 1331 Akahori, Takafumi; Ibrahim, Slim; Kikuchi, Hiroaki; Nawa, Hayato Global dynamics above the ground state energy for the combined power-type nonlinear Schrödinger equations with energy-critical growth at low frequencies QC174.26W28 A53
Vol. 1330 Chen, Zhen-Qing; Kumagai, Takashi; Wang, Jian Stability of heat kernel estimates for symmetric non-local Dirichlet forms QA353.K47 C44
Vol. 1329 Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás; Angiono, Iván; Heckenberger, István On finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras over Abelian groups QA613.8 A53
Vol. 1328 Throm, Sebastian Uniqueness of fat-tailed self-similar profiles to Smoluchowski’s coagulation equation for a perturbation of the constant Kernel QC174.8 T47
Vol. 1327 Pollicott, Mark; Urbański, Mariusz Asymptotic counting in conformal dynamical systems QA326 F375
Vol. 1326 Cho, Cheol-Hyun; Hong, Hansol; Lau, Siu-Cheong Noncommutative homological mirror functor QA571 C466
Vol. 1324 Farah, Ilijas; Hart, Bradd; Lupini, Martino; Robert, Leonel; Tikuisis, Aaron; Vignati, Alessandro; Winter, Wilhelm Model theory of C*-algebras QA326 F375
Vol. 1323 Kawaguchi, Shu; Yamaki, Kazuhiko Effective faithful tropicalizations associated to linear systems on curves QA564 K38
Vol. 1322 Bulacu, Daniel; Torrecillas, B. Galois and cleft monoidal cowreaths. applications QA214 B85
Vol. 1321 Haase, Christian; Paffenholz, Andreas; Piechnik, Lindsay C.; Santos, Francisco Existence of unimodular triangulations-positive results QA640.3 H33
Vol. 1320 Heidersdorf, Thorsten; Weissauer, Rainer Cohomological tensor functors on representations of the general linear supergroup QA200 H45
Vol. 1319 Bounemoura, Abed; Féjoz, Jacques Hamiltonian perturbation theory for ultra-differentiable functions QA614.83 B68
Vol. 1318 Wang, Chao; Zhang, Zhifei; Zhao, Weiren; Zheng, Yunrui Local well-posedness and break-down criterion of the incompressible Euler equations with free boundary QA901 W35
Vol. 1316 Bunke, Ulrich; Gepner, David Differential function spectra, the differential becker-gottlieb transfer, and applications to differential algebraic K-theory QA612.33 B85
Vol. 1315 Grivaux, S.; Matheron. E.; Menet, Q. Linear dynamical systems on Hilbert spaces : typical properties and explicit examples QA322.4 G75
Vol. 1314 Albin, Pierreg; Rochon, Frédéric; Sher, David Resolvent, heat kernel, and torsion under degeneration to fibered cusps QA649 A497
Vol. 1313 Godin, Paul The 2D compressible Euler equations in bounded impermeable domains with corners QA911 G62
Vol. 1312 Delorme, Patrick; Harinck, Pascale; Sakellaridis, Yiannis Paley-Wiener theorems for a p-Adic spherical variety QA406 D45
Vol. 1311 Korobenko, Lyudmila; Rios, Cristian; Sawyer, Eric; Shen, Ruipeng Local boundedness, maximum principles, and continuity of solutions to infinitely degenerate elliptic equations with rough coefficients QA377 K666
Vol. 1310 Iritani, Hiroshi; Milanov, Todor; Ruan, Yongbin; Shen, Yefeng Gromov-Witten theory of quotients of Fermat Calabi-Yau varieties QA665 I75
Vol. 1309 Chalopin, Jérémie; Chepoi, Victor; Hirai, Hiroshi; Osajda, Osajda Weakly modular graphs and nonpositive curvature QA166 C4205
Vol. 1308 Douglas, Christopher L.; Schommer-Pries, Christopher; Snyder, Noah Dualizable tensor categories QA169 D68
Vol. 1307 Thomas, Adam R. Traffic distributions and independence : permutation invariant random matrices and the three notions of independence QA179 T46
Vol. 1306 Hatada, Kazuyuki Hecke operators and systems of Eigenvalues on Siegel cusp forms En posible adquisición
Vol. 1305 Ion, Bogdan; Sahi, Siddhartha Double affine Hecke algebras and congruence groups QA176 C43 2021
Vol. 1304 Fischmann, Matthias; Juhl, Andreas; Somberg, Petr Conformal symmetry breaking differential operators on differential forms QA329.4 F53
Vol. 1302 Feehan, Paul M. N.; Maridakis, Manousos Łojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequalities for coupled Yang-Mills energy functionals QC174.52Y37 F44
Vol. 1301 Krieger, Joachim On stability of type II blow up for the critical nonlinear wave equation in R3+1 QA927 K74
Vol. 1300 Male, Camille Traffic distributions and independence : permutation invariant random matrices and the three notions of independence QA196.5 M35
Vol. 1299 Calderbank, David M. J.; Eastwood, Michael G.; Matveev, Vladimir S.; Neusser, Katharina C-projective geometry QA608 C35
Vol. 1297 Gantner, Jonathan Operator theory on one-sided quaternion linear spaces : intrinsic s-functional calculus and spectral operators QA329.2 G35
Vol. 1295 Berger, Lisa Explicit arithmetic of Jacobians of generalized Legendre curves over global function fields QA565 B47
Vol. 1294 Bedrossian, Jacob Dynamics near the subcritical transition of the 3D Couette flow I : below threshold case TA357.5V56 B43
Vol. 1293 Jaye, Benjamin The Riesz transform of codimension smaller than one and the Wolff energy QA403 J39
Vol. 1289 Bleher, Pavel; Silva, Guilherme L. F. The mother body phase transition in the normal matrix model QA188 B53
Vol. 1288 Blokh, Alexander M.; Oversteegen, Lex G.; Ptacek, Ross; Timorin, Vladlen Laminational models for some spaces of polynomials of any degree QA649 B596
Vol. 1287 Hochman, Michael On Self-Similar Sets with Overlaps and Inverse Theorems for Entropy in ℝd En posible adquisición
Vol. 1286 Blumberg, Andrew J.; Mandell, Michael A. Localization for THH(ku) and the topological Hochschild and cyclic homology of Waldhausen categories QA612.33 B585
Vol. 1285 Fan, Zhaobing; Lai, Chun-Ju; Li, Yiqiang; Luo, Li Affine flag varieties and quantum symmetric pairs QA564 F365
Vol. 1284 Downey, Rodney G.; Ng, Keng Meng; Solomon, Reed Divergent Series, Summability and Resurgence II : Simple and Multiple Summability QA9.63 D695
Vol. 1283 Alarcon, Antonio; Forstnerič, Franc; López, Francisco J. New complex analytic methods in the study of non-orientable minimal surfaces in Rn QA295 D48 V.2
Vol. 1282 Carchedi, David Joseph Higher orbifolds and deligne-mumford stacks as structured infinity-topoi QA169 C333
Vol. 1281 Ivanov, S. V. The bounded and precise word problems for presentations of groups QA174.2 I828
Vol. 1279 Gavrus, Cristian; Oh, Sung-Jin Global well-posedness of high dimensional Maxwell-Dirac for small critical data QA374 G38
Vol. 1278 Poláčik, Peter Propagating terraces and the dynamics of front-like solutions of reaction-diffusion equations on R QA377 P633
Vol. 1277 Lombardi, Henri; Roy, Marie-Françoise An elementary recursive bound for effective positivstellensatz and Hilbert’s 17th problem QA161.P59 L65
Vol. 1276 Beresnevich, Victor; Haynes, Alan; Velani, Sanju Sums of reciprocals of fractional parts and multiplicative diophantine approximation QA242 B437
Vol. 1275 Berger, Laurent; Schneider, Peter; Xie, Bingyong Rigid character groups, Lubin-Tate theory, and (φ,Γ)-modules QA247 B46
Vol. 1274 Pontiveros, Gonzalo Fiz; Griffiths, Simon; Morris, Robert The triangle-free process and the Ramsey number R(3, k) QA164 P667
Vol. 1273 Berti, Massimiliano; Montalto, Riccardo Quasi-periodic standing wave solutions of gravity-capillary water waves QA927 B428
Vol. 1272 Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Mendez, Patrice Ossona de A unified approach to structural limits and limits of graphs with bounded tree-depth QA9.7 N47
Vol. 1271 Coulombel, Jean-François; Williams, Mar Geometric optics for surface waves in nonlinear elasticity QC383 C68
Vol. 1270 Ambrosio, Luigi; Mondino, Andrea; Savaré, Giuseppe Nonlinear diffusion equations and curvature conditions in metric measure spaces QA611.28 A52
Vol. 1267 Broto, Carles; Møller, Jesper; Oliver, Robert Automorphisms of fusion systems of finite simple groups of Lie type QA177 B75
Vol. 1266 Douglas, Christopher L.; Lipshitz, Robert; Manolescu, Ciprian Cornered Heegaard Floer homology QA665 D684
Vol. 1263 Wan, Chen A local relative trace formula for the Ginzburg-Rallis model : the geometric side QA243 W35
Vol. 1261 Ajanki, Oskari Heikki; Erdős, László; Krüger, Torben Quadratic vector equations on complex upper half-plane QA431 A445
Vol. 1260 Milićević, Elizabeth; Schwer, Petra; Thomas, Anne Dimensions of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties : a new approach via labeled folded alcove walks and root operators QA174.2 M543
Vol. 1259 Bobkov, Serguei; Ledoux, Michel One-dimensional empirical measures, order statistics, and Kantorovich transport distances QA295 B635
Vol. 1258 Lorscheid, Oliver; Weist, Thorsten Quiver grassmannians of extended Dynkin type D. Part I. Schubert systems and decompositions into affine spaces QA251.3 L67
Vol. 1257 Paradan, Paul-Emile; Vergne, Michèle Witten non abelian localization for equivariant K-theory, and the [Q,R] = 0 theorem QA665 P37
Vol. 1255 Collot, Charles; Raphaël, Pierre; Szeftel, Jérémie On the stability of type I blow up for the energy super critical heat equation QA377 C6345
Vol. 1254 Fukaya, Kenji; Oh, Yong-Geun; Ohta, Hiroshi; Ono, Kaoru Spectral invariants with bulk, quasi-morphisms and Lagrangian Floer theory QA665 F857
Vol. 1253 Curto, Raúl E.; Hwang, In Sung; Yi, U-yŏng Matrix functions of bounded type : an interplay between function theory and operator theory QA331.5 C87