Vol. 441. Seitz, Gary M.
Maximal subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups
QA171 S426
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Vol. 441. Seitz, Gary M.
Maximal subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups
QA171 S426
Vol. 440. Jawerth, Bjorn; Milman, Mario
Extrapolation theory with applications
QA281 J38
Vol. 439. Parshall, Brian; Wang, Jian-pan
Quantum linear groups
QA171 P376
Vol. 438. Lopez, Angelo Felice
Noether-Lefschetz theory and the Picard group of projective surfaces
QA571 L66
Vol. 437. Hejhal, Dennis A.
Regular b-groups, degenerating Riemann surfaces, and spectral theory
QA224 H45
Vol. 436. Marsden, Jerrold E.; Montgomery, Richard; Ratiu, Tudor S.
Reduction, symmetry, and phases in mechanics
QA805 M348
Vol. 435. Krieg, Aloys
Hecke algebras
QA171.2 K75
Vol. 434. Treves, Francois
Homotopy formulas in the tangential cauchy-riemann complex
QA374 T744
Vol. 433. Youssin, Boris
Newton polyhedra without coordinates, newton polydehra of ideals
QA273 Y68
Vol. 432. Liebeck, Martin W.; Praeger, Cheryl E.; Saxl, Jan
The maximal factorizations of the finite simple groups and their automorphism groups
QA171 L527
Vol. 431. Goodwillie, Thomas Gehret
A multiple disjunction lemma for smooth concordance embeddings
QA564 G628
Vol. 430. Benkart, Georgia M.; Britten, D. J.; Lemire, F. W.
Stability in modules for classical lie algebras - a constructive approach
QA252.3 B45
Vol. 429. Bannai, Etsuko
Positive definite unimodular lattices with trivial automorphism groups
QA171.5 B33
Vol. 428 Gil de Lamadrid, Jesús
Almost periodic measures
QA325 G57
Vol. 427. Cochran, Tim D.
Derivatives of links : Milnor's concordance invariants and Massey's products
QA612.2 C63
Vol. 426. Mycielski, Jan; Pudlak, Pavel; Stern, Alan S.
A lattice of chapters of mathematics : Interpretations between theorems
QA511.3 M93
Vol. 425. Paulucki, Wieslaw
Points de Nash des ensembles sous-analytiques
QA614.7 P38
Vol. 424. Watani, Yasuo
Index for C*-subalgebras
QA326 W38
Vol. 423. Wong, Shek-tung
The meromorphic continuation and functional equations of cuspidal Eisenstein series for maximal cuspidal groups
QA295 W65
Vol. 422. Hinkkanen, Aimo
The structure of certain quasisymmetric groups
QA171 H56
Vol. 421. Broer, Hendrik Wolter; Huitema, G. B.; takens, F.; Braaksma
Unfoldings and bifurcations of quasi-periodic tori
QA614.83 U54
Vol. 420. Lindstrom, Tom
Brownian motion on nested fractals
QA274.75 L55
Vol. 419. Irving, Ronald S.
A filtered category Os and applications
QA171 I59
Vol. 418. Hijikata, Hiroaki; Pizer, Arnold; Shemanske, Thomas R.
The basis problem for modular forms on [gamma]. (N)
QA243 H55
Vol. 417. Conway, John B.; Herrero, Domingo A.; Morrel, Bernard B.
Completing the riesz-dunford functional calculus
QA320 C665
Vol. 416. Nikiel, Jacek
Topologies on pseudo-trees and applications
QA322 N49
Vol. 415. Neeman, Amnon
Ueda theory : theorems and problems
QA331.7 N44
Vol. 414. Vonessen, Nikolaus
Actions of linearly reductive groups on affine PI-algebras
QA171 V66
Vol. 413. Brenti, Francesco
Unimodal, log-concave and Polya frequency sequences in combinatorics
QA3 B74
Vol. 412. Levasseur, Thierry; Stafford, J. T.
Rings of differential operators on classical rings of invariants
QA3 L33
Vol. 411. Brin, Matthew G.; Thickstun, Thomas Lusk
3-manifolds which are end 1-movable
QA3 B745
Vol. 410. Robinson, Paul Lee; Rawnsley, John Howard
The metaplectic representation, mpc structures, and geometric quantization
QA649 R63
Vol. 409. Arveson, William
Continuous analogues of Fock space
QA171 A77
Vol. 408. Reiten, Idun
Two-dimensional tame and maximal orders of finite representation type
QA251.5 R45
Vol. 407. Du Cloux, Fokko
Representations de longueur finie des groupes de Lie resolubles
QA3 D73
Vol. 406. Torunczyk, Henryk; West, James
Fibrations and bundles with Hilbert cube manifold fibers
QA612.6 T67
Vol. 405. Brooks, Jeffrey Noel; Strantzen, John Bruce
Blaschke's rolling theorem in R(n)
QA640 B76
Vol. 404. Blass, Andreas; Scedrov, Andrej
Freyd's models for the independence of the axiom of choice
QA248 B53
Vol. 403. Przebinda, Tomasz
The oscillator duality correspondence for the pair o(2,2), sp(2,r)
QA171 P79
Vol. 402. Walther, Hans-otto
Hyberbolic periodic solutions, heteroclinic connections and transversal homoclinic points in atunomous differential delay equations
QA374 W35
Vol. 401. Nussbaum, Roger D.
Iterated nonlinear maps and Hilbert's projective metric, II
QA329.8 N88
Vol. 400. Mandouvalos, Nikolaos
Scattering operator, eisenstein series, inner product formula, and "maass-selberg" relations for Kleinian groups
QA3 A55
Vol. 399. Hislop, P. D.; Sigal, Israel Michael
Semiclassical theory of shape resonances in quantum mechanics
QC174.17S3 H57
Vol. 398. Dawson, Donald Andrew
Large deviations, free energy functional and quasi-potential for a mean field model of interacting diffusions
QC175.16P5 D38
Vol. 397. Schwartz, Niels
The basic theory of real closed spaces
QA564 S35
Vol. 396. Block, W. J.; Pigozzi, Don
Algebraizable logics
QA10 B56
Vol. 395. Chinburg, Ted
The analytic theory of multiplicative Galois structure
QA247 C45
Vol. 394. Demeyer, Frank
Quadratic forms over q and Galois extensions of commutative rings
QA3 D43
Vol. 393. Barker, William H.
Lp harmonic analysis on SL (2, R)
QA403 B37
Vol. 392. Oliver, Robert
Logarithmic descriptions of whitehead groups and class groups for p-groups
QA171 O47
Vol. 391. Nussbaum, Roger D.
Hilbert's projective metric and iterated nonlinear maps
QA329.8 N87
Vol. 390. Testerman, Donna M.
Irreducible subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups
QA171 T44
Vol. 389. Damon, James N.
Topological triviality and versality for subgroups of A and K
QA614.58 D34
Vol. 388. Lipman, Joseph / Gau, Yih-Nan
Topological invariants of quasi-ordinary singularities / Embedded topological classification of quasi-ordinary singularities
QA614.58 L56
Vol. 387. Collingwood, David H.
Representations of rank one lie groups II : N-cohomology
QA3 C643
Vol. 386. Dilcher, Karl
Zeros of bernoulli, generalized bernoulli and Euler polynomials
QA246.5 D55
Vol. 385. Kalton, Nigel John
Nonlinear commutators in interpolation theory
QA323 K3
Vol. 384. Yau, Stephen Shing-Toung
Classification of jacobian ideals invariant by s/(2, C) actions
QA252.3 Y38
Vol. 383. Heller, Alex
Homotopy theories
QA621.7 H45
Vol. 382. Tomi, Friedrich; Tromba, Anthony
Existence theorems for minimal surfances of non-zero genus spanning a contour
QA644 T65
Vol. 381. Graf, Siegfried; Mauldin, R. Daniel; Williams, Stanley C.
The exact Hausdorff dimension in random recursive constructions
QA273.4 G73
Vol. 380. Bestvina, Mladen
Characterizing K-dimensional universal Menger compacta
QA611.28 B47
Vol. 379. Dovermann, Karl Heinz; Rothenberg, Melvin
Equivariant surgery and classifications of finite group actions of manifolds
QA613.7 D66
Vol. 378. Ghoussoub, Nassif; Godefroy, G,; Maurey, B.; Schachermayer, W.
Some topological and geometrical structures in Banach spaces
QA322.2 S65
Vol. 377. Boyle, Mike; Marcus, Brian; Trow, Paul
Resolving maps and the dimension group for shifts of finite type
QA611.5 B69
Vol. 376. Darling, R.W.R.
Constructing nonhomeomorphic stochastic flows
QA274.2 D37
Vol. 375. Amrein, Werner O.; Boutet de Monvel-Berthier, Anne; Georgescu, Vladimir
Hardy type inequalities for abstract differential operators
QA378 A57
Vol. 374. Scattone, Francesco
On the compactification of moduli spaces for algebraic k3 surfaces
QA311 S37
Vol. 373. Eie, Minking
Dimension formulae formulae for the vector spaces of Siegel cusp forms of degree three II
QA243 E53
Vol. 372. Goodearl, K. R.; Handelman, David E.
Classification onf ring and c-algebra direct limits of finite-dimensional semisimple real algebras
QA326 G64
Vol. 371. Figueiredo, Leila
Calculus of principally twisted vertex operators
A252.3 F54
Vol. 370. Yang, Deane
Involutive hyperbolic differential systems
QA649 Y25
Vol. 369. Lin, James P.
Steenrod connections and connectivity in h-spaces
QA612.782 L55
Vol. 368. Marcus, Michael B.
[xe]-radial processes and random fournier series
QA274.3 M37
Vol. 367. Enright, Thomas J.; Shelton, Brad
Categories of highest weight modules ; applications to classical hermitian symmetric pairs
QA171 E57
Vol. 365. Seitz, Gary
The maximal subgroups of classical algebraic groups
QA171 S425
Vol. 364. Ben-Artzi, Matania
The limiting absorption principle for partial differential operators
QA329.42 B45
Vol. 363. Le Bruyn, Lieven
Trace rings of generic 2 by 2 matrices
QA247 L43
Vol. 362. Mandia, Marly
Structure of the level one standard modules for the affine lie algebras be, f4 and g2
QA252.3 M35
Vol. 361. Rimlinger, Frank
Pregroups and Bass-Serre theory
QA171 R53
Vol. 360. Kadell, Kevin W. J.
Path funcitons and generalized basic by Hypergeometric functions
QA353.H9 K33
Vol. 359. Efrat, Isaac Y.
The Selberg trace formula for PSL2 (r)n
QA241 E47
Vol. 358. Pool, Robert
Yang-mills fields and extension theory
QA331 P658
Vol. 357. Azof, Edward A.
On finite rank operators and prennihilators
QA326 A96
Vol. 356. Muckenhoupt, Benjamin
Transplantation theorems and multiplier theorems for Jacobi series
QA404.5 M83
Vol. 355. Adams, Gegory T.
The bilateral Bergman shift
QA329.2 A33
Vol. 354. Miller, Thomas L.; Olin, Robert F.; Thomson, James
Subnormal operators and representations of algeras of bounded analytic functions and other uniform algebras
QA329.2 M55
Vol. 353. Ostaszewski, Krzysztof M.
Henstock integration in the plane
QA312 O77
Vol. 352. Jones, Lowell
Combinatorial symmetries of the m-dimensional ball
QA613.658 J65
Vol. 351. Johnson, Gerald W.; Lapidus, Michel Laurent
Generalized dyson series, generalized Feynman diagrams, the Feyman integral and Feynma'ns operational calculus
QC174.12 G64
Vol. 350. Harer, John; Kas, Arnold; Kirby, Robin
Handlebody decompositions of complex surfaces
QA571 H3
Vol. 349. Ghoussoub, Nassif; Maurey, B.
H-embeddings in Hilbert space and optimization on G-sets
QA322 G46
Vol. 348. Rosenberg, Jonathan
The Künneth theorem and the universal coefficient theorem for equivariant K-theory and KK-theory
QA612.33 R67
Vol. 347. Vella, David C.
Parabolic subgroups of algebraic groups and induction
QA612.3 V45
Vol. 346. Feit, Paul
Poles and residues of Eisenstein series for symplectic and unitary groups
QA295 F45
Vol. 345. Walter, John H.
The B-conjecture, characterization of Chevalley groups
QA171 W36
Vol. 344. Mccollough, Darry; Miller, Andy
Homeomorphisms of 3-manifolds with compressible boundary
QA613 M33
Vol. 343. Aschbacher, Michael
Overgroups of Sylow subgroups in groups
QA171 A827
Vol. 342. Parks, Harold R.
Explicit determination of area minimizing hypersurfaces, II
QA312 P32
Vol. 341. Klinger, Lee
Modules over the integral group ring of a non-abelian group of order pq
QA247 K55
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