Vol. 138. Wolf, Joseph Albert
The action of a real semisimple lie group on a complex flag manifold. II : Unitary representations on partially holomorphic cohomology spaces
QA387 W65
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Vol. 138. Wolf, Joseph Albert
The action of a real semisimple lie group on a complex flag manifold. II : Unitary representations on partially holomorphic cohomology spaces
QA387 W65
Vol. 137. Lazarov, Connor; Wasserman, Arthur
Complex actions of lie groups
QA387 L39
Vol. 136. Racine, Michel L.
The arithmetics of quadratic Jordan algebras
QA252.5 R32
Vol. 135. Jackson, Robert John Victor
Canonical differential operators and lower order symbols
QA614 J3
Vol. 134. Coddington, Earl A.
Extension theory of formally normal and symmetric subspaces
QA329.2 C62
Vol. 133. Gordon, Robert; Robson, James Christopher
Krull dimension
QA251.3 G67
Vol. 132. Knyon, Hewitt; Morse, A. P.
Web derivatives
QA312 K45
Vol. 131. Walsh, Thomas
On summability methods for conjugate Fourier-Stieltjes integrals in several variables and generalizations
Formato electrónico
Vol. 130. Pierce, Richard S.
Compact zero-dimensional metric spaces of finite type
QA611.28 P54
Vol. 129. Hejhal, Dennis A.
Theta functions, kernel functions and Abelian integrals
QA345 H45
Vol. 128. Dubinsky, E.; Ramanujan, N. S.
QA322 D83
Vol. 127. Johnson, Barry Edward
Cohomology in Banach algebras
QA326 J63
Vol. 126. Elliott, Robert James; Kalton, Nigel J.
The existence of value in differential games
QA269 E55
Vol. 125. Nadler, S. B.; J. Quinn
Embeddability and structure properties of real curves
QA611.28 N334
Vol. 124. Goodearl, K. R.
Singular torsion and the splitting properties
QA251.5 G652
Vol. 123. Granirer, Edmond E.
Exposed points of convex sets and weak sequential convergence
QA322 G73
Vol. 122. Hofmann, Karl Heinrich; Keimel, Klaus
A general character theory for partially ordered sets and lattices
QA169 H64
Vol. 121. Skala, Helen
Trellis theory
QA171.5 S53
Vol. 120. Blatter, Jorg
Grothendieck spaces in approximation theory
QA221 B53
Vol. 119. Stanley, Richard P.
Ordered structures and partitions
QA164 S72
Vol. 118. QA374 D8
The Cauchy-Goursat problem
QA374 D8 (En el IIMAS)
Vol. 117. Mcmullen, John R.
Extensions of positive-definite functions
QA331 M33
Vol. 116. Bishop, Errett
Constructive measure theory
QA312 B57
Vol. 115. Harris, Douglas
Structures in topology
QA611.24 H37
Vol. 114. Phillip, Walter
Mixing sequences of random variables and proabilistic number theory
QA241 P46
Vol. 113. Kamber, Franz W.
Invariant differential operators and the cohomology of Lie algebra sheaves
QA612.36 K35
Vol. 112. Balaban, Tadeusz
On the mixed problem for a hyperbolic equation
QA371 B35
Vol. 111. McKennon, Kelly Denis
Multipliers, positive functionals, positive-definite functions, and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms
QA300 M25
Vol. 109. Strodt, Walter Charles; Wroght, Robert K.
Asymptotic behavior of solutions and adjunction fields for nonlinear fists order differential equations
QA372 S76
Vol. 108. Gelbart, Stephen S.
Fourier analysis on matrix space
QA404 G45
Vol. 107. Armentrout, Steve
Cellular decompositions of 3-manifolds that yield 3-manifolds
QA613 A75
Vol. 106. Norton, Karl K.
Numbers with small prime factors, and the least kth power non-residue
QA241 N67
Vol. 105. Powell, Michael H.
Compactly covered reflections, extension of uniform dualities and generalized almost periodicity
QA169 P68
Vol. 104. Faulkner, John R.
Octonion planes defined by quadratic Jordan algebras
QA252.5 F37
Vol. 103. Stong, Robert E.
Unoriented bordism and actions of finite groups
QA612.3 S76
Vol. 102. Miller, Richard Kermit; Sell, George R.
Volterra integral equations and topological dynamics
QA431 M55
Vol. 101. Glimm, James G.
Decay of solutions of systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws
QA372 G54
Vol. 100 Nagano, T.
Homotopy invariants in differential geometry
En compra
Vol. 99. Malkevitch, Joseph
Properties of planar graphs with uniform vertex and face structure
QA166 M35
Vol. 97. Greene, Robert Everist
Isometric embeddings of Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
QA333 G74
Vol. 96. Eisenman, Donald Alfred
Intrinsic measures on complex manifolds and holomorphic mappings
QA331 E57
Vol. 95. Folkman, Jon H.
Equivariant maps of spheres into the classical gropus
QA612.7 F65
Vol. 94. Auslander, Maurice; Bringer, Mark
Stable module theory
QA247.3 A87
Vol. 92. Beem, John Kelly; Woo, Peter Y.
Doubly timelike surfaces
QA611.28 B44
Vol. 91. Arsove, Maynard G.; Johnson, Guy
A conformal mapping technique for infinited connected regions
QA360 A77
Vol. 90. Fell, James Michael Gardner
An extension of Mackey's method to Banach *-algebraic bundles
QA326 F45
Vol. 89. Kleene, Stephen Cole
Formalized recursive functionals and formalized realizability
QA248.5 K534
Vol. 88. Mcshane, Edward James
A Riemann-type integral that includes Lebesgue-Stieltjes, Bochner and stochastic integrals.
QA310 M32
Vol. 87. Ginsburg, Seymour; Hoperoft, John E.
Studies in abstract families of languages
QA267 G55
Vol. 86. Kruse, Arthur W.
Souslinoid and analytic sets in a general setting
QA331 K77
Vol. 85. Solomon, Donald William
Denjoy integration in abstract spaces
QA689 S65
Vol. 84. Gretsky, Neil E.
Representation theorems on Banach function spaces
QA326 G74
Vol. 83. Dauns, John
Representation of rings by sections
QA247 D38
Vol. 82. Jonah, David W.
Cohomology of coalgebras
QA612.3 J64
Vol. 81. Moser, Jurgen K.
Rigorous and formal stability of orbits about an oblate planet
QA689 M66
Vol. 80. Steinberg, Robert
Endomorphisms of linear agebraic groups
QA184 S74
Vol. 79. Brezin, Jonathan Paul
Unitary representation theory for solvable Lie groups
QA387 B74
Vol. 78. Moore, Robert Thorpe
Measurable, continuous and smooth vectors for semigroups and group representations
QA322 M66
Vol. 77. Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell
Monotone processes of convex and concave type
Q640 R63
Vol. 76. Hale, Jack K., Meyer, Kenneth R.
A class of functional equations of neutral type
QA431 H34
Vol. 75. Effros, Edward G.; Hahn, Frank John
Locally compact transformation groups and C*-algebras
QA601 E44
Vol. 74. Massey, William Schumacher; Peterson, F. P.
The mod 2 cohomology structure of certain fibre spaces
QA611 M375
Vol. 73. Osher, Stanley
Two papers on similarity of certain Volterra integral operators
QA320 O74
Vol. 72. Mahowald, Mark E.
The metastable homotopy of Sn
QA611 M326
Vol. 71. Humphreys, James Edward
Algebraic groups and modular Lie algebras
QA171 H83
Vol. 70. Pierce, Richard S.
Modules over commutative regular rings
QA247 P54
Vol. 69. Sally, Paul J.
Analytic continuation of the irreducible unitary representations of the universal covering group of SL(2, R)
QA612 S35
Vol. 68. Harrison, David Kent
Finite and infinite primes for rings and fields
QA246 H37
Vol. 67. Bernstein, Leon
The modified algorithm of Jacobi-Perron
QA9.58 B47
Vol. 66. Berger, Robert
The undecidability of the domino problem
QA297 B47
Vol. 65. Brown, William G.
On the enumeration of non-planar maps
QA646 B76
Vol. 64. Guillemin, Victor W.
Deformation theory of pseudogroup structures
QA641 G85
Vol. 63. Rosenthal, Haskell P.
Projections onto translation-invariant subspaces of Lp(G)
QA433 R67
Vol. 62. Auslander, Louis; Moore, Calvon C.
Unitary representations of solvable lie groups
QA387 A86
Vol. 61. Prosser, Reese T.
A new formulation of particle mechanics
QC174.12 P76
Vol. 60. Conner, P. E.; Floyd, Edwin Earl
Torsion in SU-bordism
QA935 C65
Vol. 59. Wainger, Stephen
Special trigonometric series in k-dimensions
QA404 W34
Vol. 57. Levy, Azriel
A hierarchy of formulas in set theory
QA248 L48
Vol. 56. Sarason, Donald
The H p spaces of an annulus
QA322.4 S37
Vol. 55. Eilenberg, Samuel
Foundations of relative homological algebra
QA157 E5
Vol. 54. Reay, John R.
Generalizations of a theorem of Carathéodory
QA640 R43
Vol. 53. Topping, David M.
Jordan algebras of self-adjoint operators
QA252.5 T66
Vol. 52. Chase, S. V.; Harrison, D. K.; Rosenberg, Alex
Abelian extensions of commutative rings
QA247 C42
Vol. 51. Clarke, Douglas Albert
Hierarchies of predicates of finite types
QA248.5 C53
Vol. 50. Miller, Willard
On Lie algebras and some special functions of mathematical physics
QA252.3 M54
Vol. 49. Matlis, Eben
Cotorsion modules
QA935 M37
Vol. 47. Loud, Warren Simms
Periodic solutions of perturbed second-order autonomous equations
QA377 L68
Vol. 46. Gross, Leonard
Harmonic analysis on Hilbert space
QA403 G7
Vol. 45. Prosser, Reese T.
On the ideal structure of operator algebras
QA154 A5
Vol. 44. Oglesby, Francis C.
An examination of a decision procedure
QA9 O3
Vol. 43. Hofmann, Karl Heinrich; Mostert, Paul S.
Splitting in topological groups
QC174.5 H64
Vol. 42. Liulevicius, Arunas Leonardas
The factorization of cyclic reduced powers by secondary cohomology operations
QA611 L5
Vol. 41. Wong, Yung-Chow
Isoclinic n-planes in Euclidean 2n-space, Clifford parallels in elliptic (2n-1) -space, and the Hurwitz matrix equations
QA551 W54
Vol. 40. Hamstrom, Mary Elizabeth
Regular mappings and the space of homeomorphisms on a 3-manifold
QA360 H3
Vol. 39. Shapiro, Victor L
Topics in Fourier and geometric analysis
QA331.5 S4
Vol. 38. Beamont, Ross Allen
Torsion free groups of rank two
QC1745 B4
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