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Vol. 71 Grigoryan, Alexander
Introduction to analysis on graphs
QA166 G756
Vol. 70 Putnam, Ian F.
Cantor minimal systems
QA611.23 P87
Vol. 69 De Concini, Corrado; Procesi, Claudio
The invariant theory of matrices
QA188 D43
Vol. 68 Auffinger, Antonio; Damron, Michael; Hanson, Jack
50 years of first-passage percolation
QA274.73 A84
Vol. 67 Ruette, Sylvie
Chaos on the interval
QA297.75 R84
Vol. 66 Steinberg, Robert
Lectures on Chevalley groups
QA179 S73
Vol. 64 Guth, Larry
Polynomial methods in combinatorics
QA167 G87
Vol. 63 Tabuada, Gonçalo
Noncommutative motives
QA564 T33
Vol. 61 Murre, Jacob P.; Nagel, Jan; Peters, Chris A. M.
Lectures on the theory of pure motives
QA564 M867
Vol. 60 Meeks, William ; Pérez, Joaquín
A survey on classical minimal surface theory
QA644 M42
Vol. 59 Paycha, Sylvie
Regularised integrals, sums, and traces : an analytic point of view
QA351 P39
Vol. 58 Lax, Peter D.; Zalcman, Lawrence Allen
Complex proofs of real theorems
QA331.7 L39
Vol. 57 Sottile, Frank
Real solutions to equations from geometry
QA564 S68
Vol. 56 Khelemskii, A. Yakovlevich
Quantum functional analysis : non-coordinate approach
QA321 K44
Vol. 55 Goldreich, Oded
A primer on pseudorandom generators
QA267.7 G66
Vol. 54 Mackay, John M.; Tyson, Jeremy T.
Conformal dimension : theory and application
QA360 M33
Vol. 53 Morgan, John W.; Fong, Frederick Tsz-Ho
Ricci flow and geometrization of 3-manifolds
QA613.2 M665
Vol. 52 Aprodu, Marian; Nagel, Jan
Koszul cohomology and algebraic geometry
QA564 A67
Vol. 51 Hough, J. Ben; Krishnapur, Manjunath; Peres, Yuval; Virag, Bálint
Zeros of Gaussian analytic functions and determinantal point processes
QA274.4 Z47
Vol. 50 Baldwin, John T.
QA9.67 B35
Vol. 49 Beck, Jozsef
Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics
QA269 B445
Vol. 47. Kunz, Ernst
Residues and duality for projective algebraic varieties
QA564 K86
Vol. 46. Sadun, Lorenzo Adlai
Topology of tiling spaces
QA611.3 S33
Vol. 45.Baker, Matthew; Savitt, David; Thakur, Dinesh S.; Kedlaya, Kiran S.; Teitelbaum, Jeremy
p-adic geometry : lectures from the 2007 Arizona Winter School
QA242.5 A76
Vol. 44. Kanoveæi, V. G.
Borel equivalence relations : structure and classification
QA248 K355
Vol. 43. Zampieri, G.
Complex analysis and CR geometry
QA374 Z35
Vol. 42. Brenner, Holger; Herzog, Jurgen; Villamayor, Orlando E.
Three lectures on commutative algebra
QA251.3 W55
Vol. 40. Pestov, Vladimir
Dynamics of infinite-dimensional groups : the Ramsey-Dvoretzky-Milman phenomenon
QA613.2 P47 2006
Vol. 39. Zariski, Oscar
The moduli problem for plane branches
QA567 Z3713
Vol. 38. Ahlfors, Lars Valerian
Lectures on quasiconformal mappings
QA360 A43 2006
Vol. 37. Polishchuk, Alexander
Quadratic algebras
QA247 P656
Vol. 36. Marcolli, Matilde
Arithmetic noncommutative geometry
QA641 M355
Vol. 35. Capogna, Luca
Harmonic measure : geometric and analytic points of view
QA404.7 C36
Vol. 33. Seip, Kristian
Interpolation and sampling in spaces of analytic functions
QA331 S425
Vol. 32. Larson, Paul Bradley
The stationary tower : notes on a course by W. Hugh Woodin
QA9.7 L37
Vol. 31. Roe, John
Lectures on coarse geometry
QA611.28 R634
Vol. 30. Katok, Anatole
Combinatorial constructions in ergodic theory and dynamics
QA611.5 K36
Vol. 29. Wolff, Thomas H..
Lectures on harmonic analysis
QA403 W65
Vol. 28. Garibaldi, Skip; Merkurjev, Alexander; Serre, Jean Pierre
Cohomological invariants in Galois cohomology
QA169 G375
Vol. 27. Chang, Sun-Yung A; Freire, Alexandre S.
Conformal, Riemannian and Lagrangian geometry : the 2000 Barrett lectures
QA609 C65
Vol. 26 Ariki, Susumu
Representations of quantum algebras and combinatorics of young tableaux
QA176 A75
Vol. 25. Ross, William T.; Shapiro, Harold S.
Generalized analytic continuation
QA331.7 R67
Vol. 24. Buchstaber, Victor M.; Panov, Taras E.
Torus actions and their applications in topology and combinatorics
QA613.2 B83
Vol. 23. Barreira, Luis; Pesin, Ya. B.
Lyapunov exponents and smooth ergodic theory
QA611.5 B29
Vol. 21. Bakalov, Bojko
Lectures on tensor categories and modular functors
QA169 B35
Vol. 20. Etheridge, Alison
An introduction to superprocesses
QA274.46 E74
Vol. 19. Minlos, Robert Adol’fovich
Introduction to mathematical statistical physics
QC174.8 M55
Vol. 18. Nakajima, Hiraku
Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
QA564 N34
Vol. 17. Berger, Marcel
Riemannian geometry during the second half of the twentieth century
QA649 B465
Vol. 16. Harish-Chandra; DeBacker, Stephen; Sally, Paul
Admissible invariant distributions on reductive p-adic groups
QA174.2 H37
Vol. 15 Mathas, Andrew
Iwahori-Hecke algebras and Schur algebras of the symmetric group
QA174.2 M37
Vol. 14. Kadison, Lars
New Examples of Frobenius Extensions
QA251.5 K33
Vol. 13. Eliashberg, Yakov; Thurston, William P.
QA613.62 E55
Vol. 12. Macdonald, Ian Grant
Symmetric functions and orthogonal polynomials
QA212 M33
Vol. 11. Garding, Lars
Some points of analysis and their history
QA300.5 G37
Vol. 10. Kac, Victor G.
Vertex algebras for beginners
QC174.52O6 K33 1997
Vol. 9. Gelbart, Stephen S.
Lectures on the Arthur-Selberg trace formula
QA241 G448 1996
Vol. 8. Sturmfels, Bernd
Gröbner Bases and Convex Polytopes
QA251.3 S787 1995
Vol. 7. Magid, Andy R.
Lectures on differential Galois theory
QA174.2 M34
Vol. 6. McDuff, Dusa; Salamon, Dietmar
J-holomorphic curves and quantum cohomology
QA649 M33
Vol. 5. Arnolʻd, Vladimir Igorevich
Topological invariants of plane curves and caustics
QA643 A75
Vol. 4. Goldschmidt, David M.
Group characters, symmetric functions, and the Hecke algebra
QA174.2 G65 (Lo tiene Biblioteca Unidad Morelia)
Vol. 3. Varchenko, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Why the boundary of a round drop becomes a curve of order four
QA379 V3713
Vol. 2. John, Fritz
Nonlinear wave equations, formation of singularities
QA927 J64
Vol. 1. Freedman, Michael H.; Luo, Feng
Selected applications of geometry to low-dimensional topology
QA612.14 F74