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Vol. 90 Scoville, Nicholas A.
Discrete Morse theory
QA612.14 S368
Vol. 86 Frankl, Peter; Tokushige, Norihide
Extremal problems for finite sets
QA295 F735
Vol. 85 Shapiro, Joel H.
Volterra adventures
QA431 S427
Vol. 83 Shemanske, Thomas R.
Modern cryptography and elliptic curves : a beginner’s guide
QA567.2E44 S48
Vol. 82 Wadsworth, Adrian R.
Problems in abstract algebra
QA162 W33
Vol. 81 Climenhaga, Vaughn; Katok, A. B.
From groups to geometry and back
QA174.2 C55
Vol. 80 DeVos, Matthew Jared; Kent, Deborah A.
Game theory: a playful introduction
QA269 D48
Vol. 79 Tapp, Kristopher
Matrix groups for undergraduates.-- 2nd ed.
QA184.2 T37 2016
Vol. 78 Nelson, Gail Susan
A user-friendly introduction to Lebesgue measure and integration
QC20.7M43 N45
Vol. 77 Kuhnel, Wolfgang
Differential geometry : curves, surfaces, manifolds
QA641 K8413 2015
Vol. 76 Roe, John
Winding around : the winding number in topology, geometry, and analysis
QA299.8 R64
Vol. 75 Kantor, Ida; Matousek, Jiri; Samal, Robert
Mathematics++ : selected topics beyond the basic courses
QA11.2 K35
Vol. 74 Elhamdadi, Mohamed; Nelson, Sam
Quandles : an introduction to the algebra of knots
QA612.2 E57
Vol. 73. Landman, Bruce M.; Robertson, Aaron
Ramsey theory on the integers
QA166 L35 2015
Vol. 72 Kot, Mark
A first course in the calculus of variations
QA315 K67
Vol. 71 Spencer, Joel H.; Florescu, Laura
QA164 S64
Vol. 70 Rempe-Gillen, Lasse; Waldecker, Rebecca
Primality testing for beginners
QA241 R4513
Vol. 69 Levi, Mark
Classical mechanics with calculus of variations, and optimal control : an intuitive introduction
QA805 L44 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 68 Wagstaff, Samuel S.
The joy of factoring
QA241 W33
Vol. 67 Moore, Emily H.; Pollatsek, Harriet
Difference sets - connecting algebra, combinatorics and geometry
QA166.25 M66
Vol. 66 Garrity, Thomas A. et al.
Algebraic geometry : a problem solving approach
QA564 G37
Vol. 65 Moll, Victor H.
Numbers and functions : from a classical-experimental mathematician’s point of view
QA331 M64
Vol. 64 Sossinsky, A. B.
QA445 S593 2012b
Vol. 63 Ward, Lesley A.; Ward, Lesley A.
Harmonic analysis : from Fourier to wavelets
QA403 P47
Vol. 62 Weber, Rebecca
Computability theory
QA9.6 W43
Vol. 61 Bonato, Anthony; Nowakowski, Richard J.
The game of cops and robbers on graphs
QA166 B65
Vol. 60 Schwartz, Richard Evan
Mostly surfaces
QA571 S345
Vol. 59 Etingof, P. I.; Golberg, Oleg; Hensel, Sebastian; Liu Tiankai; Schwendner, Alex; Vaintrob, Dmitry; Yudivina, Elena
Introduction to representation theory
QA155 I58
Vol. 58 Lozano-Robledo, Alvaro.
Elliptic curves, modular forms, and their L-functions
QA567.2E44 L69
Vol. 57 Grinstead, Charles M.; Peterson, William Paul; Snell, J. Laurie
Probability tales
QA274 G755
Vol. 56 Garbaldi, Julia; Iosevich, Alex; Senger, Steven
The Erdos distance problem
QA164 G37
Vol. 55 Lawler, Gregory F.
Random walk and the heat equation
QA274.73 l389
Vol. 54 Kasman, Alex
Glimpses of soliton theory : the algebra and geometry of nonlinear PDEs
QA377 K37
Vol. 52 Pesin, Ya. B.; Climenhaga, Vaughn
Lectures on fractal geometry and dynamical systems
QA614.86 P47
Vol. 51 Palais, Richard S.; Palais, Robert Andrew
Differential equations, mechanics, and computation
QA371 P34
Vol. 50 Mesterton-Gibbons, Mike
A primer on the calculus of variations and optimal control theory
QA315 M47
Vol. 49 Bonahon, Francis
Low-dimensional geometry : from Euclidean surfaces to hyperbolic knots
QA613 B65
Vol. 48 Franks, John M.
A (terse) introduction to Lebesgue integration
QA312 F73
Vol. 47 Faddeev, L. D.; Yakubovskii, O. A.
Lectures on quantum mechanics for mathematics students
QC174.125 F3313
Vol. 46. Katok, Anatole; Climenhaga, Vaughn
Lectures on surfaces: (almost) everything you wanted to know about them
QA571 K37
Vol. 45. Edwards, Harold M.
Higher arithmetic : an algorithmic introduction to number theory
QA241 E38
Vol. 44. Katznelson, Yitzhak; Katznelson, Yonatan R.
A (terse) introduction to linear algebra
QA184.2 K37
Vol. 43. Agricola, Ilka; Friedrich, Thomas
Elementary geometry
QA453 A4713
Vol. 42. Silva, César Ernesto
Invitation to ergodic theory
QA313 S54
Vol. 41. Mullen, Gary L.; Mummet, Carl
Finite fields and applications
QA247.3 M85
Vol. 40. Han, Deguang; Kornelson, Keri; Larson, David; Weber, Eric
Frames for undergraduates
QA433 F73
Vol. 39. Iosevich, Alex
A view from the top : analysis, combinatorics and number theory
QA295 I665
Vol. 38. Fristedt, Bert; Jain, N.
Filtering and prediction : a primer
QA274.7 F75
Vol. 37. Katok, Svetlana
P-adic analysis compared with real
QA241 K38
Vol. 36. Neusel, Mara D.
Invariant theory
QA201 N48
Vol. 35. Bewersdorff, Jörg
Galois theory for beginners : a historical perspective
QA214 B49
Vol. 34. Berndt, Bruce C.
Number theory in the spirit of Ramanujan
QA241 B465
Vol. 33. Thomas, Rekha R.
Lectures in geometric combinatorics
QA167 T45
Vol. 32. Katz, Sheldon
Enumerative geometry and string theory
QA607 K37
Vol. 31. McCleary, John
A first course in topology : continuity and dimension
QA611 M387
Vol. 30. Tabachnikov, Serge
Geometry and billiards
QA462.2G34 T33
Vol. 29. Tapp, Kristopher
Matrix groups for undergraduates
QA184.2 T37
Vol. 28. Lesigne, Emmanuel
Heads or tails : an introduction to limit theorems in probability
QA273.67 L4713
Vol. 27. Illner, Reinhard; Bohun, C. Sean; McCollum, Samantha; Roode, Thea van
Mathematical modelling : a case studies approach
QA401 M377 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 26. Hardt, Robert (Ed.)
Six themes on variation
QA315 S59
Vol. 25. Duzhin, Sergei Vasilievich; Chebotarevskii, Boris Dmitrievich
Transformation groups for beginners
QA385 D8913
Vol. 24. Landman, Bruce M.
Ramsey theory on the integers
QA166 L35
Vol. 23. Lando, Sergei K.
Lectures on generating functions
QA164.8 L3513
Vol. 22. Arvanitoyeorgos, Andreas
An introduction to Lie groups and the geometry of homogeneous spaces
QA387 A78
Vol. 21. Kaczor, Wieslawa J.; Nowak, Maria T.
Problems in Mathematical Analysis III: Integration
QA300 K3313
Vol. 20. Hulek, Klaus
Elementary algebraic geometry
QA565 H8513
Vol. 19. Vereshchagin, Nikolai Konstantinovich; Shen, Alexander
Computable functions
QA9.59 V4713
Vol. 18. Yashchenko, V. V. (Ed.)
Cryptography : an introduction
QA76.9A25 V8413
Vol. 17. Vereshchagin, Nikolai Konstantinovich; Shen, Alexander
Basic set theory
QA248 V4713
Vol. 16. Kuhnel, Wolfgang
Differential geometry : curves-surfaces-manifolds
QA641 K8413 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 15. Fischer, Gerd
Plane algebraic curves
QA567 F5713
Vol. 14. Vassiliev, V. A.
Introduction to topology
QA611 V3713
Vol. 13. Almgren, Frederick Justin
Plateau’s problem : an invitation to varifold geometry
QA649 A5 2001
Vol. 12. Kaczor, Wieslawa J.
Problems in mathematical analysis II: Continuity and differentiation
QA300 K3313
Vol. 11. Mesterton-Gibbons, Mike
An introduction to game-theoretic modelling
QA269 M47 2001
Vol. 10. Oprea, John
The mathematics of soap films : explorations with Maple
QA644 O67
Vol. 9. Blair, David E.
Inversion theory and conformal mapping
QA473 B53
Vol. 8. Burger, Edward B.
Exploring the number jungle : a journey into diophantine analysis
QA242 B875
Vol. 7. Walker, Judy L.
Codes and curves
QA268 W35
Vol. 6. Tenenbaum, Gerald; Mendes France, Michel
The prime numbers and their distribution
QA246 T4513
Vol. 5. Mehlmann, Alexander
The game’s afoot! : game theory in myth and paradox
QA269 M4413 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 4. Kaczor, Wieslawa J.; Nowak, Maria T.
Problems in mathematical analysis I: Real numbers, sequences and series
QA300 K3313
Vol. 3. Knobel, Roger
An introduction to the mathematical theory of waves
QA927 K56 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 2. Lawler, Gregory F.; Coyle, Lester Noel
Lectures on contemporary probability
QA274 L384
Vol. 1. Radin, Charles
Miles of tiles
QA166.8 R33