Vol. 63 Richmond, Bettina; Richmond, Thomas A discrete transition to advanced mathematics. -- 2nd ed. QA39.3 R53 2023
Vol. 59 Gonzalez, Oscar Topics in applied mathematics and modeling : concise theory with case studies QA372 G655
Vol. 58 Cioabă, Sebastian M.; Linde, Werner A bridge to advanced mathematics: from natural to complex numbers QA141 C46
Vol. 58 Cioabă, Sebastian M.; Linde, Werner A bridge to advanced mathematics : from natural to complex numbers QA141 C46
Vol. 51 King, James R. Geometry transformed: euclidean plane geometry based on rigid motions QA451 K55
Vol. 50 Keener, James P. Biology in time and space: a partial differential equation modeling approach QH323.5 K445
Vol. 46 Taylor, Michael E. Introduction to analysis in several variables: advanced calculus QA303.2 T388
Vol. 44 Uribe A., Alejandro Explorations in analysis, topology, and dynamics: an introduction to abstract mathematics QA300 U75
Vol. 39 Hwang, Andrew D. Sets, groups, and mappings: an introduction to abstract mathematics QA152.3 H83
Vol. 35 Lozano-Robledo, Álvaro Number theory and geometry: an introduction to arithmetic geometry QA242.5 L69
Vol. 28 Pruim, Randall J. Foundations and applications of statistics: an introduction using R, second edition QA276.45R3 P78 2018
Vol. 19 Robinson, R. Clark An introduction to dynamical systems: continuous and discrete. 2nd ed. QA614.8 R636 2012
Vol. 15 Pinsky, Mark A. Partial differential equations and boundary-value problems with applications. 3rd ed. QA374 P553 2011
Vol. 13 Prium, Randall Foundations and applications of statistics: an introduction using R QA276.45R3 P78
Vol. 7 Goodman, Victor; Stampfli, Joseph The mathematics of finance: modeling and hedging En proceso de adquisición
Vol. 6 Bean, Michael A. Probability: the science of uncertainty: with applications to investments, insurance, and engineering QA273 B399 2001 (Ctro. de Ciencias Matemáticas; FES Cuautitlán)
Vol. 4 Folland, Gerald B. Fourier analysis and its applications QA403.5 F65 2009 (Inst. Matemáticas Cuernavaca; IIMAS; FES Acatlán)
Vol. 3 Richmond, Bettina; Richmond, Thomas A discrete transition to advanced mathematics QA39.3 R53 2004 (Inst. Matemáticas Cuernavaca)
Vol. 2 Kincaid, David; Cheney, Ward Numerical analysis: mathematics of scientific computing. 3rd ed. QA297 K535 2009