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Vol. 72 Hu, H. Van (Ed.)
Modern aspects of random matrix theory : AMS Short Course, Random Matrices, January 6-7, 2013, San Diego, California
QA196.5 A57 2013
Vol. 71 Abramsky, Samson; Mislove, Michael W. (Ed.)
Mathematical foundations of information flow : Clifford lectures information flow in physics, geometry, and logic and computation, March 12-15, 2008, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
QA169 M38
Vol. 70 Zomorodian, Afra J. (Ed.)
Advances in applied and computational topology : American Mathematical Society Short Course on Computational Topology, January 4-5, 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana
QA169 A55
Vol. 69 Sigmund, Karl (Ed.)
Evolutionary game dynamics : American Mathematical Society Short Course, January 4-5, 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana
QA269 A54
Vol. 68 Lomonaco, Samuel J. (Ed.)
Quantum information science and its contributions to mathematics : AMS Short Course, quantum computation and quantum information, January 3-4, 2009, Washington, D C
QA10.35 A55
Vol. 67 Tadmor, Eitan; Liu, Jian-Guo; Tzavaras, Athanasios E. (Eds.)
Hyperbolic problems: theory, numerics and applications : proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, June 9-13, 2008, Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling, University of Maryland, College Park. Pt. 1. Plenary and invited talks -- Pt. 2. Contributed talks
QA377 I582 2008
Vol. 66 Buck, Dorothy; Flapan, Erica (Eds.)
Applications of knot theory : American Mathematical Society, Short Course, January 4-5, 2008, San Diego, California
QA612.2 A526
Vol. 65.
Bonilla, L. L.; Carpio, A.; Vega, J. M.; Venakides, S. (Eds.)
Recent Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications: conference in honor of Peter D. Lax and Louis Nirenberg on their 80th birthdays, June 7-10, 2006, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha at Palacio Lorenzana, Toledo, Spain
QA376 R43
Vol. 64. Laubenbacher, Reinhard C.
Modeling and Simulation of Biological Networks: American Mathematical short course, January 10-11, 2006, San Antonio Texas
QH323.5 A496 2006
Vol. 63. Ólafsson, Gestur; Quinto, Eric Todd (Eds.)
The Radon transform, inverse problems, and tomography. American Mathematical Society short course, January 3-4, 2005, Atlanta, Georgia
QA672 R33
Vol. 62. Garrett, Paul; Lieman, Daniel (Eds.)
Public-key cryptography : American Mathematical Society short course, January 13-14, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland
QA76.9A25 P829
Vol. 61. Hosten, Serkan; Lee, Jon; Thomas, Rekha R.
Trends in optimization : American Mathematical Society short course, January 5-6, 2004, Phoeniz, Arizona
QA402.5 A59 2004
Vol. 60. Williams, Susan G. (Ed.)
Symbolic dynamics and its applications : American Mathematical Society short course, January 4-5, 2002, San Diego, California
QA614.85 A54
Vol. 57 Heath, David C.; Swindle, Glen (Eds.)
Introduction to mathematical finance : American Mathematical Society short course, January 6-7, 1997, San Diego, California
HG4515.2 I57
Vol. 56. Cronin, Jane; O'Malley, Robert E. (Eds.)
Analyzing multiscale phenomena using singular perturbation methods : American Mathematical Society short course, January 5-6, 1998, Baltimore, Maryland
QA372 A525
Vol. 55. Hoffman, Frederick (Ed.)
Mathematical aspects of artifical intelligence : American Mathematical Society short course, January 8-9, 1996, Orlando, Florida
Q335 M376
Vol. 54. Spigler, Renato; Venakides, Stephanos (Eds.)
Recent advances in partial differential equations, Venice 1996 : proceedings of a conference in honor of the 70th birthdays of Peter D. Lax and Louis Nirenberg : June 10-14, 1996, Venice, Italy
QA374 R425
Vol. 53. Cox, David A.; Sturmfels, Bernd (Eds.)
Applications of computational algebraic geometry : American Mathematical Society short course, January 6-7, 1997
QA564 A66
Vol. 52. Mandrekar, Vidyadhar; Masani, Pesi Rustom (Eds.)
Proceedings of the Norbert Wiener Centenary Congress, 1994 : Michigan State University, November 27-December 3, 1994
QA274.2 N67 1994
Vol. 51. Kauffman, Louis H. (Ed.)
The Interface of knots and physics : American Mathematicas Society short course, January 2-3, 1995, San Francisco, California
QC20.7K56 I57
Vol. 50. Calderbank, Robert (Ed.)
Different aspects of coding theory : American Mathematical Society short course, January 2-3, 1995, San Francisco, California
QA268 D54
Vol. 49. Devaney, Robert L. (Ed.)
Complex dynamical systems : the mathematics behind the Mandelbrot and Julia sets : American Mathematical Soceity short course, held in Cicinnati, Ohio, Jabuary 10-11, 1994
QA614.8 C666
Vol. 47. Daubechies, Ingrid (Ed.)
Different perspectives on wavelets : American Mathematical Society short course, January 11-12, 1993, San Antonio, Texas
QA403.3 D54
Vol. 46. Burr, Stefan Andrus (Ed.)
The unreasonable effectiveness of number theory : lectures notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society, short course, held in Orono, Maine, August 6-7, 1991
QA241 U57
Vol. 43. Guy, Richard K. (Ed.)
Combinatorial games : lectures notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society shor course, held in columbus, Ohio, August 6-7, 1990
QA269 C62
Vol. 42. Pomerance, Carl (Ed.)
Cryptology and computational number theory : lectures notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Boulder, Colorado, August 6-7, 1989
QA76.9A25 C83
Vol. 41. Baillieul, J. (Ed.)
Robotics : lectures notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Louisville, Kenctuky, January 16-17, 1990
TJ211 R634
Vol. 40. Johnson, Charles R. (Ed.)
Matrix theory and applications : lectures notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Phoenix, Arizona, January 10-11, 1989
QA188 M36
Vol. 39. Devaney, Robert L.; Alligood, Kathleen T. (Eds.)
Chaos and fractals : the mathematics behind the computer graphics : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Providence, Rhode Island, August 6-7, 1988
T385 C458
Vol. 38. Hartmanis, Juris (Ed.)
Computational complexity theory : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Atlanta, Georgia, January 5-6, 1988
QA267 C645
Vol. 37. Landau, Henry J. (Ed. )
Moments in mathematics : lectures notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in San Antonio, Texas, January 20-22, 1987
QA432 M65
Vol. 36. De Boor, Carl (Ed.)
Approximation theory : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, January 5-6, 1986
QA221 A654
Vol. 35 Panjer, Harry H. (Ed.)
Actuarial mathematics : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Laramie, Wyoming, August 10-11, 1985
HG8781 A37
Vol. 34. Anshel, Michael; Gewirtz, William (Eds.)
Mathematics of information processing : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Louisville, Kentuky, January 23-24, 1984
QA76.9M35 M39
Vol. 33. Young, H. Peyton (Ed.)
Fair allocation ; lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Anaheim, California, January 7-8, 1985
T57.77 F35
Vol. 32. Mckelvey, Robert W. (Ed.)
Environmental and natural resource mathematics : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Eugene, Oregon, August 14-15, 1984
HC79 E58
Vol. 29. Demillo, Richard A..; Davida, George I.; Doklin, David P.; Harrison, Michael A.; Lipton, Richard J. (Eds.)
Applied cryptology, cryptographic protocols, and computer security models : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in San Francisco, California, January 5-6, 1981
QA76.9A25 A66
Vol. 28. Gnanadesikan, Ram (Ed.)
Statistical data analysis : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Toronto, Ontario Canada, August 21-22, 1982
QA276.16 S73
Vol. 27. Shepp. Lawrence A. (Ed.)
Computed tomography : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Cincinnati, Ohio, January 11-12, 1982
RC78.7T6 C65 1982
Vol. 26. Burr, Stefan Andrus (Ed.)
The mathematics of networks : lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society short course, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 15-16, 1981
T57.85 M39
Vol. 24. Lucas, William F... [et al.]
Game theory and its applications : lecture notes prepared for the AmericaMathematical Society short course game theory and its applications, held in Biloxi, Mississippi, January 22-23, 1979
QA269 A54 1979
Vol. 22. Golub, Gene Howard; Oliger, Joseph (Ed.)
Numerical analysis : lectures notes prepared for American Mathematical Society short course, held in Atlanta, Georgia, January 3-4, 1978
QA297 A527 1978
Vol. 16. Bellman, Richard Ernest (Ed.)
Stochastic processes in mathematical physics and engineering. held in New York City, April 30- May 2, 1963.
QA273 S89
Vol. 15 Metropolis, N. C. ; Taub, A. H.; Todd, John; Tompkins, C. B. (Eds.)
Experimental arithmetic, high speed computing and mathematics proceedings of the fifteenth symposium in applied mathematics of the American Mathematical Society., held in Chicago, Illinois, April 12-14, 1962
QA76 S89
Vol. 13. Birkhoff, Garret; Bellman, Richard; Lin, C. C.
Hydrodynamic instability : proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium in Applied Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, held at Hotel Yorker, New York on April 14-15, 1960
QC151 H93 1962
Vol. 12 Jakobson, Roman (Ed.)
Structure of language and its mathematical aspects, proceedings of the twelfth symposium in applied mathematics, sponsored by American Mathematical Society Association for Symbolic Logic, and Linguistic Society of America
Solo en formato electrónico
Vol. 11. Birkhoff, Garret; Wigner, Eugene P. (Eds.)
Nuclear reactor theory : proceedings of the eleventh symposium in appled mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, held at the Hotel New Yorker, April 23-25, 1959
QC787.N8 S95
Vol. 10. Bellman, Richard Ernest; Hall, Marshall (Eds.)
Combinatorial analysis. Proceedings of the tenth Symposium in applied Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, held at Columbia University, April 24-26, 1958
QA165 S95 1958
Vol. 7 Maccoll, Le Roy Archibald (Ed.)
Applied probability ; proceedings of the seventh symposium in applied mathematics of the american mathematical society, held... april 14-15, 1955
QA273 A5
Vol. 6. Curtis, John H. (Ed.)
Numerical analysis. Proceedings of the sixth symposium in applied mathematics of the american mathematical society, held august 26-28, 1953
QA297 A52
Vol. 4. Martin, M. H., (Ed.)
Fluid dynamics. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium in Applied Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, held at the University of Maryland, june 22-23, 1951
QA911 S95 1951
Vol. 3. Churchill, R. V.; Reissner, Eric; Taub, A. H. 8ed.s)
Elasticity. Proceedings of the third Symposium in Applied Mahematics of the American Mathematical Society, held at the University of Michigan, June 14-16, 1949
QA931 S95 1949
Vol. 2. Taub, A. H.; Reissener, Eric; Churchill, R. V.
Electromagnetic theory. Proceedings of the Second Symposium in Applied Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July, 29-31, 1948
QA669 S95 1948
Vol. 1. Reissner, Eric; Prager, William; Stoker, J. J. (Eds.)
Non-linear problems in mechanics of continua : proceedings of the first symposium applied mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, held at Brow University, August 2-4, 1947
QA901 S95