![]() |
Vol. 229 Molev, Alexander
Sugawara operators for classical Lie algebras
QA252.3 M653
Vol. 227 Frigerio, Roberto
Bounded cohomology of discrete groups
QA612.3 F76
Vol. 226 Aguiar, Marcelo; Mahajan, Swapneel Arvind
Topics in hyperplane arrangements
QA251.3 A48
Vol. 225 Bonk, Mario; Meyer, Daniel
Expanding thurston maps
QA612 B66
Vol. 224 Exel, Ruy
Partial dynamical systems, Fell bundles and applications
QA326 E94
Vol. 222 Buium, Alexandru
Foundations of arithmetic differential geometry
QA641 B75
Vol. 220 Shen, A.; Uspenskiĭ, V. A.; Vereshchagin, N.
Kolmogorov complexity and algorithmic randomness
QA267.7 S4413
Vol. 219 Schwartz, Richard Evan
The projective heat map
QA360 S34
Vol. 215 Bieri, Robert; Strebel, Ralph
On groups of PL-homeomorphisms of the real line
QA614 B54
Vol. 214 Speck, Jared
Shock formation in small-data solutions to 3D quasilinear wave equations
QC174.26W28 S72 2016
Vol. 213 Diamond, Harold G.; Zhang, Wen-Bin
Beurling generalized numbers
QA246 D52
Vol. 212 Dodos, Pandelis; Kanellopoulos, Vassilis
Ramsey theory for product spaces
QA164 D63
Vol. 210 Bell, Jason P.; Ghioca, Dragos; Tucker, Thomas J.
The dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture
QA565 B45
Vol. 208 Ozsváth, Peter Steven; Stipsicz, András; Szabó, Zoltán
Grid homology for knots and links
QA612.2 O97
Vol. 206 Chow, Bennett, et al.
The Ricci flow : techniques and applications
QA670 R53
Vol. 205 Etingof, Pavel I; Gelaki, Shlomo; Nikshych, Dmitri; Ostrik, Victor
Tensor categories
QA612 E75
Vol. 204 Buchstaber, Victor M.; Panov, Taras E.
Toric topology
QA613.2 B82
Vol. 203 Yau, Donald Ying; Johnson, Mark W.
A foundation for PROPs, algebras, and modules
QA175 Y38
Vol. 202 Artstein-Avidan, Shiri; Giannopoulos, Apostolos; Milman, Vitali D.
Asymptotic geometric analysis. Part I
QA360 A78 v. I
Vol. 197 Schwartz, Richard Evan
The octogonal PETs
QA691 S36
Vol. 196 Brazitikos, Silouanos
Geometry of isotropic convex bodies
QA331.5 B74
Vol. 195 Chai, Ching-Li; Conrad, Brian; Oort, Frans
Complex multiplication and lifting problems
QA564 C46
Vol. 194 Herrmann, Samuel; Imkeller, Peter; Pavlyukevich, IIya; Peithmann, Dierk
Stochastic resonance : a mathematical approach in the small noise limit
QA274.25 H47
Vol. 193 Rumely, Robert
Capacity theory with local rationality : the strong Fekete-Szegő theorem on curves
QA565 R86
Vol. 192 Efendiev, Messoud
Attractors for degenerate parabolic type equations
QA377 E44
Vol. 191 Berhuy, Grégory
An introduction to central simple algebras and their applications to wireless communication
QA247.45 B47
Vol. 190 Pukhlikov, Aleksandr
Birationally rigid varieties
QA564 P85
Vol. 189 Elduque, Alberto
Gradings on simple Lie algebras
QA252.3 .E43 2013
Vol. 188 Lannes, David
The water waves problem : mathematical analysis and asymptotics
TC172 L35
Vol. 187 Ghoussoub, Nassif; Moradifam, Amir
Functional inequalities : new perspectives and new applications
QA295 G48
Vol. 186 Berkolaiko, Gregory; Kuchment, Peter
Introduction to quantum graphs
QA166.165 B47
Vol. 185 Iglesias-Zemmour, Patrick
QA670 I45
Vol. 184 Gehring, Frederick W.; Hag, Kari
The ubiquitous quasidisk
QA360 G44
Vol. 183 Kresin, Gershon; Mazia, V. G.
Maximum principles and sharp constants for solutions of elliptic and parabolic systems
QA295 K7413
Vol. 182 Watson, N. A.
Introduction to Heat Potential Theory
QA404.7 W37
Vol. 181 Leuschke, Graham J.; Wiegand, Roger
Cohen-Macaulay representations
QA251.3 L48
Vol. 180 Liebeck, M. W.; Seitz, Gary M.
Unipotent and Nilpotent classes in simple algebraic groups and Lie algebras
QA179 L543
Vol. 179 Smith, Stephen D.
Subgroup complexes
QA177 S65
Vol. 178 Brass, Helmut; Petras, Knut
Quadrature Theory : the theory of numerical integration on a compact interval
QA299.4G3 B73
Vol. 177 Myasnikov, Alexei G.; Shpilrain, Vladimir; Ushakov, Alexander
Non-commutative cryptography and complexity of group-theoretic problems
QA182.5 M94
Vol. 176 Rasmussen, Martin; Kloeden, Peter E.
Nonautonomous dynamical systems
QA845 K56
Vol. 175 De Launey, Warwick; Flannery, Dane
Algebraic design theory
QA166.25 D43
Vol. 174 Levy, Lawrence S.; Robson, J. Chris
Hereditary noetherian prime rings and idealizers
QA169 L48
Vol. 173 Har-Peled, Sariel
Geometric approximation algorithms
QA448.D38 H37
Vol. 172 Aschbacher, Michael; Lyons, Richard; Smith, Stephen D.; Solomon, Ronald
The Classification of finite simple groups : groups of characteristic 2 type
QA177 C53
Vol. 171 Pastur, Leonid; Shcherbina, Mariya
Eigenvalue distribution of large random matrices
QA273.6 P365
Vol. 170 Costello, Kevin
Renormalization and effective field theory
QC174.17R46 C67
Vol. 169 Bruner, Robert Ray; Greenlees, John Patrick Campbell
Connective real K-theory of finite groups
QA612.33 B78 2010
Vol. 168 Gekhtman, Michael; Shapiro, Michael; Vainshtein, Alek
Algebras, rings, and modules : Lie algebras and Hopf algebras
QA613.8 H39
Vol. 167 Gekhtman, Michael; Shapiro, Michael; Vainshtein, Alek
Cluster algebras and Poisson geometry
QA251.3 G45
Vol. 166 Lee, Kyung Bai; Raymond, Frank
Seifert fiberings
QA612.6 L44
Vol. 165 Andreu-Vaillo, Fuensanta; Mazón, José M.; Rossi, Julio D.; Toledo-Melero, J. Julián
Nonlocal diffusion problems
QA431 N65
Vol. 164 Bogachev, Vladimir I.
Differentiable measures and the Malliavin calculus
QA312 B63
Vol. 163 Chow, Bennett... et al.
The Ricci Flow: techniques and applications: Part III: geometric-analytic aspects
QA670 R53 Part III
Vol. 162 Maz'ya, Rossmann, Jürgen
Elliptic equations in polyhedral domains
QA377 M397
Vol. 161 Perera, Kanishka; Agarwal, Ravi P.; O'Regan, Donal
Morse theoretic aspects of p-Laplacian type operators
QA614.7 P47
Vol. 160 Kechris, Alexander S.
Global aspects of ergodic group actions
QA313 K43
Vol. 159 Baker, Matthew; Rumely, Robert
Potential theory and dynamics on the Berkovich projective line
QA404.7 B35
Vol. 158 Yafaev, D. R.
Mathematical scattering theory: analytic theory
QA329 I34
Vol. 157 Chen, Xia
Random walk intersections: large deviations and related topics
QA274.73 C44
Vol. 156 Pava, Jaime Angulo
Nonlinear dispersive equations: existence and stability of solitary and periodic travelling wave solutions
QA927 P38
Vol. 155. Moschovakis, Yiannis N.
Descriptive set theory
QA248 M674 2009
Vol. 154 Cap, Andreas; Slovák, Jan
Parabolic geometries I: background and general theory
QA329.42 C36
Vol. 153 Kang, Hyeonbae; Lee, Hyundae
Layer potential techniques in spectral analysis
QA377 A577
Vol. 152. Pach, János; Sharir, Micha
Combinatorial geometry and its algorithmic applications : the Alcalá lectures
QA167 P335
Vol. 151. Binz, Ernst; Pods, Sonja
The geometry of Heisenberg groups : with applications in signal theory, optics, quantization, and field quantization
QC174.17H4 B53
Vol. 150. Deng, Bangming; Du, Jie; Parshall, Brian; Wang, Jianpan
Finite dimensional algebras and quantum groups
QA247.3 F544
Vol. 149 Folland, G. B.
Quantum field theory : a tourist guide for mathematicians
QC680 F65 2008
Vol. 148 Dehornoy, Patrick; Dynnikov, Ivan; Rolfsen, Dale; Wiest, Bert
Ordering braids
QA612.23 D45
Vol. 147 Benson, David J.; Smith, Stephen D.
Classifying spaces of sporadic groups
QA177 B46
Vol. 146 Marshall, Murray
Positive polynomials and sums of squares
QA432 M38
Vol. 145 Altnel, Tuna; Borovik, Alexandre; Cherlin, Gregory L.
Simple groups of finite Morley rank
QA9.7 A57
Vol. 144 Chow, Bennett... et al.
The Ricci flow: techniques and applications: Part II: analytic aspects
QA670 R53
Vol. 143 Molev, Alexander
Yangians and classical Lie algebras
QA252.3 M657
Vol. 142 Wolf, Joseph Albert
Harmonic analysis on commutative spaces
QA403 W64
Vol. 141 Mazia, Vladimir Gilelevich; Schmidt, Gunther
Approximate approximations
QA221 M39
Vol. 140 Barletta, E.; Dragomir, Sorin; Duggal, Krishan L.
Foliations in Cauchy-Riemann geometry
QA613.62 B37
Vol. 139 Tsfasman, M. A.; Vladut, S. G.; Nogin, Dmitry
Algebraic geometry codes : basic notions
QA268 T743
Vol. 138 Zhu, Kehe
Operator theory in function spaces
QA329 Z48 2007
Vol. 137 Katz, Mikhail Gersh
Systolic geometry and topology
QA564 K36
Vol. 136 Coron, Jean-Michel
Control and nonlinearity
QA402.3 C676
Vol. 135 Chow, Bennett... et al.
The Ricci flow : techniques and applications : Part I : Geometric aspects
QA670 R53
Vol. 134 Williams, Dana P.
Crossed products of C*-algebras
QA326 W49
Vol. 133 Knightly, Andrew; Li, Charles
Traces of Hecke operators
QA243 K55
Vol. 132 May, J. Peter; Sigurdsson, Johann
Parametrized homotopy theory
QA612.7 M396
Vol. 131 Feng, Jin; Kurtz, Thomas G.
Large deviations for stochastic processes
QA273.67 F45
Vol. 130 Han, Qing; Hong, Jia-Xing
Isometric embedding of Riemannian manifolds in Euclidean spaces
QA649 H35
Vol. 129 Singer, William M.
Steenrod squares in spectral sequences
QA612.8 S557 2006
Vol. 128 Fokas, A. S.,Its, Alexander R. ; Kapaev, Andrei A.; Novokshenov, Victor Yu.
Painlevé transcendents : the Riemann-Hilbert approach
QA372 P3394
Vol. 127 Chernov, Nikolai
Chaotic billiards
QA851 C44
Vol. 126 Huang, Sen-Zhong
Gradient inequalities : with applications to asymptotic behavior and stability of gradient-like systems
QA611.5 H83
Vol. 125 Cima, Joseph A.; Matheson, Alec L.; Ross, William T.
The Cauchy transform
QA331.7 C55
Vol. 124 Efrat, Ido
Valuations, orderings, and Milnor K-theory
QA247 E47
Vol. 123 Fantechi, Barbara... et al.
Fundamental algebraic geometry : Grothendieck’s FGA explained
QA564 F86
Vol. 122 Giambruno, A.; Zaicev, Mikhail
Polynomial identities and asymptotic methods
QA251 G53
Vol. 121 Zettl, Anton
Sturm-Liouville theory
QA379 Z48
Vol. 120 Simon, Barry
Trace ideals and their applications
QA329 S55 2005
Vol. 119 Ma, Tian; Wang, Shouhong
Geometric theory of incompressible flows with applications to fluid dynamics
QA614 M3
Vol. 118 Buium, Alexandru
Arithmetic differential equations
QA242.5 B85
Vol. 117 Nekrashevych, Volodymyr
Self-similar groups
QA183 N45
Vol. 116 Koldobsky, Alexander
Fourier analysis in convex geometry
QA640 K65
Vol. 115 Moreno, Carlos J.
Advanced analytic number theory: L-functions
QA241 M66
Vol. 114 Lawler, Gregory F.
Conformally invariant processes in the plane
QA646 L38
Vol. 113 Dwyer, William G.; Hirschhorn, Philip S.; Kan, Daniel M.; Smith, Jeffrey H.
Homotopy limit functors on model categories and homotopical categories
QA612.7 H645
Vol. 112 Aschbacher, Michael; Smith, Stephen D.
The classification of quasithin groups: II. Main theorems: The classification of simple QTKE-groups
QA177 A736
Vol. 111 Aschbacher, Michael; Smith, Stephen D.
The classification of quasithin groups: I. Structure of strongly quasithin K-groups
QA177 A736
Vol. 110 Chow, Bennett; Knopf, Dan
The Ricci flow : an introduction
QA670 C46
Vol. 109 Shimura, Goro
Arithmetic and analytic theories of quadratic forms and Clifford groups
QA243 S457
Vol. 108 Farber, Michael
Topology of closed one-forms
QA614.7 F37
Vol. 107 Jantzen, Jens Carsten
Representations of algebraic groups
QA171 J35 2003
Vol. 106 Yoshisa, Hiroyuki
Absolute CM-periods
QA564 Y67
Vol. 105 Aliprantis, Charalambos D.
Locally solid Riesz spaces with applications to economics. 2nd ed.
QA322 A553 2003
Vol. 104 Everest, Graham; Poorten, Alf van der; Shparlinski, Igor; Ward, Thomas
Recurrence sequences
QA246.5 R43
Vol. 103 Cornea, Octavian; Lupton, Gregory; Oprea, John; Tanré, Daniel
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category
QA612 A57 2003
Vol. 102 Rass, Linda; Radcliffe, John
Spatial deterministic epidemics
RA652.2M3 R37
Vol. 101 Glasner, Eli
Ergodic theory via joinings
QA611.5 G525
Vol. 100 Duren, Peter L.; Schuster, Alexander
Bergman spaces
QA331.7 D87
Vol. 99 Hirschhorn, Philip Steven
Model categories and their localizations
QA169 H57
Vol. 98 Guillemin, V. Ginzburg, Viktor L.; Karshon, Yael
Moment maps, cobordisms and Hamiltonian group actions
QA665 G85
Vol. 97 Vasil’ev, V. A.
Applied Picard-Lefschetz theory
QA564 V37
Vol. 96 Markl, Martin; Shnider, Steven; Stasheff, James D.
Operads in algebra, topology, and physics
QA169 M357
Vol. 95 Kamada, Seiichi
Braid and knot theory in dimension four
QA612.23 K35
Vol. 94 Neusel, Mara D.; Smith, L.
Invariant theory of finite groups
QA177 N477
Vol. 93 Nikol’skii, Nikolai Kapitonovich
Operators, functions, and systems: An Easy Reading. Volume 2: Model operators and systems
QA329 N5513
Vol. 92 Nikol’skii, Nikolai Kapitonovich
Operators, functions, and systems : an easy reading : Volume 1: Hardy, Hankel and Toeplitz
QA329 N5513
Vol. 91 Montgomery, Richard
A tour of Subriemannian geometries, their geodesics, and applications
QA649 M665
Vol. 90 Gerard, Christian; Laba, Izabella
Multiparticle quantum scattering in constant magnetic fields
QC20.7S3 G47
Vol. 89 Ledoux, Michel
The concentration of measure phenomenon
QA273.43 L43
Vol. 88 Frenkel, Edward; Ben-Zvi, David
Vertex algebras and algebraic curves
QA326 F725 2004
Vol. 87 Poizat, Bruno
Stable groups
QA9.7 P65413
Vol. 86 Burris, Stanley N.
Number theoretic density and logical limit laws
QA164.8 B87
Vol. 85 Kozlov, Vladimir; Mazia, Vladimir Gilelevich; Rossmann, Jurgen
Spectral problems associated with corner singularities of solutions to elliptic equations
QA377 K693
Vol. 84 Fuchs, Laszlo; Salce, Luigi
Modules over non-Noetherian domains
QA247 F83
Vol. 83 Helgason, Sigurdur
Groups and geometric analysis : integral geometry, in variant differential operators, and spherical functions
QA387 H443 1984
Vol. 82 Shimura, Goro
Arithmeticity in the theory of automorphic forms
QA331 S448
Vol. 81 Taylor, Michael Eugene
Tools for PDE : pseudodifferential operators, paradifferential operators, and layer potentials
QA377 T392
Vol. 80 Childs, Lindsay
Taming wild extensions : Hopf algebras and local Galois module theory
QA613.8 C45
Vol. 79 Cima, Joseph A.; Ross, William T.
The backward shift on the Hardy space
QA331 C5445
Vol. 78 Kupershmidt, Boris A.
KP or mKP : noncommutative mathematics of Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, and integrable systems
QA614.83 K86
Vol. 77 Hiai, Fumio
The semicircle law, free random variables and entropy
QA326 H53
Vol. 76 Gardiner, Frederick P.; Lakic, Nikola
Quasiconformal Teichmuller theory
QA337 G37
Vol. 75 Hjorth, Greg
Classification and orbit equivalence relations
QA248 H56
Vol. 74 Stroock, Daniel W.
An introduction to the analysis of paths on a Riemannian manifold
QA649 S77
Vol. 73 Locker, John.
Spectral theory of non-self-adjoint two-point differential operators
QA329.2 L64
Vol. 72 Teschl, Gerald
Jacobi operators and completely integrable nonlinear lattices
QA329.2 T45
Vol. 71 Pukanszky, Lajos
Characters of connected Lie groups
QA387 P85
Vol. 70 Chicone, Carmen Charles; Latushkin, Yuri
Evolution semigroups in dynamical systems and differential equations
QA329 C45
Vol. 69 Wall, C.
Surgery on compact manifolds
QA613 W35 1999
Vol. 68 Cox, David A.; Katz, Sheldon
Mirror symmetry and algebraic geometry
QC174.17S9 C69
Vol. 67 Borel, Armand; Wallach, Nolan R.
Continuous cohomology, discrete subgroups, and representations of reductive groups
QA387 B66 1999
Vol. 66 Iliashenko, Iu. S.; Li, Weigu
Nonlocal bifurcations
QA380 I55
Vol. 65 Faith, Carl Clifton
Rings and things and a fine array of twentieth century associative algebra, 2nd ed.
QA251.5 F344 2004
Vol. 64 Carmona, Rene; Rozovskii, Boris Lvovich (Eds.)
Stochastic partial differential equations : six perspectives
QA274.25 S767
Vol. 63 Hovey, Mark
Model categories
QA169 H68
Vol. 62 Bogachev, Vladimir Igorevich
Gaussian measures
QA312 B6413
Vol. 61 Everitt, W. N.; Markus, L.
Boundary value problems and symplectic algebra for ordinary differential and quasi-differential operators
QA379 E84
Vol. 60 Raeburn, Iain; Williams, Dana P.
Morita equivalence and continuous-trace C*-algebras
QA326 R34
Vol. 59 Howard, Paul; Rubin, Jean E.
Consequences of the axiom of choice
QA248 H68
Vol. 58 Etingof, Pavel I.; Frenkel, Igor; Kirillov, Alexander A.
Lectures on representation theory and Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations
QC174.17S9 E775
Vol. 57 Levine, Marc
Mixed motives
QA564 L48
Vol. 56 Korogodski, Leonid I.; Soibelman, Yan S.
Algebras of functions on quantum groups: Part I
QC20.7G76 K67
Vol. 55 Carter, J. Scott; Saito, Masahico
Knotted surfaces and their diagrams
QA612.2 C37
Vol. 54 Goffman, Casper; Nishiura, Togo; Waterman, Daniel
Homeomorphisms in analysis
QA613.7 G64
Vol. 53 Kriegl, Andreas; Michor, Peter W.
The convenient setting of global analysis
QA614 K75 1997
Vol. 52 Kozlov, Vladimir; Mazia, Vladimir Gilelevich; Rossmann, Jurgen
Elliptic boundary value problems in domains with point singularities
QA377 K69
Vol. 51 Maly, Jan; Ziemer, William P.
Fine regularity of solutions of elliptic partial differential equations
QA404.7 M35 1997
Vol. 50 Aaronson, Jon
An introduction to infinite ergodic theory
QA313 A27 1997
Vol. 49 Showalter, Ralph Edwin
Monotone operators in Banach space and nonlinear partial differential equations
QA329.8 S46 1996
Vol. 48 Cahen, Paul-Jean; Chabert, Jean-Luc.
Integer-valued polynomials
QA161.P59 C34 1997
Vol. 47 Elmendorf, Anthony D.; Kriz, I.; Mandell, M. A.; May, J. P.; Cole, M.
Rings, modules, and algebras in stable homotopy theory
QA612.7 R55 1997
Vol. 46 Lipscomb, Stephen
Symmetric inverse semigroups
QA182 L56 1996
Vol. 45 Bergam, George M.; Hausknecht, Adam O.
Cogroups and co-rings in categories of associative rings
QA251.5 B48
Vol. 44 Amorós, J.; Burger, M.; Corlette, K.; Kotschick, D.; Toledo, D.
Fundamental groups of compact Kahler manifolds
QA649 F85
Vol. 43 Humphreys, James E.
Conjugacy classes in semisimple algebraic groups
QA179 H85
Vol. 42 Freese, Ralph S.; Jezek, Jaroslav; Nation, James Bryant
Free lattices
QA171.5 F62
Vol. 41 Smith, Hal L.
Monotone dynamical systems : an introduction to the theory of competitive and cooperative systems
QA614.8 S55
Vol. 40.1 Gorenstein, Daniel; Lyons, Richard; Solomon, Ronald
The classification of the finite simple groups. Part I
(Libro electrónico)
Vol. 39 Helgason, Sigurdur
Geometric analysis on symmetric spaces
QA649 H42
Vol. 38 David, Guy; Semmes, Stephen
Analysis of and on uniformly rectifiable sets
QA312 D38
Vol. 37 Lewin, Leonard (Ed.)
Structural properties of polylogarithms
QA342 S77
Vol. 36 Conway, John B.
The theory of subnormal operators
QA329.2 C653
Vol. 35 Abhyankar, Shreeram Shankar
Algebraic geometry for scientists and engineers
QA564 A32
Vol. 34 Isakov, Victor.
Inverse source problems
QA374 I65
Vol. 33 Berkovich, Vladimir G.
Spectral theory and analytic geometry over non-archimedean fields
QA320 B47
Vol. 32 Jacobowitz, Howard
An introduction to CR structures
QA649 J33
Vol. 31 Sally, Paul S.; Vogan, David A. (Eds.)
Representation theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple lie groups
QA403 R47
Vol. 30 Cusick, Thomas W.Flahive, Mary E.
The Markoff and Lagrange spectra
QA242 C87
Vol. 29 Paterson, Alan L. T.
QA403 P37
Vol. 28 Beals, Richard; Tomei, Carlos; Deift, Percy
Direct and inverse scattering on the line
QA329 B43
Vol. 27 Fine, Nathan Jacob
Basic hypergeometric series and applications
QA295 F55
Vol. 25 Hale, Jack K.
Asymptotic behavior of dissipative systems
QA614.8 H33
Vol. 24 Small, Lance W. (Ed.)
Noetherian rings and their applications
QA251.4 N64
Vol. 23 Rothe, Eirich H.
Introduction to various aspects of degree theory in Banach spaces
QA612 R67
Vol. 22 Taylor, Michael Eugene
Noncommutative harmonic anlysis
QA403 T39
Vol. 21 Baernstein, Albert; Drasin, David; Duren, Peter; Marden, Albert
The Bieberbach conjecture : Proceedings of the symposium on the occasion of the proof
QA331 B528
Vol. 20 Goodearl, Kenneth R.
Partially ordered Abelian groups with interpolation
QA171 G363
Vol. 19 Chudnovsky, Gregory
Contributions to the theory of transcendental numbers
QA247.5 C48
Vol. 18 Knight, Frank B.
Essentials of Brownian motion and diffusion
QA274.75 K55
Vol. 17 Ferguson, Le Baron O.
Approximation by polynomials with integral coefficients
QA221 F46
Vol. 16 O’Meara, Onorato Timothi
Symplectic groups
QA171 O534
Vol. 15 Diestel, Joseph; Uhl, John Jerry
Vector measures
QA312 D53
Vol. 14 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo
Geometric asymptotics
QA649 G84
Vol. 13 Pearcy, Carl (Ed.)
Topics in operator theory
QA329.2 T65
Vol. 12 Isbell, John Rolfe
Uniform spaces
QA611 I77
Vol. 11 Cronin, Jane.
Fixed points and topological degree in nonlinear analysis
QA401 C78
Vol. 10 Ayoub, Raymond.
An introduction to the analytic theory of numbers
QA241 A96
Vol. 9 Sard, Arthur
Linear approximation
QA320 S22
Vol. 8 Lehner, Joseph
Discontinuous groups and automorphic functions
QA351 L495
Vol. 7.2 Clifford, Arthur Hoblitzelle; Preston, G. B.
The algebraic theory of semigroups, volume II, part 2
QA171 C54 v.2
Vol. 7.1 Clifford, Arthur Hoblitzelle; Preston, G. B.
The algebraic theory of semigroups, volume I, part 1
QA171 C54 v.1
Vol. 6 Chevalley, Claude
Introduction to the theory of algebraic functions of one variable
QA331 C48
Vol. 5 Bergman, Stefan
The Kernel function and conformal mapping
QA360 B38
Vol. 3 Marden, Morris
Geometry of polynomials
QA331 M27 1966
Vol. 2 Jacobson, Nathan
The theory of rings
QA247 J33
Vol. 1 Shohat, James Alexander
The problem of moments
QA295 S55