Vol. 92. Linckelmann, Markus
The block theory of finite group algebras. Vol. 2
QA177 L55 v. 2
Vol. 91. Linckelmann, Markus
The block theory of finite group algebras. Vol. 1
QA177 L55 v. 1
Vol. 90. Bergner, Julia E.
The homotopy theory of (∞,1)-categories
QA612.7 B47
Vol. 89. Garling, D.J. H.
Analysis on polish spaces and an introduction to optimal transportation
QA611.28 G37
Vol. 88. Holt, Derek F.; Rees, Sarah; Röver, Claas E.
Groups, languages and automata
QA174.2 H64
Vol. 87. Cavalieri, Renzo
Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves : a first course in Hurwitz theory
QA333 C38
Vol. 86. Erdoğan, M. Burak;Tzirakis, Nikolaos
Dispersive partial differential equations : wellposedness and applications
QA377 E73
Vol. 85. Constantin, Adrian
Fourier analysis. Part. 1 Theory
QA403.5 C66
Vol. 84. Krivelevich, Michael; Panagiotou, Konstantinos; Penrose, Mathew; Colin McDiarmid, Colin
Random graphs, geometry, and asymptotic structure
QA166.17 K75
Vol. 83. Geiges, Hansjörg
The geometry of celestial mechanics
QB355.3 G45
Vol. 82. Ball, Simeon Michael
Finite geometry and combinatorial applications
QA167.2 B35
Vol. 81. Travaglini, Giancarlo
Number theory, Fourier analysis and geometric discrepancy
QA241 T69
Vol. 80. Van Frankenhuysen, Machiel
The Riemann hypothesis for fuction fields: Frobenius flow and shift operators
QA246 V35
Vol. 79. Girondo, Ernesto; Gonzalez-Diez, Gabino
Introduction to compact Riemann surfaces and dessins d'enfants
QA333 G57
Vol. 78. Garling, D. J. H.
Clifford algebras : an introduction
QA199 G37
Vol. 77. Klopsch, Benjamin; Nikolov, Nikolay; Voll, Christopher; Segal, Daniel
Lectures on profinite topics in group theory
QA177 K56
Vol. 76. Williams, Kenneth S.
Number theory in the spirit of Liouville
QA241 W55
Vol. 75. Cvetkovic, Dragos M.; Rowlinson, Peter; Simic, Slobodan
An introduction to the theory of graph spectra
QA166 C823
Vol. 74. Mashreghi, Javad
Representation theorems in Hardy spaces
QA331 M39185
Vol. 73. Meier, John
Groups, graphs and trees : an introduction to the geometry of infinite groups
QA178 M45
Vol. 72. Assem, Ibrahim; Simson, Daniel; Skowroánski, Andrzej
Elements of the representation theory of associative algebras. Vol. 3: Representation-infinite Tilted Algebras
QA251.5 A77 v. 3
Vol. 71. Assem, Ibrahim; Skowronski, Andrzej; Simson, Daniel
Elements of the representation theory of associative algebras. Vol. 2: Tubes and concealed algebras of Euclidean type
QA251.5 A77 v. 2
Vol. 70. Väänänen, Jouko
Dependence logic : a new approach to independence friendly logic
BC128 V33
Vol. 69. Moroianu, Andrei
Lectures on Kähler geometry
QA649 M667 2012
Vol. 68. Keen, Linda; Lakic, Nikola
Hyperbolic geometry from a local viewpoint
QA685 K425
Vol. 67. Armitage, John Vernon; Eberlein, W. F.
Elliptic functions
QA343 A75
Vol. 66. Cojocaru, Alina; Murty, Maruti Ram
An introduction to Sieve methods and their applications
QA246 C65
Vol. 65. Assem, Ibrahim; Simson, Daniel; Skowroânski, Andrzej
Elements of the representation theory of associative algebras. Vol. 1: Techniques of representation theory
QA251.5 A77 V.1
Vol. 64. Carothers, N. L.
A short course on Banach space theory
QA322.2 C367
Vol. 63. Wall, Charles Terence Clegg
Singular points of plane curves
QA614.58 W35
Vol. 62. Brucks, Karen Marie; Bruin, Henk
Topics from one-dimensional dynamics
QA614.8 B78
Vol. 61. Goodearl, K. R.; Warfield, R. B.
An introduction to noncommutative Noetherian rings
QA247 G665 2004
Vol. 60. Partington, Jonathan Richard
Linear operators and linear systems : an analytical approach to control theory
QA329.2 P37
Vol. 59. Kock, Joachim
Frobenius algebras and 2D topological quantum field theories
QA251.5 K63
Vol. 58. Schenck, Hal
Computational algebraic geometry
QA564 S343
Vol. 57. Dales, Harold Garth
Introduction to Banach algebras, operators, and harmonic analysis
QA326 I575
Vol. 56. Forster, T. E.
Logic, induction and sets
QA248 F675
Vol. 55. Davidoff, Giuliana P.; Sarnak, Peter; Valette, Alain
Elementary number theory, group theory and Ramanujan graphs
QA166 D38
Vol. 54. Lauri, Josef; Scapellato, Raffaele
Topics in graph automorphisms and reconstruction
QA166 L386
Vol. 53. Jameson, Graham James Oscar
The prime number theorem
QA246 J35
Vol. 52. Haggstrom, Olle
Finite Markov chains and algorithmic applications
QA274.7 H34
Vol. 51. Sharp, R. Y.
Steps in commutative algebra
QA251.3 S53 2000
Vol. 50. Swinnerton-Dyer, H. P. F.
A brief guide to algebraic number theory
QA241 S87
Vol. 49. Rordam, Mikael; Larsen, Flemming; Laustsen, Niels
An introduction to K-theory for C*-algebras
QA612.33 R657
Vol. 48. Hajnal, Andras; Hamburger, Peter
Set theory
QA248 H35113
Vol. 47. Beachy, John A.
Introductory lectures on rings and modules
QA251.4 B43
Vol. 45. Cameron, Peter J.
Permutation groups
QA175 C35
Vol. 44. Olver, Peter J.
Classical invariant theory
QA201 O58
Vol. 43. Terras, Audrey
Fourier analysis on finite groups and applications
QA403.5 T47
Vol. 42. Keller, Gerhard
Equilibrium states in ergodic theory
QA611.5 K45
Vol. 41. Smart, Nigel Paul
The algorithmic resolution of diophantine equations : a computational cookbook
QA242 S53
Vol. 40. Pollicott, Mark; Yuri, Michiko
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
QA611.5 P65
Vol. 39. Ciesielski, Krzysztof
Set theory for the working mathematician
QA248 C54 1997
Vol. 38. Guest, Martin A.
Harmonic maps, loop groups, and integrable systems
QA614.73 G84 1997
Vol. 37. Wojtaszczyk, Przemyslaw
A mathematical introduction to wavelets
QA403.3 W65
Vol. 35. Fulton, William
Young tableaux : with applications to representation theory and geometry
QA165 F85 1997
Vol. 34. Beauville, Arnaud
Complex algebraic surfaces. 2a ed.
QA571 B43 1996
Vol. 33. Coutinho, S. C.
A primer of algebraic D-modules
QA614.3 C68
Vol. 32. Carter, Roger William; Segal, Graeme; Macdonald, Ian Grant
Lectures on Lie groups and Lie algebras
QA387 C372 1995
Vol. 31. Rosenberg, Steven
The Laplacian on a Riemannian manifold : an introduction to analysis on manifolds
QA649 R67 1997
Vol. 29. Reid, Miles A.
Undergraduate commutative algebra
QA251.3 R45
Vol. 28. Ransford, Thomas
Potential theory in the complex plane
QA404.7 R35
Vol. 27. Retherford, J. R.
Hilbert space : compact operators and the trace theorem
QA322.4 R47
Vol. 26. Hida, Haruzo
Elementary theory of l-functions and eisenstein series
QA246 H53
Vol. 25. Iversen, Birger
Hyperbolic geometry
QA685 I84
Vol. 24. Cassels, John William Scott
Lectures on elliptic curves
QA242 C38
Vol. 23. Kirwan, Frances Clare
Complex algebraic curves
QA564 K563
Vol. 22. Cameron, Peter Jephson
Designs, graphs, codes, and their links
QA166.25 C35
Vol. 21. Digne, Francois; Michael, Jean
Representations of finite groups of lie type
QA387 D54
Vol. 20. Goldie, Charles M.; Pinch, Richard G. E.
Communication theory
HM258 G645
Vol. 19. Sharp, R. Y.
Steps in commutative algebra
QA251.3 S53
Vol. 18. Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard
Braids and converings : selected topics
QA612.23 H35
Vol. 17. Fulling, Stephen A.
Aspects of quantum field theory in curved space-time
QC174.12 F85
Vol. 16. Goodearl, K. R.; Warfield, R. B.
An introduction to noncommutative noetherian rings
QA247 G665
Vol. 15. Johnson, D. L.
Presentations of groups
QA171 J64 1990
Vol. 14. Cohen, Daniel E.
Combinatorial group theory : a topological approach
QA171 C535
Vol. 13. Partington, Jonathan Richard
An introduction to Hankel operators
QA329.6 P37
Vol. 12. Reid, Miles
Undergraduate algebraic geometry
QA564 R45
Vol. 11. Naber, Gregory L.
Spacetime and singularities : an introduction
QC173.59E76 N33
Vol. 10. Cutland, Nigel (ed.)
Nonstandard analysis and its applications
QA299.82 N67
Vol. 9. Casson, Andrew J.
Automorphisms of surfaces after Nielsen and Thurston
QA685 C38
Vol. 8. Jameson, Graham James Oscar
Summing and nuclear norms in Banach space theory
QA322.2 J35 1987
Vol. 7. Hofbauer, Josef; Sigmund Kari
The theory of evolution and dynamical systems : mathematical aspects of selection
QH366.2 H6413
Vol. 6. Stroock, Daniel W.
Lectures on stochastic analysis : diffusion theory
QA274.75 S77 (Disponible en Biblioteca de Física)
Vol. 5. Hughston, L. P.; Tod, K. P
An introduction to general relativity
QC173.55 H84
Vol. 4. Huggett, S.A.
An introduction to twistor theory
QC173.75T85 H78
Vol. 3. Cassels, John William Scott
Local fields
QA247 C375
Vol. 2. Hodges, Wilfrid
Building models by games
QA9.7 H585 2006
Vol. 1. Hindley, J. Roger; Seldin, Jonathan P.
Introduction to combinators and [lambda] calculus
QA9.5 H55