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Vol. 23 Bowick, Mark J.; Kinderlehrer, David; Menon, Govind; Radin, Charles
Mathematics and Materials
En proceso
Vol. 22 Bray, Hubert L.; Galloway, Greg; Mazzeo, Rafe; Sesum, Natasa (Eds.)
Geometric analysis
QA360 G45
Vol. 21 Bestvina, Mladen; Sageev, Michah; Vogtmann, Karen (Eds.)
Geometric group theory
QA183 G44
Vol. 20 Farb, Benson; Hain, Richard M. ; Looijenga, Eduard (Eds.)
Moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces
QA564 M6385
Vol. 19 Zhao, Hong-Kai (Ed.)
Mathematics in image processing
TA1637.5 M37
Vol. 18 Popescu, Cristian; Rubin, Karl; Silverberg, Alice (Eds.)
Arithmetic of L-functions
QA246 A75
Vol. 17 McNeal, Jeffery D.; Mustata, Mircea (Eds.)
Analytic and algebraic geometry : common problems, different methods
QA551 A44
Vol. 16 Sheffield, Scott; Spencer, Thomas (Ed.)
Statistical mechanics
QC174.82 S73
Vol. 15 Mrowka, Tomasz; Ozsvath, Peter Steven (Eds.)
Low dimensional topology
QA611.3 L674
Vol. 14 Lewis, Mark; Chaplain, Mark A.; Keener, James; Maini, Philip K. (Eds.)
Mathematical biology
QH323.5 M3666
Vol. 13 Miller, Ezra; Reiner, Victor; Sturmfels, Bernd (Eds.)
Geometric combinatorics
QA167 G44
Vol. 12 Sarnak, Peter; Shahidi, Freydoon (Eds.)
Automorphic forms and applications
QA353.A9 A84
Vol. 11 Freed, Daniel S.; Morrison, David R.; Singer, Isadore Manuel (Eds.)
Quantum field theory, supersymmetry, and enumerative geometry
QC174.45A1 Q836
Vol. 10 Rudich, Steven; Wigderson, Avi (Eds.)
Computational complexity theory
QA267.7 C665
Vol. 9 Conrad, Brian David; Rubin, Karl (Eds.)
Arithmetic algebraic geometry
QA242.5 A74
Vol. 8 Adams, Jeffrey; Vogan, David A. (Eds.)
Representation theory of lie groups
QA387 R465
Vol. 7 Eliashberg, Yakov; Traynor, Lisa M. (Eds.)
Symplectic geometry and topology
QA649 S955
Vol. 6 Hsu, Elton P.; Varadhan, S. R. S. (Eds.)
Probability theory and applications
QA273.A1 P765
Vol. 5 Caffarelli, Luis A.; E, Weinan (Eds.)
Hyperbolic equations and frequency interactions
QC381 H96
Vol. 4 Friedman, Robert; Morgan, John W. (Eds.)
Gauge theory and the topology of four-manifolds
QC20.7M24 G38
Vol. 3 Kollar, Janos (Ed.)
Complex algebraic geometry
QA564 C6516 1997
Vol. 2 Hardt, Robert; Wolf, Michael (Eds.)
Nonlinear partial differential equations in differential geometry
QA377 N66
Vol. 1 Freed, Daniel S.; Uhlenbeck, Karen K. (Eds.)
Geometry and quantum field theory : June 22-July 20, 1991, Park City, Utah
QC20.7L54 G46