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Vol. 277 Schmüdgen, Konrad
The moment problem
QA432 S35
Vol. 274 Le Gall, Jean-Francois
Brownian motion, martingales, and stochastic calculus
QA274.75 L43
Vol. 273 Fomenko, Anatoly; Fuchs, Dmitry
Homotopical topology
QA612.7 F658 2016
Vol. 272 Eisner, Tanja; Farkas, Bálint; Haase, Markus; Nagel, Rainer
Operator theoretic aspects of ergodic theory
QA313 E58
Vol. 271 Pedersen, Steen; Cornuéjols, Gérard; Zambelli, Giacomo
Integer programming
T57.74 C65
Vol. 270 Weintraub, Steven H.
Fundamentals of algebraic topology
QA612 W45
Vol. 269 Osborne, M. Scott
Locally convex spaces
QA322 O73
Vol. 268 Krantz, Steven G.
Geometric analysis of the Bergman Kernel and metric
QA331 K732
Vol. 267 Hall, Brian C.
Quantum theory for mathematicians
QC174.12 H337
Vol. 266 Penot, Jean-Paul
Calculus without derivatives
QA303.2 P45
Vol. 265 Schmüdgen, Konrad
Unbounded self-adjoint operators on Hilbert space
QA329 S335
Vol. 264 Clarke, Francis
Functional analysis, calculus of variations and optimal control
QA320 C56
Vol. 263 Zhu, Kehe
Analysis on Fock spaces
QA320 Z48
Vol. 262 Stroock, Daniel W.
Essentials of integration theory for analysis
QA312 S78
Vol. 261 Çlnlar, Erhan
Probability and stochastics
QA274 C545
Vol. 260 Herzog, Jürgen; Hibi, Takayuki
Monomial ideals
QA251.3 H53
Vol. 258 Güler, Osman
Foundations of optimization
QA402.5 G845
Vol. 257 Hartshorne, Robin
Deformation theory
QA614.58 H37
Vol. 256 Kemper, Gregor
A course in commutative algebra
QA251.3 K45
Vol. 255 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R.
Symmetry, representations, and invariants
QA176 G67
Vol. 254 Stichtenoth, Henning
Algebraic function fields and codes. 2nd ed.
QA341 S75 2009
Vol. 253 MacCluer, Barbara D.
Elementary functional analysis
QA320 M29
Vol. 252 Grubb, Gerd
Distributions and operators
QA324 G77
Vol. 251 Wilson, Robert A.
The finite simple groups
QA177 W55
Vol. 250 Winter, David J.
The structure of fields
QA247 W54
Vol. 249 Grafakos, Loukas
Classical fourier analysis. 2nd ed.
QA403.5 G74 2008
Vol. 248 Abramenko, Peter; Brown, Kenneth S.
Buildings : theory and applications
QA174.2 A36
Vol. 247 Kassel, Christian; Turaev, Vladimir G.
Braid groups
QA612.23 K37
Vol. 246 Kaniuth, Eberhard
A course in commutative Banach algebras
QA326 K345
Vol. 245 Rodriguez, Rubi E.; Kra, Irwin; Gilman, Jane
Complex analysis : in the spirit of Lipman Bers. 2nd ed.
QA331.7 R64 2013
Vol. 244 Bondy, John Adrian; Murty, U. S. R.
Graph theory
QA166 B643
Vol. 243 Geoghegan, Ross
Topological methods in group theory
QA174.2 G46
Vol. 242 Grillet, Pierre Antoine
Abstract algebra. 2nd ed.
QA162 G74 2007
Vol. 241 Silverman, Joseph H.
The arithmetic of dynamical systems
QA845 S55
Vol. 240 Cohen, Henri
Analytic and Modern Tools
QA241 C6345 V. II
Vol. 239 Cohen, Henri
Tools and diophantine equations
QA241 C6345 V. I
Vol. 238 Aigner, Martin
A course in enumeration
QA164.8 A54
Vol. 237 Martínez-Avendaño, Rubén A. ; Rosenthal, Peter
An introduction to operators on the Hardy-Hilbert space
QA329 M367
Vol. 236 Garnett, John B.
Bounded analytic functions
QA331 G36 2007
Vol. 235 Sepanski, Mark R.
Compact Lie groups
QA387 S454
Vol. 234 Jørgensen, Palle E. T.
Analysis and probability : wavelets, signals, fractals
QA401 J665
Vol. 233 Albiac, Fernando; Kalton, Nigel John
Topics in Banach space theory
QA322.2 A525
Vol. 232 Everest, Graham; Ward, Thomas
An introduction to number theory
QA241 E94
Vol. 231 Bjorner, Anders; Brenti, Francesco
Combinatorics of coxeter groups
QA182.5 B56
Vol. 230 Stroock, Daniel W
An introduction to Markov processes. 2nd ed.
QA274.7 S767 2014
Vol. 229 Eisenbud, David
The geometry of syzygies : a second course in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry
QA247 E54
Vol. 228 Diamond, Fred; Shurman, Jerry Michael
A first course in modular forms
QA243 D46
Vol. 227 Miller, Ezra; Sturmfels, Bernd
Combinatorial commutative algebra
QA251.3 M55
Vol. 226 Zhu, Kehe
Spaces of holomorphic functions in the unit ball
QA331 Z48
Vol. 225 Bump, Daniel
Lie groups. 2nd ed.
QA387 B86 2013
Vol. 224 Walschap, Gerard
Metric structures in differential geometry
QA641 W35
Vol. 223 Vretblad, Anders
Fourier analysis and its applications
QA403.5 V74
Vol. 222 Hall, Brian C.
Lie groups, Lie algebras, and representations : an elementary introduction
QA387 H35
Vol. 221 Grunbaum, Branko
Convex polytopes. 2nd ed.
QA482 G78 2003
Vol. 220 Nestruev, Jet
Smooth manifolds and observables
QA613 N47
Vol. 219 Maclachlan, Colin; Reid, Alan W.
The arithmetic of hyperbolic three-manifolds
QA613.2 M3
Vol. 218 Hilton, Peter John; Stammbach, Urs
A course in homological algebra
QA169 H55
Vol. 217 Marker, David
Model theory : an introduction
QA9.7 M373
Vol. 216 Serre, Denis
Matrices : theory and applications
QA188 S4713
Vol. 215 Goldschmidt, David M.
Algebraic functions and projective curves
QA341 G65
Vol. 214 Jost, Jürgen
Partial differential equations. 3rd ed.
QA377 J675 2013
Vol. 213 Fritzsche, Klaus; Grauert, Hans
From holomorphic functions to complex manifolds
QA331.7 F75
Vol. 212 Matousek, Jiri
Lectures on discrete geometry
QA639.5 M37
Vol. 211 Lang, Serge
Algebra Rev. 3rd ed.
QA154 L35 2002
Vol. 210 Rosen, Michael Ira
Number theory in function fields
QA241 R675
Vol. 209 Arveson, William
A short course on spectral theory
QA320 A78
Vol. 208 Cheney, Elliott Ward
Analysis for applied mathematics
QA300 C457
Vol. 207 Godsil, C. D
Algebraic graph theory
QA166 G63
Vol. 206 Murty, Maruti Ram
Problems in analytic number theory
QA241 M87
Vol. 205 Felix, Yves; Halperin, Stephen; Thomas, Jean-claude
Rational homotopy theory
QA612.7 F457
Vol. 204 Escofier, Jean-Pierre
Galois theory
QA174.2 E7313
Vol. 203 Sagan, Bruce Eli
The symmetric group : representations, combinatorial algorithms, and symmetric functions. 2nd ed.
QA174 S324 2001
Vol. 202 Lee, John M.
Introduction to topological manifolds
QA613.2 L44
Vol. 201 Hindry, Marc
Diophantine geometry : an introduction
QA242.5 H55
Vol. 200 Bao, David Dai-Wai; Chern, Shiing-Shen; Shen, Zhongmin
An introduction to riemann-Finsler geometry
QA649 B355
Vol. 199 Hedenmalm, Haakan; Korenblum, Boris; Zhu, Kehe
Theory of Bergman spaces
QA331 H385
Vol. 198 Robert, Alain
A course in p-adic analysis
QA241 R63
Vol. 197 Eisenbud, David; Harris, Joe
The geometry of schemes
QA564 E548
Vol. 196 Osborne, M. Scott
Basic homological algebra
QA169 O83
Vol. 195 Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard
Elementary methods in number theory
QA241 N3684
Vol. 194 Engel, Klaus-Jochen; Nagel, Rainer
One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations
QA329 E54
Vol. 193 Cohen, Henri
Advanced topics in computational number theory
QA241 C634
Vol. 192 Hirsch, Francis; Lacombe, Gilles; Levy, Silvio
Elements of functional analysis
QA320 H5713
Vol. 191 Lang, Serge
Fundamentals of differential geometry
QA641 L35
Vol. 190 Esmonde, Jody; Murty, Maruti Ram
Problems in algebraic number theory
QA247 E75
Vol. 189 Lam, Tsit-Yuen
Lectures on modules and rings
QA247 L305
Vol. 188 Goldblatt, Robert
Lectures on the hyperreals : an introduction to nonstandard analysis
QA299.82 G65
Vol. 187 Harris, Joe; Morrison, Ian
Moduli of curves
QA564 H369
Vol. 186 Ramakrishnan, Dinakar; Valenza, Robert J.
Fourier analysis on number fields
QA403.5 R345
Vol. 185 Cox, David A.; Little, John B.; O’Shea, Donal
Using algebraic geometry
QA564 C695
Vol. 184 Bollobás, Béla
Modern graph theory
QA166 B65 1998
Vol. 183 Megginson, Robert E.
An introduction to Banach space theory
QA322.2 M44
Vol. 182 Walter, Wolfgang
Ordinary differential equations
QA372 W27713
Vol. 181 Kress, Rainer
Numerical analysis
QA297 K74
Vol. 180 Srivastava, Sashi Mohan
A course on Borel sets
QA248 S75
Vol. 179 Douglas, Ronald G.
Banach algebra techniques in operator theory 2nd ed.
QA320 D67 1998
Vol. 178 Clarke, Frank H. (Colab.)
Nonsmooth analysis and control theory
QA402.3 N655
Vol. 177 Newman, Donald J.
Analytic number theory
QA241 N472 1997
Vol. 176 Lee, John M.
Riemannian manifolds : an introduction to curvature
QA649 L44 1997
Vol. 175 Lickorish, W. B. Raymond
An Introduction to knot theory
QA612.2 L53 1997
Vol. 174 Bridges, Douglas S.
Foundations of real and abstract analysis
QA300 B745
Vol. 173 Diestel, Reinhard
Graph theory. 4th ed.
QA166 D5613 2010
Vol. 172 Remmert, Reinhold
Classical topics in complex function theory
QA331.7 R4513 1998
Vol. 171 Petersen, Peter
Riemannian geometry
QA649 P468 1998
Vol. 170 Bredon, Glen E.
Sheaf theory. 2th ed.
QA614.5S5 B7 1997
Vol. 169 Bhatia, Rajendra
Matrix analysis
QA188 B438 1996
Vol. 168 Ewald, Gunter
Combinatorial convexity and algebraic geometry
QA639.5 E83 1996
Vol. 167 Morandi, Patrick
Field and Galois theory
QA247 M655 1996
Vol. 166 Sharpe, Richard W.
Differential geometry : Cartan’s generalization of Klein’s Erlangen program
QA641 S47 1996
Vol. 165 Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard
Additive number theory : inverse problems and the geometry of sumsets
QA241 N3682 1996
Vol. 164 Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard
Additive number theory : the classical bases
QA241 N368
Vol. 163 Dixon, John D.
Permutation groups
QA175 D59
Vol. 162 Alperin, J. L.
Groups and representations
QA176 A56
Vol. 161 Borwein, Peter B.; Erdelyi, Tamas
Polynomials and polynomial inequalities
QA241 B68
Vol. 160 Lang, Serge
Differential and Riemannian manifolds
QA614.3 L35
Vol. 159 Conway, John B.
Functions of one complex variable II
QA331 C64 1995 (Disponible en IIMAS, FC, Ctro. de Ciencias Matemáticas, Inst. Matemáticas. Cuernavaca, IISUE)
Vol. 158 Roman, Steven
Field theory
QA247 R65
Vol. 157 Malliavin, Paul
Integration and probability
QA308 M35
Vol. 156 Kechris, Alexander S.
Classical descriptive set theory
QA248 K41
Vol. 155 Kassel, Christian
Quantum groups
QC20.7G76 K37
Vol. 154 Brown, Arlen; Pearcy, Carl M.
An introduction to analysis
QA300 B758
Vol. 153 Fulton, William
Algebraic topology
QA612 F85
Vol. 152 Ziegler, Gunter M.
Lectures on polytopes
QA691 Z54 1995
Vol. 151 Silverman, Joseph H.
Advanced topics in the arithmetic of elliptic curves
QA567 S554
Vol. 150 Eisenbud, David
Commutative algebra : With a view toward algebraic geometry
QA251.3 E57
Vol. 149 Ratcliffe, John G.
Foundations of hyperbolic manifolds
QA685 R37
Vol. 148 Rotman, Joseph J.
An introduction to the theory of groups. 4th ed.
QA171 R67 1995
Vol. 147 Rosenberg, Jonathan
Algebraic K-theory and its applications
QA612.33 R668
Vol. 146 Bridges, Douglas S.
Computability : a mathematical sketchbook
QA9.59 B75
Vol. 145 Vick, James W.
Homology theory : An introduction to algebraic topology. 2th ed.
QA611 V52 1994
Vol. 144 Farb, Benson; Dennis, R. Keith
Noncommutative algebra
QA251.4 F37
Vol. 143 Doob, J. L.
Measure theory
QA325 D66
Vol. 142 Lang, Serge
Real and functional analysis. 3th ed.
QA300 L346 1993
Vol. 141 Becker, Thomas
Grobner bases : A computational approach to commutative algebra
QA251.3 B43
Vol. 140 Aubin, Jean Pierre
Optima and equilibria : an introduction to nonlinear analysis. 2nd ed.
QA427 A8313 1998
Vol. 139 Bredon, Glen E.
Topology and geometry
QA612 B74
Vol. 138 Cohen, Henri
A course in computational algebraic number theory
QA247 C58
Vol. 137 Axler, Sheldon Jay
Harmonic function theory. 2nd ed.
QA405 A95 2001
Vol. 136 Adkins, William A.; Weintraub, Steven H.
Algebra : an approach via module theory
QA154 A35
Vol. 135 Roman, Steven
Advanced linear algebra
QA184 R68
Vol. 134 Roman, Steven
Coding and information theory
QA268 R65
Vol. 133 Harris, Joe
Algebraic geometry : A first course
QA564 H354
Vol. 132 Beardon, Alan F.
Iteration of rational functions : Complex analytic dynamical systems
QA297.8 B43
Vol. 131 Lam, Tsit-Yuen
A first course in noncommutative rings. 2nd ed.
QA251.4 L35 2001
Vol. 130 Dodson, C. T. J
Tensor geometry : The geometric viewpoint and its uses. 2nd ed.
QA649 D63 1991
Vol. 129 Fulton, William; Harris, Joe
Representation theory : A first course
QA171 F85
Vol. 128 Rauch, Jeffrey
Partial differential equations
QA374 R38
Vol. 127 Massey, William S.
A basic course in algebraic topology
QA612 M373
Vol. 126 Borel, Armand
Linear algebraic groups. 2nd ed.
QA564 B66 1991
Vol. 125 Berenstein, Carlos A.
Complex variables : An introduction
QA331.7 B47
Vol. 124 Dubrovin, B. A.; Fomenko, A. T.; Nivikov, Sergei Petrovich
Modern geometry : Methods and applications
QA445 D8313 Part. III
Vol. 123 Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter
QA241 N85913
Vol. 122 Remmert, Reinhold
Theory of complex functions
QA331 R4613
Vol. 121 Lang, Serge
Cyclotomic fields I and II : Combined second edition
QA247 L337 1990
Vol. 120 Ziemer, William P.
Weakly differentiable functions : Sobolev spaces and functions of bounded variation
QA323 Z54
Vol. 119 Rotman, Joseph J.
An introduction to algebraic topology
QA612 R672
Vol. 118 Pedersen, Gert Kjaergard
Analysis now
QA320 P41
Vol. 117 Serre, Jean Pierre
Algebraic groups and class fields
QA171 S437
Vol. 116 Kelly, John L.
Measure and integral
QA312 K35
Vol. 115 Berger, Marcel; Gostiaux, Bernard
Differential geometry : Manifolds, curves and surfaces
QA641 B4313 1988
Vol. 114 Koblitz, Neal
A course in number theory and cryptography
QA241 K59 1987
Vol. 113 Karatzas, Ioannis; Shreve, Steven E.
Brownian motion and stochastic calculus
QA274.75 K3
Vol. 112 Lang, Serge
Elliptic functions. 2nd ed.
QA343 L34 1987
Vol. 111 Husemöller, Dale
Elliptic curves
QA567 H87
Vol. 110 Lang, Serge
Algebraic number theory. 2nd ed.
QA247 L35 1994
Vol. 109 Lehto, Olli
Univalent functions and Teichmüller spaces
QA331 L427 1987 (Disponible en CINVESTAV)
Vol. 108 Range, R. Michael
Holomorphic functions and integral representations in several complex variables
QA331 R35
Vol. 107 Olver, Peter J.
Applications of lie groups to differential equation
QA372 O58
Vol. 106 Silverman, Joseph H.
The arithmetic of elliptic curves
QA567 S55
Vol. 105 Lang, Serge
QA387 L35
Vol. 104 Dubrovin, B. A.; Fomenko, A. T; Nivikov, Sergei Petrovich
Modern geometry : Methods and applications
QA445 D8313 Part. II
Vol. 103 Lang, Serge
Complex analysis 2nd ed.
QA331 L35 1985
Vol. 102 Varadarajan, V. S.
Lie groups, Lie Algebras, and their representations
QA387 V37
Vol. 101 Edwards, Harold M.
Galois theory
QA247 E375
Vol. 100 Berg, Christian; Christensen, Jens Peter Reus; Ressel, Paul
Harmonic analysis on semigroups : Theory of positive difinite and related functions
QA403 B46
Vol. 99 Grove, Larry C.; Benson, Clark T.
Finite reflection groups. 2nd ed.
QA171 G768 1985
Vol. 98 Bröcker, Theodor; Dieck, Tammo Tom
Representations of compact lie groups
QA387 B76
Vol. 97 Koblitz, Neal
Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms. 2nd ed.
QA567 K63 1993
Vol. 96 Conway, John B.
A course in functional analysis
QA320 C66
Vol. 95 Shiryaev, Albert Nikolaevich
QA273 S54413 1984 (Disponible en CINVESTAV)
Vol. 94 Warner, Frank Wilson
Foundations of differentiable manifolds and lie groups
QA614.3 W36
Vol. 93 Dubrovin, B. A.; Fomenko, A. T.; Nivikov, Sergei Petrovich
Modern geometry : Methods and applications
QA445 D8313 Part. I
Vol. 92 Diestel, Joseph
Sequences and series in banach spaces
QA322.2 D53
Vol. 91 Beardon, Alan F.
The geometry of discrete groups
QA171 B364
Vol. 90 Brondsted, Arne
An introduction to convex polytopes
QA640.3 B75
Vol. 89 Lang, Serge
Introduction to algebraic and abelian functions. 2nd ed.
QA341 L35 1982
Vol. 88 Pierce, Richard S.
Associative algebras
QA251.5 P53
Vol. 87 Brown, Kenneth S.
Cohomology of groups
QA171 B75
Vol. 86 Lint, Jacobus Hendricus Van
Introduction to coding theory
QA268 L54
Vol. 85 Edwards, Robert E.
Fourier series : a modern introduction. 2nd ed.
QA404 E38 1979 V. 2
Vol. 84 Ireland, Kenneth F.
A classical introduction to modern number theory. 2nd ed.
QA241 I736 1990
Vol. 83 Washington, Lawrence C.
Introduction to cyclotomic fields
QA247 W37
Vol. 82 Bott, Raoul; Tu, Loring W.
Differential forms in algebraic topology
QA613.6 B67
Vol. 81 Forster, Otto
Lectures on riemann surfaces
QA333 F66
Vol. 80 Robinson, Derek John Scott
A course in the theory of groups. 2nd ed.
QA171 R55 1996
Vol. 79 Walters, Peter
An introduction to ergodic theory
QA313 W34
Vol. 78 Burris, Stanley; Sankappanavar, H. P.
A course in universal algebra
QA251 B862
Vol. 77 Hecke, Erich
Lectures on the theory of algebraic numbers
QA247 H42
Vol. 76 Iitaka, Shigeru
Algebraic geometry : An introduction to birational geometry of algebraic varieties
QA564 I57
Vol. 75 Hochschild, Gerhard P.
Basic theory of algebraic groups and lie algebras
QA252.3 H62
Vol. 74 Davenport, Harold
Multiplicative number theory. 3th ed.
QA241 D38 2000
Vol. 73 Hungerford, Thomas W.
QA155 H84 1974
Vol. 72 Stillwell, John
Classical topology and combinatorial group theory
QA611 S835
Vol. 71 Farkas, Hershel M.
Riemann surfaces. 2nd ed.
QA333 F36 1992
Vol. 70 Massey, William S.
Singular homology theory
QA612.3 M372
Vol. 69 Lang, Serge
Cyclotomic fields II
QA247 L337 V. 2
Vol. 68 Weidmann, Joachim
Linear operators in Hilbert spaces
QA329.2 W44
Vol. 67 Serre, Jean Pierre
Local fields
QA247 S46
Vol. 66 Waterhouse, William C.
Introduction to affine group schemes
QA564 W37
Vol. 65 Wells, Raymond O’Neil
Differential analysis on complex manifolds
QA613 W43 1980
Vol. 64 Edwards, Robert E.
Fourier series : a modern introduction. 2nd ed.
QA404 E38 1979 Vol. 1
Vol. 63 Bollobás, Béla
Graph theory : An introduction course
QA166 B623
Vol. 62 Kargapolov, Mikhail Ivanovich; Merzliakov, Iurii Ivanovich
Fundamentals of the theory of groups
QA171 K37
Vol. 61 Whitehead, George William
Elements of homotopy theory
QA612.7 W53
Vol. 60 Arnolʹd, V. I.
Mathematical methods of classical mechanics
QA805 A683
Vol. 59 Lang, Serge
Cyclotomic fields
QA247 L337 V.1
Vol. 58 Koblitz, Neal
P-adic numbers, p-adic analysis, and zeta-functions 2nd ed.
QA241 K625 1984
Vol. 57 Crowell, Richard; Fox, Ralph Hartzler
Introduction to knot theory
(Disponible en Cinvestav y CIMAT)
Vol. 56 Massey, William S.
Algebraic topology : An introduction
QA612 M37
Vol. 55 Brown, Arlen
Introduction to operator theory I : elements of functional analysis
QA329 B76
Vol. 54 Graver, Jack E.; Watkins, Mark E.
Combinatorics with emphasis on the theory of graphs
QA164 G7
Vol. 53 Manin, IU. I.
A course in mathematical logic
QA9 M35
Vol. 52 Hartshorne, Robin
Algebraic geometry
QA564 H356
Vol. 51 Klingenberg, Wilhelm
A course in differential geometry
QA641 K55
Vol. 50 Edwards, Harold M.
Fermat’s last theorem : A genetic introduction to algebraic number theory
QA247 E37
Vol. 49 Gruenberg, Karl W.
Linear geometry. 2nd ed.
QA564 G77 1977
Vol. 48 Sachs, Rainer Kurt; Wu, Hung-hsi
General relativity for mathematicians
QC173.55 S33
Vol. 47 Moise, Edwin E.
Geometric topology in dimensions, 2 and 3
QA611 M6
Vol. 46 Loeve, Micel Moice
Probability theory II. 4th ed.
QA273 L64 1978 V. II
Vol. 45 Loeve, Michel Moice
Probability theory I 4th ed.
QA273 L64 1978 V. I
Vol. 44 Kendig, Keith
Elementary algebraic geometry
QA564 K44
Vol. 43 Gillman, Leonard; Jerison, Meyer
Rings of continuous functions
QA611 G54 1976
Vol. 42 Serre, Jean Pierre
Linear representations of finite groups
QA171 S4613
Vol. 41 Apostol, Tom M.
Modular functions and dirichlet series in number theory. 2nd ed.
QA241 A65 1990
Vol. 40 Kemeny, John G.; Snell, J. Laurie; Knapp, W.
Denumerable markov chains
QA274.7 K45
Vol. 39 Arveson, William
An Invitation to C*-Algebras
QA326 A78
Vol. 38 Grauert, Hans
Several complex variables
QA331 G734
Vol. 37 Monk, James Donald
Mathematical logic
QA9 M65
Vol. 36 Kelley, John L.; Namioka, Isaac
Linear topological spaces
QA322 K44
Vol. 35 Wermer, John
Banach algebras and several complex variables. 2nd ed.
QA326 W47 1976
Vol. 34 Spitzer, Frank Ludwig
Principles of random walk
QA274.73 S64
Vol. 33 Hirsch, Morris W.
Differential topology
QA613.6 H56
Vol. 32 Jacobson, Nathan
Lectures in abstract algebra: theory of fields and galois theory
QA266 J3 1951
Vol. 31 Jacobson, Nathan
Lectures in abstract algebra: linear algebra
QA266 J3 1951
Vol. 30 Jacobson, Nathan
Lectures in abstract algebra: basic concepts I
QA266 J3 1951
Vol. 29 Zariski, Oscar; Samuel, Pierre
Commutative algebra II
QA251.3 Z37 1975
Vol. 28 Zariski, Oscar; Samuel, Pierre
Commutative algebra I
QA251.3 Z37
Vol. 27 Kelley, John L.
General topology
QA611 K42
Vol. 26 Manes, Ernest G.
Algebraic theories
QA251 M324
Vol. 25 Hewitt, Edwin
Real and abstract analysis : A modern treatment of the theory of functions of a real variable
QA331.5 H4
Vol. 24 Holmes, Richard B.
Geometric functional analysis and its applications
QA320 H65
Vol. 23 Greub, Werner Hildbert
Linear algebra. 4th ed.
QA251 G73 1981
Vol. 22 Barnes, Donald W.; Mack, John M.
An algebraic introduction to mathematical logic
QA9 B36
Vol. 21 Humphreys, James E.
Linear algebraic groups
QA171 H84
Vol. 20 Husemöller, Dale
Fibre bundles. 3rd ed.
QA612.6 H87 1994
Vol. 19 Halmos, Paul R.
A Hilbert space problem book. 2nd rev. and enl. ed.
QA322 H33 1982
Vol. 18 Halmos, Paul R.
Measure theory
QA312 H35
Vol. 17 Rosenblatt, Murray
Random processes. 2nd ed.
QA274 R64 1974
Vol. 16 Winter, David J .
The structure of fields
QA247 W54
Vol. 15 Berberian, Sterling K.
Lectures in functional analysis and operator theory
QA322 B46
Vol. 14 Golubitsky, Martin
Stable mappings and their singularities
QA613 G64
Vol. 13 Anderson, Frank W.; Kent R. Fuller
Rings and categories of modules
QA247 A52
Vol. 12 Beals, Richard
Advanced mathematical analysis : periodic functions and distributions complex analysis, laplace transform and applications
QA300 B42
Vol. 11 Conway, John B.
Functions of one complex variable. 2nd ed.
QA331 C64 1978
Vol. 10 Cohen, M. M.
A course in simple homotopy theory
QA611 C622
Vol. 9 Humphreys, James E.
Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory
QA251 H84
Vol. 8 Takeuti, Gaisi
Axiomatic set theory
QA248 T33
Vol. 7 Serre, Jean Pierre
A course in arithmetic
QA243 S47
Vol. 6 Hughes, Daniel R.; Piper, Fred C.
Projective planes
QA471 H84
Vol. 5 Mac Lane, Saunders
Categories for the working mathematician
QA169 M32
Vol. 4 Hilton, Peter John; Stammbach, Urs
A course in homological algebra
QA169 H55
Vol. 3 Schaefer, H. H.
Topological vector spaces 2nd ed.
QA322 S23 1999
Vol. 2 Oxtoby, John C.
Measure and category : A survey of the analogies between topological and measure spaces 2nd ed.
QA312 O97 1980
Vol. 1 Takeuti, Gaisi
Introduction to axiomatic set theory
QA248 T335