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Vol. 193 Lorenz, Martin
A tour of representation theory
QA176 L67
Vol. 192 Tsai, Tai-Peng
Lectures on Navier-Stokes equations
QA911 T736
Vol. 191 Bühler, Theo; Salamon, Dietmar A.
Functional analysis
QA320 B84
Vol. 190 Hou, Xiang-dong
Lectures on finite fields
QA247.3 H68
Vol. 189 Isaacs, I. Martin
Characters of solvable groups
QA177 I725
Vol. 188 Cutkosky, Steven Dale
Introduction to algebraic geometry
QA564 C873
Vol. 186 Poonen, Bjorn
Rational points on varieties
QA564 P6453
Vol. 185 LaFountain, Douglas J.; Menasco, William W.
Braid foliations in low-dimensional topology
QA612.23 L34
Vol. 184 Derksen, Harm; Weyman, Jerzy
An introduction to quiver representations
QA166.15 D47
Vol. 183 Ford, Timothy J.
Separable algebras
QA251.5 F67
Vol. 181 Leoni, Giovanni
A first course in Sobolev spaces. -- 2nd ed.
QA323 L46 2017
Vol. 180 Rotman, Joseph J.
Advanced modern algebra. . -- 3rd ed., Part 2
QA154.3 R67 2015
Vol. 179 Cohen, Henri
Modular forms : a classical approach
QA243 C63
Vol. 178 Clelland, Jeanne N.
From Frenet to Cartan : the method of moving frames
QA433 C54
Vol. 176 Clay, Adam; Rolfsen, Dale
Ordered groups and topology
QA174.2 C53
Vol. 174 Kirillov, Alexander A.
Quiver representations and quiver varieties
QA166.15 K75
Vol. 171 Han, Qing
Nonlinear elliptic equations of the second order
QA377 H3485
Vol. 170 Yau, Donald Y.
Colored operads
QA169 Y38
Vol. 169 Vasy, András
Partial differential equations : an accessible route through theory and applications
QA377 V38 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 168 Aizenman, Michael; Warzel, Simone
Random operators : disorder effects on quantum spectra and dynamics
QA274.28 A39 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 167 Neu, John C.
Singular perturbation in the physical sciences
QA372 N476 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 166 Torchinsky, Alberto
Problems in real and functional analysis
QA300 T68 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 165 Rotman, Joseph J.
Advanced modern algebra. -- 3rd ed., Part 1
QA154.3 R67 2015 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 164 Tao, Terence
Expansion in finite simple groups of Lie type
QA387 T356 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 163 Tenenbaum, Gerald
Introduction to analytic and probabilistic number theory. -- 3rd ed.
QA241 T45 2015 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 162 Rassoul-Agha, Firas; Seppäläinen, Timo O.
A course on large deviations with an introduction to Gibbs measures
QA273.67 R37 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 161 Maclagan, Diane; Sturmfels, Bernd
Introduction to tropical geometry
QA582 M33 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 160 Overholt, Marius
A course in analytic number theory
QA241 O94 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 159 Faulkner, John R.
The role of nonassociative algebra in projective geometry
QA471 F28 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 158 Colonius, Fritz; Kliemann, Wolfgang
Dynamical systems and linear algebra
QA184.2 C65 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 157 Teschl, Gerald
Mathematical methods in quantum mechanics : with applications to Schrödinger operators
QC174.17S3 T47 2014 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 156 Haase, Markus
Functional analysis : an elementary introduction
QA320 H32 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 155 Kowalski, Emmanuel
An introduction to the representation theory of groups
QA387 K68 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 154 Schlag, Wilhelm
A course in complex analysis and riemann surfaces
QA333 S368 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 153 Tao, Terence
Hilbert’s fifth problem and related topics
QA387 T36 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 152 Szekelyhidi, Gábor
An introduction to extremal Kähler metrics
QA641 S953 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 151 Schultens, Jennifer
Introduction to 3-manifolds
QA613.2 S35 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 150 Diestel, Joe
The joys of Haar measure
QA312 D527 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 149 Stroock, Daniel W.
Mathematics of probability
QA274 S78 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 148 Barreira, Luis; Pesin, Yakov B.
Introduction to smooth ergodic theory
QA611.5 B37 2013 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 147 Zhan, Xingzhi
Matrix theory
QA188 Z426 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 146 Siegel, Aaron N.
Combinatorial game theory
QA269 S53 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 145 Weibel, Charles A.
The K-book : an introduction to algebraic K-theory
QA612.33 W45 (sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 144 Cheng, Shun-Jen; Wang, Weiqiang
Dualities and representations of Lie superalgebras
QA252.3 C44
Vol. 143 Cheng, Shun-Jen; Wang, Weiqiang
Lecture notes on functional analysis with applications to linear partial differential equations
QA321 B74
Vol. 142 Tao, Terence
Higher order Fourier analysis
QA403.5 T36
Vol. 141 Conway, John B.
A course in abstract analysis
QA312 C68
Vol. 140 Teschi, Gerarld
Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems
QA371 T46
Vol. 139 Walsh, John B.
Knowing the odds : an introduction to probability
QA273 W245
Vol. 138 Zworski, Maciej
Semiclassical analysis
QC174.17D54 Z86
Vol. 137 Zworski, Maciej; Vaslls, Claudia
Semiclassical analysis
QC174.17D54 Z86
Vol. 136 Petrosyan, Arshak; Shahgholian, Henrik; Uraltseva, Nina Nikolaevna
Regularity of free boundaries in obstacle-type problems
QA379 P45
Vol. 135 Cherrier, Pascal; Milani, A.
Linear and quasi-linear evolution equations in Hilbert spaces
QA378 C44
Vol. 134 Koninck, Jean- Marie de Koninck; Luca, Florian
Analytic number theory : exploring the anatomy of integers
QA241 K645
Vol. 133 Rauch, Jeffrey
Hyperbolic partial differential equations and geometric optics
QC20.7S54 R38
Vol. 132 Tao, Terence
Topics in random matrix theory
QA196.5 T36
Vol. 131 Musson, Ian M.
Lie superalgebras and enveloping algebras
QA252.3 M87
Vol. 130 Ene, Viviana; Herzog, Jurgen
Gröbner bases in commutative algebra
QA251.3 E54
Vol. 129 Hastings, Stuart P.; McLeod, J. Bryce
Classical methods in ordinary differential equations : with applications to boundary value problems
QA379 H38
Vol. 128 Landsberg, J. M.
Tensors : geometry and applications
QA199.5 L36
Vol. 127 Strom, Jeffrey
Modern classical homotopy theory
QA612.7 S74
Vol. 126 Tao, Terence
An introduction to measure theory
QC20.7M43 T36 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 124 Cox, David A.; Little, John B.; Schenck, Henry K.
Toric varieties
QA564 C693 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 123 Eskin, Gregory
Lectures on linear partial differential equations
QA372 E75
Vol. 122 Crespo, Teresa; Hajto, Zbigniew
Algebraic groups and differential Galois theory
QA247.4 C74
Vol. 121 Colding, Tobias H.; Minicozzi, William P.
A course in minimal surfaces
QA644 C65 ( No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 120 Han, Qing
A basic course in partial differential equations
QA377 H347
Vol. 119 Korostelev, Aleksander; Korosteleva, Olga
Mathematical statistics : asymptotic minimax theory
QA276.8 K67
Vol. 118 Smith, Hal L. (Ed.)
Dynamical systems and population persistence
QH323.5 S57
Vol. 117 Tao, Terence
An epsilon of room, I : real analysis : pages from year three of a mathematical blog
QA403 T36 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 116 Cerda, Joan
Linear functional analysis
QA321 C47
Vol. 115 González-Díaz, Julio; Garcia-Jurado, I.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. Gloria
An introductory course on mathematical game theory
QA269 G65
Vol. 114 Rotman, Joseph J.
Advanced modern algebra. -- 2nd ed.
QA154.3 R67 2010 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 113 Liggett, Thomas Milton
Continuous time Markov processes : an introduction
QA274.7 L55 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 112 Troltzsch, Fredi
Optimal control of partial differential equations : theory, methods, and applications
QA402.3 T7613
Vol. 111 Brendle, Simon
Ricci flow and the sphere theorem
QA377.3 B74
Vol. 110 Kreck, Matthias
Differential algebraic topology : from stratifolds to exotic spheres
QA612 K74
Vol. 109 Neu, John C.
Training manual on transport and fluids
QC718.5T7 N48
Vol. 108 Outerelo, Enrique; Ruiz, Jesus M.
Mapping degree theory
QA612 O87
Vol. 107 Lee, Jeffrey M. (Jeffrey Marc), 1956-.
Manifolds and differential geometry
QA641 L42
Vol. 106 Daverman, Robert J.; Venema, Gerard
Embeddings in manifolds
QA564 D38
Vol. 105 Leoni, Giovanni
A first course in Sobolev spaces
QA323 L46
Vol. 104 Aluffi, Paolo
Algebra : chapter 0
QA154.3 A58 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 103 Grunbaum, Branko
Configurations of points and lines
QA607 G78
Vol. 102 Pinsky, Mark A.
Introduction to Fourier analysis and wavelets (Ed. Brooks/Cole, 2002)
QA403.5 P56
Vol. 101. Cheney, E. W.; Light, Will
A course in approximation theory
QA221 C43 2009
Vol. 100 Isaacs, I. Martin
Algebra : a graduate course
QA154.2 I73 2009
Vol. 98. Bobenko, Alexander I.; Suris, Yuri B.
Discrete differential geometry : integrable structure
QA672 B63
Vol. 97. Ullrich, David C.
Complex made simple
QA331.7 U55
Vol. 96. Krylov, Nikolai Vladimirovich
Lectures on elliptic and parabolic equations in Sobolev spaces
QA377 K775
Vol. 95. Takhtadzhëiìan, Leon Armenovich
Quantum mechanics for mathematicians
QC174.12 T345 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 94. Humphreys, James E.
Representations of semisimple Lie algebras in the BGG category O
QA252.3 H85
Vol. 93 Michor, Peter W.
Topics in differential geometry
QA641 M53
Vol. 92. Isaacs, I. Martin
Finite group theory
QA177 I74
Vol. 91. Rowen, Louis Halle
Graduate algebra: noncommutative view
QA251.3 R676
Vol. 90. Gerstein, Larry J.
Basic quadratic forms
QA243 G48
Vol. 89. Bonato, Anthony
A course on the Web graph
TK5105.888 B648
Vol. 88. Brown, Nathanial Patrick
C*-algebras and finite-dimensional approximations
QA326 B758
Vol. 87. Iyengar, Srikanth B.... et al.
Twenty-four hours of local cohomology
QA612.36 T84
Vol. 86. Ilyashenko, Yulij S.; Yakovenko, Sergei Borisovich
Lectures on analytic differential equations
QA372 I56
Vol. 85. Alongi, John M.; Nelson, Gail Susan
Recurrence and topology
QA9.6 A56
Vol. 84. Aliprantis, Charalambos D.; Tourky, Rabee
Cones and duality
QA329 A55
Vol. 83. Ebeling, Wolfgang
Functions of several complex variables and their singularities
QA331 E3413
Vol. 82. Alinhac, Serge; Gerard, Patrick
Pseudo-differential operators and the Nash-Moser theorem
QA329.7 A5513
Vol. 81. Prasolov, V. V.
Elements of homology theory
QA612.3 P72513
Vol. 80. Khoshnevisan, Davar
QA273 K505
Vol. 79. Stein, William A.
Modular forms, a computational approach
QA243 S737
Vol. 78. Dym, Harry
Linear algebra in action
QA184.2 D95 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 77. Chow, Bennett; Lu, Peng; Ni, Lei
Hamilton’s Ricci flow
QA670 C45
Vol. 76. Taylor, Michael Eugene
Measure theory and integration
QA312 T39
Vol. 75. Miller, Peter D.
Applied asymptotic analysis
QA431 M546
Vol. 74. Prasolov, V. V.
Elements of combinatorial and differential topology
QA612 P7313
Vol. 73. Rowen, Louis Halle
Graduate algebra : commutative view
QA251.3 R675
Vol. 72. Williams, Ruth J.
Introduction to the mathematics of finance
HG106 W55
Vol. 71. Novikov, Sergeæi Petrovich
Modern geometric structures and fields
QA685 N6813
Vol. 70. Dineen, Seán
Probability theory in finance : a mathematical guide to the Black-Scholes formula
HF5691 D55 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 69. Montiel, Sebastián; Ros, Antonio
Curves and surfaces
QA643 M6613
Vol. 68. Caffarelli, Luis A.; Salsa, Sandro
A geometric approach to free boundary problems
QA379 C34
Vol. 67. Lam, Tsit-Yuen
Introduction to quadratic forms over fields
QA243 L253
Vol. 66. Eidelman, Yuli; Milman, Vitali D.; Tsolomitis, Antonis
Functional analysis : an introduction
QA320 E53
Vol. 65. Ramanan, S.
Global calculus
QA564 R35
Vol. 64. Kirillov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Lectures on the orbit method
QA387 K525
Vol. 63. Cutkosky, Steven Dale
Resolution of singularities
QA614.58 C87
Vol. 62. Korner, Thomas William
A companion to analysis : a second first a first second course in analysis
QA300 K67
Vol. 61. Ivey, Thomas Andrew; Landsberg, J. M.
Cartan for beginners : differential geometry via moving frames and exterior differential systems
QA641 I84
Vol. 60. Candel, Alberto; Conlon, Lawrence
Foliations II
QA613.62 C35
Vol. 59. Weintraub, Steven H.
Representation theory of finite groups : algebra and arithmetic
QA176 W45
Vol. 58. Villani, Cedric
Topics in optimal transportation
QA402.6 V55 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 57. Plato, Robert
Concise numerical mathematics
QA297 P58413
Vol. 56. Vinberg, Ernest Borisovich
A course in algebra
QA154.3 V5513
Vol. 55. A scrapbook of complex curve theory
A scrapbook of complex curve theory. -- 2nd ed.
QA565 C55 2003
Vol. 54. Barvinok, Alexander
A course in convexity
QA639.5 B37
Vol. 53. Iwaniec, Henryk
Spectral methods of automorphic forms. 2nd ed.
QA353.A9 I83 2002
Vol. 52. Agricola, Ilka; Friedrich, Thomas
Global analysis : differential forms in analysis, geometry, and physics
QA381 A4713
Vol. 51. Abramovich, Yuri A.; Aliprantis, Charalambos D.
Problems in operator theory
QA329 A375
Vol. 50. Abramovich, Yuri A.; Aliprantis, Charalambos D.
An invitation to operator theory
QA329 A37
Vol. 49. Harper, John R.
Secondary cohomology operations
QA612.3 H35
Vol. 48. Eliashberg, Yakov; Mishachev, Nikolai M.
Introduction to the h-principle
QA641 E63
Vol. 47. Kitaev, Alexei Yu; Shen, Alexander; Vyalyi, Mikhail N.
Classical and quantum computation
QA267 K5713
Vol. 46. Taylor, Joseph L.
Several complex variables with connections to algebraic geometry and Lie groups
QA331.7 T39
Vol. 45. Rana, Inder K.
An introduction to measure and integration. 2nd ed.
QA312 R35 2002
Vol. 44. Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John Edward
Pick interpolation and Hilbert function spaces
QA322.4 A437
Vol. 43. Krylov, Nikolai Vladimirovich
Introduction to the theory of random processes
QA274 K79
Vol. 42. Hong, Jin; Kang, Seok-Jin
Introduction to quantum groups and crystal bases
QA252.3 H65
Vol. 41. Smirnov, Georgi V.
Introduction to the theory of differential inclusions
QA371 S535
Vol. 40. Greene, Robert Everist; Krantz, Steven G.
Function theory of one complex variable. 3rd ed.
QA331.7 G74 2006 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 39. Grove, Larry C.
Classical groups and geometric algebra
QA174.2 G763
Vol. 38. Hsu, Elton P.
Stochastic analysis on manifolds
QA614.9 H78
Vol. 36. Schechter, Martin
Principles of functional analysis. 2nd ed.
QA320 S23 2002
Vol. 35. Davis, James Frederic; Kirk, Paul
Lecture notes in algebraic topology
QA612 D39
Vol. 34. Helgason, Sigurdur
Differential geometry, lie groups, and symmetric spaces
QA641 H423 2001 (No acceso electrónico)
Vol. 33. Burago, Dmitri; Burago, IUrii Dmitrievich; Ivanov, Sergei Ivanovich
A course in metric geometry
QA611.28 B87
Vol. 32. Bartle, Robert Gardner
A modern theory of integration
QA312 B375
Vol. 31. Korn, Ralf; Korn, Elke
Option pricing and portfolio optimization : modern methods of financial mathematics
HG6024.A3 K67
Vol. 30. Mcconnell, John C.; Robson, James Christopher
Noncommutative noetherian rings
QA251.4 M331 2000
Vol. 29. Duoandikoetxea Zuazo, Javier
Fourier analysis
QA403.5 D8613
Vol. 28. Nicolaescu, Liviu I.
Notes on Seiberg-Witten theory
QA614 N53
Vol. 27. Aubin, Thierry
A course in differential geometry
QA641 A82
Vol. 26. Berndt, Rolf
An introduction to sympletic geometry
QA649 B46713
Vol. 25. Friedrich, Thomas
Dirac operators in Riemannian geometry
QA649 F7513
Vol. 24. Koch, Helmut
Number theory : algebraic numbers and functions
QA241 K6313
Vol. 23. Candel, Alberto; Conlon, Lawrence
Foliations I
QA613.62 C35
Vol. 22. Krause, Gunter R.; Lenagan, Thomas H.
Growth of algebras and Gelfand-Kirillov dimension
QA251 K72 2000
Vol. 21. Conway, John B.
A course in operator theory
QA329 C683
Vol. 20. Gompf, Robert E.; Stipsicz, Andras I.
4-manifolds and Kirby calculus
QA613.2 G647
Vol. 19 Evans, Lawrence C.
Partial differential equations. 2nd ed.
QA377 E833 2010 (Sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 18. Just, Winfried; Weese, Martin
Discovering modern set theory. II: Set-theoretic tools for every mathematician
QA248 J87
Vol. 17. Iwaniec, Henryk
Topics in classical automorphic forms
QA243 I83
Vol. 16. Kadison, Richard V.; Ringrose, John R.
Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. Vol. 2. Advanced theory
QA326 K33 1997
Vol. 15. Kadison, Richard V.; Ringrose, John R.
Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. Vol. 1. Elementary theory
QA326 K33 1997
Vol. 14. Lieb, Elliott H.; Loss, Michael
QA300 L538 1997 (Sin acceso electrónico)
Vol. 13. Shields, Paul C.
The ergodic theory of discrete sample paths
QA313 S45 1996
Vol. 12. Krylov, Nikolai Vladimirovich
Lectures on elliptic and parabolic equations in Holder spaces
QA377 K77 1996
Vol. 11. Dixmier, Jacques
Enveloping algebras
QA252.3 D5813 1996
Vol. 10. Simon, Barry
Representations of finite and compact group
QA176 S55
Vol. 9. Lorenzini, Dino
An invitation to arithmetic geometry
QA242.5 L67
Vol. 8. Just, Winfried; Weese, Martin
Discovering modern set theory. I: the basis
QA248 J87
Vol. 7. Janusz, Gerald J.
Algebraic number fields
QA247 J36 1996
Vol. 6. Jantzen, Jens Carsten
Lectures on quantum groups
QC20.7G70 J35
Vol. 5 Miranda, Rick
Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces
QA565 M57
Vol. 4. Gordon, Russell A.
The integrals of Lebesgue, Denjoy, Perron, and Henstock
QA312 G67
Vol. 3 Adams, William W.; Loustaunau, Philippe
An Introduction to Gröbner bases
(Disponible en: acceso electrónico)
Vol. 2. Graver, Jack E.; Servatius, Brigitte; Servatius, Herman
Combinatorial rigidity
QA166.6 G73
Vol. 1. Akin, Ethan
The general topology of dynamical systems
QA614.8 A55