Vol. 75 Gumel, Abba B.; Lenhart, Suzanne (Eds.)
Modeling paradigms and analysis of disease transmission models
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Vol. 75 Gumel, Abba B.; Lenhart, Suzanne (Eds.)
Modeling paradigms and analysis of disease transmission models
Vol. 74 Demetrescu, Camil; Goldberg, Andrew V.
The shortest path problem : ninth DIMACS implementation challenge
QA402.5 S4973
Vol. 73 Siegel, Paul H.; Soljanin, Emina; Wijngaarden, Adriaan J. van; Vasić, Bane (Eds.)
Advances in information recording
TK7895.M4 A38
Vol. 72 Liu, Regina Y.; Serfling, Robert J.; Souvaine, Diane L. (Eds.)
Data depth : robust multivariate analysis, computational geometry, and applications
QA278 D374
Vol. 71 Feng, Zhilan; Dieckmann, Ulf; Levin, Simon A. (Eds.)
Disease evolution : models, concepts, and data analyses
RA652.2M3 D57
Vol. 70 Abello, James M.; Cormode, Graham (Eds.)
Discrete methods in epidemiology
RA651 D57
Vol. 69 Fajtlowicz, Siemion; Fowler, Patrick W.; Hansen, Pierre; Janowitz, Melvin F. ; Roberts, Fred S. (Eds.)
Graphs and discovery : DIMACS working group, computer-generated conjectures from graph theoretical and chemical databases, November 12-16, 2001, DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
QA166 G735
Vol. 68 Ashikhmin, Alexei; Barg, Alexander (Eds.)
Algebraic coding theory and information theory : DIMACS workshop, algebraic coding theory and information theory, December 15-18, 2003, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey
QA10.4 A55
Vol. 67 Janardan, Ravi; Smid, Michiel; Dutta, D. (Debasish) (Eds.)
Geometric and algorithmic aspects of computer-aided design and manufacturing : DIMACS Workshop Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, October 7-9, 2003, Piscataway, New Jersey
TA174 D55
Vol. 66 Gupta, Piyush; Kramer, Gerhard; Van Wijngaarden, Adriaan J. (Eds.)
Advances in network information theory : DIMACS Workshop Network Information Theory, March 17-19, 2003, Piscataway, New Jersey
TK5105.5 A385
Vol. 65 Vempala, Santosh Srinivas
The random projection method
QA501 V45
Vol. 64 Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard (Ed.)
Unusual applications of number theory : DIMACS workshop, unusual applications of number theory, January 10-14, 2000, DIMACS Center
QA241 D55
Vol. 63 Nesetril, Jaroslav; Winkler, Peter (Eds.)
Graphs, morphisms, and statistical physics : DIMACS Workshop Graphs, Morphisms and Statistical Physics, March 19-21, 2001, DIMACSCenter
QC20.7G7 D56
Vol. 62 Foschini, Gerard J.; Verdu, Sergio (Eds.)
Multiantenna channels : capacity coding and signal processing : DIMACS Workshop Signal Processing for Wireless Transmission, October7-9, 2002,DIMACS Center
TK5102.9 D545
Vol. 61 Janowitz, Melvin F. (Ed.)
Bioconsensus : DIMACS working group meetings on bioconsensus : October 25-26, 2000 and October 2-5, 2001 : DIMACS Center
QH323.5 B472
Vol. 60 Basu, Saugata; Gonzalez-Vega, Laureano (Eds.)
Algorithmic and quantitative real algebraic geometry
QA564 D55
Vol. 59 Goldwasser, Michael H.; Johnson, David S.; McGeoch, Catherine C. (Eds.)
Data structures, near heighbor searches, and methodology : fifth and sixth DINAMCS implementation challenges
QA76.9D35 D355
Vol. 58 Thomas, Simon (Ed.)
Set theory : the Hajnal Conference, October 15-17, 1999 DIMACS Center
QA248 H3515
Vol. 57 Freuder, Eugene C.; Wallace, Richard John (Eds.)
Constraint programming and large scale discrete optimization : DIMACS Workshop Constraint Programming and Large Scale DiscreteOptimization, September 14-17, 1998, DIMACS Center
QA76.612 D55
Vol. 56 Barg, Alexander; Litsyn, Simon (Eds.)
Codes and association schemes : DIMACS Workshop Codes and Association Schemes, November 9-12, 1999, DIMACS Center
QA268 D55
Vol. 55 Du, Ding-Zhu ; Pardalos, Panos M.; Wang, Jie (Eds.)
Discrete mathematical problems with medical applications
No se adquirió en la Biblioteca
Vol. 54 Winfree, Erik; Gifford, David K. (Eds.)
DNA based computers V : DIMACS Workshop DNA Based Computers, June 14-15, 1999, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
QA76.887 D53 2000
Vol. 53 Dean, Nathaniel; Hsu, Derbiau Frank; Ravi, Ramamoorthi (Eds.)
Robust communication networks : interconnection and survivability
TK5105.5 R636
Vol. 52 Rajasekaran, Sanguthevar; Pardalos, P. M.; Hsu, Derbiau Frank (Eds.)
Mobile networks and computing : DIMACS Workshop, mobile networks and computing, March 25-27, 1999, DIMACS Center
QA76.59 M64
Vol. 50 Abello, James M.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (Eds.)
External memory algo
Vol. 49 Graham, Ronald L.; Kratochvíl, Jan; Nešetřil,, Jaroslav; Roberts, Fred S. (Eds.)
Contemporary trends in discrete mathematics : from DIMACS and DIMATIA to the future : DIMATIA-DIMACS conference, May 19-25, 1997, Stirin Castle, Czech Republic
QA166 C666
Vol. 48 Rubin, Harvey; Wood, David Harlan (Eds.)
DNA based computers III : DIMACS Workshop, June 23-25, 1997
QA76.887 D53 1999
Vol. 47 Farach-Colton, Martin; Roberts, Fred S.; Vingron, Martin; Waterman, Michael (Eds.)
Mathematical support for molecular biology : papers related to the special year in mathematical support for molecular biology, 1994-1998
QH506 M37
Vol. 46 Wan, Peng-Jun; Du, Dingzhu; Pardalos, P. M. (Eds.)
Multichannel optical networks : theory and practice : DIMACS Workshop, March 16-19, 1998
TK5103.59 M85
Vol. 45 Mavronicolas, Marios; Merritt, Michael; Shavit, Nir (Eds.)
Networks in distributed computing
QA76.9D5 N473
Vol. 44 Landweber, Laura Faye; Baum, Eric B. (Eds.)
DNA based computers II : DIMACS workshop, June 10-12, 1996
QA76.887 D53 1996
Vol. 43 Pardalos, P. M.; Rajasekaran, Sanguthevar; Rolim, Jose D. P. (Eds.)
Randomization methods in algorithm design : DIMACS workshop, December 12-14, 1997
QA274.A1 R35
Vol. 42 Du, Dingzhu; Hwang, Frank (Eds.)
Advances in switching networks : DIMACS workshop, July 7-9, 1997
TK5105.5 A39
Vol. 41 Aldous, David J.; Propp, James (Eds.)
Microsurveys in discrete probability : DIMACS Workshop, June 2-6, 1997
QA273.A1 M53 1998
Vol. 39 Beame, Paul W.; Buss, Samuel R. (Eds.)
Proof complexity and feasible arithmetics : DIMACS workshop, April 21-24, 1996
QA9.54 P764
Vol. 38 Wright, Rebecca N.; Neumann, Peter (Eds.)
Network threats : DIMACS Workshop, December 2-4, 1996
TK5105.5 N485
Vol. 37 Mirkin, Boris Grigorevich (Ed.)
Mathematical hierarchies and biology : DIMACS workshop, November 13-15, 1996
QA166 M365
Vol. 36 Rosenstein, Joseph G.; Franzblau, Deborah S.; Roberts, Fred S. (Eds.)
Discrete mathematics in the schools
QA11.A1 D57
Vol. 35 Du, Dingzhu; Gu, Jun; Pardalos, P. M. (Eds.)
Satisfiability problem : theory and applications : DIMACS workshop, March 11-13, 1996
QA9.3 S37
Vol. 34 Dean, Nathaniel (Ed.)
African Americans in mathematics : DIMACS Workshop, June 26-28, 1996
QA1 A475
Vol. 33 Boppana, Ravi Bopu; Lynch, James F. (Eds.)
Logic and random structures : DIMACS Workshop, November 5-7, 1995
QA76.9M35 L64 1997
Vol. 32 Gregoire, Jean-Charles; Holzmann, Gerard J.; Peled, Doron A. (Eds.)
The SPIN verification system : the second Workshop on the SPIN Verification System : proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, august 5, 1996
QA76.76V47 W68 1996
Vol. 31 Immerman, Neil; Kolaitis, Phokion G. (Eds.)
Descriptive complexity and finite models : proceedings of a DIMACS workshop, January 14-17, 1996, Princeton University
QA267.7 D47 1997
Vol. 30 Bhatt, Sandeep Nautam (Ed.)
Parallel algorithms : third DIMACS implementation challenge, october 17-19, 1994
QA76.642 P377 1994
Vol. 29 Peled, Doron; Pratt, Vaughan R.; Holzmann, Gerard J. (Eds.)
Partial order methods in verification : DIMACS workshop July 24-26, 1996
QA76.9D5 P37 1997
Vol. 28 Finkelstein, Larry A.; Kantor, William M. (Eds.)
Groups and computation II : Workshop on Groups and Computation, June 7-10, 1995
QA174.7D36 G76 1997
Vol. 27 Lipton, Richard J.; Baum, Eric B. (Eds.)
DNA based computers : proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop april 4, 1995, Princeton University
QA76.887 D53
Vol. 26 Johnson, David S.; Trick, Michael A. (Eds.)
Cliques, coloring and satisfiability : second DIMACS implementation challenge October 11-13, 1993
QA76.9A43 C55
Vol. 25 Baumslag, Gilbert (Ed.)
Geometric and computational perspectives on infinite groups
QA183 G463
Vol. 24 Billera, Louis J. (Ed.)
Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics, 1994 : DIMACS Workshop, May 23-27, 1994 = Series formelles et combinatoirealgebrique, 1994
QA164 F66
Vol. 23 Pardalos, P. M.; Shalloway, David; Hsueh, Kuo-liang (Eds.)
Global minimization of nonconvex energy functions : molecular conformation and protein folding : DIMACS workshop, March 20-21, 1995
QP551 G56
Vol. 22 Pardalos, P. M.; Resende, Mauricio G.C.; Ramakrishnan, K.G. (Eds.)
Parallel processing of discrete optimization problems : DIMACS Workshop, April 28-29, 1994
QA76.58 P372
Vol. 21 Hsu, Derbiau Frank; Rosenberg, Arnold L.; Sotteau, Dominique (Eds.)
Interconnection networks and mapping and scheduling parallel computations : DIMACS workshop, February 7-9, 1994
QA76.58 I565 (En la Biblioteca del Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas)
Vol. 19 Cox, Ingemar J.; Hansen, Pierre; Julesz, Bela (Eds.)
Partitioning data sets : DIMACS workshop, April 19-21, 1993
QA278 P37
Vol. 18 Blelloch, Guy E.; Chandy, K. Mani; Jagannathan, Suresh (Eds.)
Specification of parallel algorithms : DIMACS workshop, May 9-11, 1994
QA76.642 S74
Vol. 17 Ristad, Eric Sven (Ed.)
Language computations : DIMACS Workshop on Human Language, March 20-22, 1992
QA76.9N38 D55 (En Biblioteca del Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas)
Vol. 16 Wolkowicz, Henry; Pardalos, P. M. (Eds.)
Quadratic assignment and related problems : DIMACS Workshop, May 20-21, 1993
QA402.5 Q83
Vol. 15 Dean, Nathaniel; Shannon, Gregory E.
Computational support for discrete mathematics : DIMACS Workshop, March 12-14, 1992
QA76.9M35 C64
Vol. 14 Calderbank, Robert; Forney, G. David; Moayeri, Nader (Eds.)
Coding and quantization : DIMACS/ IEEE Workshop, October 19-21, 1992
TK5102.5 C63
Vol. 13 Cai, Jin-Yi (Ed.)
Advances in computational complexity theory
QA267.7 C35
Vol. 12 Finkelstein, Larry A.; Kantor, William M. (Eds.)
Groups and computation : workshop on groups and computation, October 7-10, 1991
QA174.7D36 G76
Vol. 11 Finkelstein, Larry A.; Kantor, William M. (Eds.)
Groups and computation : workshop on groups and computation, October 7-10, 1991
QA174.7D36 G76
Vol. 10 Friedman, Joel (Ed.)
Expanding graphs : proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, May 11-14, 1992
QA166 E96
Vol. 9 Trotter, William T. (Ed.)
Planar graphs
QA166 P53
Vol. 8 Gindikin, S. G. (Ed.)
Mathematical methods of analysis of biopolymer sequences
QP620 M373
Vol. 7 Mcgeoch, Lyle A.; Sleator, Daniel Dominic (Eds.)
On-line algorithms : Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, february 11-13, 1991
QA76.55 O5
Vol. 6 Goodman, Jacob E.; Pollack, Richard D. ; Steiger, William L., (Eds.)
Discrete and computational geometry : Papers from the dimacs special year
QA448.D38 D57
Vol. 5 Monma, Clyde; Roberts, Fred; Hwang, Frank (Eds.)
Reliability of computer and communication networks : Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, december 2-4, 1989
TK5105.5 R43
Vol. 4 Gritzmann, Peter; Sturmfels, Bernd (Eds.)
Applied geometry and discrete mathematics : The victor klee fetschrift
QA7 A66
Vol. 3 Clarke, E. M.; Kurshan, R. P. (Eds.)
Computer-aided verification ’90 : proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, June 18-21, 1990
TK7874 D55 1991
Vol. 2 Feigenbaum, Joan; Merritt, Michael (Eds.)
Distributed computing and cryptography : Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, october 4-6, 1989
QA76.9D5 D43 1989
Vol. 1 Cook, William J.; Seymour, Paul D. (Eds.)
Polyhedral combinatorics : Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop : June 12-16, 1989
QA164 D55