Vol. 56 Dafni, Galia Devora; McCann, Robert John; Stancu, Alina (Eds.)
Analysis and geometry of metric measure spaces : lecture notes of the 50th Séminaire de Mathématiques Superieures (SMS), Montreal, 2011
QA611.28 S46 2011
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Vol. 56 Dafni, Galia Devora; McCann, Robert John; Stancu, Alina (Eds.)
Analysis and geometry of metric measure spaces : lecture notes of the 50th Séminaire de Mathématiques Superieures (SMS), Montreal, 2011
QA611.28 S46 2011
Vol. 55 Boivin, Andre; Mashreghi, Javad (Eds.)
Complex analysis and potential theory
QA331.7 C657
Vol. 54 Daigle, Daniel; Ganong, Richard; Koras, Mariusz (Eds.)
Affine algebraic geometry : the Russell festschrift
QA477 A34
Vol. 53 Hart, Bradd T.; Kucera, Thomas G.; Pillay, Anand; Scott, Philip J.; Seely, Robert A. G. (Eds.)
Models, logics, and higher-dimensional categories : a tribute to the work of Mihaly Makkai
QA9.7 M65
Vol. 52 Jakobson, Dmitry; Nonnenmacher, Stephane; Polterovich, Iosif (Eds.)
Spectrum and dynamics : proceedings of the workshop held in Montreal, QC, April 7--11, 2008
QA614.8 S67
Vol. 51 Mashreghi, Javad; Ransford, Thomas; Seip, Kristian (Eds.)
Hilbert spaces of analytic functions
QA322.4 H55
Vol. 50 Kotiuga, P. Robert (Ed.)
A Celebration of the mathematical legacy of Raoul Bott
QA446 C42
Vol. 49 Abreu, Miguel; Lalonde, Francois; Polterovich, Leonid (Eds.)
New perspectives and challenges in symplectic field theory
QA665 N48
Vol. 48 Avis, David; Bremner, D.; Deza, Antoine (Eds.)
Polyhedral computation
QA491 P65
Vol. 47 Harnad, John P.; Winternitz, Pavel
Groups and symmetries : from Neolithic Scots to John McKay
QA174 G748
Vol. 46 Koninck, J. M. de; Granville, Andrew; Luca, Florian (Eds.)
Anatomy of integers
QA308 A53
Vol. 45 Pardalos, P. M.; Hansen, P. (Eds.)
Data mining and mathematical programming
QA402.5 D38
Vol. 44 Alama, Stanley; Bronsard, Lia; Sternberg, Peter J. (Eds.)
Singularities in PDE and the calculus of variations
QC20.7S54 S55
Vol. 43 Granville, Andrew; Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard; Solymosi, Jozsef (Eds.)
Additive combinatorics
QA164 C75
Vol. 42 Dawson, Donald Andrew; Jaksic, Vojkan; Vainberg, Boris Rufimovich (Eds.)
Probability and mathematical physics : a volume in honor of Stanislav Molchanov
QC20.7P7 P77
Vol. 41 Bandrauk, André D.; Delfour, Michel C.; Le Bris, Claude (Eds.)
High-dimensional partial differential equations in science and engineering
QA377 H54
Vol. 40 Apostolov, Vestislav; Dancer, A.; Hitchin, N.; Wang, M. (Eds.)
Perspectives in Riemannian geometry
QA649 P464
Vol. 39 Winternitz, Pavel; Gomez-Ullate, D.; Iserles, A.; Levi, D.; Olver, P. J.; Quispel, R.; Tempesta, P. (Eds.)
Group theory and numerical analysis
QA174 W67
Vol. 38 Hurtubise, Jacques; Markman, Eyal (Eds.)
Algebraic structures and moduli spaces : CRM Workshop, July 14-20, 2003, Montréal, Canada
QA162 A536
Vol. 37 Tempesta, Piergiulio; Winternitz, P.; Harnad, J.; Miller, W.; Pogosyan, G. (Eds.)
Superintegrability in classical and quantum systems
QC20.7H35 W67
Vol. 36 Kisilevsky, Hershy; Goren, Eyal Zvi (Eds.)
Number theory : Canadian Number Theory Association VII, Montreal, May 19-25, 2002
QA241 C355 2002
Vol. 35 Campbell, Harold Edward Alexander Eddy; Wehlau, David L. (Eds.)
Invariant theory in all characteristics
QA201 I585
Vol. 34 Winternitz, Pavel; Harnad, J.; Lam, C. S.; Patera, J. (Eds.)
Symmetry in physics : in memory of Robert T. Sharp
QC174.17S9 W67
Vol. 33 Bandrauk, Andre D.; Delfour, Michel C.; Le Bris, Claude (Eds.)
Quantum control : mathematical and numerical challenges : CRM workshop, October 6-11, 2002, Montreal, Canada
QC689.5L35 Q83
Vol. 32 Kuznetsov, Vadim B. (Ed.)
The Kowalevski property
QA614.8 K68
Vol. 31 Harnad, John P.; Its, Alexander R. (Eds.)
Isomonodromic deformations and applications in physics : CRM workshop, May 1-6, 2000, Montreal, Canada
QA372 I76
Vol. 30 McKay, John; Sebbar, Abdellah (Eds.)
Proceedings on moonshine and related topics
QA326 P76
Vol. 29 Coley, A. A.; Levi, Decio; Milson, RObert; ROgers, Colin, Winsternitz (Eds.)
Bäcklund and Darboux transformations : the geometry of solitons : AARMS-CRM Workshop, june 4-9, 1999, Halifax, N.S., Canada
QC174.26W28 A3 1999
Vol. 28 Taylor, John Christopher (Ed.)
Topics in probability and Lie groups : boundary theory
QA273.A1 T65 1992
Vol. 27 Sigal, Israel Michael; Sulem, Catherine (Eds.)
Nonlinear dynamics and renormalization group
QC20.7R43 N65
Vol. 26 Harnad, John P.; Sabidussi, Gert; Winternitz, Pavel (Eds.)
Integrable systems : from classical to quantum : proceedings of the 38th session of the seminaire de mathematiques superieures, July 26-August 6, 1999 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
QA614.83 I68
Vol. 25 Levi, Decio; Ragnisco, Orlando (Eds.)
SIDE III : Symmetries and integrability of difference equations
QA431 S95 2000
Vol. 24 Gordon, B. Brent; Lewis, James D.; Müller-Stach, Stefan; Saito, Shuji (Eds.)
The Arithmetic and geometry of algebraic cycles
QA564 A73
Vol. 23 Hansen, Pierre; Marcotte, Odile (Eds.)
Graph colouring and aplications
QA612.18 G73
Vol. 22 Van Diejen, Jan Felipe; Vinet, Luc (Eds.)
Algebraic methods and q-special functions
QA404.5 A54
Vol. 21 Fortin, Michel (Ed.)
Plates and shells
TA660.S5 P53
Vol. 20 Coughlin, Katie (Ed.)
Semi-analytic methods for the Navier-Stokes equations
QA929 S45
Vol. 19 Gupta, Rajiv; Williams, Kenneth S. (Eds.)
Number theory : Fifth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, August 17-22, 1996, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
QA241 C355 1996
Vol. 18 Dubuc, Serge; Deslauriers, Gilles (Eds.)
Spline functions and the theory of wavelets
QA224 S65
Vol. 17 Kharlampovich, Olga (Ed.)
Summer School in Group Theory in Banff, 1996
QA174 S85 1996
Vol. 16 Vincent, Alain P. (Ed.)
Numerical methods in fluid mechanics
QC145.2 N85
Vol. 15 Lalonde, Francois (Ed.)
Geometry, topology, and dynamics
QA641 G47
Vol. 14 Harnad, John P.; Kasman, Alex (Eds.)
The bispectral problem
QA193 B57
Vol. 13 Delfour, Michel C. (Ed.)
Boundaries, interfaces, and transitions
QC20.7G44 B68
Vol. 12 Greiner, Peter Charles... et al. (Ed.)
Partial differential equations and their applications
QA377 P3744
Vol. 11 Vinet, Luc (Ed.)
Advances in mathematical sciences--CRM’s 25 years
QA7 A38
Vol. 10 Knuth, Donald Ervin;
Stable marriage and its relation to other combinatorial problems : an introduction to the mathematical analysis of algorithms
QA614 K5813
Vol. 9. Levi, Decio; Vinet, Luc; Winternitz, Pavel (Eds.)
Symmetries and integrability of difference equations
QA431 S95 1996
Vol. 8 Feldman, Joel S.; Froese, Richard Gerd; Rosen, Lon M. (Eds.)
Mathematical quantum theory II : Schrodinger operators
QC174.17S3 M37
Vol. 7. Feldman, Joel S.; Froese, Richard Gerd; Rosen, Lon M. (Eds.)
Mathematical quantum theory I : field theory and many-body theory
QC174.45A1 M37
Vol. 6 Mislin, Guido (Ed.)
The Hilton symposium 1993 : topics in topology and group theory
QA611.A1 H55
Vol. 5 Dawson, Donald Andrew (Ed.)
Measure-valued processes, stochastic partial differential equations, andinteracting systems
QA274 M43
Vol. 4. Kisilevsky, H.; Murty, Maruti Ram (Eds.)
Elliptic curves and related topics
QA567.2E44 E55
Vol. 3 Vaillancourt, Remi; Smirnov, Andrei L. (Eds.)
Asymptotic methods in mechanics
QA295 A79
Vol. 2 Loewen, Philip Daniel
Optimal control via nonsmooth analysis
QA402.3 L64
Vol. 1 Murty, Maruti Ram (Ed.)
Theta functions : from the classical to the modern
QA345 T46