Vol. 37 Amenta, Alex; Auscher, Pascal
Elliptic boundary value problems with fractional regularity data : the first order approach
QA379 A539
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Vol. 34 Polterovich, Leonid; Rosen, Daniel
Function theory on symplectic manifolds
QA665 P65
Vol. 33 Snobl, Libor
Classification and identification of Lie algebras
QA252.3 S56
Vol. 32 Bleher, Pavel; Liechty, Karl
Random matrices and the six-vertex model
QA188 B54
Vol. 31 Labesse, Jean-Pierre; Waldspurger, Jean-Loup
La formule des traces tordue d’après le Friday Morning Seminar
QA243 L225
Vol. 30 Silverman, Joseph H.
Moduli spaces and arithmetic dynamics
QA331 S534
Vol. 29 Aguiar, Marcelo; Mahajan, Swapneel Arvind
Monoidal functors, species, and Hopf algebras
QA613.8 A49
Vol. 28 Ghosh, Saugata
Skew-orthogonal polynomials and random matrix theory
QA404.5 G46
Vol. 27 Berstel, Jean; Lauve, Aaron; Reutenauer, Christophe; Saliola, Franco V.
Combinatorics on words: Christoffel words and repetitions in words
QA164 C669
Vol. 26 Guillemin, V.; Sjamaar, Reyer
Convexity properties of Hamiltonian group actions
QA614.83 G85
Vol. 25 Majda, Andrew; Abramov, Rafail V.; Grote, Marcus J. (Eds.)
Information theory and stochastics for multiscale nonlinear systems
QA10.4 M35
Vol. 24 Schlomiuk, Dana (Ed.)
On finiteness in differential equations and diophantine geometry
QA372.5 O53
Vol. 23 Panangaden, Prakash; Breugel, Franck van (Eds.)
Mathematical techniques for analyzing concurrent and probabilistic systems
QA402 M369
Vol. 22 Alsina, Montserrat; Bayer i Isant, Pilar
Quaternion orders, quadratic forms, and Shimura curves
QA196 A47
Vol. 21 Tyurin, Andrej
Quantization, classical and quantum field theory and theta functions
QC174.17G46 T98
Vol. 20 Feldman, Joel S.; Knorrer, Horst; Trubowitz, Eugene (Eds.)
Riemann surfaces of infinite genus
QA333 F45
Vol. 19 Lafforgue, Laurent
Chirurgie des grassmanniennes
QA613.6 L34
Vol. 18 Lusztig, George
Hecke algebras with unequal parameters
QA179 L87
Vol. 17 Barr, Michael
Acyclic models
QA169 B365
Vol. 16 Feldman, Joel S.; Knorrer, Horst; Trubowitz, Eugne,
Fermionic functional integrals and the renormalization group
QC20.7F85 F45
Vol. 15 Burgos Gil, Jose Ignacio
The regulators of Beilinson and Borel
QA247 B85
Vol. 14 Goren, Eyal Zvi
Lectures on Hilbert modular varieties and modular forms
QA564 G6283
Vol. 13 Baake, Michael; Moody, R. V.
Directions in mathematical quasicrystals
QD926 D57
Vol. 12 Miyanishi, Masayoshi
Open algebraic surfaces
QA571 M59
Vol. 11 Bloch, Spencer
Higher regulators, algebraic K-theory, and zeta functions of elliptic curves
QA567.2E44 B56
Vol. 10 Lewis, James Dominic; Gordon, Brent B.
A survey of the Hodge conjecture
QA564 L484 1999
Vol. 9 Meyer, Yves
Wavelets, vibrations, and scalings
QA403.3 W385
Vol. 8 Karatzas, Ioannis
Lectures on the mathematics of finance
HF5691 K37 1997
Vol. 7 Milton, John
Dynamics of small neural populations
QP363.3 M55 1996
Vol. 6 Dynkin, E. B.
An introduction to branching measure-valued processes
QA274.76 D95
Vol. 5 Bruckner, Andrew M.
Differentiation of real functions
QA304 B78 1994
Vol. 4 Ruelle, David
Dynamical zeta functions for piecewise monotone maps of the interval
QA614.8 R837
Vol. 3 Murty, Vijaya Kumar
Introduction to Abelian varieties
QA564 M87
Vol. 2 Antimirov, M. Ya.; Kolyshkin, A. A.; Vaillancourt, Remi
Applied integral transforms
QA432 A57
Vol. 1 Voiculescu, Dan V.; Dykema, K. J.; Nica, A.
Free random variables : a noncommutative probability approach to free products with applications to random matrices, operator algebras, and harmonic analysis on free groups
QA326 V65