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Vol. 716 Martsinkovsky, Alex; Igusa, Kiyoshi; Todorov, Gordana (Eds.)
Surveys in representation theory of algebras : Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and International Conference, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA, April 26-May 1, 2017, April 29-May 4, 2015, April 18-23, 2013
QA176 M38
Vol. 710 Danchin, Raphaël; Farwig, Reinhard; Neustupa, Jiri; Penel, Patrick (Eds.)
Mathematical analysis in fluid mechanics : selected recent results : International Conference on Vorticity, Rotation, and Symmetry (IV) : complex fluids and the issue of regularity : May 8-12, 2017, Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques (CIRM), Luminy, Marseille, France
QA901 M37
Vol. 709 Galaz-García, Fernando; Pardo Milán, Juan Carlos; Solórzano, Pedro (Eds.)
Contributions of Mexican mathematicians abroad in pure and applied mathematics : second meeting, Matemáticos Mexicanos en el Mundo, December 15-19, 2014, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, Guanajuato, Mexico
QA27.M49 M49 2014
Vol. 706 Kim, Yeonhyang; Narayan, Sivaram K.; Picioroaga, Gabriel; Weber, Eric S. (Eds.)
Frames and harmonic analysis : AMS special sessions on frames, wavelets and Gabor systems, AMS special session on frames, harmonic analysis, and operator theory, April 16-17, 2016, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
QA433 F725
Vol. 700 Girouard, Alexandre; Jakobson, Dmitry; Levitin, Michael; Nigam, Nilima; Polterovich, Iosif; Rochon, Frédéric (Eds.)
Geometric and computational spectral theory : Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures, Geometric and computational spectral theory, June 15-26, 2015, Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec
QA611.28 G46
Vol. 699 Agranovskiĭ, Mark L.; Ben-Artzi, Matania; Bénéteau, Catherine; Karp, Lavi; Khavinson, Dmitry; Reich, Simeon; Shoiykhet, David; Weinstein, Gilbert; Zalcman, Lawrence Allen (Eds.)
Israel mathematical conference proceedings : complex analysis and dynamical systems VII : seventh International Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, May 10-15, 2015, Nahariya, Israel
QA331.7 I57 2015
Vol. 698 Blokh, Alexander M.; Bunimovich, Leonid A.; Jung, Paul, H.; Oversteegen, Lex G.; Sinal, Yakov G. (Eds.)
Dynamical systems, ergodic theory, and probability : in memory of Kolya Chernov : Conference on Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory, and Probability : dedicated to the memory of Nikolai Chernov, May 18-20, 2015, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama
QA851 C66
Vol. 697 Broglia, Fabrizio; Delon, Françoise; Dickmann, Max; Gondard-Cozette, Danielle; Powers, Victoria Ann (Eds.)
Ordered algebraic structures and related topics : International Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures and Related Topics, October 12-16, 2015, Centre International de rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy, France
QA172 I57
Vol. 695 Barron, Katrina; Jurisich, Elizabeth; Milas, Antun; Misra, Kailash C. (Eds.)
Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras, and related topics : conference in honor of J. Lepowsky and R. Wilson on Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras, and related topics, August 14-18, 2015, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
QA252.3 L5547
Vol. 689 Flapan, Erica; Henrich, Allison; Kaestner, Aaron; Nelson, Sam (Eds.)
Knots, links, spatial graphs, and algebraic invariants : AMS special session on algebraic and combinatorial structures in knot theory, AMS special session on spatial graphs, October 24-25, 2015, California State University, Fullerton, CA
QA612.2 K53
Vol. 688 Bergen, Jeffrey; Catoiu, Stefan; Chin, William (Eds.)
Groups, rings, group rings, and Hopf algebras : international conference in honor of Donald S. Passman’s 75th birthday, Groups, rings, group rings, and Hopf algebras, October 2-4, 2015, Loyola University, Chicago, IL : AMS special session in honor of Donald S. Passman’s 75th birthday, Groups, rings, group rings, and Hopf algebras, October 3-4, 2015, Loyola University, Chicago, IL
QA174 G7635
Vol. 687 Botelho, Fernanda; King, Raena; Rao, T. S. S. R. K. (Eds.)
Problems and recent methods in operator theory : Workshop on Problems and Recent Methods in Operator Theory, October 15-16, 2015 : AMS special session on advances in operator theory and applications, October 17-18, 2015, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN
QA329 W68
Vol. 683 Beliakova, Anna; Lauda, Aaron (Eds.)
Categorification and higher representation theory
QA169 C3728
Vol. 679. Liaw, Constanze; Ross, William T.; Sola, Alan A.; Bénéteau, Catherine; Candori, Alberto A. (Eds.)
Recent progress on operator theory and approximation in spaces of analytic functions : Conference on Completeness Problems, Carleson Measures, and Spaces of Analytic Functions, June 29-July 3, 2015, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden
QA329 R445
Vol. 678 Auslander, Joseph; Johnson, Aimee; Silva, Cesar Ernesto (Eds.)
Ergodic theory, dynamical systems, and the continuing influence of John C. Oxtoby. Oxtoby Centennial Conference, celebrada en octubre 30-31, 2010, en el Bryn Mawr College, en Bryn Mawr, PA. Williams Ergodic Theory Conference", celebrada en julio 27-29, 2012, en el Williams College, en Williamstown, MA. AMS Special Session on Ergodic Theory and Symbolic Dynamics", celebrada en enero 17-18, 2014, en Baltimore, MD
QA312 E74
Vol. 677 Kahrobaei, Delaram; Cavallo, Bren; Garber, David (Eds.)
Algebra and computer science. Joint AMS-EMS-SPM Meeting en junio 10-13, 2015, en Porto, Portugal. Joint Mathematics Meeting en enero 10-13, 2015, San Antonio, TX. Joint AMS-Israel Mathematical Union Meeting en junio 16-19, 2014, en Tel-Aviv, Israel
QA9.A1 A53
Vol. 675. Nabarro, Ana Claudia; Nuño-Ballesteros, Juan J.; Sinha, Raúl Oset; Soares Ruas, María Aparecida (Eds.)
Real and complex singularities : XIII International Workshop Real and Complex Singularities, July 27-August 8, 2014, Universidade de São Paulo, Campus São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil
QA614.58 I55 2014
Vol. 674 Suceavă, Bogdan; Carriazo, Alfonso; Oh, Yun Myung; Veken, Joeri van der (Eds.)
Recent advances in the geometry of submanifolds : dedicated to the memory of Franki Dillen (1963-2013) : AMS special sessions : geometry of submanifolds, October 25-26, 2014, San Francisco State University, CA : recent advances in the geometry of submanifolds : dedicated to the memory of Franki Dillen (1963-2013), March 14-15, 2015, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
QA649 R434
Vol. 668. Budzban, Gregory; Hughes, Harry Randolph; Schurz, Henri (Eds.)
Probability on algebraic and geometric structures : international research conference in honor of Philip Feinsilver, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed, and Arunava Mukherjea, June 5-7, 2014, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
QA273.6 P766
Vol. 667. Agranovskii, M. L.; Ben-Artzi, Matania; Galloway, Greg, Karp, Lavi; Khavinson, Dmitry; Reich, Simeon; Weinstein, Gilbert; Zalcman, Lawrence (Eds.)
Israel mathematical conference proceedings : complex analysis and dynamical systems VI, Part 2: Complex analysis, quasiconformal mappings, complex dynamics. sixth international conference, in honor of David Shoikhet’s 60th birthday : May 19-24, 2013, Nahariya, Israel
QA331.7 I57 2013
Vol. 663. Kohel, David R.; Shparlinski, Igor E. (Eds.)
Frobenius distributions : Lang-Trotter and Sato-Tate conjectures : Winter School on Frobenius Distributions on Curves, February 17-21, 2014, Workshop on Frobenius Distributions on Curves, February 24-28, 2014, Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille, France
QA251.5 F76
Vol. 659. Mordukhovich, Boris, S. Reich, Simeon; Zaslavski, Alexander J. (Eds.)
Nonlinear analysis and optimization : IMU/AMS Special Session on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, June 16-19, 2014, Bar-Ilan University and Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, June 12, 2014, Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
QA321.5 N6415
Vol. 658 Fonseca, Carlos M. da; Huynh, Dinh Van; Kirkland, Steve; Tuan, Vu Kim (Eds.)
A panorama of mathematics: pure and applied. Conference Mathematics and Applications november 14-17, 2014 Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait
Versión electrónica
Vol. 655. Cojocaru, Alina Carmen; David, Chantal; Pappalardi, F. (Eds.)
Scholar, a scientific celebration highlighting open lines of arithmetic research : conference in honour of M. Ram Murty’s mathematical legacy on his 60th birthday, October 15-17, 2013, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Universite de Montreal, Quebec, Canada
QA11.A1 S35
Vol. 653. Agranovskii, Mark L.; Ben-Artzi, Matania; Galloway, Greg; Karp, Lavi; Khavinson, Dmitry; Reich, Simeon; Weinstein, Gilbert; Zalcman, Lawrence /Eds.)
Israel mathematical conference proceedings : complex analysis and dynamical systems VI, sixth international conference, in honor of David Shoikhet’s 60th birthday : May 19-24, 2013, Nahariya, Israel
QA331.7 I57 2013
Vol. 648. Álvarez-Cónsul, Luis; Burgos Gil, José Ignacio; Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch (Eds.)
Feynman amplitudes, periods, and motives : international research workshop, periods and motives : a modern perspective on renormalization : July 2-6, 2012, Institute de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain
QC20 F49
Vol. 646. Li, Weiping; Wei, Walter (Eds.)
Geometry and topology of submanifolds and currents : 2013 Midwest Geometry Conference (MGC XIX) October 19, 2013 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 2012 Midwest Geometry Conference (MGC XVIII) May 12–13, 2012 University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
QA649 G464
Vol. 645. Jarosz, Krzysztof (Ed.)
Function spaces in analysis : 7th Conference on Function Spaces, May 20-24, 2014, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois
QA323 C65 2014
Vol. 644. Feehan, Paul M. N.; Song, Jian; Weinkove, Ben; Wentworth, Richard A. (Eds.)
Analysis, complex geometry, and mathematical physics : in honor of Duong H. Phong : May 7-11, 2013, Columbia University, New York, New York
QA641 A5985
Vol. 643 .Pantev, Tony; Simpson, Carlos; Toën, Bertrand; Vaquié, Michel; Vezzosi, Gabriele (Eds.)
Stacks and catetories in geometry, topology, and algebra : CATS4 Conference Higher Categorical Structures and Their Interactions with Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology and Algebra, July 2-7, 2012, CIRM, Luminy, France
QA564 C39
Vol. 642. Lahyane, Mustapha; Martínez-Moro, Edgar (Eds.)
Algebra for secure and reliable communication modeling : CIMPA Research School and Conference Algebra for Secure and Reliable Communication Modeling, October 1-13, 2012, Morelia, State of Michoacan, Mexico
TK5102.9 A52
Vol. 640. Eskin, Grigory; Friedlander, Leonid; Garnett, John B. (Eds.)
Spectral theory and partial differential equations : conference in honor of James Ralston’s 70th birthday, Spectral Theory and Partial Differential Equations : June 17--21, 2013, University of California, Los Angeles, California
QC20.7S65 S64
Vol. 638. Mashreghi, Javad; Fricain, Emmanuel; Ross, William T. (Eds.)
Invariant subspaces of the shift operator : CRM Workshop, Invariant Subspaces of the Shift Operator, August 26-30, 2013, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Universite’ de Montreal, Montreal
QA329.2 I58
Vol. 637. Ballet, Stéphane; Perret, Mare; Zaytsev, Alexey I. (Eds.)
Algorithmic arithmetic, geometry, and coding theory : 14th International Conference, Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography, and Coding Theory, June 3-7 2013, CIRM, Marseille, France
QA268 I58 2015
Vol. 636 . Reich, Simeon; Zaslavski, Alexander J. (Eds.)
Infinite products of operators and their applications : a research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation : May 21-24, 2012, Haifa, Israel : Israel mathematical conference proceedings
QA329 I54
Vol. 635. Curtis, Christopher W.; Dzhamay, Anton; Hereman, Willy A.; Prinari, B. (Eds.)
Nonlinear wave equations : analytic and computational techniques : AMS Special Session, Nonlinear Waves and Integrable Systems : April 13-14, 2013, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
QA927 A578
Vol. 631. Bhattacharya, Siddhartha; Das, Tarun; Ghosh, Anish; Shah, Riddhi (Eds.)
Recent trends in ergodic theory and dynamical systems : international conference in honor of S.G. Dani’s 65th birthday, December 26--29, 2012, Vadodara, India
QA614.8 R435
Vol. 630. Albin, Pierre; Jakobson, Dmitry; Rochon, Frédéric (Eds.)
Geometric and spectral analysis. CRM worshops on: geometry of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions June 4-8, 2012; Manifolds of metrics and probabilistic methos in geometry and analysis Juy 2-6, 2012; Spectral invariants on non-compact and singular spaces July 23-27, 2012. Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada
QC20.7S64 G46
Vol. 629. Izquierdo, Milagros; Broughton, S. Allen; Costa, A. F.; Rodriguez, Rubi E. (Eds.)
Riemann and Klein surfaces, automorphisms, symmetries and moduli spaces : conference in honor of Emilio Bujalance on Riemann and Klein surfaces, symmetries and moduli spaces, June 24-28, 2013, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
QA333 R54
Vol. 628. Layton, Anita T.; Layton, Anita T. (Eds.)
Biological fluid dynamics : modeling, computations, and applications : AMS Special Session, Biological Fluid Dynamics : Modeling, Computations, and Applications : October 13, 2012, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
QP105 B56
Vol. 625. Barg, Alexander; Musin, Oleg R. (Eds.)
Discrete geometry and algebraic combinatorics. AMS Special Session on Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics, January 11, 2013, San DIego CA
QA640.7 D54
Vol. 623. Achar, Pramod N.; Jakelic, Dijana; Misra, Kailash C.; Yakimov, Milen (Eds.)
Recent advances in representation theory, quantum groups, algebraic geometry, and related topics : AMS special sessions on geometric and algebraic aspects of representation theory and quantum groups, and noncommutative algebraic geometry, October 13-14, 2012, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
QA176 R43
Vol. 621. Katzarkov, Ludmil; Lupercio, Ernest; Turrubiates, Francisco J. (Eds.)
The Influence of Solomon Lefschetz in geometry and topology : 50 years of mathematics at Cinvestav
QA565 I54
Vol. 620. Tillmann, Ulrike Luise; Galatius, Søren; Sinha, Dev Prakash (Eds.)
Algebraic topology : applications and new directions, Stanford Symposium on Algebraic Topology: Applications and New Directions, July 23--27, 2012, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
QA612.14 A54
Vol. 619. Wolansky, Gershon; Zaslavski, Alexander J. (Eds.)
Variational and optimal control problems on unbounded domains : a workshop in memory of Arie Leizarowitz, January 9-12, 2012, Technion, Haifa, Israel
QA370 V37
Vol. 617. Ausoni, Christian; Hess, Kathryn; Johnson, Brenda; Lück, Wolfgang; Scherer, Jerome (Eds.)
An Alpine expedition through algebraic topology : fourth Arolla Conference, algebraic topology, August 20-25, 2012, Arolla, Switzerland
QA612.7 A76 2012
Vol. 616. Litvinov, G. L.; Sergeev, S. N. (Eds.)
Tropical and idempotent mathematics and applications : International Workshop on Tropical and Idempotent Mathematics, August 26-31, 2012, Independent University, Moscow, Russia
QA582 I57
Vol. 615. Stefanov, Plamen; Vasy, Andras; Zworski, Maciej (Eds.)
Inverse problems and applications : Conference in honor of Gunther Uhlmann on Inverse Problems, June 18-22, 2012 , University of California, Irvine, CA : International Conference in honor of Gunther Uhlmann’s 60th birthday on Inverse Problems and applications, September 17-21, 2012, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
QA378.5 C66 2012
Vol. 614. Cogdell, James W.; Shahidi, Freydoon; Soudry, David (Eds.)
Automorphic forms and related geometry : assessing the legecy of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro : April 23-27, 2012, Yale University, New Haven, CT
QA353.A9 A86
Vol. 613. Stolz, Stephan (Ed.)
Toplogy and field theories : summer school and conference, May 29-June 8, 2012, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana
QA612 T64
Vol. 612. Cifuentes, Patricio; Garcia-Cuerva, Jose; Garrigos, Gustavo; Hernández, Eugenio; Martell, José Maria (Eds.)
Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations : 9th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, June 11-15, 2012, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain
QA403 I57 2012
Vol. 611. Morse, Robert Fitzgerald; Nikolova-Popova, Daniela; Witherspoon, Sarah J. (Eds.)
Group theory, combinatorics and computing : International Conference on Group Theory and Combinatorics in honor of Daniela Nikolova-Popova’s 60th birthday, October 3-8, 2012, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL.
QA164 I58 2012
Vol. 610. Etingof, Pavel I.; Khovanov, Mikhail; Savage, Alistair (Eds.)
Perspectives in representation theory : a conference in honor of Igor Frenkel’s 60th birthday on perspectives in representation theory : May 12-17, 2012, Yale University, New Haven, CT
QA176 P47
Vol. 609. Huynh, Dinh Van; Jain, S. K.; Lopez-permouth, Sergio R; Tariq Rizvi, S.; Roman, Cosmin S. (Eds.)
Ring theory and its applications : Ring Theory Session in honor of T.Y. Lam on his 70th birthday at the 31st Ohio State-Denison Mathematics Conference, May 25-27, 2012, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
QA247 R5465
Vol. 608 Doran, Robert S.; Friedman, Greg; Nollet, Scott (Eds.)
Hodge theory, complex geometry, and representation theory : NSF-CBMS Regional Conference in Mathematics, June 18, 2012, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas
QA564 N74 2012
Vol. 607. Igusa, Kiyoshi; Martsinkovsky, Alex; Todorov, Gordana (Eds.)
Expository lectures on representation theory : Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and International Conference, April 25-30, 2012, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Quissett Campus, Falmouth, MA
QA251.5 M38
Vol. 606. David, Chantal; Lalín, Matilde; Manes, Michelle (Eds.)
Women in Numbers 2 : research directions in number theory : BIRS Workshop, WIN2 - Women in Numbers 2, November 6-11, 2011, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Alberta, Canada
QA567.2E44 W55 2013
Vol. 605. Amini, Omid; Baker, Matthew; Faber, Xander (Eds.)
Tropical and non-Archimedean geometry : Bellairs Workshop in Number Theory, May 6-13, 2011, Bellairs Research Institute, Holetown, Barbados
QA582 B45
Vol. 604. Montaña, Jose Luis; Pardo, L. M. (Eds.)
Recent advances in real complexity and computation : UIMP-RSME Lluis A. Santaló Summer School 2012, recent advances in real complexity and computation, July 16-20, 2012, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain
QA267.7 U55
Vol. 603. Mayeli, Azita; Iosevich, Alex; Jørgensen, Palle E. T.; Ólafsson, Gestur (Eds.)
Commutative and noncommutative harmonic analysis and applications : AMS Special Session in Memory of Daryl Geller Wavelet and Frame Theoretic Methods in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, september 22-23, 2012, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
QA403 A498
Vol. 602. Chari, Vyjayanthi; Greenstein, Jacob; Misra, Kailash C.; Raghavan, Komaranapuram N.; Viswanath, Sankaran (Eds.)
Recent developments in algebraic and combinatorial aspects of representation theory : International Congress of Mathematicians Satellite Conference on Algebraic and Combinatorial Approaches to Representation Theory, August 12-16, 2010, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India : Conference on Algebraic and Combinatorial Approaches to Representation Theory, May 18-20, 2012, University of California, Riverside, CA
QA251.5 I65 2010
Vol. 601. Lapidus, Michel L.; Carfi, David; Pearse, Erin P. J.; Van Frankenhuysen, Machiel (Eds.)
Fractal geometry and dynamical systems in pure and applied mathematics II: fractals in applied mathematics
QC20.7F73 F7105 V. II
Vol. 600. Lapidus, Michel L.; Carfi, David; Pearse, Erin P. J.; Van Frankenhuysen, Machiel (Ed.)
Fractal geometry and dynamical systems in pure and applied mathematics I: Fractals in pure mathematics
QC20.7F73 F7105 V. I
Vol. 599. Ghomi, Mohammad; Li, Junfang; McCuan, John; Oliker, Vladimir; Schwartz, Fernando; Weinster, Gilbert (Eds.)
Geometric analysis, mathematical relativity, and nonlinear partial differential equations : Southeast Geometry Seminars Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Alabama, Birmingham, and the University of Tennessee, 2009-2011
QA670 S68
Vol. 598. Quinto, Eric Todd; Gonzalez, Fulton; Christensen, Jens Gerlach (Eds.)
Geometric analysis and integral geometry : AMS special session in honor of Sigurdur Helgason’s 85th birthday, radon transforms and geometric analysis, January 4-7, 2012, Boston, MA ; Tufts University Workshop on Geometric Analysis on Euclidean and Homogeneous Spaces, January 8-9, 2012, Medford, MA.
QA672 A473 2013
Vol. 597. Hodgson, Craig David; Jaco, William H.; Scharlemann, Martin G.; Tillmann, Stephan (Eds.)
Geometry and topology down under : a conference in honour of Hyam Rubinstein, July 11-22, 2011, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
QA612.14 G45
Vol. 596. Shamseddine, Khodr (Ed.)
Advances in ultrametric analysis : 12th International Conference on p-adic Functional Analysis, July 2-6, 2012, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
QA241 P334 2012
Vol. 595. Serrin, James B. ; Mitidieri, Enzo L.; Rădulescu, Vicenţiu D. (Eds.)
Recent trends in nonlinear partial differential equations II: workshop in honor of Patrizia Pucci’s 60th birthday : nonlinear partial differential equations, May 28-June 1, 2012, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
QA372 W6735 V. II
Vol. 594. Serrin, James B.; Mitidieri, Enzo L.; Rădulescu, Vicenţiu D. (Eds.)
Recent trends in nonlinear partial differential equations I: workshop in honor of Patrizia Pucci’s 60th birthday : nonlinear partial differential equations, May 28-June 1, 2012, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
QA372 W6735 V. I
Vol. 593. Dzhamay, Anton; Maruno, Ken’ichi; Pierce, Virgil U. (Eds.)
Algebraic and geometric aspects of integrable systems and random matrices : AMS Special Session, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems and Random Matrices, January 6-7, 2012, Boston, MA
QA372 A56 2013
Vol. 592. Berenstein, Arkady; Retakh, Vladimir (Eds.)
Noncommutative birational geometry, representations and combinatorics : AMS Special Session on Noncommutative Birational Geometry, Representations and Cluster Algebras, January 6-7, 2012, Boston, MA
QA176 A57 2012
Vol. 591. Agranovskii, M. L.; Ben-Artzi, Matania; Galloway, Greg; Karp, Lavi; Vladimir Maz’ya; Shoiykhet, David; Weinstein, Gilbert; Reich, Simeon; Zalcman, Lawrence Allen (Eds.)
Complex analysis and dynamical systems V : Fifth International Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, May 22-27, 2011, Akko (Acre), Israel
QA299.6 I556 2011
Vol. 590. Hamenstädt,Ursula; Reid, Alan W.; Rodríguez, Rubi; Rohde, Steffen; Wolf, Michael (Eds.)
In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, VI : 5th Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, March 24-27, 2011, Rice University, Houston, TX
QA331 A462 2011
Vol. 589. Brugallé, Erwan; Cueto, Mariá Angélica; Dickenstein, Alicia; Feichtner, Eva-Maria; Itenberg, Ilia (Eds.)
Algebraic and combinatorial aspects of tropical geometry : CIEM Workshop on Tropical Geometry, December 12-16, 2011, International Center for Mathematical Meetings, Castro Urdiales, Spain
QA582 C54 2011
Vol. 588. Bader, David A.; Meyerhenke, Henning; Sanders, Peter; Wagner, Dorothea (Eds.)
Graph partitioning and graph clustering : 10th DIMACS Implementation Challenge Workshop, February 13-14, 2012, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
QA166.245 D55 2012
Vol. 587. Chan, Wai Kiu; Fukshansky, Lenny; Schulze-Pillot, Rainer; D. Vaaler, Jeffrey (Eds.)
Diophantine methods, lattices, and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms : International Workshop, Banff Iternational Research Station, november 13-18, 2011, Banff, Alberta, Canada
QA179 I59
Vol. 586. Li, Jichun; Yang, Hongtao; Machorro, Eric (Eds.)
Recent advances in scientific computing and applications : Eigth International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications, April 1-4, 2012, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada
Q183.9 I569 2012
Vol. 585. Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás; Cuadra, Juan; Torrecillas, Blas (Eds.)
Hopf algebras and tensor categories : international conference, July 4-8, 2011, University of Almeria, Almeria, Spain
QA613.8 C65 2011
Vol. 584. Aldana, Clara L.; Braverman, Maxim; Iochum, Bruno; Neira Jiménez, Carolina (Eds.)
Analysis, geometry, and quantum field theory : International Conference in Honor of Steve Rosenberg’s 60th birthday, September 26 - 30, 2011, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
QA614 A54
Vol. 583. Evens, Sam; Gekhtman, Michael; Hall, Brian C.; Liu, Xiaobo; Polini, Claudia (Eds.)
Mathematical aspects of quantization : Center for Mathematics at Notre Dame, Summer School and Conference, May 31-June 10, 2011, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana
QC174.17G46 M37
Vol. 582. Fine, Benjamin; Kahrobaei, Delaram; Rosenberger, Gerhard (Eds.)
Computational and combinatorial group theory and cryptography : AMS Special Sessions: Computational Algebra, Groups, and Applications, April 30-May 1, 2011, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography and Cyber Security, September 10-11, 2011, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
QA174 C63
Vol. 581. Nahmod, Andrea R.; Sogge, Christopher D.; Zhang, Xiaoyi; Zheng, Shijun (Eds.)
Recent advances in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations : AMS special sessions, March 12-13, 2011, Statesboro, Georgia : the JAMI Conference, March 21-25, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland
QA403 R42
Vol. 579. Lavrauw, Michel; Mullen, Gary L.; Nikova, Svetla; Panario, Daniel; Storme, Leo (Ed.)
Theory and applications of finite fields : the 10th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications, July 11-15, 2011, Ghent, Belgium
QA247.3 I57 2011
Vol. 577. Ammari, Habib; Capdeboscq, Yves; Kang, Hyeonbae (Eds.)
Multi-scale and high-contrast PDE : from modelling, to mathematical analysis, to inversion : Conference on Multi-scale and High-contrast PDE:from Modelling, to Mathematical Analysis, to Inversion, June 28-July 1, 2011, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
TA1637 C66
Vol. 576. Strungmann, Lutz; Droste, Manfred; Fuchs, Laszlo; Tent, Katrin (Eds.)
Groups and model theory : a conference in honor of Rudiger Gobel’s 70th birthday, May 30-June 3, 2011, Conference Center "Die Wolfsburg," Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany
QA174.2 G7604
Vol. 575. iang, Yunping; Mitra, Sudeb (Eds.)
Quasiconformal mappings, Riemann surfaces, and Teichmuller spaces : AMS special session in honor of Clifford J. Earle, October 2-3, 2010, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
QA360 Q38
Vol. 574. Aubry, Yves; Ritzenthaler, Christophe; Zykin, Alexey (Eds.)
Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography and coding theory : 13th Conference on Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory, March 14-18, 2011, CIRM, Marseille, France : Geocrypt 2011, June 19-24, 2011, Bastia, France
QA564 I572 2011
Vol. 573. Bonahon, Francis; Devaney, Robert L.; Gardiner, Frederick P.; Saric, Dragomir (Eds.)
Conformal dynamics and hyperbolic geometry : conferece on conformal dynamics and hyperbolic geometry in honor of Linda Keen’s 70th birthday, Graduate School and University Center of CUNY New York, New York, October 21-23, 2010
QA331.7 C6647
Vol. 572. Seppala, Mika; Volcheck, Emil (Eds.)
Computational algebraic and analytic geometry : AMS special sessions on computational algebraic and analytic geometry for low-dimensional varieties, January 8, 2007, New Orleans, LA, January 6, 2009, Washington, DC, [and] January 6, 2011, New Orleans, LA
QA565 C6446
Vol. 571. Burgos Gil, Jose Ignacio; Jeu, Rob de; Naranjo, Juan Carlos; Raskind, Wayne; Xarles, Xavier (Eds.)
Regulators : Regulators III Conference, July 12-22, 2010, Barcelona, Spain
QA247 R447
Vol. 570. Perez, Joaquin; Galvez, Jose A. (Eds.)
Geometric analysis : partial differential equations and surfaces : UIMP-RSME Santalo Summer School geometric analysis, June 28-July 2, 2010, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
QA644 U55
Vol. 569. Goryunov, Victor; Houston, Kevin; Wik-Atique, Roberta
Real and complex singularities : XI International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, July 26-30, 2010, Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, SP Brazil
QA614.58 I55 2010
Vol. 568. Reich, Simeon; Zaslavski, Alexander J. (Ed.)
Optimization theory and related topics : Israel mathematical conference proceedings, a workshop in memory of Dan Butnariu, January 11-14, 2010, Haifa, Israel
QA402.5 O698
Vol. 567. Bowen, Lewis; Grigorchuk, R. I.; Vorobets, Yaroslav (Eds.)
Dynamical systems and group actions
QA611.5 D955
Vol. 566. Campillo, Antonio; Cardona, Gabriel; Melle-Hernández, Alejandro; Veys, Wim; Z{uñiga-Galindo, Wilson A. (Eds.)
Zeta functions in Algebra and Geometry : second International Workshop [on Zeta Functions in Algebra and Geometry], May 3-7, 2010, Universitat de Les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
QA351 I58
Vol. 565. Ariki, Susumu; Nakajima, Hiraku; Saito, Yoshihisa; Shinoda, Ken-ichi; Shoji, Toshiaki; Tanosaki, Toshiyuki (Eds.)
Algebraic groups and quantum groups : International Conference on Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups, August 2-6, 2010, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
QA182.5 I57
Vol. 564. Alexeev, Valery; Gibney, Angela; Izadi, Elham; Kollár, János; Looijenga, Eduard (Eds.)
Compact moduli spaces and vector bundles : conference on compact moduli and vector bundles, October 21-24, 2010, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
QA612.63 C646
Vol. 563. Acosta Humánez, Primitivo B.; Finkel, Federico; Kamran, Niky; Olver, Peter J. (Eds.)
Algebraic aspects of Darboux transformations, quantum integrable systems, and supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Jairo Charris Seminar 2010. Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Santa Marta, Colombia
QA247.4 A55
Vol. 562. Ara, Pere; Bronw, K. A.; Lenagan, T. H.; Letzter, E. S.; Stafford, J. T.; Zhang, J. J. (Eds.)
New trends in noncommutative algebra : conference in honor of Ken Goodearl’s 65th birthday, August 9--14, 2010, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
QA251.4 N49
Vol. 561. Blasco, Oscar; Bonet, José A.; José M Calabuig; Jornet, David (Eds.)
Topics in complex analysis and operator theory : Third Winter School in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, February 2-5, 2010, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
QA331.7 W55 2010
Vol. 560. Li, Weiping; Bartolini, Loretta; Johnson, Jesse; Luo, Feng; Myers, Robert; Rubinstein, Hyam (Eds.)
Topology and geometry in dimension three : triangulations, invariants, and geometric structures : conference in honor of William Jaco’s 70th birthday, June 4-6, 2010, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma
QA613.2 T67
Vol. 559. Bal, Guillaume; Finch, David; Kuchment, Peter; Schotland, John; Stefanov, Plamen; Uhlmann, Gunther (Eds.)
Tomography and inverse transport theory : International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Emerging Modalities of Medical Imaging, October 25-30, 2009, Banff, Canada : International Workshop on Inverse Transport Theory and Tomography, May 16-21, 2010, Banff, Canada
RC78.7T6 I575
Vol. 558. Grohe, Martin; Makowsky, Johann A. (Eds.)
Model theoretic methods in finite combinatorics : AMS-ASL joint special session, January 5-8, 2009, Washington, DC
QA9.7 M622
Vol. 557. Adams, Jeffrey; Lian, Bong; Sahi, Siddhartha (Eds.)
Representation theory and mathematical physics : conference in honor of Gregg Zuckerman’s 60th birthday, October 24--27, 2009, Yale University
QA179 R46
Vol. 556. Gurvits, Leonid; Pébay, Phillippe; Rojas, J. Maurice; Thompson, David (Eds.)
Randomization, relaxation, and complexity in polynomial equation solving : Banff International Research Station Workshop on Randomization, Relaxation, and Complexity, February 28--March 5, 2010, Banff, Ontario, Canada
QA241 B364
Vol. 555. Corso, Alberto; Polini, Claudia (Eds.)
Commutative algebra and its connections to geometry : Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute, August 3--14, 2009, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Olinda, Brazil
QA182.5 P35
Vol. 554. Agranovsky, Mark Lvovich; Ben-Artzi, Matania; Galloway, David; Weinstein, Gilbert; Zalcman, Lawrence (Eds.)
Complex analysis and dynamical systems IV : Fourth International Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, May 18-22, 2009, Nahariya, Israel. Pt. 2. General relativity, geometry, and PDE
QA331.7 I56 2009 Part. 2
Vol. 553. Sims, Robert; Ben-Artzi; Galloway, Greg; Karp, Lavi; Reich, Simeon; Shoikhet, David; Weinstein, Gilbert; Zalcman, Lawrence (Eds.)
Complex analysis and dynamical systems IV : Fourth International Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, May 18-22, 2009, Nahariya, Israel. Pt. 1. Function theory and optimization
QA331.7 I56 2009 Part. 1
Vol. 552. Sims, Robert; Ueltschi, Daniel (Eds.)
Entropy and the quantum II : Arizona School of Analysis with Applications, March 15-19, 2010, University of Arizona
QC174.85Q83 A75 2010
Vol. 551. Araujo-Gomez, Jesus; Diarra, Bertin; Escassut, Alain (Eds.)
Advances in non-Archimedean analysis : 11th International Conference on p-Adic Functional Analysis, July 5-9 2010, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
QA241 P334 2010
Vol. 550. Barkatou, Y.; Berhanu, S.; Meziani, A.; Meziani, R.; Mir, N. (Eds.)
Geometric analysis of several complex variables and related topics : Marrakesh Workshop, May 10-14, 2010, Marrakesh, Morocco
QA331.7 M35
Vol. 549. Blazquez-Sanz, David,; Morales Ruiz, Juan José; Lombardero, Jesús Rodríguez (Eds.)
Symmetries and related topics in differential and difference equations : Jairo Charris Seminar 2009, Symmetries of Differential and Difference Equations, Escuela de Matemáticas, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia
QA614.8 J35 2009
Vol. 548. Ammari, Habib; Garnier, Josselin; Kang, Hyeonbae, Kang; Solna, Knut (Eds.)
Mathematical and statistical methods for imaging : NIMS Thematic Workshop: mathematical and statistical methods for imaging, August 10-13, 2010, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
QC670 N55
Vol. 547. Jarosz, Krzysztof (Ed.)
Function spaces in modern analysis : Sixth Conference on Function Spaces, May 18-22, 2010, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
QA323 C65 2010
Vol. 546. Connes, Alain; Gorokhovsky, Alexander; Lesch, Matthias; Pflaum, Markus; Rangipour, Bahram (Eds.)
Noncommutative geometry and global analysis : conference in honor of Henri Moscovici, June 29-July 4, 2009, Bonn, Germany
QA251.3 N64
Vol. 545. Houdre, Christian; Ledoux, Michel; Milman, Emanuel; Milman, Mario (Eds.)
Concentration, functional inequalities, and isoperimetry : international workshop, October 29-November 1, 2009, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida
QA295 C643 2009
Vol. 544. Boyallian, Carina; Galina, Esther; Saal, Linda (Eds.)
New developments in Lie theory and its applications : seventh workshop in Lie theory and its applications, November 27-December 1, 2009, Cordoba, Argentina
QA252.3 N48
Vol. 543 .Doran, Robert S.; Sally, Paul; Spice, Loren (Eds.)
Harmonic analysis on reductive, p-adic groups : AMS special session on Harmonic Analysis and Representations of Reductive, p-adic Groups, January 16, 2010, San Francisco, CA
QA387 H37
Vol. 542. Loubeau, E.; Montaldo, S. (Eds.)
Harmonic maps and differential geometry : a harmonic map fest in honour of John C. Wood’s 60th birthday, September 7-10, 2009, Cagliari, Italy
QA614.73 H357
Vol. 541. Champanerkar, Abhijit; Dasbach, Oliver; Kalfagianni, Efstratia; Kofman, Ilya; Neumann, Walter; Stoltzfus, Neal (Eds.)
Interactions between hyperbolic geometry, quantum topology, and number theory : workshop, June 3-13, 2009, conference, June 15-19, 2009, Columbia University, New York, NY
QA612.14 W67 2009
Vol. 540. Bonheure, Denis; Cuesta, Mabel; Lami Dozo, Enrique J.; Takác, Peter; Schaftingen, Jean Van; Willem, Michel (Eds.)
Nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations : workshop in celebration of Jean-Pierre Gossez’s 65th birthday, September 2-4, 2009, Universite libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
QA377 W67 2011
Vol. 539. Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Marcolli, Matilde; Suijlekom, Walter D. van. (Eds.)
Combinatorics and physics : mini-workshop on renormalization, december 15-16, 2006 : Conference on Combinatorics and Physics, March 19-23, 2007, Max Planck Institut fur Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
QC20.7R43 M55 2006
Vol. 538. Cogolludo-Agustín, José Ignacio; Hironaka, Eriko (Eds.)
Topology of algebraic varieties and singularities : conference in honor of Anatoly Libgober’s 60th birthday, June 22-26, 2009, Jaca, Huesca, Spain
QA612 T667
Vol. 537. Milies, César Polcino (Ed.)
Groups, algebras, and applications : XVIII Latin American Algebra Colloquium, August 3-8, 2009, São Pedro, Brazil
QA251.5 L37 2009
Vol. 536. Mahdavi, Kazem; Koslover, Deborah; Brown, Leonard L.
Cross disciplinary advances in quantum computing : NSF sponsored research Conference on Representation Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Category Theory, and Quantum Information Theory, October 1-4, 2009, University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, Texas
QC174.17M35 C65 2009
Vol. 535. Braverman, Maxim; Friedlander, Leonid; Kappeler, Thomas; Kuchment, Peter; Topalov, Peter; Weitsman, Jonathan (Eds.)
Spectral theory and geometric analysis : international conference in honor of Mikhail Shubin’s 65th birthday, spectral theory and geometric analysis, July 29 - August 2, 2009, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
QC20.7S64 S655
Vol. 534. Ara, Pere; Lledo, Fernando; Perera, Francesc (Eds.)
Aspects of operator algebras and applications : UIMP-RSME LLuís A. Santaló Summer School, July 21-27, 2008, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain
QA326 U56 2008
Vol. 533. Babinkostova, L.; Caicedo, A. E.; Geschke, S.; Scheepers, M. (Eds.)
Set theory and its applications : annual Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory, 1995--2010, Boise, Idaho
QA248 B55 2011
Vol. 532. Kolyada, Sergiy; Manin, Yuri; Môller, Martin; Moree, Pieter; Ward, Thomas (Eds.)
Dynamical numbers : interplay between dynamical systems and number theory : a special program, May 1-July 31, 2009 : international conference, July 20-24, 2009, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany
QA241 D96
Vol. 531. Brualdi, Richard A.; Hedayat, Samad; Kharaghani, Hadi; Khosrovshahi, Gholamreza; Shahriari, Shahriar (Eds.)
Combinatorics and graphs : the twentieth anniversary conference of IPM Combinatorics, May 15-21, 2009, Tehran, Iran
QA164 C64995
Vol. 530. Bergelson, V.; Blass, Andreas; Di Nasso, Mauro; Jin, Renling (Eds.)
Ultrafilters across mathematics : international congress, Ultramath 2008, Applications of Ultrafilters and Ultraproducts in Mathematics, June 1-7, 2008, Pisa, Italy
QA9.7 U57
Vol. 529. Sims, Robert; Ueltschi, Daniel (Eds.)
Entropy and the quantum : Arizona School of Analysis with Applications, March 16-20, 2009, University of Arizona
QC174.85Q83 A75
Vol. 528. Farina, Alberto; Valdinoci, Enrico (Eds.)
Symmetry for elliptic PDEs : INdAM School on Symmetry for Elliptic PDEs, May 25-29, 2009, Rome, Italy : (30 years after a conjecture of De Giorgi, and related problems)
QA377 I538
Vol. 527. Castaño-Bernard, Ricardo; Soibelman, Yan S.; Zharkov, Ilia (Eds.)
Mirror symmetry and tropical geometry : NSF-CBMS Conference on Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry, December 13-17, 2008, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
QA582 N74
Vol. 526. Holden, Helge; Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl (Eds.)
Nonlinear partial differential equations and hyperbolic wave phenomena : 2008-2009 Research Program on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Centre for Advanced Study of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, Oslo, Norway
QA377 N654
Vol. 525. Contreras, Manuel D.; Díaz-Madrigal, Santiago (Eds.)
Five lectures in complex analysis : second Winter School on Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, February 5-9, 2008, University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
QA331.7 W55 2008
Vol. 524. Lewis, Mark L.; Navarro, Gabriel S.; Passman, Donald S.; Wolf, Thomas R. (Eds.)
Character theory of finite groups : conference in honor of I. Martin Isaacs, June 3-5, 2009, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
QA177 C39
Vol. 523. Bruen, Aiden A.; Wehlau, David L. (Eds.)
Error-correcting codes, finite geometries, and cryptography : Conference on Error-control Codes, Information Theory, and Applied Cryptography, December 5-6, 2007, Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Canadian Mathematical Society Special Session on Error Control Codes, Information Theory, and Applied Cryptography, Dec 8-10, 2007, CMS Winter Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada
QA76.9A25 C65355
Vol. 522. García-Prada, Oscar; Newstead, Peter E.; Álvarez-Cónsul, Luis; Biswas, Indranil; Bradlow, Steven; Gómez, Tomás L. (Eds.)
Vector bundles and complex geometry : conference on vector bundles in honor of S. Ramanan on the occasion of his 70th birthday, June 16-20, 2008, Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain
QA612.63 V42
Vol. 521. Kohel, David R.; Rolland, Robert (Eds.)
Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography, and coding theory 2009 : 12th Conference on Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography, and Coding Theory, March 30-April 3, 2009, Marseille, France : Geocrypt Conference, April 27-May 1, 2009, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, France : European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop [on] Curves, Coding Theory, and Cryptography, March 25-29, 2009, Marseille, France
QA242.5 I58 2009
Vol. 519 .Felix, Y. (Yves); Lupton, Gregory; Smith, Samuel B. (Eds.)
Homotopy theory of function spaces and related topics : Oberwolfach Workshop on Homotopy Theory of Function Spaces and Related Topics, April 5-11, 2009, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany
QA612.7 O34
Vol. 518. McGuire, Gary (Ed.)
Finite fields : theory and applications : Ninth International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications, July 13-17, 2009, Dublin, Ireland
QA247.3 F547 2009
Vol. 517. Amdeberhan, Tewodros; Medina, Luis A.; Moll, Victor H. (Eds.)
Gems in experimental mathematics : AMS Special Session on Experimental Mathematics, January 5, 2009, Washington, D.C.
QA164 A57
Vol. 516. Viana, Marlos A. G.; Wynn, Henry P. (Eds.)
Algebraic methods in statistics and probability II : AMS Special Session Algebraic Methods in Statistics and Probability, March 27-29, 2009, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL
QA174 A56
Vol. 515. Carrillo Menéndez, Santiago; Fernández Pérez, José Luis (Eds.)
Mathematics in finance : UIMP-RSME Luis A. Santalo Summer School, mathematics in finance and insurance, July 16-20, 2007, Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo, Santander, Spain
HG106 U55
Vol. 514. Leizarowitz, A.; Mordukhovich, Boris S.; Shafrir, Itai; Zaslavski, Alexander J. (Eds.)
Nonlinear analysis and optimization II : a conference in celebration of Alex Ioffe’s 70th and Simeon Reich’s 60th birthdays, June 18-24, 2008, Haifa, Israel
QA427 C59
Vol. 513. Leizarowitz, A.; Mordukhovich, Boris S.; Shafrir, Itai; Zaslavski. Alexander J. (Eds.)
Nonlinear analysis and optimization I : a conference in celebration of Alex Ioffe’s 70th and Simeon Reich’s 60th birthdays, June 18-24, 2008, Haifa, Israel
QA427 C59Nonlinear analysis and optimization I : a conference in celebration of Alex Ioffe’s 70th and Simeon Reich’s 60th birthdays, June 18-24, 2008, Haifa, Israel
Vol. 512. Fathi, Albert; Oh, Yong-Geun; Viterbo, Claude (Eds.)
Symplectic topology and measure preserving dynamical systems : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 1-5, 2007, Snowbird, Utah
QA613.6 A57
Vol. 511. Kappe, Luise-Charlotte; Magidin, Arturo; Morse, Robert Fitzgerald (Eds.)
Computational group theory and the theory of groups, II : Computational Group Theory and Cohomology, August 4-8, 2008, Harlaxton College, Grantham, United Kingdom : AMS Special Session, Computational Group Theory, October 17-19, 2008, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
QA174 H37
Vol. 510. Bonk, Mario; Gilman, Jane; Masur, Howard; Minsky, Yair; Wolf, Michael (Eds.)
In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, V : the triennial Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, May 8-11, 2008, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey
QA331 A439 2008
Vol. 509. Acosta Humanez, Primitivo B.; Marcellan, Francisco (Eds.)
Differential algebra, complex analysis and orthogonal polynomials : Jairo Charris Seminar 2007-2008, Escuela de Matematicas, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia
QA614.8 J35 2007
Vol. 508. Berz, Martín; Shamseddine, Khodr (Eds.)
Advances in p-adic and non-Archimedean analysis : tenth International Conference, June 30-July 3, 2008, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
QA241 P334 2008
Vol. 507. Arvesú, Jorge; Marcellan, Francisco; Martínez Finkelshtein, Andrei (Eds.)
Recent trends in orthogonal polynomials and approximation theory : international workshop in honor of Guillermo López Lagomasino’s 60th birthday, September 8-12, 2008, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganes, Spain
QA404.5 I58
Vol. 506. Gao, Yun; Jing, Naihuan, Lau, Michael; Misra, Kailash C. (Eds.)
Quantum affine algebras, extended affine Lie algebras, and their applications : Quantum Affine Algebras, Extended Affine Lie Algebras, and Applications, March 2-7, 2008, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada
QA564 W67
Vol. 505. Cifuentes, Patricio... [et al.] (Ed.)
Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations : 8th international conference on harmonic analysis and partial differential equations, June 16-20, 2008, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain
QA403 I57 2008
Vol. 504. Ausoni, Christian; Hess, Kathryn; Scherer, Jérôme (Eds.)
Alpine perspectives on algebraic topology : third Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology, August 18-24, 2008, Arolla, Switzerland
QA612.7 A76 2008
Vol. 503. Jeu, Marcel de,; Silvestrov, Segel; Skau, Christian; Tomiyama, Jun (Eds.)
Operator structures and dynamical systems : July 21-25 2008, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, satellite conference of the fifth European Congress of Mathematics
QA329 E87 2008
Vol. 502. Ene, Viviana; Miller, Ezra (Eds.)
Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra : Exploratory Workshop on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra and Computer Algebra, May 29-31, 2008, Mangalia, Romania
QA251.3 E96 2008
Vol. 501. Dekimpe, Karel;Igodt, Paul; Valette, Alain (Eds.)
Discrete groups and geometric structures : Workshop on Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures, with Applications III, May 26-30, 2008, Kortrijk, Belgium
QA178 W67 2008
Vol. 500. Briet, Philippe; Germinet, Francois; Raikov, Georgi (Eds.)
Spectral and scattering theory for quantum magnetic systems, July 7-11, 2008, CIRM, Luminy, Marselles, France
QC173.96 S64 2009
Vol. 499. Giambruno, A.; Milies, César Polcino; Sehgal, Sudarshan K. (Eds.)
Groups, rings and group rings : International Conference : groups, rings, and group rings, July 28-August 2, 2008, Ubatuba, Brazil
QA174 C64
Vol. 498 .Saldanha, Nicolau Corcao; Conlon, Lawrence, Langevin, Rémi; Tsubol, Takashi; Walczak, Pawel (Eds.)
Foliations, geometry, and topology : Paul Schweitzer festschrift : conference in honor of the 70th birthday of Paul Schweitzer, S.J., August 6-10, 2007, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
QA641 F645
Vol. 497. Bergvelt, M. J.; Yamskulna, Gaywalee; Zhao, Wenhua (Eds.)
Vertex operator algebras and related areas : an international conference in honor of Geoffrey Mason’s 60th birthday : July 7-11, 2008, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
QA326 V46
Vol. 496. Bates, Daniel J.; Besana, GianMario; Rocco, Sandra Di; Wampler, Charles W. (Eds.)
Interactions of classical and numerical algebraic geometry : a conference in honor of Andrew Sommese : Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry, May 22-24, 2008, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
QA564 I55
Vol. 495. Litvinov, G. L.; Sergeev, S. N. (Eds.)
Tropical and idempotent mathematics : International Workshop Tropical-07, Tropical and idempotent mathematics, August 25-30, 2007, Independent University of Moscow and Laboratory J.-V. Poncelet
QC20.7I33 I58 2007
Vol. 494. Ammari, Habib; Kang, Hyeonbae (Eds.)
Imaging microstructures : mathematical and computational challenges : proceedings of a research conference, June 18-20, 2008, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France
TA1637 I546
Vol. 493. Baeza, Ricardo; Chan, Wai Kiu; Hoffmann, Detlev W.; Schulze-Pillot, Rainer (Eds.)
Quadratic forms : algebra, arithmetic, and geometry
QA274.4 Z47
Vol. 491. Gordon, Carolyn; Tirao, Juan; Vargas, Jorge A. (Eds.)
New developments in lie theory and geometry : Sixth Workshop on Lie Theory and Geometry, November 13-17, 2007 : Cruz Chica, Cordoba, Argentina
QA387 W68 2007
Vol. 490. Babbitt, Donald G.; Chari, Vyjayanthi; Fioresi, Rita (Eds.)
Symmetry in mathematics and physics : conference in honor of V.S. Varadarajan’s birthday, January 18-20, 2008, University of California, Los Angeles, California
QA174.7S96 S95 2009
Vol. 489. Ginzburg, David; Lapid, Erez; Soudry, David (Eds.)
Automorphic forms and L-functions : a workshop in honor of Steve Gelbart on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, May 15-19, 2006, Rehovot and Tel-Aviv, Israel.
QA353.A9 A856
Vol. 488. Ginzburg, David; Lapid, Erez; Soudry, David (Eds.)
Automorphic forms and L-functions : a workshop in honor of Steve Gelbart on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, May 15-19, 2006, Rehovot and Tel-Aviv, Israel
QA353.A9 A856
Vol. 487. Lachaud, Gilles; Ritzenthaler, Christophe; Tsfasman, M. A. (Eds.)
Arithmetic, geometry, cryptography, and coding theory : international conference, November 5-9, 2007, CIRM, Marseilles, France
QA242.5 A757
Vol. 486. Mynard, Frederic; Pearl, Elliott (Eds.)
Beyond topology
QA611.3 B49
Vol. 485. Assani, Idris (Ed.)
Ergodic theory : Probability and Ergodic Theory Workshops, February 15-18, 2007, Februrary 14-17, 2008, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
QA313 C43 2007
Vol. 484. Kotani, Motoko; Naito, Hisashi; Tate, Tatsuya (Eds.)
Spectral analysis in geometry and number theory : international conference on the occasion of Toshikazu Sunada’s 60th birthday, August 6-10, 2007, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
QA614.95 S64
Vol. 483. Futorny, Vyacheslav.; Futorny, V.; Kashuba, Iryna; Selmanov, Efim (Eds.)
Algebras, representations and applications : conference in honour of Ivan Shestakov’s 60th birthday, August 26-September 1, 2007, Maresias, Brazil
Q55A150 A7
Vol. 482. Mahdavi, Kazem; Koslover, Deborah (Eds.)
Advances in quantum computation : representation theory, quantum field theory, category theory, mathematical physics, and quantum information theory, September 20-23, 2007, University of Texas at Tyler
QA76.889 C65
Vol. 481. Aytuna, A.; Meise, Reinhold; Terzioglu, Tosun; Vogt, Dietmar (Eds.)
Functional analysis and complex analysis : Functional Analysis and Complex Analysis, September 17-21, 2007, Sabanc University, Istanbul, Turkey
QA320 F852
Vol. 480. Nguyen, Viet Dung; Guerriero, Franco; Hammudi, Lakhdar; Kanwar, Pramod (Eds.)
Rings, modules, and representations : International Conference on Rings and Things in Honor of Carl Faith and Barbara Osofsky, June 15 - 17, 2007, Ohio University-Zanesville
QA251.5 I63 2007
Vol. 479. Chow, Timothy Y.; Isaksen, Daniel C. (Eds.)
Communicating mathematics : a conference in honor of Joseph A. Gallian’s 65th birthday, July 16-19, 2007, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota
QA41.4 C65
Vol. 478. Lin, Zongzhu; Wang, Jianpan (Eds.)
Representation theory : Fourth International Conference on Representation Theory, July 16-20, 2007 Lhasa, China
QA150 I565 2007
Vol. 477. Luengo, Ignacio (Ed.)
Recent trends in cryptography : UIMP-RSME Santal o Summer School, July 11-15, 2005, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain
QA268 U53
Vol. 476. Villegas-Blas, Carlos (Ed.)
Fourth Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics : topics in spectral theory and quantum mechanics, May 2005, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cuernavaca, México
QC20.7A5 S85 2005
Vol. 475. Brasselet, Jean-Paul; Cisneros-Molina, José; Massey, David: Seade, José; Teissier, Bernard (Eds.)
Singularities II : international conference in honor of the 60th birthday of Le Dung Trang, January 8-26, 2007, Cuernavaca, Mexico
QA614.58 S5486
Vol. 474. Brasselet, Jean-Paul; Cisneros-Molina, José Luis; Massey, David; Seade, José; Teissier, Bernard (Eds.)
Singularities I : international conference in honor of the 60th birthday of Le Dung Trang, January 8-26, 2007, Cuernavaca, Mexico
QA614.58 S5486
Vol. 473. Farina, Alberto; Saut, Jean-Claude (Eds.)
Stationary and time dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equations : Wolfgang Pauli Institute 2006 Thematic Program, January-December 2006, Vienna, Austria
QC174.26W28 W65
Vol. 472. Arthur, James; Schmid, Wilfried; Trapa, Peter E. (Ed.)
Representation theory of real reductive Lie groups : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, June 4-8, 2006, Snowbird, Utah
QA387 A527
Vol. 471. Dominici, Diego; Maier, Robert Sullivan (Eds.)
Special functions and orthogonal polynomials : AMS Special Session on Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials, April 21-22, 2007, Tucson, Arizona
QA351 S637
Vol. 470. Kappe, Luise-Charlotte; Magidin, Arturo; Morse, Robert Fitzgerald (Eds.)
Computational group theory and the theory of groups : AMS Special Session on Computational Group Theory, March 3-4, 2007, Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina
QA174 A575
Vol. 469. Burns, Keith; Dolgopyat, Dmitry; Pesin, Yakov B. (Eds.)
Geometric and probabilistic structures in dynamics : Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics in honor of Michael Brin on the occasion of his 60th birthday, March 15-18, 2008, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
QA614.8 W67
Vol. 468. Gilligan, Bruce; Roos, Guy J. (Eds.)
Symmetries in complex analysis : Workshop on Several Complex Variables, Analysis on Complex Lie Groups, and Homogeneous Spaces, October 17-29, 2005, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R. China
QA299.6 W67
Vol. 467. Noel, Alfred G.; King, Donald R.; N'Guérékata, Gaston M.; Goins, Edray H. (Eds.)
Thirteenth Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences, June 19-22, 2007, Northeastern University and the University of Massachusetts, Boston
QA1 C654 2007
Vol. 466. Khoo, Boo Cheong; Li, Zhilin; Lin, Ping (Eds.)
Moving interface problems and applications in fluid dynamics : Program on Moving Interface Problems and Applications in Fluid Dynamics, January 8-March 31, 2007, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore
QA911 M68
Vol. 465. Alexeev, Valery; Beauville, Arnaud; Clemens, C. Herbert; Izadi, Elham (Eds.)
Curves and Abelian varieties : international conference, March 30-April 2, 2007, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
QA565 C85
Vol. 464. Ólafsson, Gestur... et al. (Eds.)
Radon transforms, geometry, and wavelets : AMS Special Session, January 7-8, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana : Workshop, January 4-5, 2007, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
QA672 A574
Vol. 463. Lauter, Kristin E.; Ribet, Kenneth (Eds.)
Computational arithmetic geometry : AMS Special Session on Computational Arithmetic Geometry, April 29-30, 2006, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
QA242.5 A58 2008
Vol. 462. Dito, Giuseppe; Garcí-Compeán, Hugo; Lupercio, Ernesto; Turubiates, Francisco J. (Eds.)
Non-commutative geometry in mathematics and physics : the XI Solomon Lefschetz memorial lecture series and topics in deformation quantization and non-commutative structures, September 7-9, 2005, Mexico City, Mexico
QA564 N655
Vol. 461. Mullen, Gary L.; Panario, Daniel; Shparlinski, Igor E. (Eds.)
Finite fields and applications : eighth International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications, July 9-13, 2007, Melbourne, Australia
QA247.3 F547 2007
Vol. 460. Harada, Megumi; Karshon, Yael; Masuda, Mikiya; Panov, Taras (Eds.)
Toric topology : international conference, May 29-June 3, 2006, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
QA613.2 I57 2006
Vol. 459. Saia, Marcelo Jose; Seade, J. (Eds.)
Real and complex singularities : Ninth International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, July 23-28, 2006, ICMC-USP, São Carlos, S.P. Brazil
QA614.58 I55 2006
Vol. 458. Baik, Jinho; Kriecherbauer, Jinho; Li, Luen-Chau; McLaughlin, Kenneth D.; Tomei, Carlos (Eds.)
Integrable systems and random matrices : in honor of Percy Deift : conference on integrable systems, random matrices, and applications in honor of Percy Deift’s 60th birthday, May 22-26, 2006, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York
QA614.83 I665
Vol. 457. Amdeberhan, Tewodros; Moll, Victor H. (Eds.)
Tapas in experimental mathematics : AMS Special Session on Experimental Mathematics, January 5, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana
QA76.95 A54
Vol. 456. Jain, S. K.; Parvathi, S. (Eds.)
Noncommutative rings, group rings, diagram algebras, and their applications : international conference, December 18-22, 2006, University of Madras, Chennai, India
QA251.3 N653
Vol. 455. Agranovski, M.; Bshouty, Daoud; Karp, Lavi; Reich, Simeon; Shoikhet, David; Zalcman, Lawrence (Eds.)
Complex analysis and dynamical systems III : a conference in honor of the retirement of Dov Aharonov, Lev Aizenberg, Samuel Krushkal, and Uri Srebro, January 2-6, 2006, Nahariya, Israel
QA331.7 I56 2006
Vol. 454. Hibschweiler, Rita A.; MacGregor, Thomas H. (Eds.)
Banach spaces of analytic functions : AMS Special Session, April 22-23, 2006, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire
QA322.2 B3421
Vol. 453. Goodman, Jacob E.; Pach, Janos; Pollack, Richard (Eds.)
Surveys on discrete and computational geometry : twenty years later : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, June 18-22, 2006, Snowbird, Utah
QA167 S88
Vol. 452. Beck, Matthias; Haase, Christian; Reznick, Bruce; Vergne, Michèle; Welker, Volkmar; Yoshida, Ruriko (Eds.)
Integer points in polyhedra-- geometry, number theory, representation theory, algebra, optimization, statistics : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, June 11-15, 2006, Snowbird, Utah
QA174 A65 2006
Vol. 451. Larson, David R.; Massopust, Peter; Nashed, Zuhair; Nguyen, Minh Chuong; Papadakis, Manos; Zayed, Ahmed. (Eds.)
Frames and operator theory in analysis and signal processing : AMS-SIAM Special Session, January 12-15, 2006, San Antonio, Texas
QA329 F73
Vol. 450. Dito, Giuseppe; Lu, Jiang-Hua; Maeda, Yoshiaki;Weinstein, Alan (Eds.)
Poisson geometry in mathematics and physics : international conference, June 5-9, 2006, Tokyo, Japan
QA251.5 P65
Vol. 449. Doran, Robert S.; Moore, Calvin C.; Zimmer, Robert J. (Eds.)
Group Representations, Ergodic Theory, and Mathematical Physics: A Tribute to George W. Mackey
QA176 G76
Vol. 448. Corso, Alberto; Migliore, Juan; Polini, Claudia (Eds.)
Algebra, Geometry and Their Interactions : International Conference Midwest Algebra, Geometry and their Interactions: October 7-11, 2005, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
QA150 A5393
Vol. 447. Germinet, François; Hislop, Peter D. (Eds.)
Adventures in Mathematical Physics : International Conference in honor of Jean-Michel Combes on Transport and Spectral Problems in Quantum Mechanics, September 4-6, 2006, Université de Cergy-Pointoise, Cergy-Pointoise, France
QC173.96 I565 2006
Vol. 446. Berestycki, Henri; Bertsch, Michiel; Browder, Felix E.; Nirenberg, Louis; Peletier, Lambertus A.; Véron, Laurent (Eds.)
Perspectives in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: In Honor of Haïm Brezis
QA377 P41
Vol. 445. Carli, Laura De; Milman, Mario (Eds.)
Interpolation Theory and Applications: a conference in honor of Michael Cwikel, March 29-31, 2006, and AMS special session on interpolation theory and applications, AMS sectional meeting, Florida International University, April 1-2, 2006, Miami, Florida
QA281 C66
Vol. 444. Rosenblatt, Joseph M.; Stokolos, Alexander M.; Zayed, Ahmed I. (Eds.)
Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory: December 2-4, 2005, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois
QA403 T665
Vol. 443. Verducci, Joseph Stephen; Shen, Xiaotong; Lafferty, John (Eds.)
Prediction and Discovery: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, Machine and Statistical Learning : Prediction and Discovery, June 25-29, 2006, Snowbird, Utah
QA267 A57
Vol. 442. Huang, Yi-Zhi; Misra, Kailash C. (Eds.)
Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras and Their Applications: international conference in honor of James Lepowsky and Robert Wilson on their sixtieth birthdays, May 17-21, 2005, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
QA252.3 L544
Vol. 441. Kauffman, Louis H.; Radford, David E.; Souza, Fernando J. (Eds.)
Hopf Algebras and Generalizations: : AMS Special Session on Hopf Algebras at the Crossroads of Algebra, Category Theory, and Topology, October 23-24, 2004, Evanston, Illinois
QA613.8 A57
Vol. 440. Botelho, Fernanda; Hagen, Thomas; Jamison, James (Eds.)
Fluids and Waves: Recent Trends in Applied Analysis: Research Conference, May 11-13, 2006, the Universtiy of Memphis, Memphis, TN
QA927 R47 2006
Vol. 439. Danielli, Donatella (Ed.)
Recent Developments in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: the Second Symposium on Analysis and PDE’s, June 7-10, 2004, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
QA377 S8695 2004
Vol. 438. Farber, M; Ghrist, R.; Burger, M.; Koditschek, D. (Eds.)
Topology and Robotics: topology and robotics, 2006, July 10-14, 2006, FIM ETH Zurich
QA611.A1 T646 2007
Vol. 436. Avramov, Luchezar L.; Christensen, Daniel J.; Dwyer, William G.; Mandell, Michael A.; Shipley, Brooke E. (Eds.)
Interactions between Homotopy Theory and Algebra: Summer School on Interactions between Homotopy Theory and Algebra, University of Chicago, July 26-August 6, 2004, Chicago, Illinois
QA612.7 S87
Vol. 435. Jarosz, Krzysztof (Ed.)
Function Spaces: fifth conference on function spaces, May 16-20, 2006, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois
QA323 C65 2006
Vol. 433. Etingof, Pavel; Gelaki, Shlomo; Shnider, Steven (Eds.)
Quantum Groups: proceedings of a conference in memory of Joseph Donin, July 5-12, 2004, Technion, Haifa, Israel
QA174 I565
Vol. 432. Canary, Dick; Gilman,Jane; Heinonen, Juha; Masur, Howard (Eds.)
In the Tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, IV: In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, IV : Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, May 19-22, 2005, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
QA331 A439 2005
Vol. 431. Davydov, Alexei; Batanin, Michael; Johnson, Michael; Lack, Stephen; Neeman, Amnon (Eds.)
Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics: conference and workshop in honor of Ross Street’s 60th birthday, July 11-16, July 18-21, 2005, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
QA39.3 C38
Vol. 430. Assani, Idris (Ed.)
Ergodic Theory and Related Fields: 2004-2006 Chapel Hill Workshops on Probability and Ergodic Theory, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina
QA313 C43 2006
Vol. 429. Chen, Gui-Qiang; Hsu, Elton; Pinsky, Mark (Eds.)
Stochastic analysis and partial differential equations: Emphasis Year 2004-2005 on Stochastic Analysis and Partial Differential equations, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
QA274.2 S723
Vol. 428. Gavosto, Estela A.; Korten, Marianne K.; Moore, Charles N.; Torres, Rodolfo H. (Eds.)
Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and related topics: fifth annual Prairie Analysis Seminar, October 14-15, 2005, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
QA403 P73 2005
Vol. 427. Mallios, Anastasios; Haralampidou, Marina (Eds.)
Topological algebras and applications : Fifth International Conference on Topological Algebras and Applications, June 27-July 1, 2005, Athens, Greece
QA326 I573 2005
Vol. 426. Ancona, Fabio; Lasiecka, Irena; Littman, Walter; Triggiani, Roberto (Eds.)
Control methods in PDE-dynamical systems: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 3-7, 2005, Snowbird, Utah
QA377 A578
Vol. 425. Gao, Su; Jackson, Steve; Zhang, Yi (Eds.)
Advances in logic: the North Texas Logic Conference, October 8-10, 2004, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
QA9.A1 N67
Vol. 424. Burenkov, V. I.; Iwaniec, T.; Vodopyanov, S. K. (Eds.)
The interaction of analysis and geometry: International School--Conference Analysis and Geometry, August 23-September 3, 2004, Novosibirsk, Russia
QA551 I57 2004
Vol. 423. Athanasiadis, Christos A.; Batyrev, Victor V.; Dais, Dimitrios I.; Henk, Martin; Santos, Francisco (Eds.)
Algebraic and geometric combinatorics: proceedings of a Euroconference in mathematics, August 20-26, 2005, Anogia, Crete, Greece
QA167 A54 2005
Vol. 422. Keum, JongHae; Kondo, Shigeyuki (Eds.)
Algebraic geometry: proceedings of the Korea-Japan Conference on Algebraic Geometry in honor of Igor Dolgachev’s 60th birthday, July 5-9, 2004, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea
QA564 K67 2004
Vol. 421. Fine, Benjamin; Gaglione, Anthony M.; Spellman, Dennis (Eds.)
Combinatorial group theory, discrete groups, and number theory: Conference on Combinatorial Group Theory, Discrete Groups, and Number Theory in honor of Gerhard Rosenberger, December 8-9, 2004, Fairfield University : AMS Special Session on Infinite Groups, October 8-9, 2005, Bard College
QA182.5 C654 2004
Vol. 420. Chin, William; Osterburg, James; Quinn, Declan (Eds.)
Groups, rings and algebras. Proceedings of a conference in honor of Donald S. Passman, June 10-12, 2006, the University of Wisconsin--Madison
QA174 G755
Vol. 419. Huynh, D. V.; Jain, Surender Kumar; López-Permouth, Sergio R. (Eds.)
Algebra and its applications. International Workshop on Algebra and Its Applications, March 22-26, 2005, Ohio University, Athens, OH
QA150 I552 2005
Vol. 418. Gerritzen, Lothar; Goldfeld, Dorian; Kreuzer, Martin; Rosenberger, Gerhard; Shpilrain, Vladimir (Eds.)
Algebraic methods in cryptography. Special Session on Algebraic Cryptography at the Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, June 16-19, 2005, Mainz, Germany : International Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Cryptography, November 17-19, 2005, Bochum, Germany
QA150 S64 2005
Vol. 417. Kuznetsov, Vadim B.; Sahi, Siddhartha (Eds.)
Jack, Hall-Littlewood, and Macdonald polynomials. Workshop on Jack, Hall-Littlewood, and Macdonald Polynomials, September 23-26, 2003, ICMS, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
QA404.5 W67
Vol. 416. Kohno, Toshitake; Morishita, Masanori (Eds.)
Primes and knots. JAMI conference, knots and primes, March 8-16, 2003, Johns Hopkins University
QA247 P746
Vol. 415. Berkolaiko, Gregory; Carlson, Robert; Fulling, Stephen A.; Kuchment, Peter (Eds.)
Quantum graphs and their applications. Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Quantum Graphs and Their Applications, June 19-23, 2005, Snowbird, Utah
QA166.165 A57 2005
Vol. 414. Han, Deguang; Jørgensen, Palle E. T.; Larson, David R. (Eds.)
Operator theory, operator algebras, and applications. The 25th Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium (GPOTS), operator theory/operator algebras, June 7-12, 2005, University of Central Florida
QA329 G74 2005
Vol. 413. Benkart, Georgia; Jantzen, Jens C.; Lin, Zongzhu; Nakano, Daniel K.; Parshall, Brian J. (Eds.)
Representations of algebraic groups, quantum groups and Lie algebras. AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 11-15, 2004, Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, Utah
QA176 A485
Vol. 412. Chernov, Nikolai; Karpeshina, Yulia; Knowles, Ian W.; Lewis, Roger T.; Weikard, Rudi (Eds.)
Recent advances in differential equations and mathematical physics. UAB international conference, differential equations and mathematical physics, March 29-April 2, 2005, University of Alabama at Birmingham
QC20.7D5 I568 2005
Vol. 411. Ash, J. Marshall; Jones, Roger L. (Eds.)
Harmonic analysis : Calderòn-Zygmund and beyond : a conference in honor of Stephen Vági’s retirement, harmonic analysis--Calderòn and beyond, December 6-8, 2002, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois
QA247.4 H64
Vol. 410. Gumel, Abba; Castillo-Chávez, Carlos; Mickens, Ronald E.; Clemence, Dominic P. (Eds.)
Mathematical studies on human disease dynamics. Emerging paradigms and challenges : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, competitive mathematical models of disease dynamics: emerging paradigms and challenges, July 17-21, 2005, Snowbird, Utah
RA652.2M3 A52
Vol. 409. Vazquez, Juan Luis; Cabré, Xavier; Carrillo, José Antonio (Eds.)
Recent trends in partial differential equations. UIMP-RSME Santaló summer school, July 12-16, 2004 Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain
QA374 R435
Vol. 408. Ammari, Habib; Kang, Hyeonbae (Eds.)
Inverse problems, multi-scale analysis and effective medium theory. Workshop in Seoul, Inverse problems, multi-scale analysis, and homogenization, June 22-24, 2005, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
TA347.D45 I58
Vol. 407. Adem, Alejandro; González, Jesús; Pastor, Guillermo (Eds.)
Recent developments in algebraic topology. A conference to celebrate Sam Gitler’s 70th birthday, December 3-6, 2003, San Miguel de Allende, México
QA612 R43
Vol. 406. Peña, José Antonio de la; Bautista, Raymundo (Eds.)
Trends in representation theory of algebras and related topics : Workshop on Representations of Algebras and Related Topics, August 11-14, 2004, Querétaro, México
QA155 W67
Vol. 405. Markoe, Andrew; Quinto, Eric Todd (Eds.)
Integral geometry and tomography : AMS Special Session on Tomography and Integral Geometry, April 17-18, 2004, Rider University, Lawrenceville, New Jersey
QA672 A575
Vol. 404. Borichev, Alexander A.; Hedenmalm, Haakan; Zhu, Kehe (Eds.)
Bergman spaces and related topics in complex analysis. Proceedings of a conference in honor of Boris Korenblum’s 80th birthday, November 20-23, 2003, Barcelona, Spain
QA331.7 B475
Vol. 403. Jarvis, Tyler Jamison; Kimura, Takashi; Vaintrob, Arkady (Eds.)
Gromov-Witten theory of spin curves and orbifolds. AMS Special Session on Gromov-Witten Theory of Spin Curves and Orbifolds, May 3-4, 2003, San Francisco, California
QA665 A57
Vol. 402. Ard, Zvi... [et al.] (Eds.)
Ischia Group Theory 2004. Proceedings of a conference in honor of Marcel Herzog, March 31-April 3, 2004, Naples, Italy
QA176 I83
Vol. 401. Becker, Katrin ... [et al.] (Eds.)
Snowbird lectures on string geometry . Proceedings of AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on String Geometry, June 5-11, 2004
QA564 S57
Vol. 400. Berhanu, Shiferaw ... [et al.] (Eds.)
Recent progress on some problems in several complex variables and partial differential equations. International conference, partial differential equations and several complex variables, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, June 9-13, 2004
QA331.7 R43
Vol. 399. Arlettaz, Dominique; Hess, Kathryn (Eds.)
An Alpine anthology of homotopy theory. Proceedings of the Second Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology, August 24-29, 2004, Arolla, Switzerland
QA612.7 A76 2004
Vol. 398. Jorgenson, Jay A.; Walling, Lynne (Ed.)
The Ubiquitous heat kernel : AMS special session, the ubiquitous heat kernel, October 2-4, 2003, Boulder, Colorado
QA377 U35
Vol. 397. Muñoz Porras, José María; Popescu, Sorin; Rodríguez, Rubí E.(Eds.)
The geometry of Riemann surfaces and Abelian varieties. III Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry in honor of Professor Sevin Recillas-Pishmish’s 60th birthday, June 8-12, 2004, Salamanca, Spain
QA333 I34 2004
Vol. 396. Devaney, Robert L.; Keen, Linda (Eds.)
Complex dynamics : twenty-five years after the appearance of the Mandelbrot set. Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Complex Dynamics--Twenty-five Years after the Appearance of the Mandelbrot Set, June 13-17, 2004, Snowbird, Utah
QA614.86 C65
Vol. 395. Jensen, Gary R.; Krantz, Steven GH. (Eds.)
150 years of mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis. Sesquicentennial of mathematics at Washington University, October 3-5, 2003, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
QA13.5M5 O54
Vol. 394. Grigorchuk, Rostislav ; Mihalik, Michael; Sapir, Mark; Sunik, Zoran (Eds.)
Topological and asymptotic aspects of group theory. Proceedings of two AMS Special Sessions: Probabilitistic and Asymptotic aspects of Group Theory, March 26-27, 2004, Athens, Ohio and Topological Aspects of Group Theory, October 16-17, 2004, Nashville, Tennessee
QA174 A58 2004
Vol. 393. Matheson, Alec L.; Stessin, Michael I.; Timoney, Richard Martin (Eds.)
Recent advances in operator-related function theory. Conference on Recent Advances in Operator-Related Function Theory, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, August 4-6, 2004
QA319 C65
Vol. 392. Berman, Stephen ; Parshall, Brian; Scott, Leonard; Wang, Weiqiang (Eds.)
Infinite-dimensional aspects of representation theory and applications : International Conference on Infinite-Dimensional Aspects of Representation Theory and Applications, May 18-22, 2004, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
QA176 I58
Vol. 391. Fuchs, Jurgen; Mickelsson, Jouko; Rozenblioum, Grigori; Stolin, Alexander; Westerberg, Anders (Eds.)
Noncommutative geometry and representation theory in mathematical physics : satellite conference to the Fourth European Congress of Mathematics, July 5-10, 2004, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden,
QC20.7D52 N6485
Vol. 390. Ghorpade, Sudhir; Srinivasan, Hema; Verma, Jugal (Eds.)
Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Indian Mathematical Society on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Bangalore, India, December 17-20, 2003
QA251.3 J65
Vol. 389. Eells, James; Ghys, Etienne; Lyubich, Mikhaill; Palis, Javob; Seade, José (Eds.)
Geometry and dynamics. International Conference in honor of the 60th anniversary of Alberto Verjovsky, January 6-11, 2003, Cuernavaca, Mexico
QA252 G46
Vol. 387. Entov, Michael; Pinchover, Yehuda; Sageev, Michah (Eds.)
Geometry, spectral theory, groups, and dynamics. Proceedings in memory of Robert Brooks, December 29, 2003-January 2, 2004 [and] January 5-9, 2004, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
QA440 R63
Vol. 386. Kachi, Yasuyuki; Mulay, S. B.; Tzermias, Pavlos (Eds.)
Recent progress in arithmetic and algebraic geometry : Barrett Lecture Series Conference, April 25-27, 2002, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
QA564 B36
Vol. 385. Kolyada, S. F.; Manin, Yuri I.; Ward, Thomas (Eds.)
Algebraic and topological dynamics : proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic and Topological Dynamics, May 1-July 31, 2004, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
QA612 C653
Vol. 383. Shi, Zhongci; Chen, Z.; Tang, T.; Yu, D. (Eds.)
Recent advances in adaptive computation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Adaptive Computation, Hangzhou, China, May 24-28, 2004
QA297 I565
Vol. 382. Agranovsky, Mark Lvovich; Karp, Lavi; Shoikhet, David (Eds.)
Complex analysis and dynamical systems II : a conference in honor of professor Lawrence Zalcman's sixtieth birthday, June 9-12, 2003, Nahariya, Israel
QA299.6 I556 2005
Vol. 381. Evans, David; Holt, Jeffrey J.; Jones, Chris; Klintworth, Karen; Parshall, Brian; Pfister, Oliver; Ward, Harold N. (Eds.)
Coding theory and quantum computing : an International Conference on Coding Theory and Quantum Computing, May 20-24, 2003, University of Virginia
QC173.96 I53
Vol. 380. Blass, Andreas; Zhang, Yi (Eds.)
Logic and its applications : International Conference on Logic and Its Applications in Algebra and Geometry, April 11-13, 2003, and Workshop on Combinatorial Set Theory, Excellent Classes, and Schanuel Conjecture, April 14-15, 2003, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
QA10 I578
Vol. 378. Borovik, Alexandre (Ed.)
Groups, languages, algorithms : AMS-ASL Joint Special Session on Interactions between Logic, Group Theory, and Computer Science, January 16-19, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland
QA174 A55
Vol. 377. Litvinov, Grigorii Lazarevich; Maslov, Viktor Pavlovich (Eds.)
Idempotent mathematics and mathematical physics : international workshop, February 3-10, 2003, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria
QC19.2 I34
Vol. 376. Peña, José Antonio de la; Vallejo, Ernesto; Atakishiyev, Natig M. (Eds.)
Algebraic structures and their representations : XV Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra, Cocoyoc, Morelos, México, July 20-26, 2003
QA172 C62
Vol. 375. Lipman, Joseph; Nayak, Suresh; Sastry, Pramathanath
Variance and duality for Cousin complexes on formal schemes
QA612.3 L56
Vol. 374. Barvinok, Alexander; Bekc, Matthias; Haase, Christian; Reznick, Bruce; Welker, Volkmar (Eds.)
Integer points in polyhedra : geometry, number theory, algebra, optimization : proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Integer Points in Polyhedra, July 13-17, 2003, Snowbird, Utah
QA171.5 A57 2003
Vol. 373. Costin, Ovidiu; Kruskal, Martin David; Macintyre, Angus (Eds.)
Analyzable functions and applications : International Workshop on Analyzable Functions and Applications, June 17-21, 2002, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, Scotland
QA355 I57
Vol. 372. Burillo, José; Cleary, Sean; Elder, Murray; Taback, Jennifer, Ventura, Enric (Eds.)
Geometric methods in group theory : AMS Special Session Geometric Group Theory, October 5-6, 2002, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts : special session at the First Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Real Sociedad Matemática Española, June 18-21, 2003, Seville, Spain
QA174 A57 2002
Vol. 371. Chen, Gui-Qiang; Gasper, George; Jerome, Joseph W. (Eds.)
Nonlinear partial differential equations and related analysis : the Emphasis Year 2002-2003 program on nonlinear partial differential equations and related analysis, September 2002-July 2003, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
QA329.42 N65
Vol. 370. Poggi-Corradini, Pietro (Ed.)
The p-harmonic equation and recent advances in analysis : IIIrd Prairie Analysis Seminar, October 17-18, 2003, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
QA403 P73 2003
Vol. 369. Gutierrez, Jaime; Shpilrain, Vladimir; Yu, Jie-Tai (Eds.)
Affine algebraic geometry : special session on affine algebraic geometry at the first joint AMS-RSME meeting, Seville, Spain, June 18-21, 2003
QA564 A44
Vol. 368. Chanillo, Sagun; Cordaro, Paulo D.; Hanges, Nicholas; Hounle, Jorge; Meziani, Abdelhamid (Eds.)
Geometric analysis of PDE and several complex variables : dedicated to François Treves
QA612.3 L56
Vol. 367. Chang, Shu-Cheng; Chow, Bennett; Chu, Sun-Chin; Chang-Shou, Lin (Eds.)
Geometric evolution equations : National Center for Theoretical Sciences Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 15-August 14, 2002
QA377 N36 2002
Vol. 366. Boob-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Grubb, Gerd; Wojciechowski, Krzysztof P. (Eds.)
Spectral geometry of manifolds with boundary and decomposition of manifolds : proceedings of the Workshop on Spectral Geometry of Manifolds with Boundary and Decomposition of Manifolds, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark, August 6-9, 2003
QA612.33 W67 2003
Vol. 365. Doran, Robert S.; Kadison, Richard V. (Eds.)
Operator algebras, quantization, and non-commutative geometry : a centennial celebration honoring John von Neumann and Marshall H. Stone : AMS special session on operator algebras, quantization, and non-commutative geometry, a centennial celebration honoring John von Neumann and Marshall H. Stone, January 15-16, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland
QA612.33 O64
Vol. 364. Agranovsky, Mark Lvovich; Karp, Lavi; Shoikhet, David; Zalcman, Lawrence (Eds.)
Complex analysis and dynamical systems : proceedings of an International Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, June 19-22, 2001, ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel
QA299.6 I556
Vol. 363. Lau, Anthony To-Ming; Runde, Volker (Eds.)
Banach algebras and their applications : sixteenth International Conference on Banach Algebras, University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, July 27-August 9, 2003
QA326 I563 2003
Vol. 362. Conca, Carlos; Manásevich, Ra+úl; Uhlmann, Gunther; Vogelius, Michael S. (Eds.)
Partial differential equations and inverse problems : Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis and Inverse Problems, January 6-18, 2003, Santiago, Chile.
QA374 P345
Vol. 361. Enayat, Ali; Kossak, Roman (Eds.)
Nonstandard models of arithmetic and set theory : AMS Special Session Nonstandard Models of Arithmetic and Set Theory, January 15-16, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland
QA248 A5375
Vol. 360. Myasnikov, Alexei G.; Shpilrain, Vladimir (Eds.)
Group theory, statistics, and cryptography : AMS Special Session Combinatorial and Statistical Group Theory, April 12-13, 2003, New York University
QA174 A565
Vol. 359. Dostoglou, Stamatis A.; Ehrlich, Paul E. (Eds.)
Advances in differential geometry and general relativity : the Beemfest Advances in Differential Geometry and General Relativity on the occasion of professor John Beem's retirement May 10-11, 2003 University of Missouri - Columbia
QA641 B395
Vol. 358. Burns, David; Popescu, Cristian; Sands, Jonathan; Solomon, David (Eds.)
Stark's conjectures : recent work and new directions : an international conference on Stark'conjectures and related topics, August 5-9, 2002, Johns Hopkins Universit.
QA246 I57
Vol. 357. Neuberger, John M. (Ed.)
Variational methods : open problems, recent progress, and numerical algorithms, June 5-8, 2002, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
QA377 V37
Vol. 356. Assani, Idris (Ed.)
Chapel Hill ergodic theory workshops : June 8-9, 2002 and February 14-16, 2003, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
QA313 C43
Vol. 355. Abikoff, William; Haas, William (Eds.)
In the tradition of Ahlfors and Bers . Proceedings of the First Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, October 18-21, 2001, University ofConnecticut at Storrs
QA331 A439 2001
Vol. 354. Gaffney, Terence (Ed.)
Real and complex singularities : Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, July 29-August 2, 2002, ICMC-USP, Sô Carlos, Brazil
QA614.58 I55 2002
Vol. 353. Carvalho, Maria da Conceicao Vieira de (Ed.)
Recent advances in the theory and applications of mass transport. Summer School on Mass Transportation Methods in Kinetic Theory and Hydrodynamics, September 4-9, 2000, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
QC381 R43
Vol. 352. Kubale, Marek (Ed.)
Graph colorings
QA166.247 G7413
Vol. 351. Yin, George; Zhang, Qing (Ed.)
Mathematics of finance. Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Mathematics of Finance, June 22-26, 2003, Snowbird, Utah
HF5691 A495
Vol. 350. Bahri, Abbas; Klainerman, Sergiu; Vogelius, Michael (Eds.)
Noncompact problems at the intersection of geometry, analysis, and topology. Proceedings of the Brezis-Browder Conference, Noncompact Variational Problems and General Relativity, October 14-18, 2001, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
QA614.9 B74
Vol. 349. Borovik, Alexandre; Myasnikov, Alexei G. (Eds.)
Computational and experimental group theory : AMS-ASL joint special session, interactions between logic, group theory, and computer science, January 15-16, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland
QA175 C65
Vol. 347. Kotani, Motoko (Ed.)
Discrete geometric analysis : Proceedings of the first JAMS symposium on discrete geometric analysis, December 12-20, 2002, Sendai, Japan
QA641 D584
Vol. 346. Goerss, Paul Gregory; Priddy, Stewart (Eds.)
Homotopy theory : relations with algebraic geometry, group cohomology, and algebraic K-theory : An International Conference on Algebraic Topology March 24-28, 2002 Northwestern University
QA612.7 I58
Vol. 345. Heil, Christopher R.; Jørgensen, Palle E. T.; Larson, David R. (Eds.)
Wavelets, frames, and operator theory : Focused Research Group Workshop on Wavelets, Frames, and Operator Theory, January 15-21, 2003, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
QA403.3 F63
Vol. 344. Baeza, Ricardo; Hsia, John; Jacob, Bill; Prestel, Alexander (Eds.)
Algebraic and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms : proceedings of the International Conference on the Algebraic and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, December 11-18, 2002, Universidad de Talca, Chile
QA243 I58
Vol. 343. Sthanumoorthy, Neelacanta (Ed.)
Kac-Moody Lie algebras and related topics : Ramanujan International Symposium on Kac-Moody Lie Algebras and Applications, January 28-31, 2002, Mathematics, University of Madras, Chennai, India
QA252.3 R35
Vol. 342. Pach, János (Ed.)
Towards a theory of geometric graphs
QA166 T68
Vol. 341. Arizmendi, Hugo; Bosch Giral, Pedro; Palacios, Lourdes (Eds.)
Topological algebras and their applications. Fourth International Conference on Topological Algebras and Their Applications, July 1-5, 2002, Oaxaca, Mexico
QA326 I573 2002
Vol. 340. Río, Rafael; Villegas-Blas, Carlos (Eds.)
Spectral Theory of Schrödinger Operators: lecture notes from a Workshop on Schröndinger Operators Theory december 3-7, 2001 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, IIMAS, Mexico
QC174.17S3 S64
Vol. 338. Auscher, Pascal; Coulhon, Thierry; Grigor'yan, Alexander (Eds.)
Heat kernels and analysis on manifolds, graphs, and metric spaces : lecture notes from a quarter program on heat kernels, random walks, and analysis on manifolds and graphs april 16-july 13, 2002, Emile Borel Centre of the Henri Poincare Institute Paris, France
QA377 H43
Vol. 337. Duggal, Krishan L.; Sharma, Ramesh (Eds.)
Recent advances in Riemannian and Lorentzian geometries : AMS Special Session Recent Advances in Riemannian and Lorentzian Geometries, january 15-18, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland
QA641 R388
Vol. 335. Price, Geoffrey L.; Baker, Mitchell; Jorgensen, E. T.; Muhly, Paul S. (Eds.)
Advances in Quantum Dynamics : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Advances in Quantum Dynamics, June 16-20, 2002 Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, Massachusetts
QC174.17S36 A57
Vol. 334. Goldamn, Ron; Krasauskas, Rimvydas (Eds.)
Topics in Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling : Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling, july 29-August 2, 2002, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
QA565 W67 2002
Vol. 333. Alessandrini, Giovanni; Uhlmann, Gunther (Eds.)
Inverse Problems: Theory and Applications : INdAM Workshop on Inverse Problems and Applications, June 3-9, 2002, Cortona, Italy. Special Session at AMS-UMI First Joint International Meeting on Inverse Boundary Problems 12-16, 2002, Pisa, Italy
QA370 I465
Vol. 332. Bland, John; Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. (Eds.)
Explorations in Complex and Riemannian Geometry: a Volume Dedicated to Robert E. Greene
QA641 E96
Vol. 331. Avramov, Luchezar L.; Chardin, Marc; Morales, Marcel; Polini, Claudia (Eds.)
Commutative Algebra : Interactions with Algebraic Geometry : International conference Grenoble, France July 9-13, 2001. Special session at the the Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Société Mathématique de France, Lyon, France July 17-20, 2001
QA251.3 C648
Vol. 330. Cheng, S. Y.; Shu, C.-W.; Hong; Tang T. (Eds.)
Recent Advances in Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations : International Conference on the Occasion of Stanley Osher’s 60th birthday, December 12-15, 2002 Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Q183.9 R43
Vol. 329. Chen, Zhangxin; Glowinski, Roland; Li, Kaitai (Eds.)
Current Trends in Scientific Computing : ICM 2002 Beijing Satellite Conference on Scientific Computing, August 15-18, 2002, Xi’an Jiaotang University, Xi’an, China
Q183.9 I36
Vol. 328. Krzysztof, Jarosz (Ed.)
Function Spaces. : Fourth Conference on Function Spaces, May 14-19, 2002, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
QA323 C65 2002
Vol. 327. Karpeshina, Yulia; Stolz, Günter; Weikard, Rudi; Zeng, Yanni (Eds.)
Advances in Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics : UAB International Conference Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, March 26-30, 2002 University of Alabama, Birmingham
QA20.7D5 I568 2003
Vol. 326. McLaughlin, Kenneth D. T-R.; Zhou, Xin (Eds.)
Recent Developments in Integrable Systems and Riemann-Hilbert Problems : AMS Special Session Integrable Systems and Riemann-Hilbert Problems, November 10-12, 2000, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama
QA379 A555
Vol. 325. Kang, Seok-Jin; Lee, Kyu-Hwan (Eds.)
Combinatorial and Geometric Representation Theory : an international conference on combinatorial and geometric representation theory, October 22-26, 2001, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
QA176 C6535
Vol. 324. Melles, Caroline Grant; Brasselet, Jean-Paul; Kennedy, Gary; Lauter, Kristin; McEwan, Lee (Eds.)
Topics in algebraic and noncommutative geometry: proceedings in Memory of Ruth Michler, , July 20-22, 2001, Luminy, France [and] October 25-28, 2001, Annapolis, Maryland
QA564 T657
Vol. 322. Cutkosky, Dale S.; Edidin, Dan; Qin, Zhenbo; Zhang, Qi (Eds.)
Vector bundles and representation theory: Conference on Hilbert Schemes, Vector Bundles, and Their Interplay with Representation Theory, April 5-7, 2002, University of Missouri, Columbia
QA612.63 C65
Vol. 321. Kaminska, Anna (Ed.)
Trends in Banach spaces and operator theory : a Conference on Trends in Banach Spaces and Operator Theory, October 5-9, 2001, University of Memphis
QA322.2 T736
Vol. 320. Beckner, William; Nagel, Alexander; Seeger, Andreas; Smith, Hart F. (Eds.)
Harmonic analysis at Mount Holyoke : proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Harmonic Analysis, June 25-July 5, 2001, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
QA403 A495
Vol. 319. Schikhof, W. H.; Perez-Garcia, C.; Escassut, A. (Eds.)
Ultrametric Functional Analysis : seventh International Conference on p-Adic Functional Analysis, June 17-21, 2002, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
QA241 P334 2002
Vol. 318. Radford, David E.; Souza, Fernando J. O.; Yetter, David N. (Eds.)
Diagrammatic morphisms and applications: AMS special session on diagrammatic morphisms in algebra, category theory, and topology, October 21-22, 2000, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
QA169 A57
Vol. 317. Kuo, Hui-Hsiung; Sengupta, Ambar N.(Eds.)
Finite and infinite dimensional analysis in Honor of Leonard Gross : AMS Special Session, Analysis on Infinite Dimensional Spaces, January 12-13, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana
QA319 A57
Vol. 316. Cornea, O.; Lupton, G.; Oprea, J.; Tanré, D. (Eds.)
Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and related topics : 2001 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category in the New Millennium, July 29-August 2, 2001, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts
QA612 A57
Vol. 315. Voronov, Theodore (Ed.)
Quantization, poisson brackets and beyond : London Mathematical Society regional meeting and workshop on quantization, deformations, and new homological and categorical methods in mathematical physics, July 6-13, 2001, University Technology, Manchester, United Kingdom
QC174.17G46 Q84
Vol. 314. Berrick, A. J.; Leung, Man Chun; Xu, Xingwang (Eds.)
Topology and geometry: commemorating SISTAG. Singapore International Symposium in Topology and Geometry, (SISTAG) July 2-6, 2001, National University of Singapore, Singapore
QA611.A1 S55
Vol. 313. Nashed, M. Zuhair; Scherzer, Otmar (Eds.)
Inverse problems, image analysis, and medical imaging : AMS Special Session on Interaction of Inverse Problems and Image Analysis, January 10-13, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana
TA1637 A57
Vol. 312. Bertram, Aaron; Carlson, James A.; Kley, Holger (Eds.)
Symposium in Honor of C. H. Clemens : A weekend of algebraic geometry in celebration of Herb Clemens’s 60th birthday, March 10-12, 2000 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utha
QA564 S945
Vol. 311. Earle, Clifford J.; Harvey, William J.; Recillas-Pishmish, Sevín (Eds.)
Complex manifolds and hyperbolic geometry : II Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry, January 4-9, 2001, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico
QA333 I34 2001
Vol. 310. Adem, Alejandro; Morava, Jack; Ruan, Yongbin (Eds.)
Orbifolds in mathematics and physics : proceedings of a Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Orbifold String Theory , May 4-8, 2001 University of Wisconsing, Madison, Wisconsin
QA613 O73
Vol. 309. Guest, Martin; Miyaoka, Reiko; Ohnita, Yoshihiro (Eds.)
Integrable systems, topology, and physics : a Conference on Integrable Systems in Differential Geometry, University of Tokyo, Japan, July 17-21, 2000
QA614.83 I69
Vol. 308. Guest, Martin; Miyaoka, Reiko; Ohnita, Yoshihiro (Eds.)
Differential geometry and integrable systems : a Conference on Integrable Systems in Differential Geometry University Tokyo, Japan July 17-21, 2000
QA641 D531
Vol. 307. Weder, Ricardo; Exner, Pavel; Grébert, Benoit (Eds.)
Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics : a Conference on QMATH-8, Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Taxco, Mexico, December 10-14, 2001
QC173.96 M375 2001
Vol. 306. Feng, Xiaobing; Schulze, Tim P. (Eds.)
Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Applications :proceedings of the 2001 John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures, Trends in Computational Mathematics, May 10-12, 2001 the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
QA377 R434
Vol. 305. Lomonaco, Samuel J. Jr.; Brandt, Howard E. (Eds.)
Quantum Computation and Information : AMS Special Session Quantum Computation and Information, January 19-21, 2000, Washington, D.C.
QA76.889 A57
Vol. 304. Calvo, Jorge Alberto; Millett, Kenneth C.; Rawdon, Eric J. (Eds.)
Physical knots: knotting, linking, and folding geometric objects in \mathbbR^3. AMS special session on physical knotting and unknotting, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 21-22, 2001
QA612.2 A53
Vol. 303. Cherry, William; Yang, Chung-Chun (Eds.)
Value distribution theory and complex dynamics : proceedings of the Special Session on Value Distribution Theory and Complex Dynamics held at the First Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Hong Kong Mathematical Society : Hong Kong, December 13-16, 2000
QA331.7 J65 2000
Vol. 302. Zhang, Yi (Ed.)
Logic and algebra
QA9.7 L6
Vol. 301. Bona, Jerry; Choudhury, Roy; Kaup, David(Eds.)
The legacy of the inverse scattering transform in applied mathematics : Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on the Legacy of Inverse Scattering Transform in Nonlinear Wave Propagation June 17-21, 2001 Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
QA927 L44
Vol. 300. Vostokov, Sergei; Zarhin, Yuri (Eds.)
Algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry: papers dedicated to A. N. Parshin on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
QA247 A54
Vol. 299. Kamberov, George; Norman, Peter; Pedit, Franz; Pinkall, Ulrich
Quaternions, spinors, and surfaces
QA196 Q83
Vol. 298. Gilman, Robert; Myasnikov, Alexei G.; Shpilrain, Vladimir (Eds.)
Computational and statistical group theory : AMS Special Session Geometric Group Theory, April 21-22, 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada. AMS Special Session Computational Group Theory, April 28-29, 2001, Hoboken, New Jersey
QA174 A57
Vol. 297. Berman, Stephen; Fendley, Paul; Huang, Yi-Zhi; Misra, Kailash; Parshall, Brian (Eds.)
Recent developments in infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and conformal field theory : proceedings of an International Conference on Infinite-Dimensional Lie Theory and Conformal Field Theory, May 23-27, 2000, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
QA252.3 R395
Vol. 296. Cleary, Sean; Gilman, Robert; Myasnikov Alexei G.; Shpilrain, Vladimir (Eds.)
Combinatorial and geometric group theory : AMS Special Session, Combinatorial Group Theory, November 4-5, 2000, New York, New York : AMS Special Session, Computational Group Theory, April 28-29, 2001, Hoboken, New Jersey
QA182.5 C645
Vol. 295. Chen, Zhangxin; Ewing, Richard E. (Eds.)
Fluid flow and transport in porous media: Mathematical and Numerical Treatment : proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Fluid Flow and Transport in Porus Media, Mathematical and Numerical Treatment, June 17-21, 2001, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts
QC173.4P67 A57
Vol. 294. Coquereaux, Robert; García, Ariel; Trinchero, Roberto (Eds.)
Quantum symmetries in theoretical physics and mathematics : proceedings of the Bariloche School, January 10-21, 2000, Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina
QC174.17S9 Q83
Vol. 293. Davis, Donald M.; Morava, Jack; Nishida, Goro; Wilson, Stephen W.; Yagita, Nobuaki (Eds.)
Recent progress in homotopy theory : proceedings of a Conference on Recent Progress in Homotopy Theory, March 17-27, 2000, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
QA612.7 R39
Vol. 292. Chenciner, Alain; Cushman, Richard; Robinson, Clark; Xia, Zhihong Jeff (Eds.)
Celestial mechanics: dedicated to Donald Saari for his 60th Birthday : proceedings of an International Conference on Celestial Mechanics, December 15-19, 1999, Northwestern Univer sity, Evanston, Illinois
QB349 C45
Vol. 291. Berndt, Bruce C.; Ono, Ken (Eds.)
q-series with applications to combinatorics, number theory, and physics : a Conference on q-Series with Applications to Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Physics, October 26-28, 2000, University of Illinois
QA295 Q74
Vol. 290. Lapidus, Michel L.; Frankenhuysen, Machiel van (Eds.)
Dynamical, spectral, and arithmetic zeta functions : AMS Special Session on Dynamical, Spectral, and Arithmetic Zeta Functions, january 15-16, 1999, San Antonio, Texas
QA351 A57
Vol. 289. Pérez-Esteva, Salvador; Villegas-Blas, Carlos (Eds.)
Second Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics: topics in analysis: harmonic, complex, nonlinear and quantization : Second Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico, June 12-22, 2000
QC20.7A5 S85 2000
Vol. 288. Fernández, Marisa; Wolf, Joseph A. (Eds.)
Global differential geometry: the mathematical legacy of Alfred Gray : International Congress on Differential Geometry September 18-23, 2000, Bilbao, Spain
QA670 I55 2000
Vol. 287. Viana, Marlos A.G.; Richards, Donald P. St. (Eds.)
Algebraic methods in statistics and probability : AMS Special Session on Algebraic Methods in Statistics, April 8-9, 2000, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
QA276.A1 A57
Vol. 286. Green, Edward L.; Hosten, Serkan; Laubenbacher, Reinhard C.; Powers, Victoria (Eds.)
Symbolic computation: solving equations in algebra, geometry, and engineering : proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Symbolic Computation: Solving Equations in Algebra, Geometry, and Engineering, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Ma june 11-15, 2000
QA155.7E4 A575 2000
Vol. 285. Leslie, Joshua A.; Robart, Thierry P. (Eds.)
The geometrical study of differential equations : NSF-CBMS Conference on the Geometrical Study of Differential Equations, june 20-25, 2000, Howard University, Washington, D.C.
QA374 N74 2000
Vol. 284. N'Guérékata, Gaston M.; Nkwanta, Asamoah (Eds.)
Council for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences: Volume IV. Sixth Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences, June 27-30, 2000, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland
QA1 C654 2000
Vol. 283. Milewski, Paul A.; Smith, Leslie M.; Waleffe, Fabian; Tabak, Esteban G. (Eds.)
Advances in wave interaction and turbulence : Proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference on dispersive wave turbulence Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Ma, june 11-15 2000
QA927 A57 2000
Vol. 282. Ramsay, Arlan; Renault, Jean (Eds.)
Groupoids in analysis, geometry, and physics :AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Groupoids in Analysis, Geometry, and Physics, June 20-24, 1999, University of Colorado, Boulder
QA181 A57 1999
Vol. 279. Adem, Alejandro; Carlsson, Gunnar; Cohen, Ralph (Eds.)
Topology, Geometry, and Algebra: Interactions and new directions : Conference on Algebraic Topology in honor of R. James Milgram, August 17-21, 1999, Stanford University
QA612 C655 1999
Vol. 278. Quinto, Eric Todd; Ehrenpreis, Leon; Faridani, Adel; Gonzalez, Fulton; Grinberg, Eric (Eds.)
Radon transforms and tomography : 2000 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Radon Transforms and Tomography, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, June 18-22, 2000
QA649 A575
Vol. 277. Capogna, Luca; Lanzani, Loredana (Eds.)
Harmonic analysis and boundary value problems : selected papers from the 25th University of Arkansas Spring Lecture Series, Recent Progress in the Study of Harmonic Measure from a Geometric and Analytic Point of View, March 2-4, 2000, Fayetteville, Arkansas
QA403 H364
Vol. 276. Previato, Emma (Ed.)
Advances in algebraic geometry motivated by physics : AMS Special Session on Enumerative Geometry in Physics, April 1-2, 2000, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts
QC20.7A37 A57 2001
Vol. 275. Noël, Alfred G.; Barnes, Earl; Stephens, Sonya A. F.(Eds.)
Council for African American researchers in the mathematical sciences. Volume III : Fifth Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences, June 22-25, 1999, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
QA1 C654 1999
Vol. 274. Maruyama, Ken-ichi; Rutter, John W. (Eds.)
Groups of homotopy self-equivalences and related topics : proceedings of the Workshop on Groups of Homotopy Self-equivalences and Related Topics september 5-11, 1999 University of Milan, Gargnano, Italy
QA612.72 W67
Vol. 273. Kelarev, A. V.; Göbel, R.; Rangaswamy, K. M.; Schultz, P.; Vinsonhaler, C.(Eds.)
Abelian groups, rings and modules : AGRAM 2000 Conference July 9-15, 2000, Perth, Western Australia
QA251.3 A36
Vol. 272. Bayer-Fluckiger, Eva; Lewis, David; Ranicki, Andrew (Eds.)
Quadratic forms and their applications : proceedings of the Conference on Quadratic Forms and Their Applications, July 5-9, 1999, University College Dublin
QA243 C647
Vol. 271. Greenlees, J. P. C.; Bruner; Robert R.; Kuhn, Nicholas (Eds.)
Homotopy methods in algebraic topology : proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, June 20-24, 1999
QA612 H635
Vol. 270. Denef, Jan; Lipshitz, Leonard; Pheidas, Thanases; Geel, Jan Van (Eds.)
Hilbert's tenth problem: relations with arithmetic and algebraic geometry. Workshop on Hilbert's Tenth Problem : Relations with Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry November 2-5, 1999 Ghent University, Belgium
QA242 H55
Vol. 269. Lyubich, Mikhail; Milnor, John W.; Minsky, Yair N. (Eds.)
Laminations and Foliations in Dynamics, Geometry and Topology : proceedings of the Conference on Laminations and Foliations in Dynamics, Geometry and Topology, May 18-24, 1998, SUNY at Stony Brook
QA613.62 L35
Vol. 268. Gulliver, Robert; Littman, Walter; Triggiani, Roberto (Eds.)
Differential Geometric Methods in the Control of Partial Differential Equations : 1999 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in the Control of Partial Differential Equations, University of Colorado, Boulder, June 27-July 1, 1999
QA379 A54
Vol. 267. Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás; Ferrer Santos, Walter Ricardo; Schneider, Hans-Jürgen (Eds.)
New trends in hopf algebra theory : proceedings of the Colloquium on Quantum Groups and Hopf Algebras, La Falda, Sierras de Cordoba, Argentina, August 9-13, 1999
QA251.5 C639 1999
Vol. 266. Melles, Caroline Grant; Michler, Ruth I.(Eds.)
Singularities in algebraic and analytic geometry
QA614.58 S5485
Vol. 265. Arlettaz, Dominique; Hess, Kathryn (Eds.)
Une dégustation topologique: homotopy theory in the Swiss Alps. Proceedings of the Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology, August 25-September 1, 1999, Arolla, Switzerland
QA612.7 A76 1999
Vol. 264. Chan, Kai Yuen; Mikhalev, Alexander A.; Siu, Man-Keung; Yu, Jie-Tai; Zelmanov, Efim I. (Eds.)
Combinatorial and computational algebra : international Conference on Combinatorial and Computational Algebra, May 24-29, 1999, Hong Kong SAR, China
QA150 C645
Vol. 262. Igodt, Paul; Abels, Herbert; Félix, Yves; Grunewald, Fritz (Eds.)
Crystallographic groups and their generalizations : Workshop, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Campus Kortrijk, Belgium, May 26-28, 1999
QD905.2 C79
Vol. 261. Budzban, Gregory; Feinsilver, Philip; Mukherjea, Arunava (Eds.)
Probability on algebraic structures : AMS Special Session on Probability on Algebraic Structures, March 12-13, 1999, Gainesville, Florida
QA273.6 A575
Vol. 260. Salvador, Pérez-Esteva; Villegas-Blas, Carlos (Eds.)
First Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Quantization, the Segal-Bargmann Transform and Semiclassical Analysis. First Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico, June 8-18, 1998
QC174.17G46 S85
Vol. 259. Huynh, D. V.; Jain, S. K.; López-Permouth, S. R. (Eds.)
Algebra and its applications : International Conference Algebra and its Applications, March 25-28, 1999, Ohio University, Athens
QA150 I553
Vol. 258. Grove, Karsten; Madsen, Ib Henning; Pedersen, Erik Kjær (Eds.)
Geometry and topology: Aarhus. Conference on Geometry and Topology, August 10-16, 1998, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
QA440 G455
Vol. 257. Cholak, Peter A.; Lempp, Steffen; Lerman, Manuel; Shore, Richard A. (Eds.)
Computability theory and Its applications: current trends and open problems : proceedings of a 1999 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, Computability Theory and Applications, June 13-17, 1999, University of Colorado, Boulde
QA9.59 C65
Vol. 256. Kra, Irwin; Maskit, Bernard (Eds.)
In the tradition of Ahlfors and Bers: : proceedings of the First Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium, November 6-8, 1998, State University of New York at Stony Brook
QA331 A439
Vol. 255. Bona, Jerry; Saxton, Katarzyna; Saxton, Ralph (Eds.)
Nonlinear PDE's, dynamics, and continuum physics : 1998 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Nonlinear PDE's, Dynamics, and Continuum Physics, July 19-23, 1998, Mount Holyoke College
QA377 A58
Vol. 254. Ismail, Mourad E. H.; Stanton, Dennis W. (Eds.)
q-series from a contemporary perspective : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on q-Series, Combinatorics, and Computer Algebra, June 21-25, 1998, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
QA295 A57
Vol. 253. Delzell, Charles N.; Madden, James J. (Eds.)
Real algebraic geometry and ordered structures : AMS Special Session on Real Algebraic Geometry and Ordered Algebraic Structures held at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, April 17-21, 1996 : Special Semester on Real Algebraic Geometry and Ordered Structures held at Louisiana State University and Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, January-May 1996
QA564 A5315
Vol. 252. Dean, Nathaniel; McZeal, Cassandra M.; Williams, Pamela J. (Eds.)
African Americans in mathematics II: Fourth Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences, june 16-19, 1998 Rice University, Houston, Texas
QA1 C654 1998
Vol. 251. Grinberg, E. L.; Berhanu, S.; Knopp, M.; Mendoza, G.; Quinto, E. T. (Eds.)
Analysis, Geometry, Number Theory: The Mathematics of Leon Ehrenpreis
QA299.6 A58
Vol. 249. Kim, Myung-Hwan; Hsia, John S.; Kitaoka, Yoshiyuki; Schulze-Pillot, Rainer (Eds.)
Integral quadratic forms and lattices : proceedings of the International Conference on Integral Quadratic Forms and Lattices, June 15-19, 1998, Soeul National University, Korea
QA243 I57
Vol. 248. Jing, Naihuan; Misra, Kailash C. (Eds.)
Recent developments in quantum affine algebras and related topics : Representations of Affine and Quantum Affine Algebras and their Applications North Carolina State University, May 21-24, 1998
QA252.3 R43
Vol. 247. Baggett, Lawrence Wasson; Larson, David Royal (Eds.)
The functional and harmonic analysis of wavelets and frames : AMS Special Session on the Functional and Harmonic Analysis of Wavelets January 13-14, 1999 San Antonio, Texas
QA403.3 A57
Vol. 246. Barge, Marcy; Kuperberg, Krystyna (Eds.)
Geometry and topology in dynamics : AMS Special Session on Topology in Dynamics held in Winston-Salem, NC, October 9-10, 1998 -- AMS-AWM Special Session on Geometry in Dinamics held in San Antonio, TX, January 13-16, 1999
QA614.8 G46
Vol. 244. Alonso, Leovigildo; Jeremías, Ana; Lipman, Joseph (Eds.)
Studies in duality on Noetherian formal schemes and non-Noetherian ordinary schemes
QA564 A56
Vol. 242. Booss-Bavnbek, Bernhelm; Wojciechowski, Krzysztof (Eds.)
Geometric Aspects of Partial Differential Equations. Proceedings of a Minisymposium on Spectral Invariants, Heat Equation Approach, September 18-19, 1998, Roskilde, Denmark
QA614.92 M55
Vol. 241. Pragacz, Piotr; Szurek, Michal; Wisniewski, Jaroslaw (Eds.)
Algebraic geometry: Hirzebruch 70 : proceedings of an Algebraic Geometry Conference in honor of F. Hirzebruch’s 70th birthday, May 11-16, 1998, Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center Warsaw, Poland
QA564 A5331
Vol. 240. Carocca, Angel; González-Aguilera, Víctor; Rodríguez, Rubí E. (Eds.)
Complex geometry of groups : I Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry, January 5-11, 1998, Olmue, Chile
QA333 I34
Vol. 239. Meyer, Jean-Pierre; Morava, Jack; Wilson, W. Stephen (Eds.)
Homotopy invariant algebraic structures : a Conference in honor of Mike Boardman. AMS Special Session on Homotopy Theory, January 1998, Baltimore, MD
QA612.7 A57
Vol. 238. Chen, Gui-Qiang; DiBenedetto, Emmanuele (Eds.)
Nonlinear partial differential equations : International Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications, March 21-24, 1998, Northwestern University
QA377 I583 1998
Vol. 237. Branson, Thomas (Ed.)
Spectral problems in geometry and arithmetic : NSF-CBMS Conference on Spectral Problems in Geometry and Arithmetic, August 18-22, 1997, University of Iowa
QA320 N74
Vol. 236. Berndt, Bruce C.; Gesztesy, Fritz (Eds.)
Continued fractions: from analytic number theory to constructive approximation: a volume in honor of L. J. Lange. Continued fractions, from analytic number theory to constructive approximation, May 20-23, 1998, University of Missouri, Columbia
QA295 C658
Vol. 235. Carnielli, Walter A.; D'Ottaviano, Itala M. L. (Eds.)
Advances in contemporary logic and computer science : proceedings of the Eleventh Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic, May 6-10, 1996, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
QA76.9L36 B73
Vol. 234. Hill, Theodore P.; Houdré, Christian (Eds.)
Advances in stochastic inequalities : AMS Special Session on Stochastic Inequalities and their Applications, October 17-19, 1997, Georgia Institute of Technology
QA274.223 A57
Vol. 233. Nencka, Hanna (Ed.)
Low dimensional topology : proceedings of a Conference on Low Dimencional Topology january 12-17, 1998 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
QA611 C64 1998
Vol. 232. Jarosz, Krzysztof (Ed.)
Function spaces : proceedings of the Third Conference on Function Spaces may 19-23, 1998 Souther Illinois University at Edwardsville
QA323 C65 1998
Vol. 231. Farber, Michael; Lück, Wolfgang; Weinberger, Shmuel (Eds.)
Tel Aviv Topology Conference: Rothenberg Festschrift. International Conference on Topology, June 1-5, 1998, Tel Aviv
QA611.A1 I576
Vol. 230. Getzler, Ezra; Kapranov, Mikhail (Eds.)
Higher category theory : workshop on Higher Category Theory and Physics, March 28-30, 1997, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
QA169 C648
Vol. 229. Green, Edward L.; Huisgen-Zimmermann, Birge (Eds.)
Trends in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, Trends in the Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, July 20-25, 1997, University of Washington
QA251.5 T74
Vol. 228. Ge, Liming; Lin, Huaxin; Ruan, Zhong-Jin; Zhang, Dianzhou; Zhang, Shuang (Eds.)
Operator algebras and operator theory : International Conference on Operator Algebras and Operator Theory, July 4-9, 1997, Shanghai, China
QA326 I57 1997
Vol. 226. Caffarelli, Luis A.; Milman, Mario (Eds.)
Monge Ampère equation: applications to geometry and optimization : NSF-CBMS Conference on the Monge Ampere Equation, Applications to Geometry and Optimization, July 9-13, 1997, Florida Atlantic University
QA377 N74 1997
Vol. 225. Mullin, Ronald C.; Mullen, Gary L. (Eds.)
Finite fields: theory, applications and algorithms : Fourth International Conference on Finite Fields-- Theory, Applications, and Algorithms, August 12-15, 1997, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
QA247.3 I57 1997
Vol. 224. Hahn, Sang Geun; Myung, Hyo Chul; Zelmanov, Efim (Eds.)
Recent progress in algebra : an International Conference on Recent Progress in Algebra, August 11-15, 1997, KAIST, Taejon, South Korea
QA150 I56 1997
Vol. 223. Chazelle, Bernard; Goodman, Jacob E.; Pollack, Richard (Eds.)
Advances in discrete and computational geometry : proceedings of the 1996 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, Discrete and Computational Geometry--Ten Years Later, July 14-18, 1996, Mount Holyoke College
QA167 A38
Vol. 222. Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. (Eds.)
Complex geometric analysis in Pohang : POSTECH-BSRI SNU-GARC International Conference on Several Complex Variables, June 23-27, 1997 at POSTECH
QA331.7 P67 1997
Vol. 221. Dorroh, J. Robert; Goldstein, Gisèle Ruiz; Goldstein, Jerome A.; Tom, Michael Mudi (Eds.)
Applied analysis : proceedings of a Conference on Applied Analysis, April 19-21, 1996, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
QA299.6 A66
Vol. 220. Mahowald, Mark; Priddy, Stewart (Eds.)
Homotopy theory via algebraic geometry and group representations : proceedings of a Conference on Homotopy Theory, March 23-27, 1997, Northwestern University
QA612.7 C65
Vol. 219. Henneaux, Marc; Krasil'shchik, Joseph; Vinogradov, Alexandre (Eds.)
Secondary calculus and cohomological physics : proceedings of a Conference on Secondary Calculus and Cohomological Physics, August 24-31, 1997, Moscow, Russia
QC20.7H65 C65 1997
Vol. 218. Mandel, Jan; Farhat, Charbel; Cai, Xiao-Chuan (Eds.)
Domain decomposition methods 10 : the Tenth International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, August 10-14, 1997, Boulder, CO
QA402.2 I57 1998
Vol. 217. Carlen, Eric; Harrell, Evans M.; Loss, Michael (Eds.)
Advances in dfferential equations and mathematical physics : 1997 Georgia Tech-UAB International Conference on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, March 23-29, 1997, Georgia Institute of Technology
QC20.7D5 I568
Vol. 216. Aldroubi, Akram; Lin, EnBing (Eds.)
Wavelets, multiwavelets, and their applications : AMS Special Session on Wavelets, Multiwavelets, and Their Applications, January, 1997, San Diego, California
QA403.3 A56
Vol. 215. Nerurkar, M. G.; Dokken, D. P.; Ellis, D. B. (Eds.)
Topological dynamics and applications : a volume in honor of Robert Ellis. Proceedings of a conference in honor of the retirement of Robert Ellis, April 5-6, 1995, University of Minnesota
QA611.5 T66
Vol. 214. Coburn, Lewis A.; Rieffel, Marc A. (Eds.)
Perspectives on quantization : proceedings of the 1996 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 7-11, 1996, Mt. Holyoke College
QC174.17M35 A47 1996
Vol. 213. Jafari, Farhad; MacCluer, Barbara D.; Cowen, Carl C.; Porter, A. Duane (Eds.)
Studies on composition operators : proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium, July 8-19, 1996, University of Wyoming
QA329.2 S78
Vol. 212. Ramírez de Arellano, E. ; Salinas, N.; Shapiro, M. V. ; Vasilevski, N. L. (Eds.)
Operator theory for complex and hypercomplex analysis : Operator Theory for Complex and Hypercomplex Analysis, December 12-17, 1994, Mexico City, Mexico
QA329 O644
Vol. 211. Dodziuk, Józef; Keen, Linda (Eds.)
Lipa's legacy : proceedings of the Bers Colloquium, October 19-20, 1995, Graduate School and University Center of CUNY
QA331 B458 1995
Vol. 210. Murty, V. Kumar; Waldschmidt, Michel (Eds.)
Number theory : Ramanujan Mathematical Society, January 3-6, 1996, Tiruchirapalli, India
QA241 N856
Vol. 209. Cox, Steven; Lasiecka, Irena (Eds.)
Optimization methods in partial differential equations : proceedings from the 1996 Joint Summer Research Conference, June 16-20, 1996, Mount Holyoke College
QA377 O67
Vol. 208. Lapidus, Michel L.; Harper, Lawrence H.; Rumbos, Adolfo J. (Eds.)
Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Differential Equations: A Volume in Honor of Victor L. Shapiro
QA403 H3665
Vol. 207. Kawamata, Yujiro; Shokurov, Vyacheslav V. (Eds.)
Birational algebraic geometry : a Conference on Algebraic Geometry in memory of Wei-Liang Chow (1911-1995), April 11-14, 1996, Japan-U.S. Mathematics Institute, Johns Hopkins University
QA564 B56 1997
Vol. 206. Korányi, Adam (Ed.)
Harmonic functions on trees and buildings : Workshop on Harmonic Functions on Graphs, October 30-November 3, 1995, City University of New York
QA405 W67 1995
Vol. 205. Cordaro, Paulo D.; Jacobowitz, Howard (Eds.)
Multidimensional complex analysis and partial differential equations : proceedings of the Brazil-USA Conference on Multidimensional Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, June 12-16, 1995, Sao Carlos, Brazil
QA319 B73 1995
Vol. 204. Censor, Yair; Reich, Simeon (Ed.)
Recent developments in optimization theory and nonlinear analysis : AMS/IMU Special Session on Optimization and Nonlinear Analysis, May 24-26, 1995, Jerusalem, Israel
QA402.5 A58 1995
Vol. 203. Nencka, Hanna; Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre (Eds.)
Geometry and nature : in memory of W. K. Clifford / [eds.] Hanna Nencka, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon. A Conference on New Trends in Geometrical and Topological Methods in Memory of William Kingdon Clifford, July 30-August 5, 1995 Madeira, Portugal
QC20.7G44 C65 1995
Vol. 202. Loday, Jean-Louis; Stasheff, James D.; Voronov, Alexander A. (Eds.)
Operads: Proceedings of Renaissance Conferences : Special session and International Conference on Moduli Spaces, Operads, and Representation Theory / Operads and Homotopy Algebra, march 1995
QA172 O64
Vol. 201. Quine, J. R.; Sarnak, Peter (Eds.)
Extremal Riemann surfaces : from the proceedings of the AMS Special Session with Related Papers, January 4-5, 1995, San Francisco, California
QA333 E97 1997
Vol. 200. Dias, F.; Ghidaglia, J.-M.; Saut, J.-C. (Eds.)
Mathematical problems in the theory of water waves : a Workshop on the Problems in the Theory of Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Waves May 15-19, 1995 Luminy, France
QA927 M39
Vol. 199. Banaszak, Grzegorz; Gajda, Wojciech; Krason, Piotr (Eds.)
Algebraic K-theory : Conference on Algebraic K-Theory, September 4-8, 1995 The Adam Mickiewics University Poznan, Poland
QA612.33 A55
Vol. 198. Saari, Donald G.; Xia, Zhihong (Eds.)
Hamiltonian dynamics and celestial mechanics : a Joint Summer Research Conference on Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics, June 25-29,1995 Seattle, Washington
QA614.83 H353 1996
Vol. 197. Bonin, Joseph E.; Oxley, James G.; Servatius, Brigitte (Eds.)
Matroid theory : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Matroid Theory, July 2-6, 1995, University of Washington, Seattle
QA166.6 A57
Vol. 196. Bao, David; Chern, Shiing-Shen; Shen, Zhongmin (Eds.)
Finsler geometry : Joint Summer Research Conference on Finsler Geometry, July 16-20, 1995, Seattle, Washington
QA689 J65 1995
Vol. 195. Dicks, Warren; Ventura, Enric
The group fixed by a family of injective endomorphisms of a free group
QA174.2 D53 1996
Vol. 194. Kang, Seok-Jin; Kim, Myung-Hwan; Lee, Insok (Eds.)
Lie algebras and their representations : a Symposium on Lie Algebras and Representation Theory January 23-27,1995 Seoul National University Seoul, Korea
QA252.3 S95
Vol. 193. Dong, Chongying; Mason, Geoffrey (Eds.)
Moonshine, the Monster, and related topics : AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on Moonshine, the Monster, and Related Topics, June 18-23, 1994, Mount Holyoke College, S. Hadley, MA
QC174.45A1 A57 1994
Vol. 192. Bartoszynski, Tomek; Scheepers, Marion (Eds.)
Set theory : annual Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory (BEST) Conference, March 13-15, 1992, April 10-11, 1993, March 25-27, 1994, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho
QA248 B55 1992
Vol. 191. Ton-That, Tuong; Gross, Kenneth I.; Sally, Paul J. (Eds.)
Representation theory and harmonic analysis : a conference in honor of Ray A. Kunze, January 12-14, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio
QA176 R45
Vol. 190. Ismail, Mourad E. H.; Nashed, M. Zuhair; Zayed, Ahmed I.; Ghaleb, Ahmed F. (Eds.)
Mathematical analysis, wavelets, and signal processing : an international conference on mathematical analysis and signal processing, January 3-9, 1994, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
QA299.6 M37
Vol. 189. Marcantognini, S. A. M.; Mendoza, G. A.; Morán, M. D.; Octavio, A.; Urbina, W. O. (Eds.)
Harmonic analysis and operator theory : a conference in honor of Mischa Cotlar, January 3-8, 1994, Caracas, Venezuela
QA403 H367
Vol. 188. Adem, Alejandro; Milgram, R. James; Ravenel, Douglas C. (Eds.)
Homotopy theory and Its applications : a Conference on Algebraic Topology in honor of Samuel Gitler, August 9-13, 1993, Cocoyoc, Mexico
QA612.7 H648
Vol. 187. Brumfiel, G. W.; Hilden H. M.
SL(2) representations of finitely presented groups
QA177 B68
Vol. 186. Abhyankar, Shreeram S.; Feit, Walter; Fried, Michael D.; Ihara, Yasutaka; Voelklein, Helmut (Eds.)
Recent developments in the inverse Galois problem : a Joint Summer Research Conference on Recent Developments in the Inverse Galois Problem, july 17-23, 1993, University of Washington Seattle
QA247 J65
Vol. 185. Curto, Raúl E.; Douglas, Ronald G.; Pincus, Joel D.; Salinas, Norberto (Eds.)
Multivariable operator theory : a Joint Summer Research Conference onMultivariable Operator Theory, July 10-18, 1993, University of Washington Seattle
QA329 M85
Vol. 184. Bokut', L. A.; Kostrikin, A. I.; Kutateladze, S. S. (Eds.)
Second International Conference on Algebra : dedicated to the memory of A.I. Shirshov. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Algebra, August 20-25, 1991, Barnaul, Russua
QA150 I57 1991
Vol. 183. Connett, William C.; Gebuhrer, Marc-Olivier; Schwartz, Alan L. (Eds.)
Applications of hypergroups and related measure algebras : a Joint Summer Research Conference on Applications of Hypergroups and Related Measure Algebras, July 31-August 6, 1993, Seattle, Washington
QA174.2 J65
Vol. 182. Akbulut, Selman (Ed.)
Real algebraic geometry and topology : a Conference on Real Algebraic Geometry and Topology, December 17-21, 1993, Michigan State University
QA564 C654
Vol. 181. Cenkl, Mila; Miller, Haynes (Eds.)
The Cech Centennial: a Conference on Homotopy Theory, June 22-26, 1993, Northeastern University
QA612.7 C632 1993
Vol. 180. Keyes, David E.; Xu, Jinchao (Eds.)
Domain decomposition methods in scientific and engineering computing : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Octuber 27-30, 1993, the Pennsylvania State University
QA402.2 I57 1993
Vol. 179. Maeda, Yoshiaki; Omori, Hideki; Weinstein, Alan (Eds.)
Symplectic geometry and quantization : Two Symposia on Symplectic Geometry and Quantization Problems, July 1993, Japan
QA614 S95
Vol. 178. Barcelo, Hélène; Kalai, Gil (Eds.)
Jerusalem combinatorics '93 : an International Conference in Combinatorics May 9-17, 1993, Jerusalem, Israel
QA164 J47
Vol. 177. Gindikin, Simon; Goodman, Roe; Greenleaf, Frederick P.; Sally, Paul J. (Eds.)
Representation theory and analysis on homogeneous spaces : a Conference in memory of Larry Corwin, February 5-7, 1993, Rutgers University
QA387 R457
Vol. 176. Ballard, David
Foundational aspects of nonstandard mathematics
QA299.82 B35
Vol. 175. Sally, Paul J.; Flato, Moshe; Lepowsky, James; Reshetikhin, Nicolai; Zuckerman, Gregg J. (Eds.)
Mathematical aspects of conformal and topological field theories and quantum groups : AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on Conformal Field Theory, Topological Field Theory, and Quantum Groups, June 13-19, 1992, Mount Holyoke College
QC174.52C66 A57
Vol. 173. Brooks, Robert; Gordon, Carolyn; Perry, Peter (Eds.)
Geometry of the spectrum : 1993 joint summer research conference onspectral geometry, July 17-23, 1993, University of Washington, Seattle
QA614.95 G46
Vol. 172. Kloeden, Peter E.; Palmer, Kenneth J. (Eds.)
Chaotic numerics : an International Workshop on the Approximation and Computation of Complicated Dynamical Behavior, July 12-16, 1993 Deakin University, Geelong, Australia
QA614.8 I67
Vol. 171. Göbel, Rüdiger; Hill, Paul; Liebert, Wolfgang (eds.)
Abelian group theory and related topics : Conference on Abelian Groups, August 1-7, 1993, Oberwolfach, Germany
QA180 C65 1993
Vol. 170. Beem, John K.; Duggal, Krishan L. (Eds.)
Differential geometry and mathematical physics : AMS-CMS Special Session on Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, August 15-19, 1993, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
QC20.7G44 A57
Vol. 169. Abikoff, William; Birman, Joan S.; Kuiken, Kathryn (Eds.)
The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus: groups, geometry and special functions. Proceedings of the Conference on the Legacy of Wilhelm Magnus, May 1-3, 1992, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York
QA174 C65
Vol. 168. Mullen, Gary L.; Shiue, Peter Jau-Shyong (Eds.)
Finite fields: theory, applications, and algorithms. Second International Conference on Finite Fields : Theory, Applications, and Algorithms, August 17-21, 1993, Las Vegas, Nevada
QA247.3 I57 1993
Vol. 166. Andrews, George E.; Bressoud, David M.; Parson, L. Alayne (Eds.)
The Rademacher legacy to mathematics : the Centenary Conference in honor of Hans Rademacher, July 21-25, 1992, the Pennsylvania State University
QA331 R32
Vol. 165. Mazur, Barry; Stevens, Glenn (Eds.)
p-adic monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture : a Workshop on p-adic Monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, August 12-16, 1991, Boston University
QA241 W67
Vol. 164. Gordon, Cameron; Moriah, Yoav; Wajnryb, Bronislaw (Eds.)
Geometric topology : Joint U.S.-Israel Workshop on Geometric Topology, June 10-16, 1992, Technion, Haifa, Israel
QA612.14 J65
Vol. 163. Shi, Zhong-Ci; Yang, Chung-Chun (Eds.)
Computational mathematics in China
QA297 C645
Vol. 161. Schweitzer, Paul A. S. J.; Hurder, Steven; Santos, Nathan Moreira dos; d Arraut, José Luis (Eds.)
Differential topology, foliations, and group actions : Workshop on Topology, January 6-17, 1992, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
QA613.6 W67
Vol. 160. Kamran, Niky; Olver, Peter J. (Eds.)
Lie algebras, cohomology, and new applications to quantum mechanics. AMS Special Session on Lie Algebras, Cohomology, and New Applications to Quantum Mechanics, March 20-21, 1992, Southern Missouri State University
QA252.3 L543
Vol. 159. Heinzer, William J.; Huneke, Craig L. ; Sally, Judith D. (Eds.)
Commutative algebra: syzygies, multiplicities, and birational algebra. AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on Commuative Algebra Jul 4-10 , 1992 Mount Holyoke College
QA251.3 C35
Vol. 158. Friedlander, Eric M.; Mahowald, Mark E. (Eds.)
Topology and representation theory : Conference on the Connections between Topology and Representation Theory, May 1-5, 1992, Northwestern University
QA612 T66
Vol. 157. Quarteroni, Alfio; Periaux, Jacques; Aviatiation, Dussault; Kuznetsov, Yuri A.; Widlund, Olof B. (Eds.)
Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering : the Sixth International Conference on Domain Decomposition, June 15-19, 1992, Como, Italy
QA402.2 I57 1992
Vol. 156. Givant, Steven R.
The structure of relation algebras generated by relativizations
QA10 G58
Vol. 155. Jacob, William B.; Lam, Tsit-Yuen; Robson, Robert O. (Eds.)
Recent advances in real algebraic geometry and quadratic forms : proceedings of the RAGSQUAD year, Berkeley, 1990-1991
QA564 R397
Vol. 154. Eastwood, Michael; Wolf, Joseph; Zierau, Roger (Eds.)
The Penrose transform and analytic cohomology in representation theory : AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference, June 27 to July 3, 1992, supported by the National Science Foundation
QA387 P45
Vol. 153. Elman, Richard S.; Schacher, Murray M.; Varadarajan, V. S. (Eds.)
Linear algebraic groups and their representations : Conference on Linear Algebraic Groups and Their Representations, March 25-28, 1992, Los Angeles, California
QA179 C65
Vol. 152. McCord, Christopher K. (Ed.)
Nielsen theory and dynamical systems : AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on Nielsen Theory and Dynamical Systems, June 20-26, 1992, Mt. Holuoke College
QA611.5 A357
Vol. 151. Rubin, Matatyahu
The reconstruction of trees from their automorphism groups
QA9.7 R83
Vol. 150. Bödigheimer, Carl-Friedrich; Hain, Richard M. (Eds.)
Mapping class groups and moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces : proceedings of Workshops held June 24-28, 1991, in Gottingen, Germany, and August 6-10, 1991, in Seattle, Washington
QA333 M34
Vol. 148. Fox, Jeffrey; Haskell, Peter (Eds.)
Index theory and operator algebras : proceedings of a CBMS Regional Conference on K-Homology and Index Theory held August 6-10, 1991 in Boulder, Colorado
QA614.92 C35 1991
Vol. 147. Robertson, Neil; Seymour, Paul (Eds.)
Graph structure theory: proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Graph Minors held June 22 to July 5, 1991, at the University onf Wasington, Seattle
QA166 A57 1991
Vol. 146. Tangora, Martin C. (Eds.)
Algebraic topology: proceedings of a International Conference on Algebraic Topology held on July 4-11, 1991, in Oaxtepec, Mexico
QA612 I57 1991
Vol. 145. Adams, Jeffrey; Herb, Rebecca; Kudla, Stephen; Li, Jian-Shu; Lipsman, Ron; Rosenberg, Jonathan (Eds.)
Representation theory of groups and algebras : this volume was compiled by the Representation Theory Group at university of Maryland, College Park, Maryland , during the years 1989-1992
QA176 R46
Vol. 144. Lin, Bor-Luh; Johnson, William B. (Eds.)
Banach spaces : proceedings of an international Workshop on Banach Space Theory held at the Universidad de los Andes in Merida, Venezuela, on January 6-17, 1992
QA322.2 I57 1992
Vol. 143. Knopp, Marvin; Sheingorn, Mark (Eds.)
A tribute to Emil Grosswald: number theory and related analysis
QA241 T75
Vol. 142. Yang, Chung-Chun; Gong, Sheng (Eds.)
Several complex variables in China
QA331.7 S48413
Vol. 141. Cheer, A. Y.; Dam, C. P. van (Eds.)
Fluid dynamics in biology : proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Research Conference held July 6-12, 1991 at the University of Washington, Seattle with support from the National Science Foundation and NASA Headquarters
QH513.5 F58 1991
Vol. 140. Grinberg, Eric L.
Geometric Analysis : proceedings of an AMS Special Session held October 12-13, 1991
QA670 G46
Vol. 138. Richards, Donald P. St. (Ed.)
Hypergeometric functions on domains of positivity, Jack polynomials, and applications : proceedings of an AMS Special Session held March 22-23, 1991 in Tampa, Florida
QA353.H9 H96
Vol. 137. Stout, Edgar Lee; Nagel, Alexander (Eds.)
The Madison Symposium on Complex Analysis : proceedings of the Symposium on Complex Analysis held june 2-7, 1991 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
QA331.7 S95 1991
Vol. 134. Gerstenhaber, Murray; Stasheff, Jim (Eds.)
Deformation theory and quantum groups with applications to mathematical physics : proceedings of a AMS-IMS-SIAM 1990 Joint Summer Research Conference held June 14-20 at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst
QC20.7G76 A57 1990
Vol. 133. Adolphson, Alan; Sperber, Steven; Tretkoff, Marvin (Eds.)
p-adic methods in number theory and algebraic geometry
QA241 P338
Vol. 132. Gotay, Mark; Moncrief, Vincent E.; Marsden, Jerrold E. (Eds.)
Mathematical aspects of classical field theory : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held July 20-26, 1991, with support from the National Science Foundation
QC173.7 A48 1991
Vol. 131/3. Bokut', L. A.; Ershov, Yu. L.; Kostrikin, A. I. (Eds)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra dedicated to the memory of A. I. Mal'cev, PTE. 3
QA150 I57 1989 PTE. 3
Vol. 131/2. Bokut', L. A.; Ershov, Yu. L.; Kostrikin, A. I. (Eds)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra dedicated to the memory of A. I. Mal'cev, PTE. 2
QA150 I57 1989 PTE. 2
Vol. 131/1. Bokut', L. A.; Ershov, Yu. L.; Kostrikin, A. I. (Eds)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra dedicated to the memory of A. I. Mal'cev, PTE. 1
QA150 I57 1989 PTE. 1
Vol. 130. Fuchs, L.; Goodearl, K. R.; Stafford, J. T.; Vinsonhaler, C. (Eds.)
Abelian groups and noncommutative rings: a collection of papers in memory of Robert B. Warfield, Jr.
QA180 A34
Vol. 129. Graef, John R.; Hale, Jack K. (Eds.)
Oscillation and dynamics in delay equations : proceedings of an AMS Special Session held January 16-19, 1991
QA372 O73
Vol. 128. Lange, Ridgley; Wang, Shengwang
New approaches in spectral decomposition
QA329 L35
Vol. 127. Oliker, Vladimir; Treibergs, Andrejs (Eds.)
Geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations : proceedings of the AMS Special Session held March 23-24, 1990
QA377 G385
Vol. 126. Dennis, R. Keith; Pedrini, Claudio; Stein, Michael R. (Eds.)
Algebraic K-theory, commutative algebra, and algebraic geometry : proceedings of the U.S.-Italy Joint Seminar held June 18-24, 1989 at Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy
QA612.33 A445
Vol. 125. Bruss, F. Thomas; Ferguson, Thomas S.; Samuels, Stephen M. (Eds.)
Strategies for sequential search and selection in real time : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held June 21-27, 1990
QA274.A1 A57 1990
Vol. 124. Haile, Darrell E.; Osterburg, James (Eds.)
Azumaya algebras, actions, and modules : proceedings of a conference in honor of Goro Azumaya’s seventieth birthday. Proceedings of a Conference held May 23-27, 1990, with support from the National Science Foundation, the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Indiana University, and the University of Cincinnati
QA251.5 A98 1992
Vol. 123. Kleiman, Steven L.; Thorup, Anders (Eds.)
Enumerative algebraic geometry : proceedings of the 1989 Zeuthen Symposium. Proceedings of a Symposium held july 30-August 6, 1989, with support from the Danish Natural Science Research Council
QA564 Z48
Vol. 122. Sattinger, David; Tracy, C. A; Venakides, Stephanos (Eds.)
Inverse scattering and applications : proceedings of a Conference on Inverse Scattering on the Line, held June 7-13, 1990 at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with support from the National Science Foundation, the National Security Agency, and the Office of Naval Research
QA370 A565 1990
Vol. 121. Feingold, Alex J.; Frenkel, Igor B.; Ries, John F. X.
Spinor construction of vertex operator algebras, triality, and E^{(1)}_8
QA252.3 F45
Vol. 119. Melter, Robert A.; Rosenfeld, Azriel; Bhattacharya, Prabir (Eds.)
Vision Geometry Proceedigns of an AMS Special Session, held October 20-21, 1989
TA1632 V54
Vol. 118. Shi-Jian, Yan; Chung-Chun, Yang; Wang, Jia-Gang (Eds.)
Probability theory and its applications in China
QA273 P7583
Vol. 116. Harbourne, Brian; Speiser, Robert (Eds.)
Algebraic geometry: Sundance 1988. Proceedings of a Conference on Algebraic Geometry held July 18-23, 1988, with support form Brigham Young University and the National Science Foundation
QA564 C652 1988
Vol. 115. Flournoy, Nancy; Tsutakawa, Robert K. (Eds.)
Statistical Multiple Integration : proceedings of a Joint Research Conference held at Humboldt University, June 17-23, 1989
QA276.7 A57 1989
Vol. 114. Lagarias, Jeffrey C.; Todd, Michael J. (Eds.)
Mathematical developments arising from linear programming : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIM joint Summer Research Conference held June 25-July 1, 1988, with support from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Army Reserach Office, and the Office of Naval Research
QA402.5 A57 1988
Vol. 113 Grinberg, Eric; Quinto, Eric Todd (Eds.)
Integral geometry and tomography : Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held June 24-30, 1989, with support from the National Science Foundation
QA649 I57
Vol. 112. Brown, Philip J.; Fuller, Wayne A.
Statistical analysis of measurement error models and applications : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held June 10-16, 1989, with support from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Army Research Office
QA275 A575 1989
Vol. 111. Kramer, Earl S.; Magliveras, Spyros S. (Eds.)
Finite geometries and combinatorial designs : proceedings of the AMS Special Session in Finite Geometries and Combinatorial Designs, held October 29-november 1, 1987
QA167.2 A57 1987
Vol. 110. Benkart, Georgia; Osborn, J. Marshall (Eds.)
Lie algebras and related topics : proceedings of a Research Conference held May 22-june 1, 1988, with support from the National Science Foundation
QA252.3 L543 1990
Vol. 109. Fine, Benjamin; Gaglione, Anthony; Tang, Francis C. Y.(Eds.)
Combinatorial group theory : proceedings of the AMS Special Session in Combinatorial Group Theory-Infinite Groups, April 23-24, 1988
QA171 A653 1990
Vol. 108. Berger, Melvyn S. (Ed.)
Mathematics of nonlinear science : proceedings of an AMS Special Sessionn held January 11-14, 1989
QA427 M37
Vol. 107. Milman, Mario; Schonbek, Tomas (Eds.)
Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations : proceedings of a conference held april 4-5, 1988. The Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations was held at the Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida on April 4-5, 1988
QA403 H37 1988
Vol. 106. Sieg, Wilfried (Ed.)
Logic and computation : proceedings of a Workshop held at Carnegie Mellon University, June 30-July 2, 1987
QA9.59 W67
Vol. 104. Makkai, Michael; Paré, Robert
Accessible categories: the foundations of categorical model theory
QA9.7 M348
Vol. 103. Fisk, Steve
Coloring theories
QA612.18 F57
Vol. 102. McAdam, Stephen
Primes associated to an ideal
QA251.3 M27
Vol. 101. Cheng, S.-Y.; Choi, H.; Greene, Robert E. (Eds.)
Recent developments in geometry : proceedings of the AMS Special Session in Geometry, November 14-15, 1987
QA440 A47 1987
Vol. 99. Nicolaenko, Basil; Foias, Ciprian; Temam, Roger (Eds.)
The connection between infinite dimensional and finite dimensional dynamical systems : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference hdel July 19-25, 1987, with support from the National Science Foundation and the Air Force of Scientific Research
QA614.8 A57
Vol. 98. Appel, Kenneth; Haken, Wolfgang
Every planar map is four colorable
QA612.18 A66
Vol. 97. Marsden, J. E.; Krishnaprasad, P. S.; Simo, J. C. (Eds.)
Dynamics and control of multibody systems : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Conference held July 30-August 5, 1988 with support from the National Science Foundation
QA402.3 A57 1988
Vol. 96. Mahowald, Mark; Priddy, Stewart (Eds.)
Algebraic topology : the proceedings of the International Conference on Algebraic Topology was held at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois from March 21-24, 1988 with support from Northwestern University and the National Science Foundation
QA612 I57 1988
Vol. 95. Brawley, Joel V.; Schnibben, George E.
Infinite algebraic extensions of finite fields
QA247 B76
Vol. 94. Mauldin, R. Daniel; Shortt, R. M.; Silva, Cesar E. (Eds.)
Measure and measurable dynamics : Proceedings of a Conference in honor of Dorothy Maharam Stone, held September 17-19, 1987
QA312 C65 1987
Vol. 93. Isaacs, M.; Lichtman, A.; Passman, D.; Sehgal, S.; Sloane, N. J. A.; Zassenhaus, H. (Eds.)
Representation theory, group rings, and coding theory : Papers in honor of S. D. Berman (1922-1987)
QA171 R45
Vol. 92. Gray, John W. ; Scedrov, Andre (Eds.)
Categories in computer science and logic : proceedigs of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held June 14-20, 1987 with support from the National Science Foundation
QA76.9M35 A57
Vol. 88. Fossum, R.; Haboush, W.; Hochster, M.; Lakshmibai V. (Eds.)
Invariant theory : proceedings of an AMS Special Session held october 31-november 1, 1986, held at the 830th Meeting of the American Mathematical Society in Denton, Texas
QA201 A57
Vol. 87. Fuchs, Laszlo; Göbel, Rüdiger; Schultz, Phillip (Eds.)
Abelian group theory : proceedings of the 1987 Perth Conference held at the University of Western Australia, August 9-14, 1987
QA171 C5442 1987
Vol. 86. Ritter, J. (Ed.)
Representation theory and number theory in connection with the local Langlands conjecture : proceedings of a Conference held December 8-14, 1985 with support from Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Bayerisches Staatsministerium fur Unterricht und kultus, and Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universitat Augsburg
QA241 R46
Vol. 85. Lin, Bor-Luh (Ed.)
Banach space theory : proceedings of a Research Workshop, held July 5-25, 1987 with support from the National Science Foundation
QA322.2 R47 1987
Vol. 84. Todorcevic, Stevo
Partition problems in topology
QA611 T63
Vol. 83. Stein, Michael R.; Dennis, R. Keith (Eds.)
Algebraic K-theory and algebraic number theory : proceedings of a Seminar held January 12-16, 1987, with support from the National Science Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
QA612.33 S46 1987
Vol. 82. Hahn, Alexander J.; James, Donald G.; Wan, Zhe-Xian (Eds.)
Classical groups and related topics : Proceedings of a Conference in honor of L. K. Hua, held May 18-23, 1987
QA171 C53 1987
Vol. 79. Kunz, Ernst; Waldi, Rolf
Regular differential forms
QA381 K854
Vol. 78. Birman, Joan S.; Libgober, Anatoly (Eds.)
Braids : AMS-IMSi-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Artin’s Braid Group held July 13-26, 1986 at the University of California, Santa Cruz, California, with support from the National Science Foundation
QA612.23 A47
Vol. 77. Yuan, Wang; Chung-chun, Yang; Cheng-biao, Pan (Eds.)
Number theory and its applications in China
QA241 N477
Vol. 76. Hobby, David C.; Mckenzie, Ralph
The structure of finite algebras
QA25 H625
Vol. 75. Cholewinski, Frank M.
The finite calculus associated with Bessel functions
QA408 C57
Vol. 74. Goldman, William M.; Magid, Andy R. (Eds.)
Geometry of group representations : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held July 5-11, 1987, with support from National Science Foundations
QA171 G46
Vol. 73. Durrett, Rick; Pinsky, Mark A. (Eds.)
Geometry of random motion : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, held july 19-25, 1987 with support from the National Science Foundation and the Army Research Office
QA641 A598 1987
Vol. 72. Brown, R. F. (Ed.)
Fixed point theory and Its applications : proceedings of a Conference held at the International Congress of Mathematicians, August 4-6, 1986
QA329.9 C65 1986
Vol. 71. Isenberg, James A. (Ed.)
Mathematics and general relativity : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held June 22-28, 1986, with support from the National Science Foundation
QC173.6 A57 1988
Vol. 70. Kaminker, Jerome; Millett, Kenneth C.; Schochet, Claude (Eds.)
Index theory of elliptic operators, foliations, and operator algebras : Proceedings of AMS Special Sessions, held January 7, 1986 and April 11, 1986
QA281 I53
Vol. 69. Carnielli, Walter A.; Alcantara, Luiz Paulo de (Eds.)
Methods and applications of mathematical logic : proceedings of the VIII Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic held July 29-August 2, 1985
QA9.A1 L33 1985
Vol. 68. Luksic, Mladen; Martin, Clyde; Shadwick, William (Eds.)
Differential Geometry: The Interface between Pure and Applied Mathematics. Proceedings of a Conference held April 23-25, 1986 with support from the National Science Foundation
QA641 D537
Vol. 67. Ribet, Kenneth A. (Ed.)
Current trends in arithmetical algebraic geometry : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held August 18-24, 1985, with support from the National Science Foundation
QA242.5 A57 1985
Vol. 66. Gupta, Narain
Free group rings
QA171 G86
Vol. 65. Simpson, Stephen G. (Ed.)
Logic and combinatorics : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held August 4-10, 1985 with support from the National Science Foundation
QA9.A1 A57 1985
Vol. 63. Bryant, Robert L.; Guillemin, Victor; Helgason, Sigurdur; Wells, R. O. (Eds.)
Integral geometry : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held August 12-18, 1984, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, with support from the National Science Foundation
QA649 A57 1984
Vol. 62. Jorgensen, Palle E. T.; Muhly, Paul S. (Eds.)
Operator algebras and mathematical physics : proceedings of a Summer Conference held June 17-21 1985, with support from the National Science Foundation and the University of Iowa
QA326 O65
Vol. 61. Lipman, Joseph
Residues and traces of differential forms via Hochschild homology
QA244 L56
Vol. 60. Keyfitz, Barbara Lee; Kranzer, Herbert C. (Eds.)
Nonstrictly hyperbolic conservation laws : proceedings of an AMS Special Session held January 9-10,1985
QA911 S64 1985
Vol. 59. Marron, J. S. (Ed.)
Function estimates : proceedings of a Conference held July 28 - August 3, 1985
QA276.8 C65 1985
Vol. 58/3. Sundararaman, D. (Ed.)
The Lefschetz Centennial Conference, Part 3
QA564 L44 1984 PTE. 3
Vol. 58/2 Sundararaman, D. (Ed.)
The Lefschetz Centennial Conference, Part 2
QA564 L44 1984 PTE. 2
Vol. 58/1. Sundararaman, D. (Ed.)
The Lefschetz Centennial Conference, Part 1
QA564 L44 1984 PTE. 1
Vol. 56. Golubitsky, Martin; Guckenheimer, John M. (Eds.)
Multiparameter bifurcation theory : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held july 14-20, 1985. with support from the National Science Foundation
QA372 A55
Vol. 55. Bloch, Spencer J.; Dennis, R. Keith; Friedlander, Eric M.; Stein, Michael R. (Eds.)
Applications of algebraic K-theory to algebraic geometry and number theory :proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint Summer Research Conference held june 12-18, 1983, with support from the National Science Foundation
QA612.33 A57 (Obra en 2 Vols).
Vol. 54. Sundaresan, Kondagunta; Swaminathan, Srinivasa (Eds.)
Differential analysis in infinite dimensional spaces : proceedings of an AMS Special Session held August 8-10, 1983
QA613 D54
Vol. 53. Hejhal, Dennis A.; Sarnak, Peter; Terras, Audrey Anne (Eds.)
The Selberg trace formula and related topics : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer research conference held july 22-28, 1984, with support from the National Science Foundation
QA241 A514
Vol. 52. Bartle, R. G.; Peck, N. T.; Peressini, A. L.; Uhl, J. J. (Eds.)
Geometry of normed linear spaces : proceedings of a Conference held June 9-12, 1983, in honor of Mahlon Marsh Day
QA322.2 G46
Vol. 51. DeTurck, Dennis (Ed.)
Nonlinear problems in geometry : proceedings of an AMS Special Session held May 3-4, 1985
QA641 S53
Vol. 48. Chuang, Chi-tai; Yang, Chung-chun (Eds.)
Analytic functions of one complex variable
QA331 A53
Vol. 47. Brualdi, R. A.; D. H. CarlsonM; Biswa, Nath Datta; Johnson, C. R.; Plemmons, R. J. (Eds.)
Linear algebra and its role in systems theory : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAN joint Summer Research Conference held on July 29-August 4, 1984, with support form the National Science Foundation
QA184 A57 1984
Vol. 46. Lepowsky, James; Primc Mirko
Structure of the standard modules for the affine Lie algebra A^{(1)}_1
QA252.3 L462
Vol. 45. McKay, John (Ed.)
Finite Groups--Coming of Age : proceedings of the Canadian Mathematical Society Conference held on June 15-28, 1982
QA171 C62 1982
Vol. 44. Harper, John R.; Mandelbaum, Richard (Eds.)
Combinatorial methods in topology and algebraic geometry : proceedings of a Conference in honor of Arthur M. Stone held at the University or Rochester, Rochester, New York, June 29- July 2, 1982
QA612 C58 1985
Vol. 42. Waterman, Daniel (Ed.)
Classical real analysis : proceedings of the Special Session on Classical Real Analysis, 794th meeting of the American Mathematical Society, held in Madison, Wis. April 16-17, 1982
QA331.5 S64 1982
Vol. 40. Mitzman, David
Integral bases for affine Lie algebras and their universal enveloping algebras
QA252.3 M58
Vol. 39. Rosenblatt, Murray (Ed.)
Errett Bishop : reflections on him and his research : proceedings of teh memorial metting for Errett Bishop held at University of California, San DIego, September 24, 1983
QA326 E77
Vol. 35. Gordon, Cameron ; Kirby, Robion C. (Eds.)
Four-Manifold Theory : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Four-Manifold Theory, held at Durham, New Hampshire July 4-10, 1982
QA613.2 F68 1984
Vol. 34. Greene, Curtis (Ed.)
Combinatorics and algebra : proceedings of the AMS-NSF Joint Summer Research Conference on Combinatorics and Algebra held at University of Colorado, Boulder June 5-11, 1983
QA150 A57 1983
Vol. 33. Appel, Kenneth I.; Ratcliffe, John G. ; Schupp, Paul E. (Eds.)
Contributions to group theory : papers published in honor of Roger Lyndon on his sixty-fifth birthday
QA171 C638
Vol. 32. Greenleaf, F.; Gulick, D.(Eds.)
Proceedings of the conference on Banach algebras and several complex variables, held at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, June 21-24, 1983
QA326 C64 1983
Vol. 31. Baumgartner, James E.; Donald A. Martin; Saharon Shelah (Eds.)
Axiomatic Set Theory : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Axiomatic Set Theory, held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, June 19-25, 1983
QA248 A535 1983
Vol. 29. Bledsoe, W. W. ; Loveland, D. W. (Eds.)
Automated theorem proving: after 25 years. Proceedings of the Special Session on Automatic Theorem Proving, 89th Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, held in Denver, Colorado, January 5-9, 1983
QA76.9A96 S64 1983
Vol. 28. Marsden, Jerrold E. (Ed.)
Fluids and plasmas: geometry and dynamics : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Fluids and Plasmas: Geometry and Dynamics, held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, July 17-23, 1983
QA911 F57
Vol. 27. Baouendi, Salah M.; Beals, Richard; Rothschild, Linda Preiss (Eds.)
Microlocal analysis : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Microlocal analysis, held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, July 10-16, 1983
QA299 M52
Vol. 26. Beals, Richard; Beck, Anatole; Bellow, Alexandra; Hajian, Arshag (Eds.)
Conference on Modern Analysis and Probability, held at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, June 8-11, 1982
QA299.6 C64 1982
Vol. 24. Fröhlich, A.
Central extensions, Galois groups, and ideal class groups of number fields
QA247 F753
Vol. 23. Berndt, Bruce C. ; Joshi, Padmini T.
Chapter 9 of Ramanujan's second notebook: infinite series identities, transformations, and evaluations
QA295 B47
Vol. 22 Brillhart, John; Lehmer, D. H. ; Selfridge, J. L.; Tuckerman, Bryant; Wagstaff, S. S.
Factorizations of b^n\pm 1,b = 2, 3, 5, 6, 7,10, 11, 12 up to high powers
QA161.F3 F32
Vol. 21. Singh, S. P. ; Thomeier, S. ; Watson, B. (Eds.)
Topological methods in nonlinear functional analysis : proceedings of the Special Session on Fixed Point Ttheory and Applications 86th Summer Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, held at the University of Toronto, Canada, August 21-26 1982
QA321.5 T65
Vol. 19. Miller, Haynes R. ; Priddy, Stewart B. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the Northwestern Homotopy Theory Conference, held at Northwestern Univeristy, March 22-26, 1982
QA612.7 N66 1983
Vol. 16. Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya
Complex representations of GL (2,K) for finite fields K
QA171 P52
Vol. 15. Moreno, Carlos J.
Advanced analytic number theory: Part I: Ramification theoretic methods
QA241 M66
Vol. 14. Jiang, Boju
Lectures on Nielsen fixed point theory
QA612.24 J52
Vol. 13. Amitsur, S. A.; Saltman, D. J. ; Seligman, G. B. (Eds.)
Algebraists' homage: papers in ring theory and related topics. Proceedings of the Conference on Algebra in honor of Nathan Jacobson, held in New Haven, Connecticut, June 2-5, 1981
QA251.5 C64
Vol. 12. Gitler, Samuel
Symposium on algebraic topology in Honor of José Adem, held at Centro Vacacional del Seguro Social, Oaxtepec, Morelos, Mexico. August 10-16, 1981
QA612 S95 1981
Vol. 10. Douglas, Ronald G. ; Claude, Schochet (Eds.)
Operator algebras and K-theory : proceedings of the Special Session on Operation Algebras and k-Theory, 87th Anual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, held in San Francisco, Califonia, January 7-11, 1981
QA326 S66 1981
Vol. 7. Schempp, Walter
Complex contour integral representation of cardinal spline functions
QA224 S2
Vol. 5. Seligman, George B.
Rational constructions of modules for simple Lie algebras
QA252.3 S45
Vol. 4. Komkov, Vadim (Ed.)
Problems of elastic stability and vibrations : proceedings of the Special Session on Problems of ElasticVibrations Stability and Related Topics , 786h Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, held in Duquesne Univesity Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 7-11, 1981
TA653 P76
Vol. 3. Hamlett, T. R.; Herrington, L. L.
The closed graph and P-closed graph properties in general topology
QA611.3 H35
Vol. 2. Graves, William H. (Ed.)
Proceedings of the Conference on Integration, Topology, and Geometry in Linear Spaces : held at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina, May 17-19, 1979
QA312 C645 1979
Vol. 1. Kindermann, Ross; Snell, Laurie J.
Markov randon fields and their applications
QA274.45 K54