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Vol. 63 Drutu, Cornelia; Kapovich, Michael
Geometric group theory
QA183 D78
Vol. 62 Olsson, Martin G.
Algebraic spaces and stacks
QA564 O56
Vol. 61 Arthur, James
The endoscopic classification of representations orthogonal and symplectic groups
QA179 A77
Vol. 60 Lovász, László
Large networks and graph limits
QA166 L68
Vol. 59 Cieliebak, Kai; Eliashberg, Yakov
From Stein to Weinstein and back : symplectic geometry of affine complex manifolds
QA665 C54
Vol. 58 Shahidi, Freydoon
Eisenstein series and automorphic L-functions
QA353.A9 S423
Vol. 57 Friedlander, John B.; Iwaniec, Henryk
Opera de cribro
QA246 F75
Vol. 56 Elman, Richard S.; Karpenko, Nikita; Merkurjev, Alexander
The algebraic and geometric theory of quadratic forms
QA243 E565
Vol. 55 Connes, Alain; Marcolli, Matilde
Noncommutative geometry, quantum fields and motives
QC20.7D52 C66
Vol. 54.2 Simon, Barry
Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle.Part 2: Spectral Theory
QA404.5 S55 PTE.2
Vol. 54.1 Simon, Barry
Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Part 1: Classical Theory
QA404.5 S55 PTE. 1
Vol. 53 Iwaniec, Henryk; Kowalski, Emmanuel
Analytic number theory
QA241 I83
Vol. 52 McDuff, Dusa
J-holomorphic curves and symplectic topology
QA613.59 M33
Vol. 51 Beilinson, Alexander; Drinfeld, Vladimir
Chiral algebras
QC20.7A37 B45
Vol. 50 Dynkin, Evgenii Borisovich
Diffusions, superdiffusions, and partial differential equations
QA274.75 D95
Vol. 49 Chepyzhov, Vladimir V.; Vishik, Mark I.
Attractors for equations of mathematical physics
QA614.813 C44
Vol. 48 Benyamini, Yoav; Lindenstrauss, Joram
Geometric nonlinear functional analysis
QA321.5 B45
Vol. 47 Manin, Yurii Ivanovich.
Frobenius manifolds, quantum cohomology, and moduli spaces
QA649 M348
Vol. 46 Bourgain, Jean
Global solutions of nonlinear Schrodinger equations
QC174.26W28 B68
Vol. 45 Katz, Nicholas M.; Sarnak, Peter
Random matrices, Frobenius eigenvalues, and monodromy
QA351 K37
Vol. 44 Knus, Max-Albert; Merkurjev, Alexander; Rost, Markus; Tignol, Jean-Pierre
The book of involutions
QA179 B66
Vol. 43 Roberts, Luis A.
Fully nonlinear elliptic equations
QA377 R62
Vol. 42 Guillemin, Victor W.; Sternberg, Shlomo
Variations on a theme by Kepler
QB361 G84
Vol. 41 Tarski, Alfred; Givant, Steven R.
A formalization of set theory without variables
QA248 T37 1988
Vol. 40 Bing, R. H.
The geometric topology of 3-manifolds
QA612 B54
Vol. 39 Jacobson, Nathan
Structure and representations of Jordan algebras
QA251 J28
Vol. 38 Ore, Oystein
Theory of graphs
QA90 O638
Vol. 37 Jacobson, Nathan
Structure of rings
QA247 J32
Vol. 36 Gottschalk, Walter Helbig; Hedlund, Gustav Arnold
Topological dynamics
QA611 G64
Vol. 35 Schaeffer, Albert Charles; Spencer, Donald Clayton
Coefficient regions for Schlicht functions
QA360 S38
Vol. 34 Walsh, Joseph Leonard
The location of critical points of analytic and harmonic functions
QA405 W34
Vol. 33 Ritt, Joseph Fels
Differential algebra
QA371 R45 1950
Vol. 32 Wilder, Raymond Louis
Topology of manifolds
QA611 W54
Vol. 31 Hille, Einar
Functional analysis and semi-groups
QA611 H47
Vol. 30 Rado, Tibor
Length and area
QA611 R3
Vol. 29 Weil, Andre
Foundations of algebraic geometry
QA564 W42 1962
Vol. 28 Whyburn, Gordon Thomas
Analytic topology
QA611 W543
Vol. 27 Lefschetz, Solomon
Algebraic topology
QA611 L38
Vol. 26 Levinson, Norman
Gap and density theorems
QA404 L58
Vol. 25 Birkhoff, Garrett
Lattice theory
QA171.5 B523
Vol. 24 Albert, Abraham Adrian
Structure of algebra
QA247 A5
Vol. 23 Szego, Gabor
Orthogonal polynomials
QA404.5 S86
Vol. 22 Moore, Charles Napoleon
Summable series and convergence factors
QA295 M82
Vol. 21 Thomas, Joseph Miller
Differential systems
QA377 T45
Vol. 20 Walsh, J. L.
Interpolation and approximatio by rational funtions in the complex domain
QA81 W35 (Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas. Morelia)
Vol. 19 Paley, Raymond Edward Allan Christopher; Wiener, Norbert
Fourier transforms in the complex domain
QA404 P35
Vol. 18 Morse, Marston
The calculus of variations in the large
QA315 M6
Vol. 17 Wedderburn, Joseph Henry Maclagen
Lectures on matrices
QA263 W4
Vol. 16 Bliss, Gilbert Ames
Algebraic functions
QA341 B45
Vol. 15 Stone, Marshall Harvey
Linear transformations in hilbert space and their applications to analysis
QA385 S76
Vol. 14 Ritt, Joseph Fels
Differential equations fron the algebraic standpoint
QA371 R45
Vol. 13 Moore, Robert Lee
Foundations of point set theory
QA611 M624 1962
Vol. 12 Lefschetz, Solomon
Verificar clasificación
Vol. 11 Veblen, Oswald
Analysis situs
QA611 V42 1931
Vol. 10 Coble, Arthur Byron
Algebraic geometry and theta functions
QA564 C6
Vol. 9 Birkhoff, George David
Dynamical systems
QA614.8 B55 (Disponible en Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas. Morelia)
Vol. 8 Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler
Non-riemannian geometry
QA641 E55
Vol. 7 Bell, Eric Temple
Algebraic arithmetic
QA241 B4
Vol. 6 Evans, Griffith Conrad
The logarithmic potential, discontinous dirichlet and neuman problems
QA425 E8
Vol. 5 Evans, Griffith Conrad; Veblen, Oswald (Eds.)
The Cambridge Colloquium
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Vol. 4 Dickson, Leonard Eugene; Osgood, William Fogg
The Madison Colloquium
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Vol. 3 Bliss, Gilbert Ames; Kasner, Edward
The Princeton Colloquium
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Vol. 2 Mason, Max; Moore, Eliakim Hastings; Wilczynski, Ernest Julius
The New Haven Colloquium
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Vol. 1 Woods, Frederick Shenstone; White, Henry Seely; Vleck, Edward Burr Van
The Boston Colloquium
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