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Vol. 18 Hassett, Brendan; McKernan, James; Starr, Jason M.; Vakil, Ravi (Eds.)
A Celebration of algebraic geometry : a conference in honor of Joe Harris’ 60th birthday, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, august 25-28, 2011
QA564 C43
Vol. 17 Ellwood, David; Rodnianski, Igor; Staffilani, Gigliola; Wunsch, Jared (Eds.)
Evolution equations : Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School, evolution equations, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Switzerland, June 23-July 18, 2008
QC20.7E88 C53
Vol. 15 Ellwood, D.; Newman, Charles; Sidoravicius, Vladas; Werner, Wendelin (Eds.)
Probability and statistical physics in two and more dimensions : Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School and XIV Brazilian School of Probability, Buzios, Brazil, July 11-August 7, 2010
QC174.85P76 C53 2010
Vol. 14 Ellwood, D.; Previato, Emma (Eds.)
Grassmannians, moduli spaces, and vector bundles : Clay Mathematics Institute Workshop on Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles, with a View towards Coherent Sheaves, October 6-11, 2006, Cambridge, Massachusetts
QA251.3 C53 2006
Vol. 13 Arthur, James, Cogdell, James W.; Gelbert, Steve; Goldberg, David; Ramakrishnan; Yu, Jiu-Kang (Eds.)
On certain L-functions : conference in honor of Freydoon Shahidi on certain L-functions, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, July 23-27, 2007
QA246 O53
Vol. 12 Carey, Alan L.; Ellwod, David; Paycha, Sylvie; Rosenberg, Steven (Eds.)
Motives, quantum field theory, and pseudodifferential operators : Conference on Motives, Quantum Field Theory, and Pseudodifferential Operators, June 2-13, 2008, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
QA564 M682
Vol. 11 Blanchard, Etienne; Ellwood, David; Khalkhali, Masoud; Marcolli, Matilde; Moscovici, Henri (Eds.)
Quanta of maths : conference in honor of Alain Connes, non commutative geometry, Institut Henri Poincaré, Institut des hautes études scientifiques, Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, March 29-April 6, 2007
QA614 Q36
Vol. 10 Einsiedler, Manfred Leopold... et al.
Homogeneous flows, moduli spaces, and arithmetic : proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School, June 11--July 6, 2007, Centro di recerca matematica Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, Italy
QA313 C53
Vol. 9 Akhtar, Reza; Brosnan, Patrick; Joshua, Roy (Eds.)
The geometry of algebraic cycles : proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic Cycles, Columbus, Ohio, March 25-29, 2008
QA564 C651995 2008
Vol. 8 Darmon, Henri; Ellewood, David Alexandre; Hasssett, Brendan; Tschinkel, Yuri
Arithmetic geometry : Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School, Arithmetic Geometry, July 17-August 11, 2006, Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany
QA242.5 C53
Vol. 7 Duke, William; Tschinkel, Yuri (Eds.)
Analytic number theory : a tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet
QA241 G384 2005
Vol. 6 Higson, Nigel; Roe, John (Ed.)
Surveys in noncommutative geometry : proceedings from the Clay Mathematics Institute Instructional Symposium, held in conjuction with the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Noncommutative Geometry, June 18-29, 2000, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
QA564 A525
Vol. 5 Ellwood, D.; Ozsváth, Peter S.; Stipsicz, András A.; Szabó, Zoltán (Eds.)
Floer homology, gauge theory, and low dimensional topology : proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute 2004 Summer School, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, June 5-26, 2004
QA612.14 C53 2004
Vol. 4 Arthur, James; Ellwood, David; Kottwitz, Robert E. (Eds.)
Harmonic Analysis, the Trace Formula, and Shimura Varieties
QA403 C53
Vol. 3 Douglas, Michael R.; Gauntlett, Jerome; kGross, Mark W.(Eds.)
Strings and geometry : proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute 2002 Summer School on Strings and Geometry, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 24-April 20, 2002
QC794.6S85 C53
Vol. 2 Hoffman, David
Global theory of minimal surfaces
QA644 C53
Vol. 1 Dabholkar, Atish; Mukhi, Sunil; Wadia, Spenta R. (Eds.)
Strings 2001 : proceedings of the Strings 2001 Conference, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, January 5-10, 2001
QC794.6S85 S79 2001