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Vol. 127 Friedman, Avner
Mathematical biology : modeling and analysis
QH323.5 F75
Vol. 126 Alesker, Semyon
Introduction to the theory of valuations
QA166.197 A54
Vol. 125 Zelditch, Steven
Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian of a Riemannian manifold
QA649 Z45
Vol. 124 Lin, Huaxin
From the basic homotopy lemma to the classification of C*-algebras
QA612.7 L5768
Vol. 123 Graham, Ronald L.; Butler, Steven
Rudiments of Ramsey theory -- 2nd ed.
QA164 G72 2015
Vol. 122 Kenig, Carlos E.
Lectures on the energy critical nonlinear wave equation
QA329.42 K45
Vol. 120 Furstenberg, Harry
Ergodic theory and fractal geometry
QA313 F87
Vol. 119 Khoshnevisan, Davar
Analysis of stochastic partial differential equations
QA274.25 K46
Vol. 118 Green, Mark; Griffiths, Phillip; Kerr, Matthew D.
Hodge theory, complex geometry, and representation theory
QA564 G735
Vol. 117 Wise, Daniel T.
From riches to raags : 3-manifolds, right-angled artin groups, and cubical geometry
QA171 W655
Vol. 116 Markl, Martin
Deformation theory of algebras and their diagrams
QA169 M365
Vol. 115 Brualdi, Richard A.
The mutually beneficial relationship of graphs and matrices
QA188 B79
Vol. 114 Gross, Mark
Tropical geometry and mirror symmetry
QA582 G76
Vol. 113 Wolpert, Stanley A.
Families of Riemann surfaces and Weil-Petersson geometry
QA337 W65
Vol. 112 Wang, Zhenghan
Topological quantum computation
QA613.2 N74
Vol. 111 Rosenberg, Jonathan
Topology, C*-algebras, and string duality
QA612 R66
Vol. 110 Nualart, David
Malliavin calculus and its applications
QA274.2 N828
Vol. 109 Zimmer, Robert J.; Morris, Dave Witte
Ergodic theory, groups, and geometry
QA611.5 Z545
Vol. 108 Koldobsky, Alexander; Yaskin, Vladyslav.
The interface between convex geometry and harmonic analysis
QA639.5 K65
Vol. 107 Chung, Fan R. K.
Complex graphs and networks
QA166 C4
Vol. 106 Tao, Terence
Nonlinear dispersive and wave equations : local and global analysis
QA927 T36
Vol. 105 Thiele, Christoph
Wave packet analysis
QA403.3 T45
Vol. 104 Saari, Donald
Collisions, rings, and other Newtonian N-body problems
QC174.17P7 S33
Vol. 103 Raeburn, Iain
Graph algebras
QA219 R34
Vol. 101 Darmon, Henri
Rational points on modular elliptic curves
QA567.2E44 D37
Vol. 100 Volberg, Alexander
Calderon-Zygmund capacities and operators on nonhomogeneous spaces
QA329.2 V65
Vol. 98 Varchenko, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Special functions, KZ type equations, and representation theory
QA351 V37
Vol. 97 Sturmfels, Bernd
Solving systems of polynomial equations
QA214 C37
Vol. 96 Kamran, Niky
Selected topics in the geometrical study of differential equations
QA372 K22
Vol. 95 Weiss, Benjamin
Single orbit dynamics
QA611.5 W45
Vol. 94 Saltman, David J.
Lectures on division algebras
QA247.45 S35
Vol. 93 Shimura, Goro
Euler products and Eisenstein series
QA243 S498 1997
Vol. 92 Chung, Fan R. K.
Spectral graph theory
QA166 C48 1997
Vol. 90 Roe, John
Index theory, coarse geometry, and topology of manifolds
QA614.92 I53
Vol. 89 Taubes, Clifford
Metrics, connections, and gluing theorems
QA613.2 T38
Vol. 88 Huneke, Craig
Tight closure and its applications
QA251.3 H85
Vol. 87 Fornaess, John Erik
Dynamics in several complex variables
QA614.8 D98
Vol. 86 Sorin, Popa
Classification of subfactors and their endomorphisms
QA326 S66
Vol. 85 Jimbo, Michio
Algebraic analysis of solvable lattice models
QC176.8L3 J55
Vol. 84 Montgomery, Hugh Lowell
Ten lectures on the interface between analytic number theory and harmonicanalysis
QA1 M65
Vol. 83 Kenig, Carlos E. 1953-.
Harmonic analysis techniques for second order elliptic boundary value problems
QA403 K45
Vol. 82 Montgomery, Susan
Hopf algebras and their actions on rings
QA613.8 M65
Vol. 81 Krantz, Steven G.
Geometric analysis and function spaces
QA641 K7
Vol. 80 Jones, Vaughan F. R.
Subfactors and knots
QA326 J647
Vol. 79 Frazier, Michael; Jawerth, Bjorn; Weiss, Guido L.
Littlewood-paley theory and the study of function spaces
QA403.5 F73
Vol. 78 Formanek, Edward
The polynomial identities and invariants of nXn matrices
QA251.3 F65
Vol. 77 Christ, Francis Michael
Lectures on singular integral operators
QA403.5 C57
Vol. 76 Schmidt, Klaus
Algebraic ideas in ergodic theory
QA611.7 S34
Vol. 75 Farrell, F. Thomas; Jones, L. Edwin
Classical aspherical manifolds
QA613 F36
Vol. 74 Evans, Lawrence C.
Weak convergence methods for nonlinear partial differential equations
QA377 E83
Vol. 73 Strauss, Walter A.
Nonlinear wave equations
QA927 S77
Vol. 72 Orlik, Peter
Introduction to arrangements
QA167 O75
Vol. 70 Gundy, Richard F.
Some topics in probability and analysis
QA295 G85
Vol. 69 Grosshans, Frank D.
Invariant theory and superalgebras
QA201 G76
Vol. 68 Helton, J. William
Operator theory analytic functions, matrices, and electrical engineering
QA321 H45
Vol. 67 Upmeier, Harald
Jordan algebras in analysis, operator theory, and quantum mechanics
QA252.5 U65
Vol. 65 Rabinowitz, Paul H.
Minimax methods in critical point theory with applications to differential equations
QA614.7 R33
Vol. 64 Passman, Donald S.
Group rings, crossed products and Galois theory
QA251.5 P37
Vol. 63 Rudin, Walter
New constructions of functions holomorphic in the unit hall of cn
QA331 R835
Vol. 62 Bollobás, Béla
Extremal graph theory with emphasis on probabilistic methods
QA166 B6225
Vol. 61 Flensted-Jensen, Mogens
Analysis on non-riemannian symmetric spaces
QA649 F54
Vol. 60 Pisier, Gilles
Factorization on linear operators and geometry of Banach spaces
QA329.2 P57
Vol. 59 Howe, Roger
Harish-Chandra homomorphisms for p-adic groups
QA387 H68
Vol. 58 Lawson, H. Blaine
The theory of gauge fields in four dimensions
QA613.2 L39
Vol. 57 Kazdan, Jerry L.
Prescribing the curvature of a Riemannian manifold
QA649 K39
Vol. 56 Bercovici, Hari
Algebras with applications to invariant subspaces and dilation theory
QA326 B47
Vol. 55 Arveson, William
Ten lectures on operator algebras
QA326 A77
Vol. 54 Fulton, William
Introduction to intersection theory in algebraic geometry
QA564 F855
Vol. 53 Klingenberg, Wilhelm
Closed geodesics on Riemannian manifolds
QA649 K54
Vol. 52 Lam, Tsit-Yuen
Orderings, valuations and quadratic forms
QA247 L32
Vol. 51 Takesaki, Masamichi
Structure of factors and automorphism groups
QA326 T32
Vol. 50 Eells, James
Selected topics in harmonic maps
QA614.73 E44
Vol. 49 Franks, John M.
Homology and dynamical systems
QA614.8 F72
Vol. 48 Wilson, W. Stephen
Brown-Peterson homology : An introduction and sampler
QA612.3 W54
Vol. 47 Hale, Jack K.
Topics in dynamics bifurcation theory
QA372 H353
Vol. 46 Effros, Edward G.
Dimensions and c*-algebras
QA326 E32
Vol. 45 Graham, Ronald L.
Rudiments of Ramsey theory
QA164 G72
Vol. 44 Grifftihs, Phillip
An introduction to the theory of special divisors on algebraic curves
QA565 G74
Vol. 43 Jaco, William H.
Lectures on three-manifold topology
QA613.2 J32
Vol. 42 Dicudonne, Alexandre
Special functions and linear representations of Lie groups
QA387 D537
Vol. 41 Newman, Donald J.
Approximation with rational functions
QA221 N48
Vol. 40 Mawhin, J.
Topological degree methods in nonlinear boundary value problems
QA379 M38
Vol. 39 Lusztig, George
Representations of finite Chevalley groups
QA171 L87
Vol. 38 Conley, Charles C.
Isolated invariant sets and the Morse index
QA372 C65
Vol. 37 Nagata, Masayoshi
Polynomial rings and affine spaces
QA251.3 N32
Vol. 36 Pearcy, Carl
Some recent developments in operator theory
QA329 P42
Vol. 35 Bowen, Rufus
On axiom a diffeomorphisms
QA613.65 B67
Vol. 34 Auslander, Louis
Lecture notes on nil-theta functions
QA345 A87
Vol. 33 Glauberman, G.
Factorizations in local subgroups of finite groups
QA171 G52
Vol. 32 Schmidt, Wolfgang
Small fractional parts of polynomials
QA242 S26
Vol. 31 Coifman, Ronald Raphael
Transference methods in analysis
QA403 C65
Vol. 30 Pelczynski, Aleksander.
Banach spaces of analytic functions and absolutely summing operators
QA322.2 P45
Vol. 29 Weinstein, Alan
Lectures on symplectic manifolds
QA649 W45
Vol. 28 Chapman, Thomas A.
Lectures on Hilbert cube manifolds
QA613.2 CH26
Vol. 27 Lawson, H. Blaine.
The quantitative theory of foliations
QA613.62 L38
Vol. 26 Reiner, Irving
Class groups and Picard groups of group rings and orders
QA171 R46
Vol. 25 Gruenberg, Karl W.
Relation modules of finite groups
QA171 G78
Vol. 24 Hochster, Melvin
Topics in the homological theory of modules over commutative rings
QA251.3 H62
Vol. 23 Rudin, Mary Ellen
Lectures on set theoretic topology
QA611.15 R82
Vol. 22 O’Meara, Onorato Timothi
Lectures on linear groups
QA171 O53
Vol. 21 Stoll, Wilhelm
Holomorphic functions of finite order in several complex variables
QA331 S825
Vol. 20 Bass, Hyman
Introduction to some methods of algebraic k-theory
QA612.33 B37
Vol. 19 Szîokefalvi-Nagy, Béla
Unitary dilations of Hilbert space operators and related topics
QA329.2 S95
Vol. 18 Friedman, Avner
Differential games
QA269 F75
Vol. 17 Nirenberg, L.
Lectures on linear partial differential equations
QA374 N56
Vol. 16 Taylor, Joseph L.
Measure algebras
QA312 T35
Vol. 15 Douglas, Ronald George
Banach algebra techniques in the theory of Toeplitz operators
QA329.2 D68
Vol. 13 Rabin, Michael Oser
Automata on infinite objects and Church’s problem
QA267 R31
Vol. 12 Osofsky, Barbara L.
Homological dimensions of modules
QA169 O76
Vol. 11 Glicksberg, Irving Leonard
Recent results on function algebras
QA326 G54
Vol. 10 Grunbaum, Branko
Arrangements and spreads
QA471 G78
Vol. 9 Herstein, I. N.
Notes from a ring theory conference
QA247 H472
Vol. 8 Hilton, Peter John
Lectures in homological algebra
QA169 H56
Vol. 7 Matsushima, Yozo
Holomorphic vector fields on compact kahler manifolds
QA641 M37
Vol. 6 Rudin, W.
Lectures on the edge-of-the-wedge theorem
QA351 R84
Vol. 5 Whitehead, George William
Recent advances in homotopy theory
QA612.7 W54
Vol. 4 Coxeter, H. S. M.
Twisted honeycombs
QA164 C69
Vol. 3 Markus, L.
Lectures in differentiable dynamics
QA372 M29
Vol. 2 Baumslag, Gilbert
Lecture notes on nilpotent groups
QA171 B37
Vol. 1 Kaplansky, Irving
Algebraic and analytic aspects of operator algebras
QA326 K35