Vol. 193 Abbes, Ahmed; Gros, Michel; Tsuji, Takeshi
The p-adic Simpson correspondence
QA179 A33
Vol. 191 Conrad, Brian David; Prasad, Gopal
Classification of pseudo-reductive groups
QA179 C655
Vol. 190 Mühlherr, Bernhard; Petersson, Holger P.; Weiss, Richard M.
Descent in buildings
QA174.2 M84
Vol. 189 Street, Brian
Multi-parameter singular integrals
QA329.6 S77
Vol. 188 Sogge, Christopher Donald
Hangzhou lectures on eigenfunctions of the Laplacian
QA406 S66
Vol. 187 Voisin, Claire
Chow rings, decomposition of the diagonal, and the topology of families
QA564 V64
Vol. 186 Waldhausen, Friedhelm; Jahren, Bjrn; Jahren, Bjrn
Spaces of PL manifolds and categories of simple maps
QA613.4 W35
Vol. 185 Epstein, Charles L.; Mazzeo, Rafe
Degenerate diffusion operators arising in population biology
QA329.42 E67
Vol. 184 Yuan, Xinyi; Zhang, Shouwu; Zhang, Wei
The Gross-Zagier formula on Shimura curves
QA242.5 Y83
Vol. 183 Grenn, Pending; Griiffiths, Philip; Keer, Matthew
Mumford-Tate groups and domains : their geometry and arithmetic
QA564 G6293
Vol. 182 Alexakis, Spyros
The decomposition of global conformal invariants
QA646 A44
Vol. 181 Zannier, Umberto; Masser, David William
Some problems of unlikely intersections in arithmetic and geometry
QA564 Z36
Vol. 180 Katz, Nicholas M.
Convolution and equidistribution : Sato-Tate theorems for finite-field Mellin transforms
QA432 K38
Vol. 179 Lindenstrauss, Joram; Preiss, David; Tiser, Jaroslav
Frechet differentiability of Lipschitz functions and porous sets in Banach spaces
QA322.2 L56
Vol. 178 Fefferman, Charles; Graham, C. Robin
The ambient metric
QA609 F44
Vol. 177 Bismut, Jean-Michel
Hypoelliptic laplacian and orbital integrals
QA614.9 B56
Vol. 176 Edixhoven, Bas; Couveignes, Jean-Marc (Eds.)
Computational aspects of modular forms and Galois representations : how one can compute in polynomial time the value of Ramanujan’s tau at a prime
QA247 C64
Vol. 175 Brubaker, Ben; Bump, Daniel; Friedberg, Solomon
Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series : Type A combinatorial theory
QA295 B78
Vol. 174 Todorcevic, Stevo
Introduction to Ramsey spaces
QA166 T63
Vol. 173 Morel, Sophie; Kottwitz, Robert E.
On the cohomology of certain noncompact Shimura varieties
QA242.5 M67
Vol. 172 Gorodnik, Alexander; Nevo, Amos
The ergodic theory of lattice subgroups
QA313 G67
Vol. 171 Schwartz, Richard Evan
Outer billiards on kites
QA685 S35
Vol. 170 Lurie, Jacob
Higher topos theory
QA169 L87
Vol. 169 Kato, Kazuya; Usui, Sampei
Classifying spaces of degenerating polarized Hodge structures
QA564 K35
Vol. 168 Weiss, Richard Mark
The structure of affine buildings
QA174.2 W4475
Vol. 167 Bismut, Jean-Michel; Lebeau, Gilles
The hypoelliptic Laplacian and Ray-Singer metrics
QA377 B563
Vol. 166 Kollár, János
Lectures on resolution of singularities
QA614.58 K65
Vol. 165 Schwartz, Richard Evan
Spherical CR geometry and Dehn surgery
QA649 S443
Vol. 164 Baik, Jinho; Kriecherbauer, T.; McLaughlin, K. T. R.; Miller, P. D.
Discrete orthogonal polynomials : asymptotics and applications
QA404.5 D57
Vol. 163 Bourgain, Jean; Kenig, Carlos E.; Klainerman, Sergiu (Eds.)
Mathematical aspects of nonlinear dispersive equations
QA372 M384
Vol. 162 Berkovich, Vladimir G.
Integration of one-forms on p-adic analytic spaces
QA241 B4645
Vol. 161 Kudla, Stephen S.; Rapoport, Michael; Yang, Tonghai
Modular forms and special cycles on Shimura curves
QA242.5 K83
Vol. 160 Milnor, John Willard
Dynamics in one complex variable. -- 3rd ed.
QA331.7 M55 2006
Vol. 159 Katz, Nicholas M.
Moments, monodromy, and perversity : a diophantine perspective
QA246 K377
Vol. 158 Bourgain, Jean
Green’s function estimates for lattice Schrödinger operators and applications
QC174.17S3 B68
Vol. 157 Green, Mark; Griffiths, Phillip
On the tangent space to the space of algebraic cycles on a smooth algebraic variety
QA564 G6295
Vol. 156 Gasqui, Jacques; Goldschmidt, Hubert
Radon transforms and the rigidity of the Grassmannians
QA649 G375
Vol. 155 Stroock, Daniel W.
Markov processes from K. Ito’s perspective
QA274.7 S77
Vol. 154 Kamvissis, Spyridon; McLaughlin, Kenneth T-R; Miller, Peter D.
Semiclassical soliton ensembles for the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation
QC174.26.W28 K35
Vol. 153 Bryant, Robert L.
Rigidity and Quasi-Rigidity of Extremal Cycles in Hermitian Symmetric Spaces
No lo tiene la Biblioteca
Vol. 152 Cherlin, Gregory L.; Hrushovski, Ehud
Finite structures with few types
QA9.7 C54
Vol. 151 Harris, Michael; Taylor, Richard Lawrence
The geometry and cohomology of some simple Shimura varieties
QA242.5 H38
Vol. 150 Katz, Nicholas M.
Twisted L-functions and monodromy
QA246 K38
Vol. 149 Cappell, Sylvain E.; Ranicki, Andrew; Rosenberg, Jonathan (Eds.)
Surveys on surgery theory. Volume 2. Papers Dedicated to C.T.C. Wall
QA613.658 S87 V. 2
Vol. 148 Neeman, Amnon
Triangulated categories
QA169 N44
Vol. 147 Rubin, Karl
Euler systems
QA247 R83
Vol. 146 Christodoulou, Demetrios
The action principle and partial differential equations
QA377 C47
Vol. 145 Cappell, Sylvain E.; Ranicki, Andrew; Rosenberg, Jonathan (Eds.)
Surveys on surgery theory. Volume 1. Papers Dedicated to C.T.C. Wall
QA613.658 S87 V. 1
Vol. 144 Graczyk, Jacek; Swiatek, Grzegorz
The real Fatou conjecture
QA614.58 G73
Vol. 143 Voevodsky, Vladimir; Suslin, Andrei; Friedlander, Eric M.
Cycles, transfers, and motivic homology theories
QA612.3 V64
Vol. 142 McMullen, Curtis T.
Renormalization and 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle
QA613 M37 1996
Vol. 141 Rapoport, M.; Zink, Thomas
Period spaces for p-divisible groups
QA564 R36 1996
Vol. 140 Lescop, Christine
Global surgery formula for the Casson-Walker invariant
QA613.658 L47 1996
Vol. 139 Katz, Nicholas M.
Rigid local systems
QA372 K375 1996
Vol. 138 Quinn, Frank (Ed.)
Prospects in topology : proceedings of a conference in honor of William Browder
QA611.A1 P76 1995
Vol. 137 Bloom, Thomas; Catlin, David; Angelo, John P. D'; Siu, Yum-Tong (Eds.)
Modern methods in complex analysis
QA300 M63 1995
Vol. 136 Cordaro, Paulo D.; Treves, Francois
Hyperfunctions on hypo-analytic manifolds
QA324 C67 1994
Vol. 135 McMullen, Curtis T.
Complex dynamics and renormalization
QC20.7R43 M33
Vol. 134 Kauffman, Louis H.; Lins, Sostenes
Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory and invariants of 3-manifolds
QA612.2 K378
Vol. 133 Dwork, Bernard M.; Gerotto, Giovanni; Sullivan, Francis J.
An introduction to G-functions
QA242.5 D86
Vol. 132 Deligne, Pierre; Mostow, George Daniel
Commensurabilities among lattices in PU (1,n)
QA353.H9 D45
Vol. 131 Fulton, William
Introduction to toric varieties
QA571 F85
Vol. 130 Eells, James; Ratto, Andrea
Harmonic maps and minimal immersions with symmetries : methods of ordinary differential equations applied to elliptic variational problems
QA614.73 E45
Vol. 129 Bushnell, Colin John; Kutzko, Philip C.
The admissible dual of GL(N) via compact open subgroups
QA171 B77
Vol. 128 Ravenel, Douglas C.
Nilpotence and periodicity in stable homotopy theory
QA612.7 R37
Vol. 127 Faltings, Gerd
Lectures on the aritmetic riemann-roch theorem
QA564 F36
Vol. 126 Walker, Kevin
An extension of Casson invariant
QA613 W36
Vol. 125 Penner, R. C. ; Harer, John
Combinatorics of train tracks
QA649 P45
Vol. 124 Katz, Nicholas M.
Exponential sums and differential equations
QA246.7 K37
Vol. 123 Rogawski, Jonathan David
Automorphic respresentations of unitary groups in three variables
QA171 R61
Vol. 122 Folland, G. B
Harmonic analysis in phase space
QC174.85E76 F65
Vol. 121 Guillemin, Victor
Cosmology in (2+1)-dimensions, cyclic models, and deformations of m2, 1
QB981 G85
Vol. 120 Arthur, James; Clozel, Laurent
Simple algebras, base change, and the advanced theory of the trace formula
QA171 A72
Vol. 119 Beals, Richard; Greiner, Peter Charles
Calculus on Heisenberg manifolds
QA329.42 B43
Vol. 118 Vogan, David A.
Unitary representations of reductive Lie groups
QA387 V64
Vol. 117 Nelson, Edward
Radically elementary probability theory
QA273 N45
Vol. 116 Katz, Nicholas
Gauss sums, kloosterman sums, and monodromy groups
QA564 K37 1988
Vol. 115 Kauffman, Louis H.
On knots
QA612.2 K376
Vol. 114 Griffiths, Phillip A.; Jensen, Gary R.
Differential systems and isometric embeddings
QA649 G75
Vol. 113 Moore, John C. ; Browder, William
Algebraic topology and algebraic k-theory : Proceedings of a conference october 24-28, 1983, at princeton university, dedicated to john c. moore on his 60th birthday
QA612 A52 1987
Vol. 112 Stein, Elias M.
Beijing lectures in harmonic analysis
QA403 B38
Vol. 111 Gerstein, S. N.; Stallings, John Robert (Eds.)
Combinatorial group theory and topology
QA171 C5435
Vol. 110 Eisenbud, David; Neumann, Walter David
Three-dimensional link theory and invariants of plane curve singularities
QA612.2 E56
Vol. 109 Freidlin, M. I
Functional integration and partial differential equations
QA371 F73
Vol. 108 Katz, Nicholas M.; Mazur, Barry
Arithmetic moduli of elliptic curves
QA567 K37
Vol. 107 Lusztig, George
Characters of reductive groups over a finite field
QA171 L868
Vol. 106 Griffiths, Phillip
Topics in transcendental algebraic geometry
QA564 T66
Vol. 105 Giaquinta, Mariano
Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations and nonlinear elliptic systems
QA343 G52
Vol. 104 Friedlander, Eric M.
Etale homotopy of simplicial schemes
QA612.3 F75
Vol. 103 Bombieri, Enrico (Ed.)
Seminar on minimal submanifolds
QA649 S45
Vol. 102 Yau, Shing-Tung (Ed.)
Seminar on differential geometry
QA641 S44
Vol. 101 Marcus, Michael B.; Pisier, Gilles
Random fourier series with applications to harmonic analysis
QA404 M36
Vol. 100 Fornaess, John Erik (Ed.)
Recent developments in several complex variables
QA331 R42
Vol. 99 Boutet de Monvel, L. ; Guillemin, V.
The spectral theory of teoplitz operators
QA329.2 B63
Vol. 98 Bak, Anthony
K-theory of forms
QA169 B33
Vol. 97 Kra, Irwin; Maskit, Bernard
Riemann surfaces and related topics : Proceedings of the 1978 stony brook conference
QA333 K73
Vol. 96 Langlands, Robert P.
Base change for gl (2)
QA171 L344
Vol. 95 Douglas, Ronald G.
C -algebra extensions and k-homology
QA326 D67
Vol. 94 Borel, Armand; Wallach, Nolan R.
Continuous cohomology discrite subgroups, and representations of reductive groups
QA387 B66
Vol. 93 Guillemin, Victor W.; Kashiwara, Masaki; Kamai, Takahiro
Seminar on micro-local analysis
QA300.5 G84
Vol. 92 Madsen, Ib Henning; Milgram, R. James
The classifying spaces for surgery and cobordism of manifolds
QA613.2 M32
Vol. 91 Hörmander, Lars
Seminar on singularities of solutions of linear partial differential equations
QA374 H66
Vol. 90 Adams, John Frank
Infinite loop spaces
QA612.76 A32
Vol. 89 Stoll, Wilhelm
Invariant forms on Grassmann manifolds
QA331 S828
Vol. 88 Kirby, Robion C.; Siebenmann, Laurence, C.
Foundational essays on topological manifolds, smoothings, and triangulations
QA613 K56
Vol. 87 Lax, Peter D.
Scattering theory for automorphic functions
QA353.A9 L39
Vol. 86 Hempel, John
QA613 H45
Vol. 85 Griffiths, Phillip
Entire holomorphic mappings in one and several complex variables
QA331 G747
Vol. 84 Neuwirth, Lee Paul
Knots, groups, and 3-manifolds: Papers dedicated to the memory of R. H Fox
QA612.2 N74
Vol. 83 Gelbart, Stephen S.
Automorphic forms on Adele groups
QA171 G39
Vol. 82 Lusztig, George
The discrete series of GLn over a finite field
QA171 L84
Vol. 81 Lusztig, George
The discrete series of GLn over a finite field
QA171 L84
Vol. 80 Hirsch, Morris; Mazur, Barry
Smoothings of piecewise linear manifolds
QA613.4 H57
Vol. 79 Greenberg, Leon (Ed.)
Discontinuous groups and riemann surfaces : Proceedings of the 1973 conference at the university of maryland
QA333 C64 1973
Vol. 78 Mostow, George D
Strong rigidity of locally symmetric spaces
QA649 M67
Vol. 77 Moser, Jurgen
Stable and random motions in dynamical systems : With special emphasis on celestial mechanics
QB351 M85
Vol. 76 Milnor, John Willard and Stasheff, James D.
Characteristic classes
QA613.618 M54
Vol. 75 Folland, G. B; Kohn, Joseph John
The Neumann problem for the Cauchy-Riemann complex
QA374 F59
Vol. 74 Iwasawa, Ken Kichi
Lectures on p-adic l-functions
QA247 I86
Vol. 73 Kumpera, Antonio and Spencer Donald
Lie equations
QA387 K84
Vol. 72 Milnor, John Willard
Introduction to algebraic k-theory
QA251.5 M55
Vol. 71 Laufer, Henry B.
Normal two-dimensional singularities
QA331 L37
Vol. 70 Hirzebruch, F. ; Hormander, Lars; Milnor, John; Serre, Jean Pierre; Singer, I. M.
Prospects in mathematics
QA1 P75
Vol. 69 Anderson, R. D.
Symposium on infinite dimensional topology
QA611 S94
Vol. 68 Miller, Charles F.
On group-theoretic decision problems and their classification
QA171 M54
Vol. 67 Shatz, Stephen S.
Profinite groups, arithmetic, and geometry
QA171 S45
Vol. 66 Ahlfors, Lars V. (Ed.)
Advances in the theory of Riemann surfaces : proceedings of the 1969 stony brook conference
QA333 A42
Vol. 65 Chung, Kai Lai
Lectures on boundary theory for markou chains
QA274.7 C47
Vol. 64 Wu, Hung-hsi
The equidistribution theory of holomorphic curves
QA331 W83
Vol. 63 Stein, Elias M.
Topics in harmonic analysis : related to the Littlewood-Paley theory
QA403 S832
Vol. 62 Speer, Eugene R.
Generalized feynman amplitudes
QC174.45 S63
Vol. 61 Milnor, John Willand
Singular points of complex hypersurfaces
QA564 M54
Vol. 60 Armentrout, S.; Bing, R.H.; Burgees, C. E. (Eds.)
Topology seminar, wisconsin
QA611 T665
Vol. 59 Mumford, David
Lectures on curves on an algebraic surface
QA564 M83
Vol. 58 Chang, Chen Chung
Continuous model theory
QA97 C44
Vol. 57 Palais, Richard S. (Ed.)
Seminar on Atiyah-Singer index theorem
QA612 P3
Vol. 56 Sacks, Gerald E.
Degrees of unsolvability
QA248.5 S2
Vol. 55 Sacks, Gerald E.
Degrees of unsolvability
QA248.5 S2
Vol. 54 Munkres, James Raymond
Elementary differential topology : Lectures given at massachusetts institute of technology, fall, 196
QA612 M85
Vol. 53 Auslander, Louis; Green, I. and Hahn, F.
Flows on homogeneous spaces
QA611.5 A85
Vol. 52 Drasher, Melvin; Shapley, I.S. and Tucker, A. W.
Advances in game theory
QA269 D73
Vol. 51 Milnor, John Willard
Morse theory : Based on lectures
QA611 M55
Vol. 50 Steenrod, Norman
Cohomology operations
QA612.3 S83
Vol. 49 Toda, Hirosi
Composition methods in homotopy groups of spheres
QA611 T62
Vol. 48 Gunning, Robert Clifford
Lectures on modular forms
QA1 A626
Vol. 47 Smullyan, Raymond M.
Theory of formal systems
QA248.5 S55
Vol. 46 Borel, Armand
Seminar on transformation groups
QA611 B65
Vol. 45 Lefschetz, Solomon
Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations
QA871 L44 V. V
Vol. 44 Furstenberg, Harry
Stationary processes and prediction theory
QA273 F96
Vol. 43 Abhyankar, Shreeram Shankar
Ramification theoretic methods in algebraic geometry
QA247 A2
Vol. 42 Bochner, Salomon
Lectures on fourier integrals : With an authors supplement on monotonic functions, stieltjes integrals and harmonic analyses
QA404 B653
Vol. 41 Lefschetz, Solomon
Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations
QA871 L44 V. IV
Vol. 40 Kuhn, Harold William and Tucker, A.W.
Contributions to the theory of games
QA269 K8 V.IV
Vol. 39 Kuhn, Harold William and Tucker, A.W.
Contributions to the theory of games
QA269 K8 V.III
Vol. 38 Kuhn, Harold William; Dantzing; G.B. and others
Linear inequalities and related systems
QA265 K8
Vol. 37 Kuhn, Harold William
Lectures on the theory of games
A269 K83
Vol. 36 Lefschetz, Solomon
Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations
QA871 L44
Vol. 35 Cesari, Lamberto
Surface area
QA57 C4
Vol. 34 Shannon, Claude E.; Ashby, W.R.; Culbertson, J.T.; Davis, M.D. (Eds.)
Automata studies
TJ211 S47
Vol. 33 Bers, Lipman
Contributions to the theory of partial differential equations
QA374 B44
Vol. 32 Yano, Kentaro; Bochner, S.
Curvature and betti numbers
QA645 Y35
Vol. 31 McShane, Edward James
Order-preserving maps and integration processes
QA171 M18
Vol. 30 Ahlfors, Lars Valerian
Contributions to the theory of riemann surfaces : Centennial celebration of riemann’s dissertation
QA333 A4
Vol. 29 Lefschetz, Solomon, (Ed.)
Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations
QA871 L44
Vol. 28 Kuhn, Harold William; Tucker, A. W. (Eds.)
Contributions to the theory of games
QA269 K8
Vol. 27 Pólya, George
Isoperimetric inequalities in mathematical physics
QA295 P64
Vol. 26 Schatten, Robert
A theory of cross-spaces
QA689 S23
Vol. 25 Zygmund, A.; Transue, W.; Morse, M.
Contributions to fourier analysis
QA404 C65
Vol. 24 Kuhn, Harold William (Ed.)
Contributions to the theory of games
QA269 K8
Vol. 23 Bernstein, Dorothy Lewis
Existence theorems in partial differential equations
QA374 B46
Vol. 22 Von Neumann, John
Functional operators
QA320 V64 V.2
Vol. 21 Von Neumann, John
Functional operators
QA320 V64 V.1
Vol. 20 Lefschetz, Solomon, (ed.)
Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations
QA871 L44
Vol. 19 Bochner, Salomon; Chandrasekharan, Komaravolu
Fourier transforms
QA404 B63
Vol. 18 Truesdell, Clifford
An essay toward a unfield theory of special functions based upon the functional equation 8/ 8z f z,a - f z,a+1
QA431 T77
Vol. 17 Liapunov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
Probleme general de la stabilite du mouvement
QA871 L75
Vol. 16 Siegel, Carl Ludwing
Transcedental numbers
QA247.5 S5 1949
Vol. 15 Morse, Marston
Topological methods in the theory of functions of a complex variable
QA331 M794
Vol. 14 Lefschetz, Solomon
Lectures on differential equations
QA371 L38
Vol. 13 Church, Alonzo
Introduction to mathematical logic
BC135 C42 1944
Vol. 12 Weyl, Hermann
Meromorphic functions and analytic curves
QA331 W48
Vol. 11 Kryloff, Nikolai Mitrofanovich
Introduction to non-linear mechanics
QA871 K73
Vol. 10 Lefschetz, Solomon
Topics in topology
QA611 L418
Vol. 9 Sewell, Walter Edwin
Degree of approximation by polynomials in the complex domain
QA281 S47
Vol. 8 Busemann, Herbert
Metric methods in finsler spaces and in the foundations of geometry
QA680 B86
Vol. 7 Halmos, Paul Richard
Finite-dimensional vector spaces
QA261 H32
Vol. 6 Church, Alonzo
The calculi of lambda-conversion
QA331 C52
Vol. 5 Post, Emil Leon
The two-valued iterative systems of mathematical logic
QA9 P8
Vol. 4 Murray, Francis Joseph
An introduction to linear transformation in hilbert space. Linear transformations in hilbert space
QA601 M86
Vol. 2 Tukey, John Wilder
Convergence and uniformity in topology
QA611 T8
Vol. 1 Weyl, Hermann
Algebraic theory of numbers
QA241 W49