Vol. 21 Arnold, V. I. (Ed.)
Singularities and Bifurcations
QA614.58 S53213
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Vol. 21 Arnold, V. I. (Ed.)
Singularities and Bifurcations
QA614.58 S53213
Vol. 20. Dobrushin, R. L. (Ed.)
Probability Contributions to Statistical Mechanics
QA273 P753
Vol. 19. Marchenko, V. A. (Ed.)
Spectral Operator Theory and Related Topics
QC20.7S64 S65
Vol. 18. Viro, Oleg
Topology of Manifolds and Varieties
QA613 T66
Vol. 17. Fuchs, Dmitry (Ed.)
Unconventional Lie Algebras
QA252.3 U53
Vol. 16. Gelfand, Sergei.; Gindikin, SiMon (Eds.)
I. M. Gelfand Seminar
QA320 I5
Vol. 15. Fomenko, A. T.
Minimal Surfaces
QA644 M555
Vol. 14. Il'yashenko, Yu S. (Ed.)
Nonlinear Stokes Phenomena
QA427 N53
Vol. 13. Maslov, V. P.; Samborskii, S. N.
Idempotent Analysis
QC20.7I33 I34
Vol. 12. Khasminskii, R. Z. (Ed.)
Topics in Nonparametric Estimation
QA276.8 T66
Vol. 11. Levin, B. Ya (Ed.)
Entire and Subharmonic Functions
QA353.E5 E57
Vol. 10. Babin, A. V.; Vishik, M. I. (Eds.)
Properties of Global Attractors of Partial Differential Equations
QA377 P7453
Vol. 9. Vershik, A. M.
Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems
QA171 R451
Vol. 8. Vinberg, E. B. (Ed.)
Lie Groups, Their Discrete Subgroups, and Invariant Theory
QA387 L543
Vol. 7. Birman, M. Sh.
Estimates and Asymptotics for Discrete Spectra of Integral and Differential Equations
QA371 E89
Vol. 6. Fomenko, A. T. (Ed.)
Topological Classification of Integrable Systems
QA372 T64
Vol. 5. Minlos, R. A. (Ed.)
Many-Particle Hamiltonians: Spectra and Scattering
QA614.83 M35
Vol. 4. Suslin, S. S. (Ed.)
Algebraic K-Theory
QA169 S87
Vol. 3. Sinai, Ya G.
Dynamical Systems and Statistical Mechanics
QC175 D95
Vol. 2. Kirillov, A. A.
Topics in Representation Theory
QA171 T875
Vol. 1 Arnol'd, V. I.
Arnol'd, V. I.
QA614.58 T4413